Trigger's Salvation: Hellfire Dogs MC #1 (Hellfire Dogs MC Series)

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Trigger's Salvation: Hellfire Dogs MC #1 (Hellfire Dogs MC Series) Page 10

by Crystal Miller

  “Nico, I want you to go through every resource we have and find out what we can do to help Eve. We need to understand what is going on.” Nico nods his head and immediately leaves the room to do his magic. “Seg, I need a phone call placed to Sierra’s people if Nico can’t find anything. A meeting might need to happen.” Seg leaves and is quickly on Nico’s tail to help him do his research. “And Trigger, you are to stick around me. You shouldn’t have been the one to tell Eve what you did. Now, you have put all her rage on you and the fact you put her son in the middle of all of it, you are her prime target. If I have to, I’ll sedate her to keep her calm but only if I have to. Understood?”

  I nod my head. I know it was foolish. But what else was I supposed to do? Let her leave with Alec and both end up hurt? Fuck no. In my heart, I know I did the right thing. Now we play the waiting game. Hopefully Nico can find out what is going on and we don’t have to go see Sierra. A meeting with Sierra is the last thing I want to do at this point.

  After what seemed liked hours, Nico sent a group text asking Malik, Seg, and I to all come into the tech room. The moment of truth. I leave the bar and the beer I have been nursing for a couple hours. I spent most of the evening trying to keep Alec entertained and let me tell you that little boy has a shit ton of energy for a two-year-old. I’m beat and the only thing I want to do is go to sleep.

  I walk into the tech room and Nico looks just as exhausted as I do. His coffee cup is full again. I wonder how many of those he has gone through this afternoon just to keep going. Once we are all in the tech room, Nico turns in his chair to face us.

  “Ok, I have good news and bad news.” He says waiting for our response. We just stare at him waiting on him to continue. “Good news first then. She is not the only human who has been turned. However, the few people that have been turned have done it willingly and we bitten or were injected with a serum.” Nico pauses

  “And the bad news?” Seg speaks up as he paces the room.

  “No one has ever been turned due to a scratch.” Nico says quickly but turns back to his wall of computer screens and starts typing, “But there is someone out there that has been taking blood from Lycans and experimenting.”

  “Experimenting? Experimenting how? And who is this person?” Malik questions.

  “That’s the thing, the trail runs cold after several Lycans state that they were knocked unconscious only to awaken several hours later miles from where they live and they are almost completely drained.”

  “The vampires?”

  “No, I have already been in contact with the local coven here and they are offering their help to aide in the capture of whoever this is.”

  “Okay, so if it is not the vampires then who can it be? Surely it can’t be one of our own.” Malik’s confused. Anyone’s first guess would be the vampires. They are the ones who will drain a person to almost death but they do not prefer Lycan blood. It makes sense that it wouldn’t be them. We may be enemies by nature but we are not that stupid.

  “So now what? We let Eve smash everything in the clubhouse until she turns and then put a muzzle on her?” Seg asks. Before I could even think of what I was doing, I had him up against the nearest wall. I had my claws out ready to tear his throat out for saying bullshit like that.

  “TRIGGER!” Malik screams. I release Seg.

  “Don’t you ever say something like that again, you hear? I will fucking kill you!” I’m back up in Seg’s face.

  “Trigger, he’s right. If we let her keep turning, keep transforming, we will need to muzzle her. She could kill everything in sight, including her son. And it won’t even be her fault. It’ll be the instincts telling her to do it. I’m sorry, brother.” Malik puts a hand on my shoulder. I’m still looking at Seg like I’m going to kill him. But I know Malik is right. Fuck him for always being right.

  I turn to look at Malik, I see hurt and concern in his eyes. I know what is coming next. He looks past me and looks to Seg. “Make the call.”

  Riding to Morgan City was going to be out of the question. The information that Sierra could gather over what was going on with Eve apparently could not be discussed over the phone. Eve was getting worse by the day. Her dreams over took her nights, she wasn’t eating anymore, and her temper seemed to have taken a turn for the worse. She never showed her true colors around Alec but you could just tell by her body language that things weren’t right with her.

  “I must see her for myself,” Sierra said on Skype. Even though this was an emergency meeting, she still looked as if she was going to meet with the High Council. I don’t ever think I have seen this girl in comfortable clothing; always her dresses and done up like she is some doll. Fucking politics.

  “That may not be possible, ma’am.” Malik said. His concerns were just as great as mine. Eve wasn’t the same person we had met just a few short weeks ago. And with the full moon coming in less than 3 days, she may not have much time if we don’t get her the help that she needs.

  “That wasn’t a request,” Sierra said in a stern voice.

  “Did you not hear what he said. It may not be possible because she may not make it.” I barked at her. Fuck. I should not have done that.

  “You will do well to mind your place, mutt. If I am not mistaken, you are not alpha yet so learn your place or I will teach you. Do I make myself clear? You are to be here by eight o’clock tonight. I will see this young woman and determine her fate from there. This conversation is over.” At that, the video feed ends and we are left in the tech room speechless. Sierra rarely uses her authority on anyone, but when she does, you best watch out.

  “I guess we need to get ready.” Malik sounds defeated but he knows that when it comes to Sierra we cannot deny a request or a demand from her. She’s the Alpha of the Louisiana clans. We must trust her judgement.

  I look at Malik for reassurance but the it’s not there. Whatever Sierra has planned cannot be good if he is not in a hurry to get Eve ready to leave.

  “It’s three now. We leave by six we should be in Morgan City by eight. Why don’t you go spend some time with Eve, tell her we are going on a road trip? That might get her hopes up a bit that we could get her out of here in one piece and not kicking and screaming.” Malik is concerned and rightfully so. If she turns while on the road, a newborn werewolf is just as deadly as a rapid dog. All they see is red. This isn’t the case if we are born as a wolf, but bitten it’s a whole new ball game. A ball game no one wants to play.

  Malik walks out of the room leaving Seg, Nico, and myself standing there in a silence not knowing what to do. I look up at Seg and he has his arms crossed looking down at his feet. Sierra demanding a meeting is not something that is normal, especially for us. We keep our noses clean, so to speak but whatever is happening to Eve, Sierra may have the answers to. Ones that hopefully won’t result in her losing her life.

  “Well, I guess I’m going to get Eve ready. Seg, can you see if momma has any food made? Maybe I can try to get her to eat something.” I say as I head out the door into the common room.

  “Yea, brother.” Seg slaps my back on my way out of the room and I make my way to Eve’s room. I can hear screaming coming from the hallway and bolt towards her bedroom door.

  “Eve!” I scream as I get to the door and start beating on it. “Eve, baby, let me in.” The door is locked and I back up ready to put all my weight into the door to knock it down. The door crashes to the floor in one hit and what I see in front of me is something I have never seen before. My Eve, standing in the doorway of the bathroom glaring at me with a yellow glow to her eyes. I take that back, I have seen this before. Almost a month ago when she was initially attacked and she came out of that nightmare. Only this was different. This glare was dangerous. This glare was deadly.

  I cautiously enter the room, my hands out in a surrender type manner but on the defense at the same time.

  “Eve, baby, I know you are in there. I need you to fight this. I need you to calm yourself. Please let us help you.” I b
egging her at this point. Her head tilts like some dogs would when it hears a familiar noise. I make my way to the bed and sit down slowly trying to make no sudden movements.

  Growls come from the woman I love, that I would die for. Now I am starting to wonder if I will die by her hands.

  Malik and Seg appear in the doorway with looks on their faces like they have seen a ghost. This could be bad. Shit!

  “Eve, baby, don’t look at them. They are friends, remember. They helped save you. They helped take care of Alec.” At the mention of Alec’s name, she pounces on top of me and I can see her turning before my eyes but then she slumps forwards and passes out. Malik is behind her with a syringe. I should be mad at him for drugging her but it’s only a tranquilizer to keep her from changing any further and to make this ride go a little smoother.

  “Thanks, man.” I say as I roll her onto the bed and I watch as her nails and her face return to normal.

  “We need to leave now. Sierra will need to see us sooner than eight. Eve needs help now.” Malik pulls out his phone and starts frantically texting. I know exactly who he is texting. Hopefully, this meeting can happen sooner than later.

  I gather up some clothes Eve and I will need for next few days and head out to the common room. The prospects are watching Alec playing with his trucks. I inform them that there is a door that needs to be repaired and then make my way back to the kitchen.

  Momma is busy packing up several ice boxes full of food for the guys and Eve. I can tell this is taking its toll on her. The kitchen is normally a mess when she is done cooking, it’s spotless. Cleaning has always been her stress relief ever since I could remember.

  “Momma,” I say.

  “My baby,” Momma comes from around the counter and holds out her arms. I can’t keep it held in anymore. I sink into her embrace and I cry. Yes. A six foot-four 250 pound Rougarou is crying.

  “How do I save her, momma?” I say in between sobs. I can’t control it. I’m scared for the first time in my life.

  Momma pulls me out of her embrace and holds me by the shoulders. “First, dry those tears. Ain’t no one was saved by tears, ya hear?” I nod. “Second, you remember when ya daddy was injured real bad, I think you were about seven or eight? I was terrified but I never showed an ounce because of you and ya sister. You two trusted me to be the rock while your daddy was on the mend. Now, you chose to go into a relationship with a beautiful woman who has a son. You have to be strong for him, but you also need to be strong for her. When she senses your strength, she will feed off of it. Right now, she senses fear and it scares the daylights out of her. Be that rock for her, my baby. She needs you. She didn’t chose to be attacked. She has no idea how to control herself. Show her how to do that and you will be surprise what you two can conquer.”

  And this is why my momma is still a strong member in the clan. She doesn’t have to use violence to get her point across, no, all she has to do is talk some damn sense into you. I look at my momma with a new sense of a purpose and I think she can sense it.

  “There’s my ol’ man’s son. Now food wise,” She pats my arms and turns back to the counter. “I packed enough for everyone for three days. No fussin’. I don’t want to hear it. When you leavin?” Momma asks as she finishes up packing the food.

  “As soon as possible,” I answer.

  “Well, best get the prospects in here and get these ice boxes. Sierra is not a woman who likes anyone to be late.”

  I nod and turn to leave the kitchen.

  As I come back into the common room, Alec is in tears as the dumbasses try to move Eve from her room to the van. I rush over to him and pick him up. I start cussing out the guys who are carrying out Eve. They should have known better, they knew Alec was in the room. Fucking morons!

  “Hey little man, mawmaw has some cookies in the kitchen. Wanna go get one with me?” I say as I turn my body so that he can’t see his mother being taken out of the clubhouse. Those two, I swear, are going to die a horrible death.

  “Momma?” Alec cries and wipes his eyes.

  “Momma’s ok, she’s just taking a nap. We are going to take her to see a nice lady to help her feel better. Okay?” I say in a gentle voice.

  “Otay. Cookie?” He says with a smile.

  “Yes, let’s go get that cookie.”

  After getting Alec situated with momma and Bridget and get the van loaded with everything we need, we load up. I won’t ride in the van with Eve, but Rush and Nico are so I know she is safe. I get on my bike with Malik and I look down the line of bikes and the guys look back at me. These are my brothers, the ones I would die for. The ones who are risking everything to get Eve help.

  Malik starts up his bike and starts to rev it. We all follow suit. Malik and I are the first out of the parking lot followed by the van and then the rest of the brothers. Time to get this over with.

  Two Hours Later

  Morgan City, LA

  Coming into Morgan City, the small yet populated city is lit up with night life and tourists. Not like New Orleans. I don’t think any place could ever compare to New Orleans and their tourist sites. But this has a different atmosphere. You can feel it in your bones. A sense of security even though police are scarce and a sense of peace where a war is about to begin. Sierra has done good to make sure that her city is well protected, even if it is by the great Marie Laveau and her voodoo, she’s done well.

  We don’t quite come into the city itself. We end up on Victor II Boulevard after we get off the highway and pull into the parking lot of a bar. It’s crowded with young college students and locals but that doesn’t stop us from taking care of our business. We pull around to the back of the building; we know it won’t look good if we take in an unconscious woman through the front doors. There we are greeted by two overly-muscled men and a tiny frame woman.

  We park the bikes and the van and start to file towards the loading bay. When I hear a stern but young woman’s voice. “Where is the girl in question?” I can hear a faint French accent but not enough that anyone would know that she is not from here.

  “Sleeping in the van.” Malik says as he bows his head.

  “Bring her in. LeRoy, you’ll do well to make sure our guests are comfortable until I get there.” Sierra says as she turns to head back inside with her other bodyguard.

  “Ma’am,” overly-muscled LeRoy complies.

  I go to retrieve my love when Sierra stops me. “Not you. You have too much of an attachment to her. No, someone else please bring her in.” What the fuck just happened here. Rush looks at me and I give him a nod that it is ok for him to touch her, it’ll be the only time he will touch her, that’s for sure.

  As we follow LeRoy into the bar, you cannot tell that you have walked into a bar. The back half must be sound proof, so we can’t hear what is going on in front but it is also set up as a small dining hall to entertain guests. The chandeliers are dimmed to give it a subtler glow and the round tables are set up in rows of four with maroon table clothes on them. They aren’t set but it’s not like we were planning on staying to eat. Wonderful.

  LeRoy leaves us in the dining room for a few minutes as we look around. Some of the men have already taken seats while some are still standing. When he returns, he comes back with a blanket and a glass of water. Rush lays Eve down on the chasse and covers her up. I’m not quite sure how much tranquilizer Malik gave her but she’s been out for quite some time now.

  After what seemed to be fifteen minutes or so, Sierra comes in with what looks like her own little posse. People waiting on her hand and foot, making sure she doesn’t step on anything or trip over a chair. It had to have been about thirty people or so.

  “If everyone could please have a seat, we can get started.” Sierra says. The way she talks she sounds like she’s not from this time. I mean, I know she has been around for a long time but she has this distinct way of talking that makes her sound like she’s a bitch.

  We all take our seats. I make sure that I am facing Eve so I can k
eep my eye on her at all times. I won’t let her out of my sight.

  “Wonderful. Now we are all called here because there has been an incident involving the sleeping woman over there.” She motions to Eve. Sierra looks back and forth to her people who are vigorously taking notes. “As unorthodox as this is, an emergency meeting was called. The Hellfire Dogs of New Orleans are here as well, she is under their protection, please let that be known for the record. Now to business. The President of the Club will now speak.” Sierra looks at Malik and Malik stands.

  “Thank you, Miss Sierra. We come to you for help. We have not experienced anything like this before. Evelyn Bordeaux is the Ol’ lady to our VP. About a month ago, she was attacked by something we cannot explain. We have brought the surveillance for your viewing.” Malik walks over to Nico who hands over a DVD of the attack. He then proceeds up to one of Sierra’s people and hand it over to them and they immediately put it in their computer.

  “As you can see from the files, Evelyn or Eve as we call her, was attacked at a dress shop that she works at. She had several severe injuries including three distinct claw marks across her chest. She has since experienced mood swings, she has been able to port out of her dreams, and has begun the transition to shifting. As most of you are aware, most of us are born into this life not bitten or clawed in this instance but her transformation seems to be progressing faster than any of us can control. She has destroyed her room, we cannot leave her alone with her child.”

  “A child?” Sierra interrupts.

  “Yes, she has a two-year-old son with another man.” Malik informs

  “Interesting. Continue.” Sierra says inquisitively as she writes more shit down.


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