A Sugar Daddy’s Secret

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A Sugar Daddy’s Secret Page 33

by Kathleen Hill

  I began to feel this almost completely overwhelm me, causing me to feel as if I was going crazy with every single touch, every single motion, and every single moment. I looked at them, and soon, I felt another tentacle against my entrance, but instead of it going in, it moved up against my clit. At first, I thought this was going to be terrible, but instead of it hurting, I felt an overwhelming sense of pleasure from this. I began to scream out, feeling my entire body start to completely fall to their command loving how it was taking over me. I don’t regret anything, and soon, the tentacles continued to pleasure me, that is until I felt it hit that spot, causing my eyes to boggle out of my head, the sudden need for more overwhelming my body, and soon, I felt my orgasm just completely and utterly take over.

  I came hard, feeling everything tighten up for but a moment before I relaxed, enjoying the sudden moment of time in my mind. It was perfect, so perfect that it hurt, and in truth, I felt like I was only going more and more insane with time. They then pulled out, looking at me with determined eyes.

  “Would you like both of us tonight?” Xandra asked.

  I looked at both of them. In truth, I was pretty nervous about what this might lead to, and if this might hurt, but at the same time, I felt that sort of need in my body, a need for more from both of them, and before I knew it, I nodded.

  “Please,” I said.

  Nanel got behind me, and Xandra got in front. Suddenly, I began to feel Xandra move his body up against my entrance. He then slipped his pants off, revealing his hardened member. It looked like a normal penis, but instead, it was a slightly bluish color, which surprised me. he then slipped himself into me, causing me to let out a scream, slightly unsure if I could take this. I felt the tentacles on his body come up, teasing my nipples slightly as he did so. However, it didn’t distract me completely.

  Holy shit that hurt. Tears stung my eyes as I felt him inside of me. The sudden breaking of my virginity completely changed how I was feeling, and in truth, I began to wonder if this was the right thing for me. I started to regret the choice, but then, it started to settle out. It wasn’t all that bad after a brief minute, and in truth, I kind of liked the feeling of this. Suddenly, he waited a minute before pushing himself out. He motioned for Nanel to come in, and soon, the other alien did. He slid himself in, and that, combined with the feeling of Xandra completely inside of me, started to make me scream. I couldn’t believe my feelings, nor did I know what to do. My nerves were shot, everything was just so damn overwhelming I couldn’t take it, and for a brief moment, I began to wonder if this would even be pleasurable for me.

  Of course, that was until they started to move. They suddenly thrust into me, each of them taking it slow at first, but then, I started to cry out, each and every sort of thrust started to completely make me feel alive and well. I didn’t know what to do about it, and I definitely started to feel like there was something else that was starting to tubule up inside of me. With every single touch, every single thrust, every single moment, I started to feel everything overwhelm me, and in truth, I wanted to just indulge in this sensation. However, I felt Xandra hit that spot, that damn spot in my body that made me see stars, buck my hips, and lose my mind.

  I felt a tentacle slide behind my pussy, grazing my other hole. I also felt another tentacle stuff into my mouth. The alien appendages thrust into me with ease, causing me to choke on them as I began to feel my climax about to overtake me.

  I came hard, feeling my orgasm wash over my body, feeling everything begin to change at that very moment. It was so overwhelming, so amazing, and in truth, I wanted nothing more than to be in this moment for time immemorial.

  I felt both of these men tense up, and suddenly, I felt something shoot out, coating my insides with it. It was a bit strange, that’s for sure, but I did enjoy the sensation, and in truth, I wanted to completely seal this moment in my mind. The moment that made me feel amazing, and the moment that would change my life. After they finished, they pulled out of me, looking at me deep in the eyes. It was at that point that everything would change, that the start of my new life was nigh, and it was time for me to make the changes I knew I need to make, for my own sanity, and for my happiness.

  Chapter 8

  After all was done, I looked at them, the gaze on their face obvious. They wanted to know if I was still serious, if I did want to stay with them or not. I knew the answer, even though I knew that it would be scary.

  “Did you enjoy it?” Nanel asked.

  “Yeah, very much so,” I said.

  “Good. We had fun too,” Xandra added.

  There was an awkward silence, and when I looked at them, I felt that almost overwhelming feeling of wanting to tell them I wouldn’t leave.

  “If you think I’m going anywhere, think again. I’m not leaving. This is what I want,” I said to them with a serious tone of voice.

  They looked at me as if I had three heads, a shocked expression plastered on their face. They probably thought it was all for show, but it certainly wasn’t.

  “Are you sure?” Nanel asked.

  “Yes. I’ve made my decision. I made my decision the moment I agreed to this. I’m your mate. I know that all of this will be different for me, maybe even a bit scary, but I’m ready to face the unknown, to face the fears that I feel, and everything in between. I’m not going to let this get the best of me,” I said to them.

  They listened to me, unsure of where this will lead next. I began to feel them both sigh, realizing that I was serious. It wasn’t a bad reaction, but rather it was a reaction that made me feel relief inside.

  “Good. We want you to stay with us,” Xandra said.

  “That’s the plan. I’ve already long left this place. This isn’t a home for me anymore, especially after what my family pulled. Plus, after feeling this level of affection, I can’t let this get away. I know this risk will be far larger than any I’ve ever taken on, but I’m ready to go forward, to see where this will all lead to, and to make my life the one that I strive to lead,” I told them.

  They listened to me, understanding the situation. At this point, I knew that these two were going to make everything right, were going to be the ones worth living for. I felt like my life was about to start.

  “You want to head out now?” Xandra asked.

  A part of me wanted to. They would give me a new chance at life, a new start, which was certainly what I needed. But I shook my head.

  “No. Let’s cuddle here for a bit. Then, when they get here, we can leave,” I said.

  They looked at me, surprised by the words I uttered, but they catered to my wishes. The three of us each cuddled in the bed, holding one another there. We weren’t all that different, especially compared to how other people were. Humans were far weirder, much crueler, and often not as happy as these people were.

  The next morning, we got word that the ship was here to take us back. They came down, and we quickly made our way to it. both of them looked at me, concerned for a second.

  “Are you going to say goodbye?” Xandra asked.

  I looked at the expanse of the place before me. Sure, I lived a good chunk of my life here, but in all honesty, I felt ready to move on, to leave this land, especially with the overwhelming feeling to explore and leave this.

  “Not really. I left this place a long time ago. I never belonged here, and in truth, I feel like staying here would only prove to hurt me further,” I said.

  They listened to me, understanding my words.

  “Then let’s get going. We don’t want to leave the ship idling for far too long,” Nanel added.

  I nodded, agreeing to this. The three of us headed over to the hanger, closing the door behind us and looking back. In truth, I would miss earth, even if it was a place that I didn’t seem to belong in. When we got inside, I met two other people, who were similar in nature to the aliens I’ve grown to fall for. They told me it would take about a week to get to Genbu, and that I could sleep until then. I did sleep for a chunk of it, b
ut I also watched the planets fly on by. We would go far out of the normal solar system. Apparently, Genbu also used oxygen and other elements, similar to Earth. It’s a planet that was similar in nature and composition to Earth, but managed to develop far faster. I was excited for this, and when I stepped off to this new world, it felt comforting in a sense. I felt as if I was home in a way, a place where I belonged.

  I spent the rest of my days here on Genbu. I thought I would hate it, that it would be the rude awakening that I didn’t want, and that I might miss Earth, but in fact, I didn’t. Nobody bothered to come find me, I was actually working a job that I loved. I was taken care of by my alien boyfriends, and in truth, the people here were perfect. Sure, they didn’t seem to like me at first, but after a while they grew closer. In truth, this was the happily ever after that I needed, the life I strove to live, and while I knew my former home was beyond the stars, this was where I belonged now.


  Bonus 11 of 20

  When You Call Liza


  Liza has so much debt, it’s not even funny, and going to medical school is only going to rack up more. Like everyone else, she must struggle through it and find a way to make some extra cash. Luckily, she has a way to make a lot of money using what her mama gave her. On the weekends, she is a high-end call girl, dating and often sleeping with some of the richest and most prestigious men in Los Angeles. There are some obvious perks to her job like presents, large tips, and hot, rich men in her bed at night. Things get a little complicated, though, when two of the men fall for her.

  Chapter 1

  Liza Harvey was exhausted. She sat on the side of her bed, removed the stilettos from her sore feet and sighed with relief. She rose and hobbled toward the tiny bathroom while shimmying the short, tight dress over her blonde head of hair. Next, she tossed the miniscule red panties into the dirty clothes hamper and stepped into the shower. Liza allowed the hot water to pour over her round breasts and slide down her curves, soothing her tense muscles. It had been a long night already and she still needed to write a paper for biology class which was due the next day.

  The hot water ran out way too soon. Liza promised herself that someday she would have a real house with a shower that had all the hot water she could stand. For now, she had to make do with this tiny apartment with its rusty pipes and creaky floors. College was expensive and was about to get worse. Liza had a ton of college loans to pay off and needed to borrow even more. She had been accepted into a prestigious medical school, but it would cost a fortune to attend. Her parents couldn’t help. They were barely making ends meet themselves. It was all up to her to find a way to pay for it all.

  Liza looked in the mirror as she dried herself off. Blonde hair, blue eyes, clear skin and perfectly straight teeth were reflected back at her. She examined her youthful body. Full firm breasts, tiny waist, round backside, and slim, muscular legs made her smile. Her mama had always said to use what God had given her to get what she wanted. That’s exactly what Liza was doing. During the week, she attended college and worked part-time at a juice bar, but Friday through Sunday, she had a different job. She was a high-end call girl. She dated the rich and powerful for money. Sometimes she was required to sleep with them too, but the money was really good. It allowed her to pay down some of her debt, buy decent food and clothes, and use the money from the juice bar job to help her parents. That part-time job was a true necessity. Liza knew her parents would never accept money from the call girl job and the little girl in her didn’t allow Liza to lie about the source of her money.

  Tonight, Liza had been out with a repeat customer. Landon Forester was a hot, young entrepreneur. He owned martial arts studios all over the United States. His muscular physique was a testament to his daily workouts. With his dark hair and steamy brown eyes, he was beautiful to look at. Surprisingly, Liza discovered him to be kind and gentle, too. He reached out to boy’s and girl’s clubs and gave free classes. She had dated Landon several times. He hated attending any function alone and didn’t care to attach himself to a woman who wanted him solely for his money. He hadn’t even taken her to bed until the third date. Liza didn’t always enjoy the sex part of her dates, but with Landon, it proved to be spectacular. She looked forward to each one.

  It was time to come back to reality and write that paper. Liza donned a soft, warm robe and booted up her laptop. It was 2 a.m. and she needed to finish the paper by 6 a.m. so she could catch a couple of hours of sleep before her 9 a.m. class. Life in the fast lane was hard. Someday it would be worth it. She would be a pediatrician, helping sick children have a better life. Until then, she would work her ass off.

  When Liza awoke, she discovered that she had fallen asleep at her desk. It was already 8 a.m. and the paper wasn’t quite finished. She typed the last few paragraphs as quickly as possible. Hopefully they made sense and were good enough for a passing grade. She pulled on a pair of leggings and a red tunic. She grabbed a belt from the closet and used it to gather the loose tunic around her waist. She ran her fingers through her hair, picked up her purse and pushed the send button on the computer. The paper should be waiting for the professor before class started. There was no time to stop for breakfast. The granola bar in Liza’s purse would have to suffice until after class. She tore open the package and ate it as she ran. Admiring glances followed her through the campus. She never noticed. Liza didn’t have time for college boys. Her taste was for the more mature men of the world. It was a good thing, since those were the only type she had time to date and the only ones with the money to pay for the privilege. A small part of her felt guilty for the way she earned her money, but she pushed that feeling aside. It was the fastest and easiest way to pay her debts and the larger part of her enjoyed the variety of men.

  Liza made it to class just in time. She found an open seat near the front. Most of the students hated sitting so close to the professor. Liza was fine with it though. She concentrated better when she couldn’t watch everyone else squirming in their seats. If the professor called on her for answers, that was okay, too. She studied hard and was confident that she would be able to answer intelligently.

  Chapter 2

  The class ended and Liza headed back to her apartment. Conveniently, it was across the street from the college. Most of the residents were college students. It was a cheap place to live and you could walk to class, making cars unnecessary. Liza ran up the three flights of stairs easily. The exercise helped keep her body in good shape. She was starving and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She popped some bread into the toaster while heating up yesterday’s coffee in the microwave. She removed her computer from the desk/table and sat down to eat.

  After her less than nutritious meal, it was time to go to work. Liza enjoyed working at the juice bar. The customers were fun and friendly. Most of them came from the college, but some were professionals hoping to stay healthy despite their busy lives. The one thing she didn’t care for was the ridiculous uniform she had to wear. The blue pants and orange shirt made her think of a football team. It was extremely unflattering. Liza tried to help her appearance with some clever makeup touches. She was determined not to look like a clown.

  The juice bar was already bustling with customers when Liza arrived. She jumped right in to help the lone young man behind the counter. The line moved faster with Liza’s expertise. The last person in line stepped up to order and Liza sent her coworker off to take a much-needed break. The customer was a very professional looking male in his late twenties. He was quite handsome, with dark blonde spiked hair and soulful green eyes. His suit was obviously tailored to fit his lean, muscular body. He smiled at Liza almost making her swoon. She was surprised when he ordered two of the energy specials. She guessed there was someone back at the office he was taking the extra drink to. She was wrong. As he paid he asked, “Would you join me? The second juice is for you. You deserve it after the way you jumped in and cleared out the mob. I was sure I would be here for hours, but you made
short work of it. This is my way of saying thanks.”

  Liza looked around at the mess behind the counter. She knew it needed to be cleaned before the next round of customers came in. However, the juice drink was tempting her. To tell the truth, so was the handsome man. She decided a short break wouldn’t hurt, especially if she stayed out front and watched for customers. She accepted the invitation with the proviso, “I can sit until someone comes in. I’ll have to hurry though. It’s not my break time. Thanks for the drink.”

  The man showed his good manners by pulling out her chair as he said, “I’m Warren Carlin. My new office is across the street. I’ll probably be in here often.”

  “I’m Liza Harvey. I’ll make sure you get the best service whenever I’m here. I only work part-time though. I have college classes, so full-time is not possible.”

  Warren replied, “May I be so bold as to ask what you are studying to become?”

  “I’m going to be a pediatrician. I have always loved children and I want to make sure they have the best chance to grow up happy and healthy. What about you? What is your profession?”

  Warren ran slim fingers through his hair before answering, “It’s hard to explain. The best way to say it is that I make investments. Not in the stock markets, but in people and their businesses. They end up making more money and so do I. It’s not as noble as being a pediatrician. It does help a lot of people who can’t fund a business dream on their own.”


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