
Home > Other > Color-Blind > Page 14
Color-Blind Page 14

by Daya Daniels

  “How long has it been before me, Elijah?”

  It was the one thing I was sure she was certain of by now, judging by the way I’d fucked her and for how long and for how often. I hadn’t been with a woman in years, since far before Jennah’s death.

  “A few years – three years before you.” I explained, greedily consuming her flesh.


  I slid down the rest of her raining kisses on her stomach before I reached my favorite spot. I inhaled her flesh and the faint peach scent that lingered on the insides of her thighs and pressed my cheek to her skin.

  “I’m a starved man.” I whispered, running my nose along her already wet seam, desperate to taste her.

  She giggled and her legs quivered when my fingertips dragged along the outsides of them. I licked my lips and pressed my lips to her flesh, listening to soft cry that left her while I lapped and licked at her flesh like a starving animal. I groaned against her tight heat, pushing my tongue deeper inside of her, tasting the hot wet place I needed to go. Her moans grew louder and her gasps caressed my ears, driving me to an insane place. I was hard as rock, sliding against the soft sheets. She came in less than two minutes screaming my name, jerking and writhing beneath me while her fingers twisted in my hair.

  Before she could recover, I scrambled up to my knees and pulled my cock out, stroking it a few times before burying myself deep in her wetness and fucking her like a madman.

  Her hands found my shoulders and my lips crashed down on hers, consuming her mouth with each kiss. When I pulled away, I smiled at the vision of her flushed face and pouty lips as they remained parted with each glorious stroke I made into her tight slit.

  “I love you.” I growled.

  She was speechless, stuck somewhere in between a daze and lust. I shivered at the feeling of being wrapped in her wetness, my cock sliding in and out of her, dragging along her walls that gripped me, squeezed me, milked me of the precum that I so badly needed to spill.

  My hips picked up speed, slamming into her tiny frame, wrenching wails out of her that could probably be heard on the beach in the distance. Her fingers dug into my skin painfully, while I blasted into her coaxing a vicious orgasm from her body, forcing one from my own. With each jerk and throb of my cock, I grunted loud, burying my face in her neck while I filled her with my cum.

  “I love you.” She breathed out, dragging her fingers through my hair.

  I only moaned, never feeling so possessive of anyone in my life the way I do this woman.


  A few days had passed. Violet had remained here mostly. We spent our mornings on the beach and our days relaxing in front of the fireplace since it was getting much colder out. We spent much of our time in bed. I’d read to her and we’d listen to music. The time we spent together was all very domesticated and intimate.

  She tried to encourage me to go on the beach when the sun was up. I refused each time she nudged. I knew she was only trying to help but often it only made me angry. No one knew or understood what it felt like to look like this.

  I took a deep breath and ran a hand down the side of my face, feeling what used to be smooth skin there and ball a fist, wanting to punch the desk in front of me.

  I shut J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – the fifth book in the series and place it on the kitchen table. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Violet lingered in the doorway of my office. Her long hair was a beautiful thick mass of mahogany around her shoulders. One shoulder was bare from the slouchy sweater she wore over blue jeans and her feet were bare.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Reading.” I responded, curiously observing how she managed to find her way around the crowded furnishings in this room using her hands and feet.

  In less than a few seconds, she was in front of me, making her way towards the chair I remained in. She slid into my lap, wrapping her arms around me. I stood and picked her up with ease and headed out of the room and down the hallway when I heard what sounded like a car door slam outside.

  We finally made it to the kitchen.

  “I should put on some shoes.” She said easing down to the floor.

  “It’s fine.” I laughed.

  A few footsteps and a tangle of voices and soon everyone was here. Violet’s fingers were still wrapped in my T-shirt like a baby clinging to their mother and I knew she was nervous. I knew everything she was doing from simply being here with me and agreeing to spend time with my family was out of her norm but it warmed my heart that she was willing to try, for me.


  He released my hand and my panic skyrocketed.

  “Hello, Violet.” Maira greeted, when she yanked me into a fierce hug, smoothing her hand over my back lovingly.

  I giggled and soaked up the mixture of voices – some deep and some soft. A few rapid-fire talkers were around, young voices I recognized as belonging to boys that had to be around the ages of eleven or twelve.

  “Oh wow, you’re beautiful.” An unfamiliar deep raspy voice said. “I’m Peter, Elijah’s father.” The warmth of his hands enveloped one of mine, right before he pressed a kiss to the top of it.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I said.

  “Violet.” Asher sang out with a laugh, pulling me into a hug.

  These people loved to touch. Very touchy feeling – worse than a gyno exam. I wasn’t used to this. I wasn’t used to any of this!

  “She’s hot!” One of the boys said.

  “Rory.” Asher warned, causing me to laugh.

  “What’s the matter weirdo, say hello to her.” The same boy teased what I assumed was another.

  “Hello.” Another unfamiliar voice said as it trailed off.

  “Hello.” I said back.

  “That’s Rory. I’m Kieran.” He said firmly. “He thinks you’re hot.” He added.

  “Come on, guys!” Elijah said raising his voice.

  “Sorry, Uncle Elijah.” Rory said.

  Elijah rubbed my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Violet.”

  I giggled listening to all the commotion, trying to keep all the voices straight between the slamming of the cabinets and drawers and clanking of silverware. Soon, the television in the den had come on and a show was blasting through the house. The boy’s laughter filled the air and Maira and Peter talked making jokes about this and that.

  “Violet.” Elijah whispered, taking my hand. “Are you okay?”


  “I’m fine.” I whispered harshly, not in the mood to be babysat.

  “So, what do you do, Violet?” Peter asked.

  “I’m an artist.” I told him.

  “Really?” He asked incredulously, his voice nearing my vicinity a little more and I knew he’d stepped closer when the Old Spice on his skin invaded my nostrils.

  “Yeah, Dad. You should see her work. The last collection called Coleur was incredible. I thought the paintings really showed Violet’s creativity.” Elijah sang out.

  “You saw my work?” I asked confused, twisting in the direction of his voice.

  “Yeah.” He said poking me in the side, causing me to jump.

  “Elijah.” Maira said. “Most of the food is ready. Your dad is just prepping the barbeque.”

  Elijah ran his fingers gently over my arm. “Do you want a beer?” He asked, pressing his lips into the shell of my ear.

  “Sure. Yes, that would be nice.”

  The pop of a top and soon the cool drink was in my hands.

  “Slippers are at your feet.” He whispered against my ear, sliding a soft blanket around my shoulders. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to help my dad.”

  I smiled and nudged my feet into the fluffy coziness at my feet that was appreciated and took a few more sips of the beer.

  “He’s so sweet.” Maira whispered.

  “Yeah, he is.”

  “He’s my boy and I taught him how to treat ladies. He should be very good at it by now.” She said.

��Let’s correct that statement, Maira.” Peter laughed. “I’m his father. If anything, he takes after me and my soft side.”

  “Yeah, whatever Peter.” Maira sniggled.

  The sound of a ball bouncing along the pavement outside and wild laughter stole my attention away from their conversation. The boys shouted and teased each other. I shut my eyes sinking into all the warmth that surrounded me. And the happiness.

  This is what it felt like to have family. It was never like this again with my father after Fiona had come into the picture but I appreciated the years that we did have together.

  “Do you have family here?” Peter asked.

  “No, not in Cannon Beach.” I said. “My dad and his wife are in Portland.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Peter said. “You and Elijah have known each other long?”

  “No, not really just a few months.”

  His eyes although I couldn’t see them scrutinized me. He debated questioning me further but didn’t. I took a few more sips of the beer and moaned when the mouthwatering scent of grilled meat and maple wood chips filled the kitchen.

  “I’m a realist, Violet just like Elijah.” Peter added, taking a chug of some liquid in his hand. I don’t want him to get mad at me for telling you this.” He whispered. “Elijah’s been through a lot. There was a time when we really worried about him but he’s strong.

  “I just don’t want to see him broken hearted again and you both seem like you’ve quickly become a couple.” He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You’re both successful and smart, clearly.” He rubbed my shoulder.

  “Elijah worked his ass off in school for years. I thought Maira and I’d never finish paying for his education at Columbia University but when he graduated, he got a good job. He was called on to do extensive research and given substantial grants.

  “When he went on to start his own practice, he was able to slow down. He’s made quite a career for himself to now be able to just slow down.”

  I only nodded, listening to him speak. “Then all this shit happened.”

  “Peter, not right now.” Maira scolded in a harsh whisper.

  “Has he told you about Jennah?”

  “A little.” I mumbled.

  Peter let out a low laugh. “I honestly thought he wouldn’t. He’s always been so secretive when it came to that nut. I never liked her from the very beginning.” He sighed. “It would be nice to see Elijah fall in love again.” Peter said. “He deserves it.”

  I only nodded again, unsure of what to say.

  “We all miss Dylan.” Peter said with another sigh and I wondered how many were inside of him just begging to be let out. Each sentence came on the back of a long sigh. “Including those two boys out there. They were the closest with him.”

  I placed the beer on the counter behind me. Listening to Peter, I learned that Rory was one year older than Kieran but Dylan and Kieran were the same age.

  “I used to see Dylan every day, so we were really close since I’m the deputy principal at the school here that the boys attend. I’ve been a teacher for almost forty years now. Maira always stayed at home with the boys.

  “Even when Elijah was left to take care of Dylan on his own he never complained. He’s been alone for a while, Violet. There’s only so much a man can take if you know what I mean.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I know. He told me everything.”

  “I’m glad, Violet.” Maira said softly, suddenly ending up next to me.

  Her warm hand slid over my back and down my shoulder. “Elijah is like a rock but beneath all that hard stuff is a very soft substance, Violet.” She whispered. “He thinks he has all the answers because he’s a fucking doctor.”

  I laughed with a jerk, stunned by the fact that she’d swore.

  She exhaled. “He’s still a man – made of flesh and blood, with feelings like the rest of us, which is something he forgets sometimes.”

  I gave her a smile as she tapped me on the shoulder a few times and then disappeared.

  “If you ever want company while you’re here or maybe someone to take you out during the day when you’re in Cannon Beach, please by all means give Maira a call.” Peter chimed, while humming a song to himself.

  “Thanks.” I said. “I will do.”


  Violet had moved into the den and was sitting across from Asher who was having some animated discussion with her, likely about old cars. Violet’s laughter carried with the wind outside and a smile spread across my face when I heard her giggles again.

  Peter chuckled and fiddled with the steaks and ribs on the barbeque, while he stood next to me. I narrowed my eyes at his smirk and twisted away from his rosy cheeks and flashing blue eyes. Peter always tried to smile when he saw me, even though I knew when he did nowadays he only looked at me with worry and probably pity.

  The boys were just below in the distance playing basketball in the driveway. Neither one of them were really any good but it was a sport they both enjoyed. I laughed as they pulled on each other’s clothes, grappling to make a slam dunk at the other’s expense. Somewhere in my imagination, I wondered how tall Dylan would be nice standing next to the two of them. If his jump shot would’ve improved by now. How big his feet would be and which Jordan’s he’d have asked for after all this time.

  Tears pricked my eyes but I held them back as I always did.

  The sky above us was in the midst of turning various shades of orange and blue and the sun had dipped just behind Haystack Rock.

  Peter disappeared inside, removing the pork from the grill, tossing a glance over his shoulder, while I remained partially transfixed on the sky. I wished Violet could see this so badly and I hoped that in time she would be able to. I focused my gaze in the direction of the den inside. Violet exploded with hysterical laughter at something Asher had just said and it forced a smile to spread across my cheeks.

  “This smells wonderful, Elijah.” Maira complimented, suddenly appearing next to me.

  I met her brown eyes and smiled. “Nothing like a good barbeque.”

  She hummed and kept her eyes on me, fiddling with the steaks in front of us. She placed the meat fork down and ran a hand over the left side of my face lovingly- her hand warm against my skin in the cool breeze.

  “What?” I asked squinting my eyes at her, feeling a little annoyed since she knew I hated for anyone to touch me there.

  I’d already had three surgeries on my face and was soon to have another and probably another. I’d accepted long ago that I’d never look the way I once did. People often told me to forget – try to forget everything, but how could I? Each time I looked in the mirror only served as a reminder of what I’d been through and frankly, I’d never be the same.

  “You love her.” She muttered.

  I only smiled.

  “Does she know?”

  “Yes. I’ve told her.” I whispered.

  “She loves you?” Maira smiled. “I can tell.”

  I grunted a yes with a slow nod.

  Tears welled in her big brown eyes. “I can tell by the way you both are with each other. It’s wonderful, Elijah.”

  “Mom, stop please.”

  “I’m sorry.” She said wiping her cheeks with her palm. “It’s just been so hard and you’ve been alone for so long. You deserve better.”

  I let out a breath, keeping an eye on the food, desperate for my mother to stop crying.

  “You’re worried about something?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “It’s nothing.”

  “Elijah.” She pushed. “Is it this?”

  She raised her hand to touch my face again. “Violet told me she’s going to get her sight back or she’s hoping she will.”

  I brushed her hand away.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing, please. Can we just have good evening without talking about this?”

  “Of course, of course.” She nodded, giving me a genuine smile before heading back inside.

  I removed
all the meat from the grill, inhaling the delicious scent of rosemary and maple wood, praying that I made it through the night.


  “Marriage isn’t for everyone. I’m sorry.” Asher grumbled.

  We were all gathered around the table, talking and laughing after finishing dinner. Maira had spent most of the night telling stories about Elijah and Asher when they were boys. I wasn’t sure how much Asher had consumed but the slur that had begun to develop in his voice told me he was very close to making the beer in his hand his-last-one.

  “I don’t know if Elijah has filled you in but I’m in the middle of getting divorced.”

  Peter and Maira groaned simultaneously.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I told Asher, popping a chocolate into my mouth.

  “It’s been hell.” He went on.

  I hadn’t met this Kate but she sure sounded like she’d done a number on Asher. He seemed to be in that place between love and hate, teetering the very fine line between both. This is why I always thought love was a bad idea. It only led to heartache and strife and sometimes murder.

  “Well, it doesn’t help that you both continue to live together, Asher.” Elijah chimed in.

  Asher laughed. “Yeah, I guess it doesn’t.”

  “And it doesn’t take three years to get divorced. You both don’t want to be divorced. It’s that simple.” Elijah laughed.

  “Ah fuck you, Elijah.” Asher muttered.

  “Stop it you boys. You’re just as bad as the two boys that were just sitting here at this table.” Peter joked.

  “Kate’s sweet you know.” Asher said slurring his words. “But she can be the devil too. Maybe it doesn’t help that I keep fucking her.” He said softly.

  I covered my hand with my mouth, hiding the laugh that was under there.

  “Yeah, it doesn’t help.” Elijah said jokingly.

  “Grandma, can you turn the lights on outside? We want to go back out there to shoot some hoops.” Rory asked.


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