Lies of the Heart (Heart Romance #3)

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Lies of the Heart (Heart Romance #3) Page 13

by Laurie LeClair

  Reaching out, she touched his bare skin where his shirt veed, sending a thrill through his body. And he knew if he’d had any part of his mind left before now he certainly didn’t any longer.

  Moments later, he shed his shirt and welcomed her warm fingers trailing down his chest. She stopped at his belt. “Too soon,” she said with a smile in her voice.

  Groaning, he protested, “No, not soon enough.”

  Her husky laugh washed over him and he smiled in return. “Tsk, tsk, Chance.” She dropped a tender kiss on one of his nipples. He jerked in response, as if a hot poker lanced through him.

  With his eyes half closed, he watched as she slowly discarded her clothes, one agonizing piece at a time. Her sexy, secretive grin nearly had him losing control. Just like my dream. When she tugged off her panties, his heart leapt to his throat.

  “Oh God, Tessa.” He licked his suddenly dry lips, and then swallowed hard. Tall and willowy she stood before him, exposing every lush curve and alabaster inch of her gorgeous body. “You’re so beautiful.” The words sounded as if they came from a distance. He couldn’t tell what was real anymore; his dream seemed to be coming alive right before his eyes as she stepped closer and danced around him, grazing his flaming hot flesh.

  When her bare breasts skimmed over his back, his knees nearly buckled. Still barely touching him, she stretched up, and then whispered in his ear, “Like that?”

  A moan rippled through him. “Love that and everything else you’re doing to me, teaser.”

  She giggled at that, her sweet breath rushing over him. He shivered again. It was exactly as his dream, but better, he realized. His lips still tasted like hers, peaches and cream. And her lavender scent enveloped him. But it was her touch, soft and warm, that lingered in his senses and became imprinted in his mine. He longed to hold onto that sensation for as long as he lived.

  He felt her spread her soft, warm hands over his muscles, first his back, and then his shoulders, and onto his biceps. Next, she reached around and with infinite patience she slipped the button through the loop on his jeans and tugged the zipper down. The sound tore through the air and had his heart lurching in anticipation.

  “So much wasted time,” she murmured. “But not anymore.”

  He was too engrossed with the way she drew his pants down over his hips to comment on her saying that in his dream, too. Giving in to her soft demands, he shed the rest of his clothes, dropping them in a heap on the floor. Standing again, he waited with bated breath at her next move.

  “Close your eyes,” she whispered hoarsely.

  He obeyed her as a bolt of desire sliced through him. She didn’t make him wait long; she resumed her erotic dance using every incredible inch of her body to brush against his. Finally, after what seemed to be an agonizing eternity, she moved to the front of him. Peeking under his lashes at her, she smiled up at him as she slithered down his body, her breasts touching him in all the right places. He jerked in response and sucked in a breath.

  “Tsk, tsk, you’re peeking, Mr. Deveraux,” she teased with a smile coloring her husky words.

  He choked out a gruff laugh as tingles raced up and down his nerve endings. “Can’t help it. Sweet torture, sunshine. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. It’s even better than my dream.”

  “Dream?” She stilled at that.

  “No, don’t stop,” he begged.

  Continuing her erotic dance, she said, “Go on. Tell me about this dream of yours.”

  “Don’t have to. I’m living it now, only it’s ten times better.”

  With that she straightened, pressing close to him. “Look at me, Chance,” she said. He opened his eyes now, staring down at her upturned face. The hot light of desire sparked her eyes, but deeper he thought he witnessed a flicker of unease. She gulped in a shaky breath. “Don’t say anything to what I say next, all right? Just don’t say a word, so we can have this night of magic.” She paused, and then swallowed hard once again. Licking her lips, she choked out, “Maybe dreams…maybe your dream, did come true.”

  Frowning deeply, confusion rained down on him. “Wh—”

  Pressing her finger against his lips, she stopped him. “Shh, now. Don’t think. Just feel.”

  Her words drummed through him. Maybe your dream did come true. He tried to keep his sanity and think about what she’d said, but her lips covered his again and he was lost in the touch and feel of her in his arms.


  Tessa couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t stop touching and tasting him. Wild and dangerous, she thought absently. So much so, she’d finally confessed to him about the other time, years ago. Awe swept through her; he’d remembered, but thought it had been a dream. All these years, he’d remembered her and that special magical night.

  Suddenly, he picked her up and carried her to the nearby bed. She sucked in a sharp breath as he lay down beside her, flesh sliding against flesh. Greedy now, she shoved him on his back, caressing and kissing him all over. The lower she went the more he groaned, cradling her head in his big hands.

  “Tessa,” he gasped when she trailed her lips down the length of him.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured as she flicked her tongue across him.

  He sucked in a sharp breath and jerked at the intimate touch.

  Smiling inwardly, she continued loving him in her own special way. All the long, lonely nights she’d been away from him crashed down on her now and she swore she’d make up for all that wasted time. The ache in her heart finally eased. “So beautiful,” she whispered.

  He tugged her upward, holding her to his chest. “No, you’re gorgeous, but if you keep that up I’m going to lose all my self-control.”

  Giggling, she asked, “And is that so bad?”

  “Yes, because when I lose it, I want to be gazing into your eyes while buried deep inside you, connected to you. Forever.”

  This time it was Tessa who sucked in a quivery breath. A shiver raced down her spine and she nodded numbly. “Oh, yes. Now, Chance, can it be now?”

  Moaning, he rolled her over onto her back while staying with her so now he rested on top of her. Gently, he brushed aside her hair, and then bent to nibble on her lips. “Sweet, sunshine, I’ve waited so long for this moment.”

  “Me, too.” Her heart leapt into her throat when he stared long and hard into her eyes. Was she fooling herself with what she thought she read there? She didn’t want to think about it or analyze it. She just wanted to cherish this moment, this time with Chance. He made her feel so special, as if she were the only woman in the world, his world.

  In the next instant, he parted her thighs with his knees and slowly entered her. She gasped at the hot, exquisite joining, and then shuddered as he moved slowly.

  “No, honey, don’t close your eyes. I want to make love staring into those incredible green eyes, eyes that haunt me,” he said the last gruffly.

  Another shiver racked her, he responded in kind. Heat, wonderful consuming heat bathed her and grew hotter with every second. She moved in unison with him, savoring their lovemaking. Wrapping her legs around him, she felt they truly became one. All the love she felt inside her spilled out. Tension, sweet and hot, built inside her.

  A knowing glint shone in his eyes and he shivered. “Hold on and enjoy, sunshine.” He moved deeper and harder, their heavy breaths mingling and exciting her in the small space between them. “Us. Connected. Forever,” he whispered raggedly.

  Gripping his arms, she held on as tremors began and soon took hold, shaking her. She spun out of control as light and stars burst through her body and she exploded with Chance following soon after.

  “Magic,” she gasped, hugging him tightly to her.

  Chapter 16

  Every time he thought about that night Chance shook. Never in his life had he experienced anything close to what Tessa and he had shared. And he hadn’t worn any protection, then or since.

  That last thought had him gasping for air.

  “Hey, boy, you awake back t
here?” Walter shouted through the slightly ajar door to the supply room.

  Glancing over his shoulder as he heaved a box full of liquor bottles, Chance grunted in reply at the keen-eyed bartender who shoved open the door all the way. His knowing look had Chance growing uneasy, as if he was a bug under a microscope.

  “Ain’t getting any earlier. Time’s a wasting and you’re a wasting it. We’ve got that big announcement about the pool tournament tonight. Gonna draw them in like flies on shit, so snap to it.”

  He transferred the box under his arm, making the heavy bottles inside clank together, and walked toward the door. Glancing up once, he longed to join Tessa in their little apartment. Sighing heavily, he pushed that desire out of his mind and body. “I’m coming, old man.” The sting of his words was tempered with a half-smile.

  Standing with his arms akimbo, Walter eyed him closely. “It’s her, isn’t it? Ever since that night she balled her eyes out, you two been different." He rubbed his big meaty hand over his unshaven jaw. With a raised eyebrow, he asked, “Could it be I’m gonna win my bet?”

  Chance winced noticeably. He knew the minute he’d made that bet, he would never have been able to keep it. But, he’d tried, damn he’d tried.

  Walter laughed heartily, stabbing a stubby finger into Chance’s chest. “I knew it.”

  “Full of yourself, ain’t ya?” Chance asked, disgusted with himself for giving anything away. Once the gossips got ahold of this he’d be doomed. A chill went through him as he thought of Tessa having to explain it to her nasty-tongued granny. Silently he swore at the repercussions she’d endure, his middle twisting in a big, heavy knot.

  Shrugging nonchalantly Walter went on, “Hey, who wouldn’t be in my position? I get a week’s paid vacation.”

  An idea hit Chance then. He had to take the risk. “Ah, Walter, how ’bout you and I strike up another bet, well, sorta add on to the last one. How’s that?”

  Frowning suspiciously, Walter nodded his head in the direction of the outer room. “You stock the bottles and I’ll listen, that way something gets done while you’re jabber jawin’. It betta be worth it.”

  The tight band around Chance’s chest loosened as he made his way through the door and around the end of the bar. Walter, following close behind, grumbled all the way. Curiosity had reeled in the old bartender. Now, all Chance had to do was make the official deal.

  With practiced ease, Chance set down the hefty box and dug out the brown bottles, placing the beer in the cooler. The longer he took to finish up, the more he knew he drew Walter in.

  “So, you gonna spill it?”

  Smiling inwardly, Chance said, “What? You wanted me to work, didn’t you?”

  “Smart aleck. Always have been.” Walter let out a noisy sigh. “You start talking, boy, or I’ll be announcing how you and the little Mrs. went at it all night long.”

  Stunned, he swung around, facing the older man. The triumphant smile stretching across his craggy features had Chance doing a double take. The smugness of it burned a hole through Chance’s gut. “How the hell did you find out?” he asked between gritted teeth. It was worse than he feared.

  A loud snort erupted, and then Walter said, “All that noise you two making, who wouldn’t have figured that one out? Geez, it was so distracting while I was closing up, couldn’t keep my mind on anything sensible.” He moped his sweaty brow with a handy white towel.

  Chance gulped hard, recalling how he and Tessa had made love over and over again that night, even getting so carried away at one point that they’d toppled off the bed. His body suffused with heat at the erotic memories. Shaking himself out of his musings, he addressed the older man, “So, why didn’t you say anything before now? Getting soft in your old age?”

  That produced a dark scowl from the bartender. “I got some decorum, you know. I don’t go blabbering everything all the time.”

  “No, only when it serves a purpose,” Chance said, with a razor-sharp edge to his words.

  Walter raised an eyebrow. “So? You got a problem with me bettering myself?”

  Frustrated and fed up, Chance chuckled roughly. Holding up his hands, he said, “Enough, all right? Listen, I’ll double the bet to two weeks paid vacation if you keep this under wraps. What’d ya say?”

  He held out his hand. Walter eyed it warily, and then, after an interminably amount of time, he placed his big paw in it. “Huh, a Deveraux having the hots for a Warfield, as I live and breathe.”


  “Chance, what is all this about?” she asked, her voice edged with a bubble of excitement as he covered her eyes with his palm.

  “It’s a surprise,” he said with a smile coloring his words.

  She smiled also, deeply touched by his planning something special for her. He led her through the apartment doorway and into the dance studio. With her sight unavailable to her she relied on all her other senses. Soft romantic music played in the background and she swore she could smell the heady scent of flowers. And the aroma of fresh baked bread made her mouth water.

  “Can I look now?”



  His husky laughter so close to her ear made her shiver. A tiny thrill raced down her spine. “Just a few more steps and we’ll be there.”

  She allowed him to guide her, her complete trust and faith given to him. He was a devil at times, but he’d never mislead her intentionally.

  He positioned her a little more to the right, and then took his hand away, saying, “Ta-dah!”

  She blinked several times to focus properly, and then gasped at the blanket spread out on the floor, an overflowing picnic basket on top, a bucket of champagne nearby, and flickering candles surrounding it all. “Oh Chance, how beautiful.”

  “I thought you’d like it.” A wealth of pride stole into his voice.

  “I love it!” She turned around and hugged him quickly. “Thank you so much.”

  In the candlelight, she swore the tops of his cheeks turned pink. Shrugging self-consciously, he said, “I know how hard you’ve been working lately and I thought you could use a treat, that’s all.”

  This little-boy vulnerability touched her down to her soul. She tucked her hand in his, squeezing gently. “Well, Mr. Deveraux, you did a wonderful job.” She couldn’t hide the warmth and gentleness from her words.

  Smiling back at her, he stared into her eyes for a moment longer. For the first time in a long time, she saw nothing but a happy glow. The sadness that had dogged him since his granddad's death was absent now and she hoped it would stay away for the rest of the night.

  He waved his other hand. “Come on, let’s start the party.”

  “A party?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yep, with presents and everything.”

  That peaked her curiosity. “Presents? But I didn’t get you anything.”

  “Silly, it’s a party for you, so you don’t have to bring anything but yourself.” He led her to one side of the blanket and helped her sit down.

  She settled in while he took a seat opposite her near the basket. He grabbed ahold of the champagne bottle by its neck. “Non-alcoholic.”

  “Perfect.” Eyeing the basket, she said, “What else do you have up your sleeve, Mr. Deveraux?”

  He wagged a finger at her. “Tsk. Tsk. That all comes in good time, my dear.”

  The lighthearted mood lifted her spirits and made her forgot all her continuing problems with her granny. Every time she talked to her, her grandmother grilled her on her relationship with Chance. Here, right now, she could play again and let her worries wash away.

  Her stomach growled rather loudly and she pressed a hand to it. “Oops,” she said, stifling a giggle. “I’m starving and I smell some delicious bread.”

  He chuckled, his gray eyes sparkling in the light from the candles. Something inside Tessa clutched. She thought it could be her heart. A rush of tenderness came next and she blinked away the moisture gathering in her eyes. He’d do
ne all this for her. No one had ever gone to so much trouble for her.

  “Then I certainly must feed you first.”

  “First?” She cleared her throat of the thick emotion gathering there.

  From behind the basket, hidden all this time, he produced a gaily wrapped, flat rectangular box. “This will have to wait.”

  Cupping her hands to her mouth, she sucked in a sharp breath. He hadn’t been kidding about presents after all. Dropping her hands to press them against her chest, she said, “Now you’re really a teaser, Chance Deveraux.”

  He leaned in close, so close she could feel his breath fan her mouth. She watched his lips move as he said, “Oh, that’s nothing, sunshine. I have much better ways to tease you.” The huskiness in his voice left no misunderstanding to what he meant, causing a shiver to ripple over her flesh.

  “Devil,” she countered, looking up into his heated gaze.

  “And how.”

  Pulling back, he broke the spell, but the sensuality still hung in the air. Tessa’s blood pulsated with the promise of what could possibly come. She swallowed hard.

  He grabbed the long, loaf of bread and tore off a chunk, handing it to her. “Here, to begin with.”

  Sinking her teeth into the light, fresh bread, she moaned around a mouthful. “Delicious.”

  “Not as delicious as you,” he whispered hoarsely, seemingly mesmerized by the way she chewed, as his gaze never left her mouth. She licked up a crumb and he groaned.

  She offered him some and he slowly came nearer, his eyes now on hers. With a shaky hand, she waited with bated breath. He closed his mouth over a chunk and tore it with his teeth. But before he left he dipped his head a little lower and drew her baby finger into his mouth, sucking gently. An electric shock bolted through her and she gasped.

  Pulling back and chewing, he grinned seductively. “There’s more where that came from, Mrs. Deveraux.” His husky voice tripped along her nerve endings making her tingle all over with the promise of what was to come.


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