Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter Page 8

by Jessie Wolf

  The heads-up display lays out the tactical situation. The first thing I notice is that our escort has taken up defensive positions just outside the shop. The next thing is the line of bullet holes in the walls of the waiting area. I heard the sounds of gun fire outside. I lock down the locations of the CHIPs, and then paint a target on each of them. Before now I would have used the minimal amount of force to engage them. Not any longer. These tin plated pieces of shit are now walking scrap heaps.

  When I move, I move with all the grace and fluidity that the women of House Nakatoma are known for, but this time there is a deadly beauty that has never been seen before. I race across the square with a speed that has the LEOs so confused their little computer brains are unable to process what their sensors are telling them. Before they know what hits them I am inside of their lines. Now however they have me in their sights, but it does them no good. Before I was just moving in a straight line.

  Now though I am dancing amongst them. I have become a dancing Demon of destruction. The first one gets a blast from my LPR in the chest plate sending it to the recycle plant. The next two are on the receiving end of a PPC blast that leaves them a melted pile of silage. My t&t gives me full lock up for my anti-personnel lasers on four more. I cut loose at full power; four more join their brethren on the scrap heap. The next two have moved in too close for any of my beam weapons to work correctly. My CQC blades come out before I realize it. I know they are sharp, but what happens next amazes even me. I literally slice clean though their armor as if it was paper. I reach inside of their chest cavities and rip out their CPU’s. Before they can even hit the ground I’m gone. The next three I take down with my PPC and move on. My next two targets have moved out into the open. However before I can get hard lock for my PPC both of them get hit by heavy laser fire. Blasting them to pieces. I come to a stop as my heads-up reports all targets destroyed.

  “Night Wolf One, this is Wave Dancer. How copy? Over.”

  “Wave Dancer, was that you tearing apart those LEOs? Over.”

  I know I can’t keep this from them after what they just saw and the reports from the training rage. So I decide on the truth for now.

  “That’s a roger, Night Wolf One. That was me in all my glory. Night Wolf One we have a bigger problem right now, though. The Grand Lady needs medical attention immediately. How copy? Over.”

  “Already got the medics in with her, Dancer. Any idea of who their target was? Other than the Grand lady? Over”

  “Roger Night Wolf One. Their target was me. I’m pretty sure that they had orders to take out my whole party just to be sure. Over.”

  “Copy that Dancer. How you holding up? Over.”

  How am I holding up he asks. I just had the woman that I love as I would a mother shot in front of me. I have just destroyed a dozen heavily armed law enforcement robots that were sent to kill me and my family. Someone out there is actively trying to kill me. This was their second attempt. The next time they may actually succeed. I decide to lie, no need in upsetting the troops.

  “I’m fine Night Wolf One. Why? Over.”

  “I heard you took a hit to the back is why. Over”

  “Charley, quick diagnostics buddy.”

  Command you received a non-lethal hit to your upper back. The bullet had ricocheted off of the sidewalk outside before hit you. (Charley)

  “When did this happen?”

  Honey you were hit just after you engaged your armor. (Dee De)

  “Was there any damage? Never mind I wouldn’t be standing here if I was.”

  “My armor took the hit Night Wolf One. I’m fine. Any word on my sisters? Over”

  “They’re over with the Grand Lady, Dancer. You should start moving in that direction. We have everything here under control now. Over”

  “Copy that. Moving out now. Out.”

  With that taken care of I head back over to where my sisters are waiting. Once I get there I find all three of my sisters crying. It is only then that I remember they had lost their real parents just last night. To be face with the same thing again so soon could break them beyond repair. I have to do whatever I can to make sure that does not happen.

  Maiha, we can save her right now. (Dee De)

  “How? Damn it. I want to know right now?”

  Maiha if we do this she will have to leave the Temple. (Dee De)

  “Why would she have to leave the Temple?”

  Because it would violate her vows. (Dee De)

  “What would?”

  Using the medical nanites on her. (Dee De)

  That stops me dead in my tracks. To do that would save her life, but it would also rejuvenate her. It would turn back the hands of time the same way it had for me. Would it also turn her into a cyborg like me? I just don’t know.

  “Dee De would using the nanites have the same effect on her as they did on me?”

  No honey, all it would do is heal her wound. However it will be like her having total rejuvenation treatment. (Dee De)

  “Why can’t they just repair the bullet wound?”

  It’s the way they are programed. They won’t stop till all the damage to her has been repaired. That caused by the bullet and by time. (Dee De)

  “Thank you, Dee De. At least I know what will happen if I do this.”

  I continue over to where me sisters are waiting. The closer I get the more I think about what Dee De said. I still hadn’t made up my mind by the time I got to them. All of that changed the minute I saw their faces. Each of them looked as if the world had come to an end. The thought of losing mama is just too much for them after everything they had been through.

  “Dee De how do we do this?”

  Are you sure, honey? Once we do this there will be no going back. (Dee De)

  “Yes. I’m sure. I have to do it for them, if for no other reason than that. They have already lost too much in this war. They will not lose another mother. Not if I can help it. Now what do I do?”

  You do nothing. It all up to me and Charley. Ok partner let’s do this. (Dee De)

  About time! If you kept pussy-footing around like that I was going to take control. (Charley)

  I just realized the most professional of military AIs out there had a soft spot for mama. I let the two of them take over as we near mama. A small cloud of nanites form in the palm of my hand. “Excuse me, Corporal. I need to see Lady Dai Etsu.”

  “Ma’am, you really don’t need to be here. She’s stable and awake, but she is in a lot of pain right now. I’ll call if anything changes.” He tells me and tries to get me to leave. Well that lasted all of two point three microseconds. I have to say; that there is something about a pair of eyes with golden cross hairs painted on them, to get someone attention. “Go right on in, ma’am”.

  I don’t even bother to thank him. Once inside what was left of the salon I find mama lying on a work table. The medics have set up shop in here and are treating the wounded. I stop a young man in the uniform of a paramedic. “How many were hurt out there, sir?” I ask of him.

  When he looks at me I can see that he’s pissed about what happened. “Why do you want to know? You’re one of the people who caused all this.” He snapped at me.

  Now normally I would probably smack this little shit right between the ears. However he’s right. I am one of the people who has caused all of this pain. “Because I give a shit, you stupid son of a bitch. That’s my mama over there on that worktable. She was the first one to be shot by those robotic pieces of shit. I was also one of the first ones to take a hit from the follow on gunfire. Oh yes, I was also the one to force those tin plated law dogs out into the open so our bodyguards could destroy them. Now, how many were hurt by what happened out there?”

  As the young man looks at me the tears start to roll down my face. He can see that I truly do care. With a sigh he tells me. “There were two people killed by the cross fire of the LEOs and one more in the fighting that followed. I don’t know how many of the bodyguards were hurt or killed ma’am. Of eve
ryone hurt that are civilians they are all in here. We have a total of eight, that’s not including your mama. We have placed her under the bodyguards as she is part of the House personnel in town today. Of those that belong to Night Wolf One most are minor nicks, cuts, and abrasions. One has a broken arm that will need setting. The last one is the most critical and needing surgery, and minor at that. They have a bullet lodged in their leg down by the foot. So all in all not too bad, ma’am. About earlier, I know this is not your fault.” Looking down at his feet he continues. “It’s just that I did my service time under a commander who never gave a shit about the civilian peoples. Can you forgive me?”

  Looking at the young man I find myself liking what I see. Sure he needed a bath or shower to wash off the dirt and grime, but besides that he was kind of cute. “No biggy, I can tell you really care for those under your care. Can I see my mama now?”

  “Sure just do not make it too long. She is our most critical of all the hurt.” He tells me.

  “I hope to be able to do something about that. You see this small cloud of nanites in my hand?” After he nodded his head. “Well it’s geared to her DNA. Hopefully she will let me use it.”

  “Why wouldn’t she?” he asked. “I mean it’ll save her life.”

  Sighing I tell him. “She is the Reverend Mother for the Temple. It’s against her vows.” When he hears this he lets loose with a stream of profanity that would do a drill sergeant proud. I think if he ever finds out who sent the LEOs he would gladly perform illegal medical procedures on them.

  I step over to where mama is laying. “How are you doing, mama?”

  Smiling up at me “I’m doing better now that you’re here, dear.” She begins to cough and it doesn’t sound good. “Now that you’re here I can rest in peace, knowing that you are here for your sisters.”

  “Mama, I have a question to ask you, and I don’t know how. So I’ll just ask it out right. If I had a way to heal you, but would require you to give up your position in the Temple would you want me to use it?”

  The waiting for her to answer me has to be the longest few minutes in my life. “Do it my daughter. I know what it is you will do. The nanites, correct?”

  “Yes mama, the nanites.” I answer her.

  “I have spent the majority of my life in the service of the Goddess. I do not think She will hold this against me.” She smiles up at me as I deliver the nanites. Within moments they swarm over her. Seconds later she’s asleep and the nanites are working their magic.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Can you do that for anyone?” ask the paramedic.

  Looking at him I sadly shake my head no. “I can only do this for her, because we’re related. The nanites that are saving her life would kill someone else. You see they were made to save my life. For someone who does not have the same or similar DNA it would be fatal.”

  Looking back down at mama I see that the nanites have been hard at work. The hole in her chest has stopped bleeding already. I can see that the majority is swarming over that area and the exit wound in her back. At this rate she should be waking up in about an hour and a half.

  “Dee De, how long before she wakes up?”

  At present speed the nanites should complete their repair work in eighty-two minutes. (Dee De)

  “How long before we can move her without anyone getting hurt?”

  You can move her now, but if anyone else tries it will be fatal. The nanites will swamp them tearing them part at the molecular level. To avoid this do not let anyone touch her for the next ten minutes. (Dee De)

  “Thanks Dee De. I’ll make sure no one gets near her for the next twenty.”

  “Sir, I’m going to go get my sisters. Please keep any one from touching my mother for the next twenty minutes.” I was telling him, but I don’t think he heard me. His whole attention was on what was happening with my mama. “Sir? SIR!” I had to practically yell to get his attention. Once I had it though it was undivided. “Please do not let any one touch her for the next twenty minutes. If they do it will have fatal consequences for them and her.”

  “Yes, Miss. I’ll keep everyone away from her until you say otherwise.” Was his very nervous reply.

  I nod my head to him and head outside to find my little sisters. Once outside I see they are over inside the back end of one of the IFVs. I see that Nanami and Nanase have stopped their crying and are huddled together hugging each other. Fuyuko is standing just outside with her arms wrapped around herself in worry. Time to put a smile on their faces. “Hay! You three, why the long faces?”

  Fuyuko looks at me as if I have grown a second head while the twin’s just stare in disbelief. With a smile on my face I pull them out of the IFV and grab Fuyuko. “Come on. She is going to be just fine. As a matter of fact in an hour and a half I bet she be walking around feeling like she’s at least sixty years younger.” I tell them.

  Well wouldn’t you know it, leave it to little Nanase to blow my whole speech out of the water. “NO SHE WON’T! THAT THING BLEW A HOLE CLEAN THROUGH HER CHEST!” that little girl sure can project let me tell you. Why if I didn’t know any better I would swear she was a drill sergeant in another life time. After her little explosion at me she collapses into my arms crying again. This in turn gets the other two going again as well.

  Time for some good news here and for once in my life I get to deliver it. “Hay, here now stop all this crying. Trust me; mama is going to be just fine. I know. Believe me please? Do you want to see her?” when they all nod their heads yes I tell them. “Frist I need you to all stop crying.” When they had I smile. “Good. Now come with me and on the way I’ll tell you all a little secret about why mama is going to be ok.” As we walk back over to the ruins of the beauty salon I fill them in on what I had done. Before I get to the finish though they all grab a hold of me in one great big hug feast. When I get to the part about them not being able to touch her for the next half hour though, I get a few dirty looks until I explain why.

  When they heard that their eyes got as big as the blue plate special on that old Earth Prime roadway Route Red Wolf One. Whatever that is. I swear there are more antiquated sayings out there than there are stars in the known Galaxy. I lead them inside to where mama is. When we get there even I’m surprised by what I see. Instead of her being covered in bandages we see a swirling black mass that covers her from the neck down. When we get close enough to get a good look at her face I am shocked to the core. Her face looks as if it belongs to that of a woman in her late twenties early thirties, or young enough to be the mother for the young girls who are standing around her.

  “Dee De am I seeing this? Does she look even more like she could be our mother than before?”

  Your eyes are not deceiving you. When Charley and I programed the nanites we figured that since we couldn’t stop the total rejuvenation process we could try and control it. (Dee De)

  “So just how young will she be when they’re done?”

  She will appear to be between twenty-five and thirty. She will also be in perfect physical shape. By the time they are done Nakatoma Dai Etsu shall be the hottest MILF on Hades. (Dee De)

  “Oh sweet Goddess. You have to be kidding me?”

  Nope. I always want to see just how good looking those nanites could make someone look. (Dee De)

  “Are you out of your cotton picking mind?!”

  She would have to be in position of a mind in the first place before she could be out of it. (Charley)

  “AAAHHHGGG! If I could get my hands on you two right now!”

  Relax boss. She’s going to love her new look. (Dee De)

  I’ve said it before, and I say it again. There are times when having two of the most powerful AIs known to man in your head is a real pain in the ass. I look over at my sisters to see how they are handling this. What I see worries me a little. Their looks were anywhere from fear to horror. I had to know what they were thinking. So going straight for the answer I asked them out right. “What’s wrong guys?”

  When Na
nami looks me she points at mama saying “You said she was going to be alright. Why are all those ……things crawling all over her?” the look of disgust was plain as day.

  “Hay. What are those things doing to her?” demanded Nanase with an almost pain filled expression.

  “You said you were going to help her, sissy. What’s going on here? She looks younger. If those things are rejuvenating her, she will have to give up her position as Reverend Mother?” Fuyuko practically whined.

  When I hear what they’re worried about I decided to put their fears to rest. “Hold on here, sister dears. First let me explain what those ‘things’ are. Those are what are known as nanites. As for what they are doing is repairing all of the damage that has ever been done to her body. Yes they are rejuvenating her, but and this is a big but here, I asked her before I gave them to her. You see she has been thinking of leaving the Temple for a while now. She is almost ninety years old. She wanted to be able to relax in the last years of her life. Now though she gets to spend more time with us.” At their looks of uneasiness I continue. “I know that you think she should have waited to talk to you all about this, but she was in pain. So when I asked her she said yes. She really wants to be our mama, and not for just a few years but for a life time. You all have to remember she has been the Reverend Mother for over…” I stop dead I really don’t know. I know that she had worked her way up from novice, but I had no idea of how long she had been the Reverend Mother. “Well I really don’t know. However I know it’s been a really long time. Do you know that she has looked on all of her attendant novices as if they were her children?” I asked of them. When they shook their heads no I went on. “I can tell you this much as fact. When I first came here she said that she was jealous of my grandmother. All because grandma had had children. One of which was my mother. I never really had the chance to know them, but if they were anything like her. Well, all I can say it’s a damn good thing for these rebels they aren’t.”

  “Do you really think she will be happy as just a regular person, sissy?” Nanase said looking over at her.


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