Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter

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Out of the Ashes: Book 2 of the Death Dealer Saga - Deaths Own Daughter Page 25

by Jessie Wolf

  “I tell you, my lady, it was amazing. Here were all nine yakuza heads, together at one time, and not one of them was arguing with one another. When Oban Yamamoto spoke to me it was as if the Goddess’ herself was among them. I have never seen these powerful men show any woman the kind of respect that they showed me. From the start they wanted to know if they should expect the Nakatoma House troops to be bearing down on them the way they did the Heads of House for the other High Families. When I said that it depended on them they quickly wanted to know what your intentions were. As I told them what you told me it was like watching the lights come on in a dark theater, my lady. They went from distrust to vying for my favor. For a moment there I felt like I was a young maiden and they were all competing for my hand.” Now Nia may be in her late forties to early fifties, but she was not ugly by a long shot.

  Why I bet that if I sent her to a beauty parlor for a complete makeover and got her a better wardrobe, she could land herself a new husband, maybe even one of the Oban’s. Now that thought bears investigation. If I can get one of the local yakuza families tied to House Nakatoma through marriage the possibilities are endless.

  “So I take it that you were the most chased after lady in all of the Gunma Distract yesterday?” her blush tells me all I need to know. “Nia, I have a question for you, if I sent you into town for a complete makeover and to get a slightly younger look would the Oban’s have a problem with your new look?”

  “I do not believe so, my lady. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, just a thought I had, is all.” I tell her. “Now, did they agree to my terms? By that I mean all of them.”

  “They did try to barter a better deal for themselves, but I told them all that it was your way or the graveyard. I know you told me that I could make a deal with them, but I figured it would be better if I didn’t give them any concessions on what you wanted.” She looked like she enjoyed that little bit of power which made her feel good about herself. Yes I think that I will make her my permanent representative to the yakuza. She knows when and where to use force and how much. “When a few of them demanded that they be allowed to continue with their illegal drug trade I merely smiled and told them to expect our APS units that afternoon. When they started to threaten me the other Oban’s said that they would never leave the meeting alive if anything happened to me. I was quite shocked. Then Oban Yamato stood up and informed them all that House Nakatoma is now under the protection of the Red Snake yakuza clan. When I said that we did not need their protection that my Mistress and Head of House would cut down and destroy anyone foolish enough to challenge her, I saw that I had their undivided attention. It was at that point I finally gained their total respect.” She looked down in embarrassment. “I believe that it was my statement of this fact that has led to our new position in the yakuza world, my lady.”

  “And just what would that be?” I asked in the calmest voice I could muster. I really didn’t want to know, but I needed this information if I was to keep a handle on things.

  “We are now the arbitrator for the Yakuza here on Hades, my lady.”

  “Holy Shit! You have got to be kidding me?!” I yell out at the top of my voice. When everyone turned to look at us I quickly regained control of myself. Looking at Nia’s face tells me that she is not joking. In a much quieter voice “Alright since this is what they want we’ll deal with it. Or I should say you’ll deal with it.”

  “Me, my lady? But I don’t know how to handle this type of thing. Surely one of your other advisors would be better suited for this.”

  “Nope, you’re it. You are the only one that has any type of experience with the Yakuza. Yes, yes I know that it is usually a man’s place, but you’re all we have. So you get the job. I know that you won’t let me or our House down. You have already done more than I hoped for.”

  Nia looks like a deer caught in the lights of an oncoming mag-lev train. “My lady, I only did what you asked of me nothing more. How can you say that I did more?”

  “My dear Nia, you have not only brought the yakuza to our side, you have in a signal stroke forced them to become our lap dogs. You said that if I was an Oban the Yakuza would rule the system, well let’s see how a woman who knows their ways will do. I have only two commands for you. Anything else that you see fit to do you can do it.” When she asked what they were I watch her eyes grow to the size of a dinner plate. “First you will not allow the sale of illegal drugs. That is one thing I will not tolerate. Do I make myself clear on this? You make sure that they understand because if they break this rule when I come down on them it will be all of them. Not just the offending family. My second command is this; they are to leave children alone. Not just the ones of this planet but all planets. They break that command then I leave behind me nothing but waste land. Do you think you can convince them of these things?”

  Smiling she looked at me. “My lady, I have already done so. As of right now all of their families are shutting down their illegal drug operations. I believe that by this time tomorrow a great many drug addicts will need medical help to get past the withdrawal. I did give the yakuza families that dealt with illegal drugs the chance to open legal businesses in other fields to compensate for the lost revenue. However I believe that most of the families will just shut down those operations. As it did not offer that much profit for them and the risk was starting to become too high.”

  “Good, now I need to head inside and deal with my mama’s anger. We’ll continue this discussion latter in my chambers.”

  “Very good, my lady. Until that time. I wish you luck in dealing with your mama’s anger; you are going to need it. Her anger is legendary in its proportion.”

  “Did you have to tell me that?” I whined. Giggling she just nods her head yes then gives me a gentle push towards the main house and my mama’s waiting anger. As I walked toward the house I began to think about how I had handled the ambush. Going back over every move I realized that it was a reckless and stupid thing to do. I am no longer just a Death Dealer. I now have a family that look to me to be more than just a soldier. I am the Head of House Nakatoma with responsibilities to more than just a few people. There are more than a thousand people who are looking to me as the leader for our House. There are soldiers, maids, gardeners and a whole slew of others that I haven’t even met. I can no longer rush into these situations like I have been. I now have to think things through before I do something. There are more consequences for my actions, far reaching consequences to not only just my immediate family but all of those that look to us as their High Family.

  As I enter the main house I hear the sounds of our household engineers hard at work making repairs. The fact that they’re still working inside the house tells me just how bad the fighting was even though I was the one to cause most of the damage. Once again I am reminded of my responsibilities to the rest of this House. The point was driven home when I saw one of the engineers walking down the hallway with his arm in a cast and sling. Here he was injured and he was doing his best to help repair my home. Instead of going to mama’s chambers I head for the central courtyard. I don’t stop until I reach its center and the family shrine.

  As I walk among all of the paintings of my wife’s family and now my own I feel the peace that has been missing over the long year’s since my beloved Matsu passed away. For too long I have tried to and failed just to get by. To just keep moving on, never letting myself truly mourn the loss of my wife and daughter, I never wanted any part of this life style. I had no use for the privileged life of the High Families. Now here I am the Head of one of the most powerful and wealthy High Families. Holding the place that first my wife should have held, then my daughter.

  I was so lost in my thoughts I never even heard her enter the shrine. “I thought I might find you here. Have you come here to find peace, my daughter, or to run away from your responsibilities?” mama had come in so quietly that it was as if she just appeared out of thin air. Then I remembered that she has spent the last several decades le
arning and perfecting the art of moving in a silent manner. Never disturbing others who were deep in prayer or mediation.

  “No mama. I… I just needed a few moments to myself.” Turning around to face her I look into her eyes. Eyes, which held the same need for peace as my own. “I had something pointed out to me before I left the APS hanger. I needed to come to grips with something before I could face you or anyone else.” I turn back to the paintings of my wife and daughter. I just can’t face her right now. I know that I screwed up big time.

  I had put my new family in harm’s way with no training what so ever. It was not one of my brightest moments. For me do what I did was beyond stupid. Not even the most careless of commanders would have done what I had so carelessly done. The fact they we won only shows just how lucky we were; that and the AIs of our suits having advanced beyond the normal AIs of Power Suits.

  “Have you grasped the reason for my anger early, then Maiha? Because if you have I’ll let it go. I believe that any punishment that I would hand out will not be as effective as the one you’ll impose on yourself.” She merely bowed to me and turned around and started to leave.

  “Mama, please wait.” When she stopped I bowed to the paintings of my family. Then walked out with her. “Will you join me for a walk through the garden please? I feel the need to talk with you about something I do not have the words for as of yet.”

  “Of course, my dear. I can see that something is troubling you. Was it this that led you to act so recklessly this morning on the roadway?”

  “I believe so mama, it has been on my mind for the past few days.”

  “Then take your time, organize your thoughts and feelings. When you are ready tell me about this problem that is haunting you. Then maybe between the two of us we can find the answer that you need.”

  “Thank you, mama.” For the next half hour we just walked round the garden listening to the fountains and the songs of nature. Finally we came to one of the many stone benches. I went over and took a seat with mama right beside me. “Mama, I’m sorry I put you and my little sisters in danger today. I wasn’t thinking straight. All I thought of was finally being able to get some pay back on some of these people. There I was in one of the most powerful Armored Power Suits in known space and sixteen of the enemy in front of me getting ready to ambush my family. I didn’t think beyond getting revenge for all the pain they have caused. I know that it was wrong of me to want that, but it was all I could think of.” I stop for a few minutes to calm down as I’m getting upset. I need to keep my feelings under control. “For the past few days everything that I do, think or say just doesn’t make sense to me anymore. I don’t know if I’m coming or going. Everything is turned around. One minute I’m my old self, the most feared Death Dealer in the Galaxy; the one even my enemies called Death. The next I’m some sixteen year old little girly-girl, who is the Head of House for one of the most powerful High Families there is. Then to top it all off there is the fact that I’m supposed to be a High school age schoolgirl who is enrolled in one of the most prestigious boarding schools for girls ever known.” Sighing heavily I look down at my hands in my lap. Try as I might I can’t stop the tears. “Mama, I just don’t know who I am anymore. One minute I’m Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana Head of House Nakatoma, the next I’m First High Lady Maiha Nakatoma of the Death Dealers. Just who am I?”

  “You are all of them child. I do not envy you your position. You must be all of these things and none of them. I cannot give you the answer that you seek. All that I can do is maybe provide you with guidance.” Taking a deep breath and leaning back against the bench she looks over at me. “Now as far as this afternoon goes. I was wrong to send you out as the only scout for the convoy. You should have had at least three lance mates out there with you. When you cut the connection with me I didn’t think either. I was the one to lead your sisters into battle. It was my decision that put them in harm’s way not yours alone. There were mistakes made by both of us. So the blame is not just yours alone.” When I looked up at her I could tell she too felt just as bad about today as I did. “We have just over sixty hours to give your sisters and myself all the training that we can. I also know that they will have to face the fact they have killed someone. I believe that will be the greatest problem we shall face.”

  “How are you doing with that fact, mama? I saw you destroy two of those enemy APS unit today and only one of them punched out. Are you going to be able to handle that fact? I mean you spent more years than I would like to count as a priestess for the Goddess. I know that you took a vow of non-violence when you entered the Temple,”

  “Maiha, I may have taken a life today, but I did it in the course of protecting my family. No matter what I have done, or will do, the protection of my family will always be my first priority. If that means me having to kill, then so be it. The Goddess knows that we have tried every peaceful means to solve our problems. She knows and accepts that sometimes one must fight fire with fire. Now, let us discuss your deliberate disobeying of my order to wait for reinforcements.”

  “Well I can argue that I do outrank everyone in this system, which includes you too, mama.”

  “Oh that may be true for most my dear. Remember though I am your mama, and that outranks any General.”

  “What? Since when? I should know; I’ve been a soldier for a lot longer than most.”

  “Why child it is a universal truth. No matter how high a soldier may rise through the ranks. He will always answer to his mama.” Now normally I would try to argue this point, but she is right. The most powerful person in a soldier’s world is their mama, but did she have to be so smug about it.

  Why is it that no matter what I do this woman always seem to be one step ahead of me? It’s like she can read my mind, and knows exactly what I’m about to do before I do it. The look on her face may be one of inner peace and control, but I can tell she just wants to bust out laughing at my confusion over her reasoning. That alone is enough to make this even more of a kick in the pants than it really is. “Ok mama, I’ll concede that point. May I ask what you plan for my punishment to be?”

  “Seeing as how you have seen that you must remember that you are now responsible for more than just yourself, I believe that a few hours of training to walk like a proper young lady should do.”

  “Um… just high of a heel or sole are we talking about, mama?”

  “Oh, I think your tall plat forms should be just about right. Don’t you think so?”

  “You mean the five inch ones?”

  “Well, yes. Are you going to be difficult about this? I can always have you wear the seven inch ones instead.”

  “No ma’am. I’ll wear the fives.” I hate those damned things, but the seven inch ones will kill me. If I can avoid them for the rest of my life I’ll be happy.

  “Very well then, I’ll let your maids know when we return to the house to have them ready for you. Now it is time for lunch and we both need to get out of this armor and bathe. I for one know that I stink so I imagine you do also.”

  “In all likelihood I do. I know that after more than two or three hours I start to get a little ripe. If you know what I mean?”

  “Oh yes, child, I know exactly what you mean. Now enough stalling, it is time for us to get cleaned up and you to begin your punishment.” And with that she stood up and started walking toward the house. “Come on now Maiha or you’ll be in your seven inch platforms.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I quickly joined her and headed for the house, and my rooms. As we walk toward the house I realize that most of my clothing here at home that was destroyed hadn’t been replaced. “Um… mama, I don’t have anything to wear, remember?”

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you? Yesterday I had all of your kimonos replaced while you were shopping for your school uniforms and the rest. They were able to send those ahead of all the other clothes as they ready for delivery when we arrived. So they left long before all of the excitement happened.”

  “Oh! I didn’
t realize you had called in for their replacements. I thought that I would need to try them on before they would sell them to us?”

  “Did you try on your old ones beforehand?”

  When she put it like that I saw how stupid the question was. Just goes to show what assuming will get you. When I get to my rooms I find all three of my maids waiting for me. Without a word they descended on me. I have just enough time to deactivate my armor before I find myself being scrubbed from head to toe. Gin just shakes her head when I start to complain. “You smell like a long-haul heavy transport driver who hasn’t had a bath in a month of Sundays, my lady.”

  “Hey! I’m not that bad. I’ll have you know that I showered just this morning and last night as well.”

  “I’m sorry, but you still smell, my lady.” Was all she said in return.

  “I am afraid that Gin is only telling the truth, lady Maiha.” Put in Kina.

  “Ok! Fine! I’ll admit that I always sweat when I’m in harness. I can’t help it. The feeling I get when I pilot one of those APS is exciting. Yes I know that I always preferred to be on the ground, that and never really having a love of them. However I did learn how to pilot one. I just never fell in love with them. That was until today. I have to say without a doubt that I love Vicky like a sister.”

  “Um, who is Vicky, my lady?” ask Nia.

  “Oh that would be my APS. She is an eighty ton Mountain Lion with enough fire power to make most people think twice about messing with her. Oh her full name is Victory Maiden. Ever since I jacked into her last night, she and I have become as close as sisters if not more so.”

  “Is she really that powerful?”

  “More than I thought it was possible. Can I trust you all not to say a word to anyone if I tell something personal?”


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