Werewolf in Greenwich Village: A Wild About You NovellaAn eSpecial from New American Library

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Werewolf in Greenwich Village: A Wild About You NovellaAn eSpecial from New American Library Page 6

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  He glanced around. “It’s not so bad.”

  “Oh, it’s nice. All the guest rooms at Henderson House are nice. But it’s far away from everything—the kitchen, the dining room, the library, the pool, the billiards room, the—”

  “Which makes it perfect.” He closed the door and turned the lock before dropping his duffle. Unbuttoning his shirt, he walked toward her. “We can make all the noise we want.”

  “So we can.” Desire, hot and demanding, took control. She lowered the side zipper on her dress and wrenched it quickly over her head.

  His gaze roamed over her black lace bra and panties and he smiled. “For me?”

  “No, for me. When I wear these, I feel more seductive.” She reached for the front clasp of her bra.

  “They might be overkill.” His hands closed over hers and his breathing was uneven. “I’m already seduced out of my mind just being alone in this bedroom with you.” Gently he moved her hands. “I want to take it off. It doesn’t look all that complicated.”

  “Especially for someone with practice.”

  He looked into her eyes as he expertly opened the clasp. “Good choice of words. I’ve been practicing up for you.” Sliding his hands inside the black lace, he cupped her breasts. “You’re my Carnegie Hall.”

  She laughed because it was a funny thing to say, a salute to a classic New York joke. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.

  But she was touched, too. He’d said, in effect, that she was his ultimate romantic dream. He cherished being with her in a way that no male—Were or human—ever had. Given half a chance, she could get used to that.

  She could definitely get used to the way he touched her, the calluses on his work-roughened hands creating erotic friction as he stroked her breasts. She leaned into his caress like a spoiled kitten. “We were going to shift and make love as Weres tonight.” She moaned softly. “I guess we could still—”

  “Not now.” He stepped closer and lowered his head to her breast. “Next time.”

  As his mouth—warm, moist, and insistent—settled over her pouting nipple, she wondered if there would be a next time. Then she pushed the thought aside. They had this moment, and she wouldn’t ruin it by worrying about the future. Tunneling her fingers through his thick russet hair, she held him to her breast as pleasure rocketed through her.

  He cupped her bottom with one hand and slipped the other inside the delicate lace of her panties. She shivered in anticipation as he made contact with her heat. Pressing his thumb against her trigger point, he pushed two fingers into her slick heat.

  Her body answered without hesitation as she rocked forward to intensify the sensation. He lifted his mouth from her breast and looked into her eyes as his fingers continued their magic.

  Holding his gaze, she allowed him to see her at her most vulnerable because she trusted him as she’d never trusted a lover before. Her surrender drew near. So near.

  He was breathing nearly as fast as she was. “I love how your eyes get dark before you come,” he murmured. “Like storm clouds.”

  She gasped. “The storm is . . . close.”

  “Good.” He thrust deeper. “Let me hear you, Nadia. Let me hear you come.”

  She’d been raised to elegance and restraint, but Quentin awakened something wild and daring in her. She cried out as the first spasm hit, and cried again, louder still, as her climax arrived in all its glory. At that moment, she might have yelled. Yes, she probably did. It was that good.

  Dizzy and trembling, she was vaguely aware that he’d lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Tomorrow she would have to be the strong one, the Were in charge, but tonight, she gladly gave control over to Quentin, who seemed to know exactly what she needed and how to deliver it.

  In a post-orgasmic haze, she watched him take off the rest of his clothes. The sight of his body—incredibly broad shoulders, massive chest sprinkled with red-gold hair, and a very proud and free erection—made her womb contract in anticipation.

  No doubt about it, Quentin enriched her life. Despite her vow to live in the moment, her thoughts strayed to the agony of giving him up when she had to choose between duty and happiness.

  Then he joined her on the bed, and she forgot all about duty as he rose over her and buried that impressive cock deep.

  “I like this bed.” Holding himself still within her, he leaned down and brushed a kiss over her mouth.


  He gazed into her eyes, his own bright with happiness. “It has you in it.”

  As he began to move, his rhythm sure and steady, she realized that she was rather fond of this bed, herself. It was the only one she’d ever shared with him, perhaps the only one they ever would share.

  Wrapping him tightly in her arms, she held on as he made slow, sweet love to her. His expression remained tender and his motions controlled as he watched her eyes, waiting . . . At the moment her climax teased her nerve endings, he knew.

  Bearing down, he thrust hard and fast, taking her right where they both wanted to go. He urged her on, his gaze intense, his breath ragged. As she arched upward, her world splintering into facets of rainbow-hued joy, he drove into her once more and bellowed with satisfaction.

  The air pulsed around them as they lay together and their breathing gradually slowed. Perfection didn’t exist. She knew that, and yet . . .

  “Perfect,” she murmured.

  He pressed his mouth against the curve of her shoulder. “Yes.”

  They hadn’t bothered to turn out the lights before drifting off to sleep, so Quentin wasn’t sure if it was night or day when he awoke to the sound of the bedroom door being unlocked. Instinctively he pulled the covers over Nadia as he sat up.

  She stirred. He laid a warning hand on her shoulder, keeping her down. He’d taken the side of the bed nearest the door on purpose. Yes, he’d locked it, but anyone could have a key.

  The door had been unlocked by someone in human form, but when it swung open, a rangy, gaunt wolf with scraggly black fur stood in the doorway. Dark eyes focused intently on the bed. Quentin knew without question that Theo had arrived.

  But Nadia’s brother wasn’t alone. Other wolves, no doubt his gang of rebels, crowded around the doorway, although they seemed to be holding back, waiting for some signal from their leader. Quentin counted five of them.

  At last Quentin understood his role in this struggle. Although he had no time to shift into wolf form, he had to buy precious time for Nadia to do so. As a human female, she stood little chance against Theo, and during her shift, she was vulnerable to attack.

  He swung his legs to the floor and stood, his gaze locked with Theo’s. Behind him, sheets rustled as Nadia began her shift.

  With a growl, Theo lowered his head and advanced into the room.

  “Stop right there.” Quentin flexed his fingers and widened his stance. As a human, naked and unarmed, he couldn’t overpower the werewolf, but he could delay him.

  Theo feinted to the right, as if hoping to throw Quentin off balance and get around him. But Quentin was agile, accustomed to walking beams and climbing ladders. He easily moved to block the Were.

  Snarling, Theo crouched, as if ready to spring.

  No doubt the move was supposed to intimidate Quentin into stepping aside. Theo wouldn’t want to waste energy fighting Quentin, who was of no consequence.

  Quentin had appointed himself as the distraction, so he baited the Were. “Bring it, punk. I’d love to get my hands around your scrawny neck.”

  Eyes burning with fury, Theo lunged, knocking Quentin backward onto the bed as his front claws raked Quentin’s chest. Quentin wrapped his fingers around the Were’s neck and held on with everything he had. Even so, the powerful jaws strained ever closer to his throat.

  Quentin gritted his teeth and squeezed, but he had no hope of choking the Were to death before Theo struggled free and ripped out Quentin’s throat. The fight would only last a few seconds more.

he felt his fingers start to give way, he thought briefly that this was a stupid way for a werewolf to die. But he’d make the same choice all over again to protect Nadia.

  Saliva dripped from Theo’s mouth onto Quentin’s bare skin as the Were sensed victory. Quentin anticipated the blinding pain and hoped it would be over fast.

  It was. One second he was convinced he would die. The next, a large black wolf leaped over his head and rammed into Theo, sending the Were sprawling backward onto the carpet.

  Gasping, Quentin pushed himself to a sitting position and gazed in wonder at Nadia’s transformation. Over the years he’d seen her many times in human form but somehow had missed seeing her like this.

  She was magnificent, her black coat glossy and full, her movements graceful. But there was a look in her gray eyes he’d never seen before, a gleam of controlled fury that sent a shiver down his spine.

  She wasn’t as big as Theo, but what she lacked in size, she made up for in agility. Although Theo had immediately scrambled to his feet to face his sister, his aggression toward her was wild and unfocused. He leaped and she dodged out of the way. He crashed head-first into a dressing table that splintered on impact.

  Nadia waited, muscles coiled, as he staggered to his feet and shook his head. Then she circled him with deliberate intent.

  He growled and hurled himself at her again, going for her throat. In a lightning-fast move, she ducked out of the way. Then she turned and clamped his hind leg in her jaws.

  Quentin held his breath. If she bit down, she could cripple him, perhaps forever. Theo yelped in pain and then went very still except for his heaving sides and his rapid panting.

  The communication between brother and sister was impossible for Quentin to hear in human form, but he knew it was taking place. As Weres, they lost human speech but gained mental telepathy. Even without being able to tune in, Quentin could see from their body language that Nadia had demanded Theo’s surrender.

  The seconds ticked by, and finally Theo let his head droop between his shoulders. Nadia slowly released her grip on his leg. Theo turned and lowered himself to his belly in acknowledgment of his sister’s dominance. She had won.

  Catching a movement by the door, Quentin glanced over as Theo’s five companions crept into the room and also lowered themselves to the floor. Nadia stood before them, head high, gaze steady, every inch the alpha female.

  Then she turned to gaze at Quentin. Although telepathy wasn’t possible for him in this form, he saw the gratitude in her gray eyes, and something more . . . an invitation?

  With a low whine she tossed her head toward the door. Then she padded quietly out of the room. The newly loyal members of her pack, including her subdued brother, rose and followed at a respectful distance.

  Quentin couldn’t be absolutely sure, but he thought she’d invited him to follow her, too. Maybe she realized their time was running out. He’d done what he’d come here to do, and he’d vowed to disappear from her life once she no longer needed him.

  He’d leave in the morning, but a glance at the clock told him that was several hours away. Dropping to all fours, he began his shift.


  Nadia made sure Theo retreated to his room at the opposite end of the house. Then she instructed his former companions to take turns guarding his door to make sure he didn’t sneak away or attempt to cause trouble.

  She didn’t expect him to. She could see that his manic phase had ended. He would be docile and semi-repentant for days, possibly even for weeks.

  Depression was the new danger, but fortunately Theo had never shown suicidal tendencies. In the morning she’d seek out a Were physician to evaluate her brother. She expected Theo would need medication, and she would make sure he took it.

  She’d also consult with Aidan about a system that would electronically track Theo at all times. In many ways it was a relief to finally be able to do what must be done.

  Also in the morning, Nadia planned to meet with her father and assure him he still had a valued role as her advisor. He’d mentioned recently that he was tired of his alpha responsibilities, but couldn’t quite make up his mind to step down. Now that the decision had been made for him, he might be relieved, as well, once his bruised ego had healed.

  But those were tasks for tomorrow. The rest of the night was hers to do as she pleased, with whomever she pleased. Quentin had risked his life in order to make her victory possible, and she desperately wanted to be with him. She hoped he’d understood her signal.

  She sat and waited for him at the foot of the majestic marble staircase. Like all Were mansions, Henderson House had wolf-friendly exits and entrances.

  Although many benefits derived from shifting to Were form, a few human abilities were lost. Managing locked doors was one of those. Nadia would have to show Quentin the way out so they could slip into the concealing darkness together.

  As she gazed upward, wondering if she’d have to go back and get him, she heard his voice in her head.

  Where are you?

  A surge of excitement made her tremble. He had understood and shifted. She’d never seen him in wolf form, and anticipation made her giddy. She rose to her feet. I’m at the foot of the stairs.

  I’m on my way.

  A moment later, a large male wolf appeared at the top of the stairs, his deep-set eyes focused intently on her. They were Quentin’s eyes. His powerful shoulders and broad chest spoke of strength and endurance. His luxurious russet coat gleamed in the light from two ornate sconces on the wall behind him.

  He was breathtaking. And she wanted him.

  She held his gaze. Thank you for saving my life.

  You returned the favor. He started down the stairs. I’d say we’re even.

  She didn’t agree that they were even, but she didn’t intend to stand here arguing about it. We missed our run in Central Park.


  Would these woods do?


  Then follow me. Turning, she headed for what appeared to be a solid piece of paneling. When she pressed her paw against a section of inlaid rosewood, the panel swung inward to reveal a dimly lit tunnel.

  She sent a quick message back to him. Hurry. The panel closes in ten seconds.

  Dashing through the opening, she loped along the cool cement floor. She’d loved playing in these tunnels as a child. She’d been fascinated by the secret doors, the dank, musty smell, and the green laser beam near the exit that controlled the outside door.

  When her nose touched the beam, the door creaked open. Quentin’s paws padded softly on the cement as he came up behind her.

  Race you to the trees! Nadia put on a burst of speed and ran toward the forest, her legs stretched out and her belly low to the ground.

  He passed her several yards before they reached the trees. She increased her pace, but couldn’t catch him before he disappeared into the woods.


  No answer.

  She couldn’t see him, but she could smell him. Following his scent, she entered a mossy clearing and paced around the perimeter. Heart pounding from the run combined with the thrill of being alone with him in the darkness, she paused and sniffed the air. His scent was close, but she couldn’t quite . . .

  Gotcha! He leaped from the shadows and tumbled her to the soft ground. Over and over they rolled, nipping playfully at each other and growling in mock ferocity.

  I knew this would be great. He pinned her to the ground, his paws on her chest as she lay on her back panting. You’re beautiful, Nadia.

  You’re not exactly ugly, yourself. She’d imagined how he might look as a wolf but the reality was ten times more impressive.

  Then again, her opinion of his appearance could be biased. She knew the strength of his character matched the power of his body. Any female Were would be proud to call him mate. Including her.

  If she could abandon her duties and her position, she would beg him to be with her forever. That wouldn’t be happening. She was n
ow her pack’s alpha and had to forget her personal desires.

  But not until the sun came up. She caught the scent of his arousal and whined low in her throat.

  With a soft growl, he stepped back and allowed her to get to her feet. Her heart hammered as they circled each other in an age-old ritual.

  As her body grew ready for him, she ached for what could not be. We are not pledged. Stating that beforehand was a necessary step in order to keep from being forever joined.

  We are not. Tomorrow I will leave you.

  She hoped she could bear that. She sent him a message straight from her heart. I don’t want you to go.

  I need to.

  Will you be all right?

  Yes, because tonight, we have this. Mounting her, he thrust forcefully, surely.

  Intense pleasure battled intense heartache. At the end, she surrendered to the pleasure, but she knew the heartache would be with her for the rest of her life.

  The next morning, Nadia arranged for Quentin to fly back on the corporate jet. Their private good-byes had been said in the cool darkness of the forest the night before, so she kept their parting in the morning brisk and businesslike. Her mother and the servants passing through the hallway would never suspect that she longed to hurl herself into his arms and beg him to stay.

  Once Quentin was gone, Nadia settled down to the tasks she’d mentally listed as necessary. After a long talk with her father in which she emphasized how much she’d need his advice to help run the pack, she contacted a respected Were doctor who agreed to supervise Theo’s medical needs.

  She scheduled a pack meeting for the following month and knocked out a tentative agenda with the help of her father. But by the second day she’d handled the immediate concerns and felt a desperate urge to reestablish her normal routine. The spring collection she’d roughed out while she was in New York needed more work, and she was eager to finish up those drawings.

  Promising to return in a few days, she headed back to her office in downtown Chicago. She would have preferred to drive herself, but it seemed to make her father happy if she accepted a ride in the company limo, so she did that. Her environmental reforms would have to be gradual.


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