Megan's Men

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Megan's Men Page 5

by Tessie Bradford

  “Are you sure?” he asked, not altering his pace.

  “This is a really dumb time for us to have our first argument,” Megan mumbled.

  Rork’s chest shook beneath her breasts, and Loban coughed and cleared his throat.

  “Have it your way.”

  Megan heard the humor in Garfor’s tone and smiled.

  He took control and took them to heaven.

  She had no idea how much time passed as they all snuggled together in sated silence, but she was perfectly content to stay just as she was blanketed under and between these glorious men for a very long time.

  “I suggest we move this party into the bathing room,” Rork said.

  “I call dibs on soaping her boobs,” Loban responded quickly.

  “What happened to there being no competition among you guys?” She propped up on her elbows and grinned at Loban.

  “Oh, I have no problem sharing…eventually.” He kissed her cheek.

  “So can I assume your bathing area is built for a foursome, like your room and bed?”

  “This hasn’t been our room until today.” Garfor sat up. “We’ll move our things in as soon as we have time.”

  “What?” she asked, thoroughly confused.

  “All traditional Slaterine homes have a suite to accommodate the number of soul-bonded mates who live in it, however many that may be. We didn’t have you, so we’ve never used this space.”

  “Are you saying this is the first time you’ve shared a woman?”

  “You’re awfully interested in our past sexual experiences,” Garfor commented with a somewhat bewildered expression.

  “You are? What do you want to know?”

  Megan slapped Loban on the shoulder. “Stop, I’m just trying to understand. Like I said earlier to Garfor, I’m not buying that you all have been celibate while you waited for me to show up in your life.”

  “You told her that?” Rork asked, frowning.

  “Of course not. I simply figured discussing past liaisons was not an appropriate topic of conversation with our swaya.”

  “I’m not looking for details,” she said, rolling her eyes as a jolt of jealousy darted through her veins.

  Megan wasn’t surprised it was Rork who provided straight to the point answers. “We’ve been with women, individually and together, Megan, but we knew the time spent with them was temporary.”

  “Did they know?”


  “Did you bring them here?”

  “To this house, yes, but never to this room; this suite has always been only for the four of us. We would never disrespect you or the sanctity of the soul bond in such a way.”

  “But what if my transport hadn’t been canceled? Or Garfor had chosen to walk through another terminal?”

  “Then these rooms and this bed would have stayed unused forever.”

  “You don’t think you would have eventually settled for a woman you guys just really liked a lot and had a couple of kids?”

  “No. Slaterine men and women can’t reproduce with anyone except their soul-bonded mates, and when they do, male children outnumber females ten to one. That’s why the Gods select members of other races to be soul mates for us. If it’s their will, we find each other.” Rork cupped the side of her face and gazed at her with such love tears welled in her eyes. “And we have, so what ifs don’t matter.”

  “You’re not angry that I was married?” she asked, looking at each of them for a reaction.

  “We all make mistakes,” Garfor responded matter-of-factly.

  “Yeah, that was a doozy, but I thought I was in love with him, in the beginning.”

  “Megan, you don’t owe us an explanation.” Loban laced his fingers through hers.

  “Actually, I feel as if I do.” Their steadfast certainty that she was their mate was beginning to feel right. “I was so lonely, and he was very wonderful while we were dating.” She drew a deep breath. “We didn’t have sex until after the wedding. It was a disaster, and I blamed it on the fact that I was a virgin; so did he. The thing is our lack of passion for each other didn’t change as our marriage went on. For a while, everything else was okay, though. We had a nice home, and I enjoyed spending time with him platonically. He began openly sleeping with other women, which was extremely humiliating, but deep down I was relieved he wasn’t coming to me. I felt so guilty when I finally realized I didn’t love him and shouldn’t have married him. The sad part is that when we split up, I was most upset about him robbing me blind.”

  “After what happened in your past, and the extraordinary passion you’ve show with us, how can you continue to doubt the truth of our bond?” Rork asked the question, but all three stared at her expectantly.

  “It’s getting harder by the moment,” Megan said with a grin.

  Chapter Four

  “Now there’s nothing in here I need to worry about, right?” Megan asked, standing at the edge of the small lake and peering into the crystal clear water.

  “Do you truly think we would put you in harm’s way?” Garfor asked from behind her.

  Megan didn’t miss the hurt in his tone. Despite being with them for only four days, she absolutely trusted that her well-being was their top priority and she felt terrible for saying something so thoughtless. She turned around to apologize.

  Her guys had dropped the towels, which were wrapped around their hips for the walk from the house. “You didn’t tell me bathing suits were optional,” she said, running her tongue along her lower lip while checking them out.

  “We can’t figure out why you put on clothes to swim in the privacy of our own property.” Rork walked forward, slid her cover-up off her shoulders and let it drop to the sand. He untied the top of her bikini, removed it, then hooked his fingers in the strings of the bottoms and drew them down her legs. Megan held onto his shoulders and lifted her feet to help.

  “You could have said something before I took the time to replicate the adorable ensemble, which is now lying on the ground.”

  “I like undressing you.” Rork took her hand, and they, along with Garfor and Loban, went into the lake. “There’ll be times when we go swimming with others, and you’ll definitely wear it then.”

  Once the water was to their shoulders, the three men dove underneath the surface. Being a number of inches shorter, Megan was already doing her own version of the crawl stroke.

  They swam beneath, next to, and around her, skimming their bodies along hers and copping a feel at every opportunity. She squealed and splashed and laughed. She wasn’t sure how long they played together, but she noticed the skin of her fingers becoming wrinkly and her limbs getting very tired.

  “I’m heading back to where I can stand,” she announced, slowly swimming toward the shore. They, of course, stayed right with her. “So you guys throw lake parties?”

  “We very much enjoy hosting gatherings,” Loban answered.

  “Speaking of which, it’s customary that the district welcomes us home the day we arrive from a journey.” Garfor floated on his back next to her. “Being that we wanted to be alone with you for a few days, we delayed the gala until this evening.”

  Megan lost her rhythm and her head went under the water. Six hands lifted her above the surface instantly. She coughed and sputtered before being able to speak. “You’re having a gala? Here, tonight?” As soon as her feet touched bottom, Megan stood and stared at them.

  “They handle the details, Megan, and bring the food and beverages. We accept their offerings and well-wishes then simply enjoy the company of our neighbors, friends and family.” Garfor replied.

  “People will come and go for a few hours beginning around dusk. We haven’t been gone that long, and have of course been in touch, so there shouldn’t be any urgent issues we’ll need to address tonight.” Rork added.

  “You make it sound as if you’re the lords of the land and the townsfolk are coming to pay homage,” she joked.
br />   They didn’t laugh, nor did they correct her.

  “Oh my God, when were you planning on explaining this to me? Or were you just going to let me find out on my own, most likely embarrassing myself in the process?”

  “We most certainly did discuss this with you, on the way home from the spaceport.” Loban looked from her to the other two with obvious confusion.

  “You most certainly have not made your position in this society clear to me!” she declared, crossing her arms around her middle while struggling to breathe normally.

  “Swaya, please don’t get so upset. I truly thought you understood that we are leaders of our people.” Garfor lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the lake with Rork and Loban keeping pace.

  He set her down on the blanket spread out on the sand. She wrapped a towel around herself as the men knelt next to her. Garfor handed her a container of fruit juice from the basket they’d brought with them. Megan took a couple of deep swallows as her mind raced. She remembered the formality Garfor had used when introducing himself, and the behavior of the waitress and security personnel on Earth. In the car, Rork had talked about how they settled disputes and were protectors, and Loban had discussed how they owned the land. They hadn’t referred to themselves with titles, but many times had referred to ‘our people’. How had she missed the implication of them using that term?

  “We’re from different worlds. Stuff that’s normal, regular to you, is completely foreign to me and vice versa. If we can’t communicate effectively, it’ll never work between us.” Megan looked pointedly at each of them. She had no idea how women on this planet behaved, but she wasn’t a shrinking violet. This was an issue of utmost importance and it needed to be addressed.

  “You’re absolutely right,” Loban agreed. “When you told us about your democratic society last night during dinner, we should have been specific about how ours differs.”

  “It’s going to take time for us to learn fully about each other,” Rork stated.

  “I know it is, but I think we need to make an effort to hit the high points. I’ve tried my best to explain how I’m struggling to come to terms with the intensity of my feelings for the three of you, and the morality of my actions.”

  “Yes you have, and in turn, we’ve been doing our very best to share our emotions with you.” Garfor took her hand. “Swaya, being in a relationship is a new experience for us. We’re going to make mistakes along the way.”

  “God knows so will I, but hiding things from each other is never going to end well. If it’s customary for you to host people when you get home, you should have just told me.”

  “We made a decision based on what we felt was best for our situation,” said Rork.

  “But I’m one fourth of the ‘our’, Rork. If an issue affects all of us, don’t you think it’s reasonable that I’m involved in the process of dealing with it?”

  “Megan, the desire, the need to take care of and protect our swaya, is a fundamental part of who we are. Because of your honesty, we realized having the gala four days ago would have been uncomfortable for you.”

  “Meeting an entire community is still pretty daunting today,” she admitted. “Since we’re breaking with tradition, what reason did you give for delaying the party?

  “The truth,” Rork answered.

  Heat infused her cheeks as she stared at the three men. “Which is what? That you brought home an alien trollop and have been shacked up, fucking her, for four days?”

  “With great pride, we let a few people know we have been blessed to find our swaya, and wanted to keep you all to ourselves for a little while.” Garfor spoke slowly, with a definite edge of warning in his tone.

  “Sounds to me as if you’re doing your very best to take the decision you told me I had the power to make, the one about my future, right out of my hands.”

  “That wasn’t our intent,” Loban stated emphatically. When he reached out and touched her arm, Megan jerked it away and scrambled to her feet.

  “This is a perfect example of how much we have to work through,” she snapped.

  “Since we can’t attend to everything in one afternoon, let’s handle the most immediate issue now,” Loban suggested.

  “Oh, okay, how long do we have before you hold court? Might you be able to spare a few moments to clue me into the nuances of how you expect me to behave? I’d also appreciate some insight into how I should dress, if it’s not too much trouble.” She was so frustrated, she began to tremble.

  “Stop it. Now you’re being deliberately difficult, and more than a bit insulting; two behaviors we’re not going to allow.” Rork’s expression turned as dark as a storm cloud.

  “Allow? Allow! You’re not in charge of me! Go to hell, all of you!” she shrieked before stomping away.

  Needing to do something to convey her upset further, she stopped, turned and heaved her almost full juice container at them. It landed in the sand many feet from her desired targets, but Megan took great pleasure in the shock on each of their faces.

  Garfor got to her so quickly Megan had no time to react. He ripped the towel from her body, wrapped his arms around her thighs and hoisted her up and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Put me down,” she yelled, pounding her fists on his back.

  His open palm landed hard on her naked butt. “Act the petulant brat and you leave us no choice but to discipline you.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Megan’s head snapped up as her traitorous pussy warmed. The middle of a hissy fit was so not the time to be horny, but obviously her libido had other ideas.

  “Rork expressed his desire to spank your glorious ass from the very beginning. I’m looking forward to watching him do it.” Garfor gave a quick rub then swatted again.

  Her nipples pebbled and her vaginal muscles clenched. Megan had learned a hell of a lot about her sexuality in the last four days. Having three dominant lovers was incredible, and she got off on taking the submissive role in the bedroom. She loved it when one or two of the guys watched while she made love with the other. Megan imagined Rork mastering her in this new way as Garfor and Loban looked on. Her pulse pounded in her ears.

  Loban cupped her chin and looked at her while keeping pace with Garfor. “A little pain with your pleasure excites you a great deal, doesn’t it, swaya?”

  “Not in the least,” she lied. “And I’m sure as hell not going succumb to a spanking without putting up a fight.” She attempted to kick her legs and squirm.

  “We wouldn’t want it any other way,” he said with a leer and a wink.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m in the mood for a blow job. Rork and Garfor can do the fucking this morning. Your ass is about to be well used.”

  Megan moaned.

  “Don’t make her come before we get inside,” Rork commented as he walked on ahead.

  She wasn’t surprised when Garfor headed into the living room instead of taking her upstairs. They had made love throughout the house, but this room, with its oversized furniture and plush, comfy rugs, was one of their favorites. He turned around so she faced the largest of the couches. Rork sat close to the front edge of the cushion. His cock was rock-hard and rested against his abdomen.

  He patted his thigh. “Give her to me.”

  Garfor swung her off his shoulder and placed her tummy down onto Rork’s lap without allowing her feet to touch the floor. Now she understood why Rork was perched in the manner he was. Her arms and legs dangled instead of resting on the couch. She tried to sit up. He laid one hand between her shoulder blades and the other on her lower back.

  “You can do better than that,” he goaded.

  His sultry tone, his warm touch, and the way his legs were positioned so that her pussy and tits pressed against his thighs, were a hell of a combination. Lust pulsed in her veins. She struggled playfully, knowing it would turn them all on.

  Rork’s first spank made
Garfor’s seem like gentle caresses.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” she cried out. Megan fought in earnest as he landed one after another without hesitation. Her ass stung and burned, tears formed behind her closed eyelids and cream seeped from her pussy.

  “You will not make disparaging remarks about yourself again.”

  “No, no,” she whimpered, flexing her ass up into his strokes, hoping her needy clit might make contact with his thigh in the process.

  “You will stop questioning the validity of our soul bond.” He gave her a momentary break, running his hand over her heated butt cheeks.

  “Fine, okay, we all share some freaky connection.” What she wasn’t quite ready to admit out loud was that she had fallen head over heels in love with them.

  “She’s still fighting her new reality, Rork.”

  Megan whimpered when Loban toyed with her slit.

  “Ah, in words only; her cunt is on fire.” He slid two fingers into her channel, pumped a couple of times then held still, deep in her body.

  Rork resumed his spanking, and Megan went crazy, begging them to stop and begging for more in fractured sentences.

  “Ride me. Now,” Rork ordered.

  Loban’s fingers left her pussy. He and Garfor lifted and turned her so she was facing and straddling Rork. Garfor cupped and supported her ass as she lowered herself onto Rork’s penis.

  “Ahh, that’s what I’m talking about.” Megan grinned at Rork and gripped his shoulders. He returned her smile and grasped onto her breasts. She glanced left then right, making quick eye contact with Loban and Garfor, who were perched on either arm of the couch.

  She rose up ever so slowly, wanting to savor his thick, warm cock filling her completely, perfectly. Rork rolled and pinched her nipples. She stopped when his bulbous head was barely inside her, stretching her entrance. Her thigh muscles started to burn, but she kept her position.

  “You’re deliberately not doing what I told you to,” he reprimanded, flexing his hips upwards.

  “Gonna happen a lot now that I know the consequences of my misbehavior.”

  Rork let go of her breasts and grabbed onto her ass cheeks. His strong grip on her tender skin sent a shiver up her spine. He spread her and pulled her down his length. She moaned with relief when her clit rubbed against his abdomen. Rork began to lift her up and down his penis with purpose. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Garfor get up, but she couldn’t concentrate on anything but her building orgasm. Megan wrapped her arms around Rork’s neck.


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