The Nerd Conquest

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The Nerd Conquest Page 7

by C. W. Niess

Mark fought to release the stubborn button on his pants, but his fingers weren’t responding. He shook his hands violently in front of his waist trying to regain control of his digits.

  “It’s okay,” Brooke encouraged. “You’ve done this all before. Just calm down, Mark.”

  Brooke’s support somehow relaxed him enough to where he was able to unhook the button and slide his pants down to his feet.

  The studying girls were nowhere near as supportive; they broke out in uproarious laughter pointing at Mark’s hard dick pressing outward against his briefs.

  Hoping to keep his underwear on, he collected his clothes and offered them to Brooke. He knew Brooke expected him to strip completely naked, but he hoped she would show at least a modicum of mercy. Maybe she would let him keep his briefs until the study girls were out of the picture.

  “I don’t think so,” Brooke responded. She cocked her head and rested a hand on her hip. She used her free hand to point out Mark’s bulging underwear. “Those too.”

  As Mark jerked his underwear down his thighs, the auburn-haired study girl attempted to take a picture with her phone. As soon as he saw the girl’s phone come out of her purse, he jerked the underwear back up his legs and coiled his arms over his midsection.

  Brooke jumped between Mark and the two girls. “Have a little respect,” Brooke demanded. “No fucking pictures.”

  “Whatever,” the girl snapped putting her phone back in her purse. “Not much to remember anyway.”

  “I don’t see you looking away,” Brooke returned stepping closer to the girls. “No one’s making you watch him.”

  “Fuck you,” the skinny brunette said. She slammed her laptop shut and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “No kidding,” the other girl said. “Maybe we should call the police or something.”

  “Do whatever you want,” Brooke insisted. “Not my problem.”

  The girls stormed out of the room leaving Brooke alone with her nearly naked subject. Brooke followed behind the girls and slammed the door behind them.

  “Thanks for that,” Mark said to Brooke.

  “Don’t thank me,” Brooke said. “Stupid bitches.” After a moment’s pause, the young blonde again pointed to his briefs. “Stop stalling, Mark.”

  “Oh,” Mark said casually slipping out of his underwear. “Sure thing.” Removing the briefs in front of only Brooke seemed easy compared to his previous few stripteases.

  As soon as his underwear hit the floor, Brooke set the shopping bag down and slid it over to him with her foot.

  Mark put on his outfit for the night. He wasn’t sure how safe it was to wander around publicly dressed this way. The skirt fit him all right but did little to conceal his erection. In addition to the skirt, Mark was provided a white midriff blouse that tied together just above his belly button, white knee socks, and black buckle shoes. He looked ridiculous, and he knew it.

  As nervous as wearing the schoolgirl ensemble made him feel, it was better than the alternative. He was just a few days removed, after all, from visiting several sixth-floor rooms completely naked. Anything had to be better than that.

  “Well,” Brooke said inspecting his costume. “You better get to Emily’s room. It looks like she has quite a night lined up for you.”

  “Sure,” Mark replied nervously. “Okay.” After a moment’s pause, he continued. “And thanks again for before. You know…with the girls.”

  Brooke smiled and looked down at the floor. “Oh well…No problem.” Catching herself in a moment of solidarity with him, Brooke snapped her head back up and grabbed him by the bicep. “Get out of here. You’re gonna be late.”

  Mark exited the study room with his head down; his plan was to keep moving and refuse to engage any passersby. There was no acceptable explanation, after all, for his outfit.

  Sticking to his planned non-responsiveness, Mark ignored a small group of students in the foyer; they laughed and hollered as he passed by but failed to elicit any discussion. He kept moving into the girls’ hallway which, thankfully, was empty. Not wanting to press his luck, Mark jogged to Emily’s room and banged on the door.

  “There you are,” Emily said with a smile motioning for her cross-dressed visitor to enter her room. “You look so good,” she continued. “I can’t wait till Janna sees you.”

  Scanning the room, Mark realized that Emily’s roommate wasn’t there.

  “Janna has a late class,” Emily offered gleefully as she gathered her purse and keys. “She’ll meet us there.”

  “There?” Mark asked nervously. “Are we going somewhere?”

  “Of course,” Emily said lifting his skirt for a peek underneath. “We’re going to the movies.”

  “What?” Mark asked while trying unsuccessfully to step away from Emily’s advance. “The movies? Like this?”

  “Why not?” Grinning mischievously, Emily let his skirt fall back to his thighs and rested her hand on his chest. “We didn’t get you all dressed up for nothing.”

  “Please,” Mark begged holding the sides of his skirt against his thighs. “Please don’t make me go out in public. Not like this.”

  “So sorry,” Emily said collecting her phone and purse. “We already made plans. Besides, it’s Monday. The theater will practically be empty. No one goes to the movies on Monday night.”

  The number of theater patrons was hardly Mark’s only concern. Just to get to the movies, he would need to walk down to and through the dormitory lobby then out through the parking lot; that was only for starters.

  Emily grabbed his hand and walked him out of her room into the sixth-floor hallway. “Come on, Mark,” Emily said to her seemingly dejected date. “Just own it. Act like you chose that outfit, and you don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. Don’t give anyone that kind of power over you.”

  As ironic as her advice was, Emily had a great point. Mark’s embarrassed reactions would only feed someone making fun of him. Even so, masking his utter humiliation would be tough. This was the last thing Mark would wear in public. Even if he did somehow decide to wear such a skirt, he would certainly add underwear to the ensemble.

  Emily escorted him past a couple girls hanging out in the hallway. Surprisingly, the girls didn’t pay much attention to his attire. Mark was hopeful their lack of response was indicative of how the rest of his night would play out.

  Mark and Emily entered an empty elevator but weren’t lucky enough for a private ride to the first floor; the elevator made stops on the fourth and second stories and was completely full before arriving in the lobby. While none of the new occupants confronted him directly, he made out quite a bit of whispering and giggling. Mark kept his eyes on the illuminated floor indicator above the elevator door as he counted the seconds until he could exit the full container.

  As Emily escorted him into the dormitory lobby, it felt like everyone was staring at him. He even noticed a couple of cell phones capturing his catwalk through the congregation. There was nothing he could do for privacy; he had to tough it out. Like Emily said, he had to own it.

  Immediately upon stepping outside the dormitory, Mark felt a rush of cold air blowing under his plaid skirt. As refreshing as the breeze felt against his sweaty skin, it only served to remind him of his vulnerable state. Mark also worried that a gust of wind could expose his privates to everyone. He thought about how he used to love walking behind a skirt-clad girl on a windy day; the juxtaposition would have been amusing if not so surreal.

  Finally, Mark and Emily made it to her little silver car where Emily unlocked and opened the passenger door for him. Once safely inside, he adjusted his skirt between his legs and the seat hoping to provide himself with the most possible coverage.

  “See,” Emily said once in the driver’s seat next to him. “That wasn’t so bad. Was it?” She took a few second to check the mirrors then adjust the fan and radio for their trip. After a quick wink at her passenger, Emily threw her car into gear and headed toward the mo
vie theater. “We’re going to have so much fun. I can’t wait.”

  Emily tried to make casual conversation as they took the short drive to the theater; she asked Mark about his major, his family, and his taste in music. Mark thought it odd that Emily was so nonchalant about his situation; she was treating their adventure like just another night out with friends rather than an opportunity to punish and humiliate him.

  “There she is,” Emily said pointing out her roommate. Janna was saving a place in the ticket line outside the theater.

  Mark didn’t respond; he was instead preoccupied with the gathering of people about to see him in his short skirt and knee socks. Thankfully, aside from Janna and Emily, Mark didn’t see anyone he recognized. That was something.

  Mark sat in the car as Emily stepped out and walked around to his door; she was amused by how nervous her date was about exiting the vehicle. “Come on,” Emily said opening his door. “Might as well get this over with.”

  Mark did his best to hold the skirt in place as he stepped out of the car. He never realized how much work a typically simple task would become while wearing a dress. Judging by Emily’s giggle, Mark’s attempt to keep his skirt in place had failed.

  Mark tried to keep his arms crossed in front of his midsection as he walked up to the line. Once again, his erection was tenting the front of his skirt. He could feel the cold air rushing between his bare legs. As much as he would never admit it, he was aroused by his subjugation, by being forced to wear his skirt in public.

  “Don’t you look cute,” Janna said as he and Emily joined the line. Emily’s bulky roommate gave him a big hug making a point to grab his ass with both hands, a show of affection that did not go unnoticed by the rest of the movie queue. “I saved us a place in line.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Emily said to her roommate as she grabbed Mark’s hand and joined the group.

  Looking up and down the ticket line, Mark realized he was the primary, and likely the exclusive, subject of conversation. He noticed a group of sorority girls taking selfies in front of him. Toward the front of the line, a mother, despite her son’s protest, pulled him out of line and back to their car. Strangely enough, Mark was offended by the mother’s intolerance. It wasn’t as though he was naked or doing something untoward; he was just waiting quietly for his ticket.

  The lady in the ticket booth shot Mark an evil look as Emily ordered three tickets to some romantic comedy he had never heard of; after processing Emily’s credit card, the attendant reluctantly offered the trio entrance.

  “Get us some popcorn and drinks,” Emily said to Mark as she handed him a small wad of cash. The blonde grabbed Janna’s arm and turned away from him. “We’ll go save us some seats.”

  Watching Emily and Janna head to the theater left Mark feeling even more vulnerable than before. Standing in the snack line by himself wearing the skirt and the midriff-baring blouse was nothing short of excruciating. He tried to take Emily’s advice and act as though it was his choice to dress like this, but he simply wasn’t that confident.

  “Can I help you…sir?” the girl at the snack bar asked when it was finally his turn.

  Mark assumed the girl was merely trying to be friendly rather than making fun of him. He ordered a large tub of popcorn and two drinks, one each for Janna and Emily. He wanted to avoid a mid-movie bathroom break. Besides, a third drink would almost certainly require two trips to carry everything. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Mark made his way back to the theater. Since their movie had been released several weeks earlier, his auditorium was in the back of the complex. In addition to Mark and the girls, there were around fifteen other people in attendance. Emily and Janna were waiting for him in the second-to-last row on the left side of the auditorium. The closest other moviegoers were a group of college-age girls three rows forward.

  “There you are,” Emily said to Mark. She patted the seat between Janna and herself. “Take a load off.”

  Mark stepped into the row and paused at Emily’s legs which were draped across the aisle and resting on the seat in front of her. Instead of moving her legs for Mark, Emily flashed an evil grin and again patted Mark’s empty seat. Emily expected him to step over her calves while trying not to spill the drinks and popcorn all over the place.

  Mark stepped his first foot carefully over Emily’s knees as she stared him down. Neither said a thing as he stood awkwardly with Emily’s calves jammed between his thighs. Emily slid her leg up Mark’s skirt almost exposing his bare dick. Mark paused a second to secure his grip on the drink tray; the light popcorn on one side and heavier drinks on the other presented a challenge in itself.

  As he took his final step over Emily’s knees, the blonde reached up the back of his skirt and grabbed his ass. Unprepared for the grope, Mark stumbled forward almost spilling the drinks on Janna’s lap. Emily laughed at how jumpy her date was. “Careful, babe. You almost made a mess there.”

  Without a response, Mark took his seat. By the frown on his face, the senior computer science major was transitioning from embarrassed to flat-out pissed.

  “Calm down, Mark,” Emily chided. “We’re just having a little fun.”

  “Someone can’t take a joke,” Janna added grabbing her drink and a handful of popcorn. “Can he?”

  “You didn’t get anything for yourself?” Emily asked. She took her own drink and placed it on the armrest opposite him.

  “No,” Mark answered holding the popcorn bucket firmly on his lap. “I’m not thirsty.”

  “Spoilsport,” Emily joked poking her straw through her drink’s plastic lid. “Don’t get dehydrated. We have a long night ahead of us?”

  “A long night?” Mark asked. His seat creaked as he shifted anxiously.

  “Yep,” Emily said. “Don’t worry about that right now. The movie’s about to begin.”

  Mark was, in fact, anxious. He had already accepted that his night was going to consist of going to the movies in the ridiculous skirt. Did the girls have something else in mind? Wasn’t this bad enough already? What was planned for after the show?

  Emily and Janna talked back and forth across him as they waited for the show to begin. Mark wanted to press the girls for more information about their plans, but, in a way, he wondered if he would be better off not knowing.

  Mark breathed a sigh of relief as the auditorium lights dimmed and the curtain opened. The darkness felt almost reassuring. Despite what the girls had lined up after the movie, he had ninety minutes of privacy ahead of him, nearly two hours where nobody was staring and pointing at his ridiculous outfit. At least that’s what he hoped.

  As the previews began, Emily took the popcorn on Mark’s lap and handed the bucket to Janna. Keeping her torso turned toward him, the blonde rested her hand on his leg just below his skirt; she leaned into his ear whispering provocatively. “Are you ready for some fun?”

  “Fun?” Mark queried in a panic. “What do you mean?”

  “We’re gonna have some fun during the movie,” Emily continued. She slid her hand up Mark’s leg and under his skirt grazing the tip of his penis.

  Mark’s dick shot up into another erection as if spring activated. “I don’t know,” he responded. “What do you mean?”

  “As soon as the previews are over,” Emily answered. “We need you to slip out of your skirt.”

  “You what?” Mark whispered with enough volume for the girls in front of them to turn around. “I can’t do that,” he continued in a softer tone. “Not here.”

  “Sorry,” Emily responded. “You said you would do as we ask. Besides, it’ll be dark. We’ll give you the skirt back before the movie ends. Don’t worry. We won’t let you get in trouble.”

  “I can’t,” Mark said. “I just can’t.”

  "Sure you can,” Emily added reaching further up Mark’s skirt and grabbing his penis. “You’d be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it.”

  Janna leaned into his other ear and put her hand on his right knee. “
You have to,” she whispered. “Otherwise, we’ll tell Janice. You don’t want that. Do you?”

  “I don’t know,” Mark said. “Someone’ll see. Can’t we wait until after the movie when it’s more private?”

  “No one’s gonna see,” Emily promised squeezing his rod firmly. “Besides, it’s like Janna said, you don’t really have much choice. Do you?”

  “Fine,” Mark relented. He slid his butt back in his chair and leaned forward enough to push Emily’s hand from his dick. “Whatever,” he continued. “When the movie starts.”

  Mark was scared about getting caught, and he was indeed humiliated by just about everything that had happened to this point. Even so, he was quite aroused by the situation. Could he actually go through with this? What else did the girls have in store for him?

  Usually, Mark loved watching movie previews; these were different, however. Each coming attraction was like watching sand sift through an hourglass. As each feature ended, he wondered if there would be another. It was just a matter of time before the movie would start, and he would have to take off his skirt.

  Mark thought about what a slippery slope his penalty had become. If you had asked him a week earlier if he would consider sneaking naked into the girl’s shower, wearing a skirt in public, or sitting through a movie without any pants, he would have laughed you out of the room.

  That was a week ago, though. Now Mark was all in; he passed the point of no return. Tonight, his fate was in Emily’s hands. Mark fully understood that once he took off that skirt, Emily could do whatever she wanted with him. She could strand him there half-naked; she could even call the police herself.

  Mark’s throat felt dry; it was almost painful to breathe. He looked down at the tent in his skirt just below the slight bulge of skin around his waist. He was going to miss that damned dress.

  As the preview for some other romantic comedy ended, Mark knew the movie was about to begin. It was as if he had some psychic connection to the preview reel. Looking around the theater, there were still a few people trickling into their seats. Mark had always hated people who showed up late for movies. What was normally an annoyance, however, could become a bigger problem for him. What if someone tried to sit near him after he took off the skirt?


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