Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy)

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Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy) Page 7

by Shandwick, K. L.

  “Jack, what are you doing?” He chuckled.

  “What can I say, I was bored. I hope Roslyn wasn’t going to do anything special with that smoked salmon and cream cheese in the fridge cuz it’s gone now, but there are a few crackers left.” I giggled.

  “Jack, you’re a Gannet, and we were supposed to have the lasagne my mother made.”

  “We are… it’s in the oven. Do you want me to put the garlic bread in now?” By the time we finished our conversation, I had walked home. He was standing in the opened doorway, both of us still talking on our cell phones to each other.

  “So you’re just going to put your heart out there for this guy to kick all over the street again?” Jack had served lunch for us both and was putting the remainder of the lasagne in a plastic box to take home for later, whilst he was talking to me.

  It was obvious, from his flared nostrils and the large ‘O’ his mouth made, that he thought I had taken leave of my senses agreeing to meet Alfie.

  I gave him a wry smile. “I know, but this was my choice, Jack. He didn’t pressure me at all. I want to do this. I thought I owed it to myself to spend some time with him away from Miami. I want to see what happens when he isn’t distracted by life at home, gigging, working, partying or our friends.” Jack stuffed some lasagne in his mouth and took a swig of Merlot wine, swallowed, and licked his lips, before arguing back.

  “I’ll tell you what will happen, Lily.” He paused, waving some garlic bread at me before crunching loudly on it and continuing to mumble through it. “He’ll promise you the world, fuck you senseless, and leave you crying in your milk.”

  He picked up his large wine glass and saluted me, before taking another large gulp of the red wine. He placed it quietly back on the table, and his eyes made contact with mine again. His gaze was serious. All the usual humor that I knew him for was gone. I knew he was worried about me.

  Sighing, I reached over and touched Jack’s hand. He was my friend and didn’t want to see me hurt. Hell, I didn’t want to see me hurt. “Maybe…but at least I’ll know for sure that we’re not supposed to be together. Right now, Jack, I can’t help thinking he could have been the one.”

  I could see that Jack wanted to argue, but he knew when to keep his thoughts to himself. He respected that I would do what I wanted anyway, and that he would be the perfect friend and come to my rescue when I needed it.

  The roles had been reversed with us so many times before, when Jack fell in love, or found someone better. Mostly, when he felt too close and got cold feet and couldn’t stick it out.

  “You’ll call me? Why don’t you meet with us later at the club tonight? David, Emma, Sam, and I are going. We’re meeting Elle there after work. You would have safety in numbers. It allows you to have some quiet time over dinner and the support of your friends later on.”

  It was a great suggestion. I agreed it would be after dinner, I might have become unstuck with Alfie’s advances. “Okay, that’s an excellent plan, Jack, we’ll see you later. Give me a text when you get there, and leave our names at the door. I’ll either come with him or come alone. After all, the more time I have with you, the better.”

  Jack left after making a considerable dent in my parents’ perishable foods; the plastic, seal fresh box with the remaining lasagne in it was tucked under his arm.

  He kissed my cheek, and I suggested he might want to buy some mouthwash. He smelled like an advert for French or Italian food with all the garlic he had consumed today.

  I went into the bathroom and slipped out of my dress, then indulged myself in a long soak using one of the wonderful bubble bath oils that Elle had bought me for Christmas.

  I lay there trying not to think about what the evening would bring, instead focusing on how I could head off any advances Alfie might make. I needed boundaries, and I would make these clear before the evening started.

  I left home at 6pm, taking a cab over to Greenwich. It was a white frosty evening, and I had borrowed a thick, black faux fur coat of my mother’s. I was lucky my mother was only forty-three and still fashion conscious.

  It was dark when I arrived and walked gingerly down the pathway towards our meeting point. My eyes scanned over the area, and my breath hitched when I saw him walking towards where I had said I would be.

  I swore, even though it was dark and everyone looked gray, he was definitely in technicolor. His skin still glowed, and he looked incredible. He was now wearing a red button-down shirt under a black jacket, and black skinny jeans with biker boots.

  I could see him turning head after head as he passed by the people around him. Pretty girls noticed him, turning to look behind them after he’d passed them. One even stopped to talk to him. I made my way to him and saw him place his hand on the blond girl’s arm. “Excuse me, here is my beautiful girl now,” he told her, his eyes locking with mine and side stepping away from her.

  “Still practicing your rock star image I see,” I said, smiling as he slid his arm around my waist and kissed me lightly on my cheek before drawing his nose up and stroking it against mine.

  I stepped away and he released me, his hand sliding down to take mine. “May I?” He gestured and looked at our hands. His hand was warm and felt comforting as his calloused fingertips folded over the backside of my hand.

  It felt good, almost like he wanted people to know I was with him. “Yeah, but we’re going to talk ground rules on touching,” I stated warily.

  Alfie had no idea where we should eat, but my dad had an account at a few restaurants in town due to contacts he met during his working life. So I took Alfie to The Oxo Tower restaurant.

  The Maitre’d Pierre owed my dad a favor, and was a friend of the family. When I rang him he told me, provided we could leave by 9pm, they could squeeze us in.

  Dinner was fabulous, and Alfie was in awe of the London skyline at night. He hadn’t seen it from the south side, and I had to admit I felt proud as we took in the view of St. Paul’s Cathedral by night.

  When Pierre took my coat, Alfie stood back and admired my dress. He was shaking his head slowly, and I could see the pleasure my outfit gave him. He leaned in and whispered, “The hottest girl in the room.” He looked around him and back to me, saying out loud, “by a mile.”

  He grinned, and I smiled shyly back. He had thoroughly checked me out, and his eyes had changed colour, showing me exactly what my dress had done for him. He was aroused, and I saw him pull at the seam of his pants, and I knew that my appearance had turned him on a little.

  During dinner we actually got to know each other a lot better. He talked a little about his parents, and my heart squeezed for him that he had lost both at such a young age.

  It reminded me to give mine an extra hug the next time I saw them, and how fortunate I was to have mine for support. Alfie was also witty and charming, and showed a lot of consideration for me during dinner.

  I wondered how immune he actually was to me when I went to the restroom and on the way back saw him watching for me. His face lit up with his sexy lopsided smile as he rose slowly from his chair when his eyes held mine.

  As I crossed the room, I was aware of a few women recognizing the look he gave me, and they almost swooned, even though the look wasn’t for them.

  When we finished our meal, he pushed his chair back a little and huffed out, stroking his abdomen in satisfaction. “Wow, Lily, that food was unbelievable. Thank you for having dinner with me…and for bringing me here.” He nodded at the window and looked out at the skyline again.

  I signaled the waiter for the check, and he approached the table. He dipped and discreetly told me it was taken care of. I looked over at Pierre, the Maitre’d, and he blew me a kiss.

  Pierre helped me into my coat, and turned to Alfie, smiling. “You do realize you are with the most beautiful woman in London this evening?”

  Alfie grinned. “Yeah, don’t I know it. All the guys in here have been drooling, and I don’t think it was solely due to your great cuisine.”

Pierre and Alfie chuckled, and I blushed. Alfie tugged my coat, pulling me into him and hugged me. “You’re adorable. Sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” He gave me a lopsided smile, his eyes twinkling in the soft lighting. We turned and waved to Pierre then made our way down to the street below.

  Alfie stopped outside and faced me, pushing his hands in his front pockets, looking a little unsure of what to do next. It dawned on me that he may think the night was over as I had only mentioned dinner. “Do you want to come dancing with some of my friends? I said I would meet with them afterwards.”

  Alfie’s lips curved upwards, and his slightly dejected look transformed into one of pleasure. “Wow, Really? You don’t mind…they won’t mind?” I shook my head.

  “Not at all, as long as you treat me properly,” I said in all seriousness.

  “Have I done something wrong tonight?”

  I grinned. “No, but the night’s still young. I want some boundaries.” He held my gaze and nodded.

  “I only really have two. Touching where it is appropriate, I don’t mind you holding my hands, and I don’t mind getting a little hot on the dance floor, but your hands don’t touch me intimately otherwise, you got it?”

  Alfie pursed his lips in thought. “I don’t touch you anywhere risky with my hands, other than dancing, that will be the agreement, right?” He smiled. “Gotcha!” He winked cheekily.

  “Can I kiss you?” He smirked.

  “Only if I want that…I don’t know if I do, but I’ll say so, if I don’t,” I mused. We flagged down a cab and set off to meet up with the others back at our usual old haunt, The Ministry of Sound.


  As promised Jack had put our names on the list at the door. I grabbed Alfie’s hand and weaved my way through the crowds of clubbers to find my friends. The music filled me as soon as we’d stepped inside, and I was absentmindedly bobbing to the beat.

  I had texted Jack and knew roughly where they were at, so we didn’t have to struggle through hundreds of sweaty bodies until we found them.

  Jack was writhing suggestively behind a petite dark-haired girl, her outfit leaving little to the imagination. His hands were on her hips as he moved behind her, watching the rhythm of her ass. He looked up and widened his eyes when he saw me then wiggled his eyebrows and gestured towards the girl grinning.

  I shook my head and, smiling, wagged my finger at him mouthing, “jail-bait.” She did look quite young, though.

  Alfie leaned into my ear. “Should I be worried about him?”

  I knew that he was asking, if I was in a relationship with him. “Jack? Yeah, you should always be worried about him, he’s very important to me.”

  Alfie looked a little perturbed when David scooped me into his arms. “Hello, sexy lady!” he said, giving me a bear hug. Alfie’s jaw twitched. We greeted each other then I introduced Alfie as, “my friend from Miami.”

  Jack somehow managed to drag himself away from his distraction and came at me with his knees bent and his arms wide.

  “Lily, you are the sexiest girl on the planet. Damn that fucking dress! I should just shove everyone out of the way, clear the drinks off of this table with the back of my arm caveman style, and have my way with you right here.” He nuzzled into the side of my neck, sending shivers through my body.

  I giggled and swatted him, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back. He stood up straight and smiled down at me.

  “Firstly Jack, cavemen didn’t clear glasses from tables like that. Secondly, you know you’re all about the chase. If you had your way with me right now, you’d have nothing to look forward to for the rest of the evening.”

  He chuckled, pulling me back to him for a hug and kissed my forehead, then leaned back to see me. “True as ever, Lily, the voice of reason.” He winked and grinned wolfishly at me.

  Alfie was looking extremely pissed at our whole exchange. His jaw seemed locked tight, as his arm muscles flexed just as tightly when he clenched his fists. He rammed his hands deep into his jean pockets, and I wondered if he was restraining himself. He looked very agitated.

  “Drink, Alfie?” David was currently getting a round of drinks from the bar. Alfie’s eyes flicked to David.

  “I’ll have a beer, anything on tap…and a neat Jack chaser.” Jack’s head snapped round to look at David.

  “Great idea, Alfie. David, make her a long-haired redhead and a fast runner,” he joked.

  Sam, David, Emily, and I burst out laughing, but Alfie missed the joke. I began to feel sorry for him, but then remembered all the shit I’d been through with him and thought it would do him good to feel a little of what I’d been feeling this last few months.

  “Dance with me, Lily.” Jack grabbed me, pulling me onto the dance floor, before I could protest. He started swaying, face to face with me, dipping his head as leaned into me, shouting, “How are things going?” I nodded my head and smiled.

  “Good…it’s been good, I’m having a good time with him.”Jack nodded.

  “From the way he’s watching, he’s definitely into you. He’s been eye fucking you since this morning. He’s in lust, honey, be careful.”

  He started chuckling. “Poor Alfie, between that and him wanting to kill me for pawing his girl, he must be having a miserable time right now.” Jack winked and leaned into my ear, shouting, “Let’s show him what he’s missing, his dick will break in those tight pants.” He laughed and smiled wickedly at me.

  Jack put his hands on my arms and stroked down them to my fingertips. I lifted my arms above my head, and threw my head back as I began to feel the music. He reached up and dragged the back of his fingers down my arms and the sides of my body, resting his hands on my hips as he spun me around. I leaned against his chest, my body melding into his as we swayed together.

  Jack’s fingertips brushed my hair across the nape of my neck to one side and began peppering little kisses across my shoulder. His hands were moving across my belly, and he was about to pull me against him.

  Suddenly our connection was broken when I heard, “Do you mind if I cut in, dude?” I turned slowly and looked up to see Alfie standing with his hand on Jack’s shoulder.

  Jack’s eyes narrowed and when mine didn’t in response, he nodded. “Sure, whatever Lily wants, man.” Jack ran his fingers over my cheeks and went back to David, Sam, and Emily.

  Alfie was tentative at first, dancing in a restrained way. We’d danced at Christmas, so I knew how flirty he could get on the dance floor. I decided to take the initiative and grabbed his hips, as we swayed together in time to the music.

  He began to lose himself in the dance and found his natural rhythm, his hands moving over my body, his erect cock pressing against the crease of my ass. I was as turned on as he was. My juices trickled into my panties as I tried not to squirm as he leaned against me. It was all in keeping with the way he had danced previously with me; he didn’t cross any lines.

  The thing that surprised me more than anything was that instead of holding my hips, he laced his fingers in mine, almost as a form of holding himself back from doing anything else.

  We left the dance floor when Elle arrived. She hugged everyone, and I introduced her to Alfie. “Oh. My. God,” she mouthed and fanned herself.

  As soon as we were alone, she gave me her full reaction. “Fucking hell, where did you find him? He’s so fucking hot.”

  I grinned at her. “Yeah, but not committed.” I shrugged wistfully.

  “Who cares, I definitely would, committed or not.” She winked.

  Alfie came towards me. “You want another drink?”

  Jack heard him and replied, “Shot time…now that Elle’s here.” He grinned and slapped Elle’s ass.

  “Hey, Jack, too fucking familiar,” she hissed. Jack grinned and chuckled.

  “Yeah, bad hand, bad hand,” he said, scolding the hand that did it. “Sorry Elle, this hand’s worked by the same strings that pull on my dick... mind of their own.” He gave a look of res
ignation at his hand, shaking his head at it. Even Alfie laughed at that one.

  We all had three shots each, and with me being a lightweight when it came to alcohol, I began to feel quite drunk. I had wine with dinner, and brandy after that. Add to those a couple of vodka cranberries here and then the shots.

  Jack went off to dance with Elle, David, and Emily, and a girl asked Sam to dance. It left Alfie and me alone.

  I stood against the wall, my leg bent at the knee, and my foot flat against the wall. Alfie gave me a naughty smile, his eyes were sparkly and seductive, and he the way he looked at me was turning me on.

  “I want you to kiss me, Alfie.” He hesitated, and dipped his head to mine. His fingers came up and stroked over my lips very tentatively. I could feel his breath on my face. I inhaled the smell of tequila and Jack Daniel’s from it. My lips parted slightly, and his eyes watched my mouth as if he were hypnotized.

  I dragged my tongue across my dry bottom lip slowly, and he mirrored my action, making his moist as his eyes held mine. A guttural noise escaped his throat. Alfie ran his hand up my neck and through my hair, and pushed my head forward as his lips met mine in the softest of touches.

  I swallowed hard. He moved his lips to brush over mine, before pressing harder against them. My tongue stroked his bottom lip, and he tilted his head to get closer, deepening the kiss. His hot, wet tongue probed into my mouth. I could taste the liquor I had smelled before.

  I gasped loudly and he muttered, “Fuck.” His lusty word sounded so erotic. It sent a hum through me, and I reacted with goose bumps cascading across my skin. My nipples became studs, and my deep-red lace panties were soaked with my desire for him.

  My hands skimmed over his back and up into his hair, grasping the soft locks and tugging them a little. His arms tightened around me, but his hands didn’t move, they situated themselves in the middle of my back, still holding his beer bottle in one of them.

  My hand fell to his hip and my natural instinct was to stroke it over his ass, but I couldn’t. The boundaries I had set for him were mine as well. He leaned his body into me, and groaned into my mouth. It would have been easy to do almost anything from where we were standing.


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