Hot Grimm- Book 1: Fairy Tales for Adults

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Hot Grimm- Book 1: Fairy Tales for Adults Page 5

by Amber Everfor

  It was as he had hoped. As a magical creature, he could offer some healing. He placed his snout on her leg. It would be her choice. She separated her knees, exposing gouges in the delicate, pale skin. He lowered his head, caressing the affected area on one leg, while licking the wounds of the other.

  As a bear, he wasn’t a carnivore, but as a man, he longed to eat, suckle and paw. He made a low groan, his hot breath blowing into her slit. Snow closed her eyes and moaned, pulling her knees up—another invitation?

  “Snow?” Rose awoke to sounds of growing excitement from her fireside mates. Snow turned to her with the same smile she’d given Bear, placed her hand on the side of Rose’s soft face and nuzzled her, humming.

  Kiss her, kiss her, Bear begged them both in his head, brushing the back of a paw over Rose’s legs and the dip of her waist.

  “Snow?” Rose whispered again, her head moving in sync with the other girl’s. Bear grinned as he pulled down the sleeve of Rose’s gown. If he couldn’t give the white-blonde girl what she needed himself…. Her shoulder glowed with firelight and Snow appeared drawn to it as she leaned over to nibble it then drop her head to the deep valley of Rose’s cleavage.

  Snow hiked her leg, providing Bear with a maddening view, as she moved to Rose’s nipples, while Rose’s hands touched every part of Snow that she could.

  “Bear?” she asked when she felt teeth carefully bringing down her bloomers.

  Snow climbed on top of her, forking both of their legs. She closed her mouth over Rose’s, filling the more hesitant girl with deep delight.

  Before Bear was a double helping of moist, shiny vagina—Snow’s black nest and Rose’s nearly hairless package—pink, puckered and expectant. His tongue lolled long from his mouth but he resisted. Surely, with his interest in their pleasure, they had to realize he wasn’t just a bear. He loved them as only a man could.

  The girls devoured each other’s mouths as their bear continued his nudging and urging for them to go farther. Snow returned her attention to Rose’s heaving breasts, kneading them until the nipples pled for her mouth, while Rose massaged Snow’s fire-lit buttocks, healed and too lovely to resist.

  Bear dropped lower, his snout absorbing the quickening scent of the women. He lay his arms at their sides, wrapping the three of them in a pulsating, mounting blanket of passion.

  The women grinded on each other while the prince rubbed against them with his bear face. Rose and Snow stared into each other’s eyes, fevered and desperate, shaking and panting. Their ecstatic scream, with Bear’s roar, reverberated through the cottage.

  The menage collapsed on the rug and slept with total satisfaction. Early in the morning, Bear lifted his head, detecting sounds outside before the women could. He climbed to his feet and got their coats from hooks by the door. Wake up, he seemed to say as he prodded them.

  They rose groggily, their gowns gathered around their waists. Bear tried to ignore the sight as he pointed his nose to the mother’s room then the door. Snow and Rose understood and hurried for their shoes, throwing on their coats. Rose opened the door and Bear stooped down for them to climb on his back.


  They were away from the cottage just as Rose’s mother approached it, seeing only her girls riding off on the bear, a typical sight, but how careless of them to leave the door open for that frigid air to enter. (Actually, it was very clever of Snow, who hoped the cold would mask the sex smells of the previous evening.)

  On the back of the bear, she and Rose sat very close together, with Snow rubbing the bare legs of Rose before her. Rose leaned back, still euphoric that it had happened, something she would’ve been too shy to ever initiate herself. She turned her head for an early-morning kiss.

  Snow threw back her hood, letting the cold, morning air blow in her black tresses and sting her cheeks. She felt alive and so far removed from the torture of her stepmother. It felt so good where bear licked me last night. I wonder why he stopped.

  Silly question. Of course, she couldn’t accept cunnilingus from a forest animal, except, she hadn’t felt as though she were being touched by a forest animal. Bear’s never been like a normal bear but he felt even closer to human last night, closer to…

  She leaned down to the more petite Rose Red to whisper in her ear, “A huntsman made love to me.”

  Rose turned to her, eyes round with surprise and curiosity. Snow grinned. “He's so handsome, Rose. He has reddish brown hair and green eyes. I slipped out of the castle early one morning and went for a walk in the forest. A wolf came after me and he fired an arrow at it so it would run away. When I thanked him, he saw who I was and said, ‘My princess,’ and dropped to one knee.”

  She wrapped her arms around Rose as she warmed to her story. “I couldn’t resist putting my hand on his beautiful head of hair and I said, ‘I dub thee…’ He looked up at me with this dashing, lop-sided smile and said ‘Raul’. I told him, ‘Rise, Sir Raul’ and when he stood I moved closer to him. I told him he could kiss me if he liked but it wasn’t a command, and he did.”

  Seeing Rose’s eyes drop, Snow brought their foreheads together. “It wasn’t as sweet as your kisses,” she assured her, pecking her lips, “but it was powerful. He put his arms around me.” She nuzzled the side of Rose’s face. “Even with all the guards there constantly, that was the first time I felt safe or protected at the castle. Everyone else has no choice but to watch while the queen is mean to me. I don’t think Raul would have done that.”

  “Would have?” Rose asked.

  Snow White frowned. “He told me while he was kissing me that he was leaving the kingdom, going to sea. After he told me, I told him to give me his…” she dropped her voice lower. “…cock.” Rose covered her mouth with her hand at the shocking language. “And this time it was a command. He gave me that lopsided smile again and said it would be his pleasure to obey. It was against a tree with my skirts pulled up.”

  She sighed, reliving the experience. “His heart beat hard against mine. He drove himself into me while rubbing my bottom. He whispered in my ear that he could he have loved me but someday someone would. I could barely think or breathe. My body was on fire and everything shook. I don’t think many princesses have had a first time like that and I don’t think many ever loved it more. It was worth the flaying the queen gave me later.”

  A mischievous prince stopped suddenly, throwing Snow and Rose to the ground. They rolled around in the thin snow, laughing and grappling each other as they’d always done before, with the addition of deep kisses. Bear joined them, grunting with pleasure, until sounds of screeching interrupted them.

  The trio arose and hurried to the sound, spotting a familiar gnome, his beard stuck in the hollow of a cedar tree. Bear growled and lunged toward the little man, teeth gnashing and fur bristling.

  “Bear!” the girls shouted, rushing forward to restrain him.

  “Oh, so you know him,” said the gnome, recognizing the girls as the stupid pair who had twice cut his beard. “You must be as depraved as he is.”

  Rose knelt to hold their giant friend, while Snow asked, “What do you mean?”

  “I cursed the bastard,” cackled the little man. “He was Prince Finster until I found him with my daughter.”

  “You were?” Snow and Rose both looked at the bear, seeking an answer. He nodded, fangs still bared.

  “Change him,” Snow demanded.

  “What? Never,” the gnome grunted.

  “We’re the only thing that’s standing between you and Bear killing you. All we have to do is move out of the way, and you’ll never worry about your beard again,” Snow said, her voice cold and deadly.

  “Impertinent strumpet. Why, I’ll—“

  “—Change him!” Snow demanded, as only a princess could. “Bear…”

  Bear roared, moving closer to the tree…

  “Alright, alright, I’ll do it,” the gnome shouted in a rush. “Pull him back.”

  “Good,” Snow said, flashing a knife from her cape. T
he gnome gulped, bug-eyed as she approached him. He was trapped by bags in the hollow that sandwiched his beard. Snow cut him free and held onto him with surprising strength. “Now,” she commanded.

  Rose moved to the gnome’s other side. He couldn’t escape, and the black-haired one still held the knife. The bear glared at him with ten years of hate. The gnome raised a shaky hand and moved his lips, reciting the incantation to remove the curse. Bear howled as he fell to the ground, writhing as if in pain.

  “Bear,” Rose cried, running to him. The gnome scurried away from where she’d stood. Bear rose to his knees, clawing his chest and peeling back his fur to reveal skin. Rose gasped as he stood and the skin fell away, presenting a smiling, handsome and naked young man, with muscular torso, strong thighs and quite an apparent erection.

  He held out his arms and Rose and Snow ran into them. He kissed them both, reveling in the feel of them.

  “Prince Finster?” Snow asked, looking up into his face with a saucy grin.

  The prince rolled his eyes. “I prefer Bear.”

  Their giggles rumbled against his naked body. He could stand it no longer. “Come with me, my beauties.”

  They followed him around the tree to a larger hollow—one he could easily duck to enter, with the girls simply walking in. “This is where I keep my gold,” he explained, pointing to the bags at the other end. “That little thief’s been looking all these years.” He led them past the opening to a tunnel.

  The women gasped as they came out into a round cavern covered in cedar boughs and bordered by bags of gold.

  “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of the two of you here with me,” he whispered behind them, sending shivers down Snow’s spine. Rose smiled at him, as he carried a torch toward the cedar bed, his buttocks remarkable after years of walking on all fours. They followed, untying the strings of their coats and letting them fall to the ground.

  Bear placed the torch in a natural sconce on the rough wooden wall, its light glowing on the three young people, illuminating their excitement and shared desire. Bear licked his lips as he stood in front of Rose, lowering his head to nuzzle her marble neck until it blushed a delicate pink. Snow, always more daring, removed her gown, standing before Rose and Bear in her girdle and corset, white stockings stretching to the top of her legs.

  The prince pulled both women onto the boughs with him. Grinning, he used his teeth to lower the shoulder of Rose’s gown, as he had the night before. Snow kissed it as she had the previous night, again dropping to Rose’s deep cleavage. She lay on top of her, forking their legs, giving Bear last night’s view of stacked, shiny vagina. This time, though, Bear probed, laved and sucked as he’d denied himself before. He took their mouths in kisses that seemed to never end, and they touched him.

  He groaned as he stared at both women, his cock stretched to its utmost. Her dimple dancing, Snow climbed on his back, whispering in his ear, “How much do you want her?”

  She smiled over his shoulder at Rose, who pulled him down to straddle her and enter her. Snow grinded with glee on Bear’s back as he pumped into Rose, her head thrown back, moaning in amazement. Snow increased her pace with them, biting Bear’s shoulder to spur him on, until he abruptly stopped and Rose bounced up and down, siphoning him dry.

  The three fell into a heap, spent and satisfied, lightly touching and murmuring. “My beauties,” sighed the prince. “I wish I could marry both of you.”

  Snow saw, even though his words were directed at both of them, his eyes were only for Rose. It reminded her of the look she’d seen in Raul and, as he'd told her, she shouldn't settle for less than adoration.

  “Marry her,” she said. “Someday, my prince or hunter will come. Until then, I’d be happy to continue like this with the prince and his princess. Can we do that?”

  Laughing, the trio sealed the arrangement with a…bear hug.

  I hope you enjoyed the first installment of HOT GRIMM. The next book, in the series, a novella, should be ready in about a month. A preview follows.

  The Giant Stalk

  The muscular white clouds were a menagerie over the English countryside. Jack reclined in the hay bale, watching as a crouching bunny in the blue sky above him morphed into a rearing hare. Chewing a bit of straw, he shifted his gaze to the blond head between his legs.

  Young Farmer Charlie groaned, dropping his jaw to accommodate Jack's growth. Jack pushed indifferently. Charlie was good, but furtive blows in the hay weren't exciting enough.

  “Jack! Jack!” Erma's voice carried acres from the tenant house to the back of the barn where Jack and Charlie were hidden by a copse of haystacks. “Jack!”

  He jumped up, still bulging to see what his mama was yelling about.

  “Jack,” whimpered Charlie plaintively.

  “Sorry, Mr. Charlie.”


  “Coming, Mama.” Jack grasped the burning and moist cock to finish himself off as he ran across the mowed hay field, greenish-gold in the late spring sun. His panting was that of an old man, not a virile young one. Simultaneous sprinting and masturbation might be a unique talent, but not a healthy or safe one. He tripped on a badger hole, and fell forward as he spewed, speckling the stalks of lavender with white.

  “Jack!” Erma shouted again.

  He buttoned his dungarees and smoothed his head of black curls. He ran on his bare feet through the field flowers, arriving at the hovel where his mother stood, hands on hips and ire in her eyes.

  “Where've you been?” she demanded with feeble slaps to his rock-hard arms.

  “Oww!” I was at the barn. Mr. Charlie...uh...he needed me.”

  “Hmph, with all the work you do for that man, he should pay you wages, not just let us

  stay in this old hut.”

  Jack dropped his head to hide his blush. He received much more than he gave to the farmer, who had inherited his father's land, tenants and plain looks. Jack could only guess that Charles Sr. had also had a better mouth than cock.

  “He gives us food too, Ma.”

  “Not enough,” Erma insisted. Her brown and grey hair hung in depressing strands from a hap-hazard bun on the back of her head. Her faded, moss-green eyes were testament to years of disappointment and drink. “Would it kill 'im to throw some coins our way for what you do for 'im?”

  Jack sighed. He could only expect Charlie to give so much for his inconsistent labor, when Jack never knew when he would be unavailable because he had to care for his mother. And he'd never ask for money for the...other thing. “I'll go into town and see if I can find some work.”

  “No, that would take too long,” Erma said, a touch of hurried desperation in her voice. “Go sell the cow.”




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