The CEO's Lucky Charm: A Billionaire Novella (Players Book 6)

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The CEO's Lucky Charm: A Billionaire Novella (Players Book 6) Page 10

by Stella Marie Alden

  Her brows go up but not as much as before. “I assume you brought clothes?”

  Grayson laughs, stands, and pulls me off the couch. “Of course. I’ll get our bag in the car.”

  I follow him out and hiss, “Oh. My. God.”

  “I warned you.”

  “I know but wow. Is she always like this?”

  “Normally, she’s worse but once she’s on horseback, she’s a whole different woman.”

  Sure enough, on the horse path, her tight mouth loosens, her hair comes out of its bun, and her eyes brighten, taking away at least ten years.

  After a bit, she smiles. Especially, when she sees how well I get along with the lovely, mild mannered horse. The path meanders through fields filled with violets popping through new green grasses and trees, thick with buds. The sun warms me but I was glad I had my heavy coat because the wind is fierce.

  Grayson presses in his legs, urging his mount ahead so his mom rides up beside me. “I really am sorry about my gaff. It’s just that you aren’t really of his class now, are you dear? How will you manage?”

  Grayson’s out of earshot so I guess it’s up to me to set the ground rules with my future mother-in-law. I dealt with Xavier and my cousin, Mike. Surely, I can handle her.

  “I worked for your ex-husband, you know.”

  “How interesting.” Her tone says just the opposite but I ignore it.

  “That’s how we met. I was going to take Patten Securities to court, for how they treated women.”

  She gives me her first real smile. “Grayson’s father was a piece of work. Thank God, his son is more like me. That’s why I’m so worried about this marriage. I don’t want him to make the same mistakes I did. I was so sure his father was the one. I just knew it. And I was so, so wrong.”

  “That’s why I was the one who insisted we wait.”

  Her brows lift. “You were?”

  “Oh my God, yes. If he had his way, he would’ve married me last month, after knowing me only a few days. I’m the one who keeps insisting we need to know each other better.”

  She thinks as her horse picks her way through a stony section of the path. “I see… I bet you were the one who insisted on coming here, as well.”

  “Well, we both did.”

  She snorts a little laugh out her nose. “Not likely, but thank you for saying so. Do you like children?”

  There’s hope in her eyes and I’m glad to find some mutual ground that will make her happy. “I was an only but I’ve got fifteen uncles. I absolutely adore large families.”

  She clucks her tongue, laughs, and rides forward to meet up with Grayson.

  I count this one as a win.

  Chapter 19


  I should be excited. I should be thrilled. Instead, I’m hiding in the lady’s room. How did I let Cherry talk me into this? There must be a thousand people out there, most of them g’zillionaires.

  I peek my head out the door where Gray is waiting, smiling, handsome as hell. The lock of hair that refuses to be tamed has dropped onto his forehead and his steel gray eyes pierce through my heart as he holds out his hand.

  “I’ll be by your side the whole time, Isabella. You can do this.”

  “Can’t we just elope to some exotic beach?” My eyes dart to possible exits. It wouldn’t be the first time I tried such a thing.

  His smirk is so damn cute. “I offered. You’re the one who refused.”

  My heart melts and I chill but not enough for me to leave my safety zone. “I know you did but this is just what your mom implied I wouldn’t be able to handle. Someone in your position deserves a socialite. I had no idea it would be so damn hard to smile and make pleasantries.”

  “How about you hold onto my arm and I do the rest?” He tugs me out of the door and sucks in his breath when he sees what I’m wearing.

  “Is there anyone else in there?”

  “No, why?”

  Suddenly, he drags me into the bathroom and locks the door. My short skirt goes to my waist and my new lace garter belt shows. It’s holding up these delicate white stockings that I’m sure will run with what he as in mind.

  His hand slips to the inside of my thigh, all the way up. “No fucking panties? Fuck, Isabella. No way.”

  He unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants and his huge cock busts out, ready for business.

  I turn around with my elbows on either side of the sink. “Make it quick, guests are waiting.”

  He groans, steps up, and slides his finger over my nub to see if I’m ready but I was wet the second he pushed me back into the lady’s room. Actually, the moment I slipped into this sexy underwear.

  He feels how slick I am, how my nub is out and waiting then slides slowly into me, plunging deep.

  When I start to shout, he slips a thumb into my mouth and I bite down. We rock together, gaining momentum, until we’re in a frenzied heat.

  I come almost immediately and he follows. Then he turns me to face him, grinning like a kid. “Oh shit, Isabella. Look what you do to me.”

  I laugh as I stare into the mirror, looking totally fucked. “You? Look at my hair.”

  “I think you look gorgeous. Are you still nervous?”

  “Just about what people are going to say.”

  He takes a soft paper towel, the kind rich people get in their bathrooms, and kneels to wipe his cum off from my inner thigh. Smiling, he kisses there and pushes my skirt down.

  I zip him up, slick back the errant lock of hair and the happy couple exits the lady’s room…

  To applause.

  Yeah, I’m not kidding.

  I guess someone got wind and everyone has gathered to take shots of our embarrassed faces.

  “That’s why we’re getting married, people.” Grayson puts an arm around my shoulders and laughs as we walk through the crowd.

  He leads me to the Bushwick table where CJ and Mel are sitting with a couple of NFL stars. Their hockey player friend Kit is there along with his wife, a Russian Olympic star. Past their table sits my mom with most of my uncles and a shit load of cousins.

  Mike raises a glass to me and I smile as Grayson puts a glass of champagne in my hand. “Feeling better?”

  I nod, watching as a beautiful redhead approaches on the arm of an incredibly handsome man.

  “Hi, I’m Cherry.” She kisses us on both cheeks. “And this is CJ’s brother, Andy.”

  Grayson chuckles. “You did ask me if he had a brother.”

  “C’mon Cherry. Let me buy you a drink.” The man that looks a lot like Chance Quinn winks at us and slips a hand to her lower back.

  Chuckling, I put the champagne down, walk to the bar, and order a non-alcoholic cider.

  Gray’s brows raise. “Still not feeling well?”

  Should I tell him?

  “Never better.” I put his hand to my stomach, where a little son or daughter is growing. I know the timing sucks, but he’s been in LA and me in New York. This isn’t something to do with a call or a text and I’m just bursting to share the news.

  His eyes go wide and his mouth drops open into a huge smile. “Are you pregnant? Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “Uh huh. But you can’t tell anyone. It’s way too soon.”

  “When are you due?”

  “Early December.”

  He counts months on his fingers, trying to figure out when it happened. “How is that possible? I mean, I know how it happens but I thought you were on the pill.”

  “Remember the whole frostbite thing. I missed a few days. Are you okay?”

  “Hell no, I’m not okay.” He hugs me and twirls me, his mouth on mine. “I’m fucking awesome.”

  “Hey everybody,” He grabs the DJ’s microphone. “We’ve decided to move up the wedding date. Uncle George? C’mon up here.”

  My bartender-preacher uncle laughs, stands, and shouts out, “You’re going to need a license to make it legit.”

  “I’ll get that taken care of right after this. Ju
st say those words in front of everyone here. I’m not waiting until we all get together again, nor for bridesmaids, nor bachelor parties. What do you say, honey?”

  I jump up and down with my thumbs up. Not only am I thrilled to be getting married, I’m happy as hell that I don’t need to do the whole walk down the aisle thing. This couldn’t be more perfect.

  It may have been the oddest billionaire’s wedding in the history of such things but all I could do was look into the handsome face of my husband as he said those two sweet words, “I do.”

  Then, the ceremony ends, people applaud and laugh while Grayson’s mom cries standing next to mine doing the same.

  It’s not how I expected my wedding day to be, it’s way better.

  As we slow dance to my favorite tune, my heart is bursting with joy. I sigh deeply and get lost in his warm gaze. “I love you, so much.”

  With his forehead on mine, he pushes on my lower back until I feel his hard desire. “Me, too, babe. Me too.”

  The End

  Didn’t read book one in the series? Here’s the link to find out how they met!

  Want to learn more about CJ and Melanie’s story?

  Hi! Thank you from my heart for purchasing my books and supporting my addiction to writing. I love you, my fans. You inspire to be brave, to write more, and to be more. I hope to continue to bring you stories about strong women who stand up to their alpha male.

  We become what we think about all day long.

  Imagine what you can be…

  I love hearing from you at [email protected]

  Turn the page for a free surprise bonus book from the players series:


  Chapter 1

  Kasim (Kit) Tufek

  Sunday Aug 1

  My doorbell buzzes, I place my ham sandwich on the granite countertop, and grumble. It’s probably some nosy neighbor. Other than a select few, no one knows where I live, and I damn well like it that way.

  Out in the hall, a dark-haired stranger in a cheap business suit flashes a badge at the peephole. “FBI. Can we talk?”

  “Can I say no?” I promised a few kids a game of street hockey and they’re waiting for me.

  “Sure. I’ll get a warrant. Sit tight. Be right back.” When he takes a few steps down the hall, I unbolt my door, and the arrogant bastard shoves past my stainless-steel appliances, and sizes me up and down.

  I haven’t done anything illegal. Certainly not since arriving in the states. If he wants a fight, I’ll take him down. I got at least forty pounds on him and six inches.

  “What da hell do you want?” I get my face up in his and he’s smart enough to take a step back.

  “I understand you’re undergoing physical therapy?”

  “Yeah. Some law against dat? Eh?”

  “Sit down, Mr. Tufek.” The man turns, saunters into my goddamned living room, and sinks into my new leather couch.

  Chewing slowly, I grab the rest of my sandwich and lean against the wall next to my hockey stick. “You said something about a warrant?”

  “We think you might have witnessed a crime.” Beady dark eyes above a misshapen nose hone in on me.

  I wouldn’t tell this guy squat, even if my life depended on it. “Haven’t seen a thing.”

  The Fed’s eyes narrow as he unbuttons his jacket, slowly exposing a holstered revolver. Then he flashes a snake-like smile, his hand inside his jacket.

  “How much do you like living in the US of A?” Fifteen years ago, there was a similar lowlife, a Croatian border guard, holding a gun to my father’s temple.

  That’s why I grab my stick and picture the American bloodied, laid out on my floor.

  “Are you fuckin’ d’reatening me?” I could break his fingers and he wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Paling, he moves his hand away from his weapon. “Maybe you should calm down.”

  “What, exactly, are you doing here?” I stand an inch in front of him and if he makes a move, he’s going down.

  “It’s quite simple. I understand that you’re friends with Melanie Quinn?”

  “None of your business.” No doubt, the moment I ram this stick up his ass, I’ll lose my visa but you don’t mess with people I care about.

  My fists clamp around the familiar wood as the bâtard spreads his arms over the back of my couch. “If you play your cards right, Ms. Quinn won’t be involved. The FBI is simply asking for your cooperation.”

  “Go on.”

  “A Russian figure skater will hand you something, you’ll put it in your pocket, and I’ll come get it.” He reaches into his pocket, taps his cell phone a few times, and hands it to me.

  Oh, fuck. My balls tighten at the sight of Sonia Dmitriyev. In four years, she’s grown even more beautiful. Suddenly, his request has my complete cooperation.

  I still got this reoccurring nightmare where I’m back in Sochi and agree to fuck her. That little piece of jail-bait almost cost me my job. Thank God that my mates warned me or my life would’ve ended after those Olympics.

  “Let’s say I agree to do this one thing for you. After dat, we’re done?”

  Nodding, his hand reaches out to shake on the deal. Instead, I squeeze so hard he falls onto his knees with eyes watering. After, with my left hand I unsnap his holster, take out his gun, and click off the safety.

  With the muzzle to his head, I say, “You don’t want to fuck wid me. Understand?”

  He glares and refuses to yield.

  “Say it.” I push the metal into his thick skull and cock the trigger.

  “Shit. Yes. I understand.”

  Smiling, I help him to his feet and shove him out the door like trash. Then, after letting the gun clip bounce on the hallway carpet, I hand him his weapon.

  “Fuck off.”

  Somehow, Sonia has gotten herself into a pile of shit and I got a real ache in my gut about it. After putting a pod of Earl Gray into the coffee machine, I pull out my laptop, and find her on YouTube. Graceful as an angel, she glides across the ice in a costume showing a hell of lot more curves than I recall. Her sleek black hair is in a tight bun, her skin flawless but it’s those eyes that get to me. Those goddamned, almond-shaped fuck-me-now, doe-eyes. Even now, they make my blood run south creating a large, uncomfortable erection.

  Obviously, it’s now time to do what she wanted when she was seventeen and purge her from my system. If I help her out of this jam, I’m betting she’ll be more than willing.

  Chapter 2


  Four years ago in Sochi

  Even though every muscle in my body aches, it’s nothing now that I stand on the podium while O Canada plays. Then, after doing countless interviews and hundreds of photo shoots, me and a few of mes amies find a local dive to blow off steam.

  “To winning the gold!” I shoot down another whiskey, trying to recall how many I’ve had.

  Sticks, who scored the winning goal, grabs my arm and leads me out of the bar, “C’mon, it’s time we all got some food.”

  After, we all stagger to the hotel bar and kid around with some of the ladies on our figure skating team. The singles are hooking up fast and if I want a woman tonight, I need to make my move.

  Suddenly, deep brown eyes and bright red lips make my heart pound. Sitting all alone, this exotic creature tucks a lock of silky black hair behind a delicate ear and shoots me a shy smile across the bar. When her long lashes float down and touch the top of her blushing red cheeks, I think I found heaven.

  I sidle up to her, expecting to score, especially when the dark centers of her eyes widen fully. “Can I buy you a drink, princess?”

  “English not so good.” She could be Chinese, which is okay. Who needs to converse?

  I call out to the bartender, and point. “Can you get her another?”

  His eyebrows raise,
he pours plain cola on ice, and places it down on the bar in front of us. When I push the tumbler her way, our knuckles meet and…holy hosts. My whole body lights on fire and my cock crams against my jeans. I’ve heard guys talk about sparks but this, this is pure fucking lightning.

  Her mouth drops open, her gaze shoots to her hand, and her tongue slips over her lower lip. And, when her eyes lift back to mine, I drag my chair a little closer until our knees touch and she puts her other hand on my thigh. Damn, time to skip dinner, bring her to my room, and sink into her folds.

  “I wish I could tell you… I think I already love you.” She whispers, sighs, and suddenly, I’m on fire.

  I haven’t spoken Russian for years. “I thought you were Chinese.”

  “Mongolian.” Her laugh is sweet, young, and innocent.

  That should’ve been my first clue. The second was when my friends, still sitting around the bar, snickered.

  I just figured they were jealous so my arm goes to the back of her chair, announcing to all she is claimed.

  “Would you come up to my room, after dinner?” She places a kiss on my lips, so filled with passion, it takes supreme effort not to spill my load. That hasn’t happened since puberty.

  “Sonia?” At the angry male voice, she jumps a mile, her eyes go wide, and she reaches into her bag.

  Still shaking, she presses a hotel card into my hand. “Number one zero four.”

  The man shoots me a murderous look, clamps onto her upper arm, then drags her away.

  What the fuck was that?

  Dumbfounded, I just sit there until an American sits down in her seat and pushes an index finger into my forehead. “Dude! Jailbait. Ding. Ding. Ding.”

  “Her? Seriously?” The couple has already disappeared into the restaurant.

  “Didn’t you watch the figure skating finals?” He laughs, shaking his head back and forth.

  “No. I was training, eh? You might win more often if you’d do the same.”

  Everyone in the bar starts laughing as the guy says, “Dude, she’s seventeen!”

  “Why didn’t one of you idiots say something?” I shoot my supposed friends a look meant to kill, stand, and order myself a drink.


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