Awakening Dragon

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Awakening Dragon Page 7

by Isa Hunt

  I was getting immensely wet down there, and the heat of my arousal was burning like a red-hot coal in my pussy, which was swelling and dripping wet. Paul's tongue made contact with my clit, and a shiver of sheer pleasure shot up through my body, and I moaned softly with pleasure. Benoit, meanwhile, continued to work my breasts with his mouth and his hands, causing waves of pleasure to rippled through my upper body.

  Paul was now licking and sucking on my engorged clit with a passionate intensity, and he slipped one of his massive fingers inside me and started gently massaging the inside of my pussy, searching for my G-spot as he continued to use his tongue to pleasure me. I gasped and shuddered as he found it, so he kept his finger there, working it with a pleasant pressure that sent wave after wave of pleasure shooting through my core. This, combined with Benoit's skilled tongue on my stiff nipple and his supple hands squeezing and working my other breast, started to get an orgasm building within me. I could feel the force of it growing, like a steadily increasing pressure. I gasped and writhed with pleasure, reaching across and gripping Benoit's fully erect cock, which was magnificently long and thick, and I started moving my hand up and down with a quickly-increasing speed along the length of it, which got him gasping with pleasure.

  Paul kept his steady rhythm going on my clit with his tongue, and on my G-spot with his finger, and I arched my back and bucked against him, almost unable to control myself now, being so caught in the throes of ecstasy. The orgasm was building with an immense force now, begging to be released – and then, finally, it broke free, tearing through my body. I cried out and shuddered as the force of it rocked through me, blasting a sheer, intense bliss through my every limb and appendage. It was an amazing release, and I was ready for more – but then, suddenly, there was a frantic banging on the door.

  Paul looked up from between my legs.

  “Oh shit,” he muttered. “Here comes trouble. Grab your gun, Benoit. Hurry!”


  Seeing Kelly cum made me so hard I thought my dick was going to explode, and I couldn't wait to slide it into her and pleasure her with it – all nine inches of it. I had been fantasizing about this moment for so long, and now it was finally here.

  But then, right after she had her first orgasm, there was a banging on the door. Despite how into the sex I was, my fighting instincts kicked in right away and I told Benoit to grab his gun. I, meanwhile, stood up and prepared to shift into my grizzly bear form. Whoever was outside that door was about to take a huge paw to the face, I knew that much. And a grizzly paw to the face meant instant death for your average Joe.

  Kelly, still breathing hard from the intensity of her orgasm, hastily grabbed a blanket to cover her slim, gorgeous naked body. I could see the glint of fear in her eyes, and that made me even more fiercely determined to protect her.

  “Benoit! Paul! It's me, Rex!”

  I knew the voice right away – it was Rex. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

  “Who's Rex?” asked Kelly, looking confused, with a look of fear still marring her beautiful features.

  “He's another alpha,” I said. “Of the puma shifters clan.”

  “Pumas?” she asked. “But I thought they were the bad guys?”

  “No,” I said. “I'm a grizzly bear, like Jake – and he's a bad guy. Doesn't mean all of us bear shifters are bad guys. Some clans, like Jake's, though, are renegades, rebels against our laws and traditions, and they defected to Artemis. But Rex and his pumas are on our side.”

  “Are you guys alright in there?” yelled Rex, his deep voice tinged with urgency.

  “We're okay,” I said.

  “Well, you won't be for much longer!” yelled Rex. “Jake's on his way! And this time he's got fifteen guys on very fast sports bikes with him! We're outnumbered, and we need to get the hell out of here, pronto!”

  “Okay buddy, we're coming!” I shouted.

  “Benoit, get dressed,” I said. “You too, Kelly. We need to move right now.”

  I saw looks of disappointment flash across both of their faces. They had been as into the moment as I had been, and things had only just gotten started, but this had now become a life-or-death matter. Benoit stuffed his still-stiff cock into his jeans and pulled his shirt on over his head, while Kelly scrambled back into her clothes.

  “Jeez, how many of you guys are there?” she asked, looking both worried and concerned.

  “A few more,” I said. “But don't worry about that. Let's get you out of danger. That's our priority now.”

  “Have my . . . have my shifting powers been awakened yet?” she asked, an eager gleam shining in her beautiful hazel eyes.

  “I don't know,” I said, and that was the truth.

  “But . . . you said that if we did this, I would be able to use my powers!”

  “And that's the truth,” I said. “But we didn't get to go all the way, we were interrupted, so I don't know if the process is complete. Anyway, there's no time to argue about this. Let's get going.”

  Benoit, who was now dressed, hurried over to the door and opened it for Rex. Rex stepped in, dressed in black motorcycle leathers, carrying a black motorcycle helmet under his arm. At the age of thirty-nine, he was older than me by seven years, but his face, aside from the short dark beard which was flecked with gray, and his black hair, which was buzzed short and similarly dotted with little bits of gray here and there, looked like that of a much younger man. He always had a cheerful expression on his face and was quick to make a joke, even in serious situations.

  He grinned as he saw us in a state of hastily pulled-on clothes, and I knew that he could smell the scent of sex in the room.

  “Have I interrupted something?” he asked, grinning broadly.

  “Stop screwing around, Rex,” muttered Benoit, who was obviously pissed at being interrupted – as I was, except that he had a way worse temper than myself. “Now's not the time for jokes. You just said that Jake is on his way with a gang of bikers – now are you bullshitting, or is that the case?”

  Rex's face turned serious in an instant.

  “I'm dead serious about that, brother,” he said. “Come on.”

  He looked at Kelly, and I saw desire enter his eyes – and I felt a hot surge of jealousy rush through my veins. Rex was really smooth with the ladies. I mean, I was a talker, and I had no problem chatting any woman up, but Rex just had that extra something: that mysterious, almost undefinable element that made chicks swoon at the sight of him.

  Sure, he was very good looking, a real rugged type, with his intense hazel, almost orange eyes, and he was jacked as well, but it was the swagger he carried himself with, the edge of arrogance that went beyond just strong confidence, that I think really did it for the ladies.

  “You're the dragon heir,” he said smoothly to her, “there's no doubting that. I know an empress when I see one.”

  “And you are?” she asked.

  I could see attraction sparkling in her eyes as she looked at him, and my own sense of jealousy intensified. Glancing across at Benoit, I could see that he was experiencing similar feelings. He especially didn't have time for Rex's attitude, but under the circumstances, we all knew he would just have to put up with it.

  “Rex Wagner at your service, Dragon Queen,” he said, bowing melodramatically and flashing a honey-sweet smile at her with his perfect, white teeth. I felt like punching a couple of those damn artificially-whitened teeth out of his mouth.

  “Rex, huh,” she said.

  “That's my name, don't wear it out,” he said with a grin.

  “Have you forgotten that there are enemies bearing down on us at this moment?” snapped Benoit. “You're the one who came to alert us! Now quit messing around and let's get moving! Get on your damn bike and ride behind us.”

  “Alright, alright, no need to be a dick about it, sheesh,” muttered Rex. You'd swear he was nineteen years old instead of thirty-nine.

  Benoit was right though – Jake and his thugs would be getting close, and a
s much as I wanted to stick around and meet them with force, we all knew that we couldn't put Kelly at risk like that again.

  “You're riding with me,” I said to her. “You ready to go?”

  Under the blanket, she had hastily put her clothes on. She nodded.

  “I'm ready,” she said.

  “Good. Let's roll.”


  And just when I thought my mind couldn't be blown even more than it was already – another shifter came along. Initially, I'd been kinda pissed about the interruption – after all, it had felt like things had only gotten started between Benoit, Paul and myself. Then, of course, my annoyance had rapidly turned to panic as the thought crossed my mind that it might be Jake and his thugs coming to get us – but then it had turned to . . . well, attraction, I guess.

  The new guy who stepped into the room was definitely older-looking than both Paul and Benoit, but he had a youthful, fun and very cocky vibe about him. He didn't just seem to ooze confidence from his every pore – he was drowning in it. I had never been a fan of arrogant dudes, but this new guy – Rex, he said his name was – made that quality a little more acceptable by having a fun and playful vibe about him. He may have had a little bit of gray in his stubble and hair, but he seemed like the kinda guy who would never grow up – and I meant that in a good way, not in the “forty-year-old who still lives in his mom's basement” kinda way.

  My sudden strong attraction toward him didn't diminish my feelings for the other guys though. It was weird, and definitely, something that I had never experienced before: being so intensely attracted to three different men all at once. After everything I'd learned about what I was and what they were, and how things worked with shifters – which, I imagined, only scratched the surface of things, which seemed very complex – I had to wonder if my being attracted to all three of them at once had something to do with the fact that I was, supposedly, this dragon queen who took multiple mates. Maybe this multiple attraction was tied into the weird magic – if you could call it that – of this, somehow.

  Speaking of that, I had to wonder if my powers had been awakened yet. Paul didn't seem to be able to give me a definite answer about that. I wondered if Rex could; being older than the others, perhaps he was more knowledgeable about certain things too. I was intrigued by him. He had this sorta sense of mystery about him, the kind that just drives us girls wild.

  Unfortunately, it didn't seem as if I was going to have much chance to chat with him. He was riding a motorcycle – it looked like a racing motorcycle, this powerful, sleek black machine – and even if he had had a spare helmet, at the speed I imagined he was going to travel on that rocket of a machine, the conversation would have been impossible.

  As if reading my mind, he walked up to me as Paul and I were heading over to the Ferrari.

  “I'd love to give you a ride, Kelly,” he said with a cocky grin, “but I don't think you'd be able to hang on to the back of that machine. Not even a dragon queen is strong enough for that.”

  He was a little taller than Benoit, and a fair bit more muscular, although nowhere near as powerfully built as the huge Paul. Again, I got the sense that shifters' human bodies resembled their animal bodies. He was definitely built like a mountain lion: muscular, large and sleek. And his eyes – they were just mesmerizing. They were a similar color to mine but had more orange undertones to them.

  “Just get on the bike and ride, Rex,” grumbled Paul.

  I glanced across at him and noticed something in his eyes as he glared at Rex – was that jealousy? I looked at Benoit and caught him throwing a similar look at the newcomer. It was jealousy, wasn't it? I couldn't believe it . . . Three alphas, all fighting over me. I don't think I'd ever been in this kind of position before. It was different . . . Exciting, in a way.

  But worrying, too. I kept thinking about how crazy this all was. If anyone had told me this was gonna happen two days ago I would have laughed them off. I would have told them that they were totally nuts. But . . . here I was, in the company of guys who could shift into the forms of wolves, pumas and bears.

  And I was one too, supposedly – and what was even crazier, I was a dragon.

  Supposedly. Sure, I had had the dreams, felt my bones preparing to stretch, and felt the fire burning deep in my core . . . but I hadn't actually shifted yet. When was it going to happen? Maybe I had gone crazy. Maybe these guys were just a bunch of freaks who had dosed me with some sorta powerful hallucinogen. At this point, I wasn't even sure what was real and what wasn't anymore. All I could do was hang on tight and go with the ride.

  Speaking of riding, Rex climbed onto his bike, revved up the powerful motor and then took off at speed, lifting the machine up onto the back wheel in a long, impressive wheelie down the road.

  “Show off,” muttered Paul as we climbed into the Ferrari.

  I just smirked.

  The smile, however, disappeared quickly from my face as I looked into the rearview mirror, for approaching rapidly was a contingent of riders on blood red motorcycles.


  Man, I loved riding – those other two chumps could keep their sports cars. Bikes were way more fun! I wondered if I would ever outgrow them. Paul was always getting on my case about me riding like a madman. Pfft. He was like an old man, even though I was the one with a bit of gray in my beard and hair.

  And now, I'd finally gotten to see the dragon queen – well, the woman who would be the new dragon queen. We needed her, God knows we needed her. Ever since the last dragon queen, Kelly's mother, had fled, disappearing without a trace for decades, leaving shifter kind in the Western Region without a ruler, things had gotten bad for us. Being a little older than Benoit and Paul, I could actually remember how things were before Artemis staged his coup and murdered his sister, back when Kelly's mother still ruled over us.

  And things had been good. I knew I wasn't just looking back through rose-tinted glasses because all of the older shifters said exactly the same thing. Kelly's mother had been a great ruler, a just ruler, and there had been peace and harmony among all kinds of shifters, all along the West Coast, anyway. Maybe if they had known that trouble was brewing in the East, they would have been able to stop Artemis before he got powerful enough to overthrow his sister and plunge our world into chaos.


  Now, however, was not the time for regrets about things that could have been done and should have been done. Now was the time to take care of the present and look to the future. And it had taken us years of searching, but we had finally found out where our former queen had fled to in her bid to protect her children via a life of obscurity: a small, insignificant town in the south of Florida.

  It was a tragedy that she had died without explaining what she was to her daughter and that she hadn't taught Kelly any of the ways of her kind – our kind.

  But that's what we were here for, and now that we had finally found her, she could take her rightful place as our ruler again. And with a red dragon, a fire drake backing us, we could finally turn the tide in the war against Artemis and the traitors who served him.

  Of course, there was the whole thing with us alphas of the various packs and tribes activating and strengthening her powers through becoming her mates. I liked my women, that much was true. And I'd never managed to stay faithful to any of them, unfortunately. I just couldn't. None of them were ever strong enough on their own to satisfy my ego.

  But Kelly, when she finally became a dragon . . . Maybe she would turn out to be the girl who could finally tame me.

  I remember seeing her mother in dragon form when I was a kid. It had been a magnificent sight; this huge creature, almost as large as a giraffe, but with enormous wings like those of a bat. Her scales, shimmering hues of deep red and orange, had shone against the stormy sky. Those massive wings had beat the air as she had dived and swooped through the sky with the grace and speed of an eagle.

  I had just remembered feeling a sense of total awe.

/>   And then Artemis had seized power in the East. Soon, his assassins had infiltrated our packs and tribes in the West and had murdered the dragon queen's mates, weakening her power to the point that Artemis would be able to crush her like a bug.

  It was no surprise that she had fled, taking her toddler – Kelly – and her newborn infant with her. She had just done what any mother would have done: she had put her children's safety first. But now, now I thought as I rode, my powerful motorcycle roaring along at breakneck speed, now her daughter was ready to take her place, and right the wrongs of the past. And I would be one of the ones who restored her to power, one of the heroes of the stories our kind would tell years from now.

  As I rode, thinking about this, I glanced into my rearview mirror – and saw that Paul's Ferrari and Benoit's Porsche had both disappeared. Had I gone too fast for them? I pulled over to the side of the street and waited for a couple minutes. Nobody turned up. This was getting worrying – especially seeing as they had Kelly with them. I knew, of course, that Jake and his goons were in pursuit, and that they had been close – but maybe I had underestimated just how fast Jake and this thug could ride.

  “Shit,” I muttered to myself. “Shit . . . ”

  I may have made a mistake . . . a mistake with very, very serious consequences. I quickly double checked that my twin pistols, one on each hip, were fully loaded, and then I turned my bike around and sped back the way I had just come, hoping and praying that I wasn't too late . . .


  I was still pissed that Rex had come along and interrupted the great time that I had been having with Kelly. Well, Kelly and Paul . . . But I really thought of it as just me and Kelly. When she had touched me when I had kissed her when I had licked and sucked on her beautiful breasts, it had been like nobody else in the world existed but me and her. I'd never felt a connection this intense with anyone before, and I knew right away that that had to mean that she was, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the dragon queen.


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