Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy)

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Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy) Page 3

by Shandwick, K. L.

  I knew he adored her, and he had a great job in merchant banking. They wouldn’t want for anything. We promised to catch up for some one-on-one time before I headed back to the USA.

  Jack flagged down a cab for her, and once she was on her way, we headed for the Tube station to go clubbing. We chose The Ministry of Sound night club, because it was an old haunt for all of us over the years.

  Plus, Elle knew the door guy so he had added us to the list, and it felt great not to be standing outside in the cold waiting in line to get inside.

  I noticed that it had been revamped since the last time we were here, and it was much more up-to-the-minute in its vibe, with some great popular DJ’s.

  The music vibrated up through the floor and into my body, and I reacted by dancing to the beat on the spot. I was a bit like a baby in that respect. I loved watching how babies just instantly start to bob to the beat.

  I never really knew how much music affected me until there was none. Elle had the bartender line up shots for all of us, but before we even got to them, Jack dragged me onto the dance floor.

  “I’m getting in now, because when the guys here see you, I won’t get anywhere near you for the rest of the night.” He grinned and winked at me, and I felt really happy to spend time with him.

  He was right, of course; when Elle, Lauren, and I started dancing, the boys with us didn’t really see us again until we were thirsty. As we hit the floor LMFAO’s ‘Sexy and I Know It,’ started to play, and Jack’s eyes widened, a wicked grin on his face. “I paid them to play this for us,” he teased, gesturing towards the DJ’s deck. I giggled at his too-funny sense of humor.

  It was one of the main things that I loved about him. We began to move to the music together, and hot damn the man had some moves. Apart from having natural rhythm and a great presence on the dance floor, Jack was also fun to watch.

  If I was completely honest, Jack was extremely sexy to look at too. Before long we had attracted an audience, mainly for him, as it was mostly females with a lustful look in their eyes, wishing they were me. Jack wasn’t oblivious to them either.

  When he noticed them looking he enjoyed the attention. Since discovering he was a magnet for girls around his mid-teens, he’d been a bit of a player. The last time we had a meaningful conversation, though, he seemed to have toned down his playboy lifestyle.

  “Shall we give them a show, honey?” He nodded his head at a couple of girls, who were gaping at him open mouthed, and took my hand. He winked and smiled at me, his soft chuckle was infectious.

  He reached up to cup my face with both hands, staring into my eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. Our bodies were swaying to the beat of the music, and he positioned my hair at each side of my shoulders, pulling it forward, down to lay over my breasts.

  He spun me around, his hands splayed around my ribs before he skimmed them down to my hips. He pulled me back to rest on his hard muscles, my back against his front.

  His hands found mine, and he laced our fingers, lifting them above my head. When he let them go I reached around his neck and fanned them through his hair.

  He slowly dragged his fingertips down the sides of my body, giving me shivers as it tickled, before his palms wrapped around my hips and pulled me closer.

  My body melded into his, and he began circling his hips in time with mine to the music. I moved my head to the side as I began to get lost in the song, and he leaned down to place his lips in the crook of my neck.

  I couldn’t lie; his action did send shivers down my spine and little tingles throughout my body, turning me on, and I could feel it turned him on too. But Jack was my friend, and we’d never crossed the line into a sexual relationship.

  It didn’t mean we couldn’t have fun though; we were both single, and we’ve danced just like this hundreds of times before. In fact, Jack was the only man I’d ever dared to dance like this with before I went to Miami.

  I turned my head back and looked up at him. He moved slightly and our eyes locked. He gave me a wide grin. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Lily. I love you,” he whispered, and kissed my temple. I loved Jack too; he knew I did, we told each other every time we saw each other.

  I turned to cuddle him, and he held me close for a while, as my head rested against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat recover from our dancing. He kissed the top of my head, before turning me back to face away from him, and pulled me back in close to him, again.

  His arms wrapped around my waist and his big hands rested on my stomach, and I felt a small lump in my throat when I thought about the last time I danced like this.

  It was with Alfie the night before I came home. No matter where I was and how much fun I was having, Alfie was never far from my mind. Images of him kept breaking into my thoughts, making my heart ache.

  I had come home to get perspective, but I knew the feelings I had for Alfie weren’t going to disappear any time soon.

  Jack and I danced for another three songs before heading back to the group. “I want you to myself for a whole day. Boxing Day is mine. I’ll text you,” he informed me.

  I agreed and was happy that he still wanted one-on-one time with me. He kissed my hair and stroked my arm, then went over to sit by Elle, who was already recruiting the group into one of her drinking games.

  People who didn’t know us, probably thought Jack and I were a couple, especially when they saw us dance. It was a mistake people often made. Some thought we were too comfortable and familiar with each other.

  I’ve known Jack for so long, and we’ve always been at ease with how tactile we were with each other. Hell we’d both sought physical comfort from each other when we had difficult times during our teens. But even then, with all the hormones raging in us, we never crossed the line.

  Some folks just didn’t believe that Jack and I didn’t have some weird sexual connection, but we have never experimented in that way.

  Our parents were best friends, so Jack and I have been in each other’s pockets since we were in preschool. As we got older, Jack used to flirt as a way of getting a rise out of me, but I just learned to give it right back until it became a normal part of our relationship.

  I glanced over at him, and he smiled slowly and blew me a kiss, before throwing a shot back and slamming the glass on the table. Elle looked up at me and grinned. “Lily, you and Jack are way behind on shots, after your sex-on-the-dance-floor number! Get your pretty ass over here and catch up.”

  Everyone giggled at Elle’s description of us, but our group was used to us dancing together, and always made light of it. Everyone apart from Sam, judging by the scowl that was on his face.

  I glanced over at him, and he put his head down, seemingly either pissed or uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure which, because I couldn’t see his facial expression.

  I felt the best way to deal with this was head-on. I couldn’t allow any animosity to come between us because of a drunken mistake. It would have destroyed the group. I made my way around the table and planted myself down beside him.

  “Hey Sam, are you okay?” I rubbed his arm affectionately and hoped he’d see things my way


  Sam, Elle’s younger brother, took my virginity during a drunken fumble the week before I left to study in Miami. I was still mortified that it happened.

  I had been dreading dealing with the mess left behind between us, and it had been on my mind ever since. Sam turned to face to me looking hurt. “You were ignoring me at dinner.” True. I had, but I still had to find a way to make him feel okay about seeing me, otherwise the future of us as a group could have been in jeopardy.

  “It may have seemed like that, Sam, but everyone was speaking to me, and you were sitting next to me, so my attention was naturally across the table at people. I hardly spoke to Elle either.” I tried to continue to have a conversation with him, but it wasn’t easy with the noise of the club. “So, how have you been? How’s college?”

  He shrugged. “Okay
, I guess…this feels awkward.” He motioned with his finger between us. He exhaled heavily and still wouldn’t look at me. I took his hand and squeezed it.

  “I’m sorry Sam, what we did… it should have never happened. You’re a wonderful part of my life, but we shouldn’t have crossed the line.” His eyes met mine and held my gaze.

  “I’m not sorry,” he said in a low voice, his eyes darting to Jack and David before coming back to focus on me.

  I looked at him and gave him a half smile. “I’m flattered that you like me Sam, and I really don’t want to hurt you. It’s the last thing I want to do. It would never have come to anything with us. I wouldn’t have stayed in the UK, and I am in a relationship now,” I lied.

  My mother once told me that white lies were okay under certain circumstances, if it meant saving someone’s feelings. I felt that this was an appropriate time to put her wisdom to good use.

  Sam nodded. “I’m okay, Lily, I’m seeing someone else now.” His words gave me a huge feeling of relief. I smiled genuinely, pleased he was happy. “Wow, great! Dish the dirt Sam, tell me about her.”

  He spent the next ten minutes chatting about her, and the awkwardness between us ebbed away. Once Sam and I had cleared the air, we all got down to having a great night together. I was so happy to be with my friends, who meant everything to me.

  We partied most of the night. By the time we hit the all-night café, and found taxi cabs to take us all home, it was almost five am. Jack couldn’t wait and hinted about where he was planning to take me on Boxing Day.

  He told me it was a surprise he’d already arranged and that Elle had given him tickets for us to go see her West End performance that night. Elle, Sam, Jack, and I shared a cab home, dropping Elle and Sam off first en route to my place.

  Jack jumped off the fold down seat in the cab to sit next to me as soon as Elle and Sam got out. The leather seat made a puff sound as he landed beside me. He put his arm around me, tugging me closely to his side. “God, I’ve missed you, Lily. Why did you have to go so far away?”

  I put my hand on his chest and patted it as I looked up at him and smiled. “Let’s not do this tonight, it’s been perfect. I had a blast dancing with you, and we are going to see each other.” I looked at my watch, and realized it was now Christmas day. “Merry Christmas! Jack.”

  Jack took my face in his hands. “Lily, you are going to be one of the loves of my life, you know that, don’t you?” I chuckled heartily at the drunken seductive look he was giving me, knowing that he was joking with me. “Sure, and you will be one of mine!”

  He bent his head and kissed the tip of my nose, then placed his closed lips against mine, leaving them there for a second. He pulled away and inhaled heavily. “I’m drunk, eh?” I smiled and flirted back.

  “Yeah, but I like drunk Jack.” A slow, wicked grin spread across his face. “I need to drink more often. It turns you on doesn’t it?” he teased, wiggling his brows at me and nodding, just as the cab arrived at my place.

  I giggled and kissed Jack’s cheek, before getting out. “Love you,” I cooed. As always, and even although he’d been drinking, he was still protective of me. He had the taxi driver wait until I was inside before they pulled away from the sidewalk.

  My parents were in bed when I arrived home. I snuck into my bedroom and undressed for bed. My cell was still plugged in. I’d left it at home.

  I hadn’t wanted the drama of what was happening in my life in the USA to affect my one night with all my friends back here in the UK. I bent to unplug it from the charger. I had five text messages.

  Jack: You rock, Lily. Thanks for a great night, my little sexy dancer. I asked the taxi driver to put on the radio as we drove away, you know what came on? ‘Isn’t she lovely’ by Stevie Wonder; damn, if that isn’t the perfect way to sum you up Lily? Sweet dreams, Merry Christmas, I’ll pick you up at 10am Boxing Day. X

  I smiled, and thought Jack was my perfect man. He was cool, hot, sexy, smart, lively, funny, sweet, protective, and gorgeous. I could be completely spontaneous and uninhibited with him, and he didn’t judge me.

  No matter who I eventually settled with, they were going to have to accept that he occupied a whole layer in my heart. His friendship meant the world to me, and he would be there for keeps.

  I scrolled through my other texts. There were two from Alfie today.

  SEXPERT: please take my calls. I have something to tell you.

  SEXPERT: Please Lily. You won’t be able to ignore me forever you know.

  Elle: Hope you got home okay, what was up Sam’s ass tonight? Any idea?

  Oh. My. God. Let’s hope that Sam continued to be discreet about what happened with us. I didn’t think Elle would forgive me, unlike Saffy when she found out what Max and I did. Will’s text to me was straightforward.

  Will: Call me tomorrow. Merry Christmas. 1pm your time. X

  I scooted down the bed. I was too tired to think any more, and I wasn’t in the mood to overthink anything. I was still a little jet lagged and tipsy so I didn’t remember falling asleep.

  My sleep was disturbed when the landline rang. My dad’s voice boomed from the hallway, “Merry Christmas to you too... Lily? She got in late, and she’s still asleep…yes, of course, I’ll tell her, here’s Roslyn…” I tuned out the one-sided conversation and rolled over to squint at my watch. It read 10:10am.

  I stretched out, knowing that I couldn’t slip under the duvet and go back to sleep. My parents expected to spend time with me on Christmas so I had to get up.

  I threw the duvet back, and was shocked by the cold air hitting my skin. I had goose bumps and shivered as I reached behind my door to grab my robe for extra warmth.

  I turned on the shower faucet and waited for the water to heat, then stepped under it. As soon as the shower began to cascade down my body, my thoughts turned to Alfie, and I wondered which woman he was sharing his Christmas with.

  A tear rolled down my face; as shitty as the whole situation was, I missed him. I quickly dried my eyes when my mom came into my bedroom, calling through the door. It interrupted my impending downward spiral. “Lily, are you nearly ready for breakfast, love?”

  I stopped the shower and grabbed the bathrobe, pulling it over my wet goose pimpled skin. “Ten minutes and I’ll be right with you,” I called out and quickly rubbed myself dry with a towel. I pulled on a long deep red sweater over some black pants.

  I flicked my hair down and waved the hot air from the dryer over it. When I was done, I scooped it into a low ponytail. I brushed my teeth and applied some mascara and lip gloss, all in record time, and I headed out to the kitchen.

  My parents were sitting at the kitchen table. “Good morning, love, Merry Christmas.” Dad stood and kissed me, hugging me tightly to him. He smelled of bacon and coffee, his day old stubble scratching my forehead as he held me close.

  My mother was standing, smiling, and patiently waiting for her turn to hug me. “Merry Christmas, Lily, you don’t know what it means to us to have you home for Christmas.”

  I stepped back and looked into her lovely, gentle blue eyes that were glistening with tears of joy. “I’m really glad to be here. I would have been miserable in Florida today.” This was such a genuine comment, and I meant it with everything I had at that moment.

  Christmas Day followed the same family tradition for us. With just the three of us to please, it was relaxed and quiet. I was thoroughly spoiled as usual. My parents showered me with gifts and gave me two plane tickets for my friends to visit me in Miami.

  I was touched when Mom told me that she was worried that I would miss the important people here too much. She was right about that, I never realized just how much they meant to me until I saw them again last night, especially Jack and Elle.

  The rest of Christmas Day was way too indulgent. We ate far too much for three people, stuffing ourselves full of turkey and the trimmings. As if that wasn’t enough, we had a rich brandy-laced Christmas pudding with even more brandy in the sauce
and champagne and wine with dinner.

  I was just as inebriated from Christmas dinner as I was from the club last night and fell asleep on the couch in a food and drink coma afterwards.

  When I woke we picked at the leftovers until we had sickened ourselves. I still found yet more stomach space for an assortment of chocolate and other candy as well, until I was feeling nauseous.

  I had spoken with Elle, Will, and Jack today, who all rang to wish me a Merry Christmas. I giggled hysterically at Jack when he said, “Okay, Lily, your mission, should you accept it tomorrow, will be to come wrapped up warm, but be warned I’m going to do my best to get you hot, sweaty, and very wet.”

  I laughed loudly. What he said was shocking, even by Jack’s flirty standards. “Flirty Jack is back,” I shouted down the phone.

  The evening was a perfectly lazy one. I just laid on the couch, with my parents for company, watching old movies with a glass of wine. Around 10pm I was so stuffed and falling asleep for the third time, so I went to bed and slept soundly.

  A text message arriving woke me from a deep sleep. It was from Jack. It was still dark outside, the clock on my cell telling me it was only 7:40am.

  Jack: Get your pretty little arse out of bed and get ready for our big day out! Make sure you wrap up warm, bring gloves and extra pants. I’m coming to get you soon. x :smiley face.

  I smiled and lay back, holding the cell to my chest. I was really looking forward to spending the day with Jack. We used to set aside a day about once a month to catch up with each other until I left for college.

  I showered and dressed, choosing to put on some brown Ugg boots with dark blue jeans and a white fitted t-shirt under a purple mohair cardigan. I had a purple woolen jacket to wear as well. I thought this would be smarter for the theatre in the evening than my parker coat.

  Jack knocked on my front door, like he was part of a police SWAT team about to do a raid on my home, and my dad opened the door. I could hear the low rumbling laughs and familiar voices in the hallway, whilst I rummaged in my oversized bag for my wallet and the tickets Elle gave me for the show tonight.


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