Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy)

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Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy) Page 9

by Shandwick, K. L.

  “We are…we did…I mean we will.” I giggled at how unconvincing I was.

  “Are we doing this or aren’t we, Lily. Am I wasting my time; you seem very tight with that guy. I can’t figure him out, he’s all over you, yet he let me kiss you like that in the cab and didn’t bat an eye.”

  “It isn’t like that with us.”

  “It isn’t? It sure fucking looks like it. The guy would walk over hot coals for you.” I smiled, he got how Jack felt about me, but without the sex he was implying.

  “Yeah, I know, I would do the same for him.”

  Alfie cursed under his breath. “I’m going to have a restless night now, knowing that fucker is there with you. Tell me he’s at least sleeping in a different room.” I smirked again, I was really enjoying this.

  I wasn’t about to explain how Jack and I were to someone, who repeatedly told me that he couldn’t love me. Jack did, so my loyalty was to him right now. “At least tell me he isn’t coming with you to breakfast,” he huffed.

  “Nope,” I said, popping the ‘p’, “just us in the morning.”

  He perked up at that, but still sounded concerned. “Why can’t you come here so that we can at least talk in private?” I knew where that was going, and I was not going there. If I took the decision to be alone with him like that, I would have to be sure it was my decision, not one where I’d been persuaded by Alfie.

  “We will talk, just in public… for now.”

  Jack knocked on the door, and I put my hand over my phone. “I’ll be right out.” I heard Alfie mutter another profanity in frustration. “I need to run now, but I’ll meet you in front of the Royal Opera House at nine am. Night, Alfie, see you tomorrow.” I hung up before he replied, feeling proud of how I had dealt with him.


  I put my cell on charge and headed back to the kitchen. “Damn, Jack, my clothes will never fit me again if I eat that lot.” I gestured towards the oversized plate groaning with food.

  I glanced over Jack’s culinary delights and wondered where the hell he got hard boiled eggs from. I sniffed and the strong stench of vinegar assaulted my nostrils.

  I realized they were pickled eggs. “Yuck! Jack this is gross!” Jack smirked, biting into a large chunk of chorizo he was holding.

  “No, seriously, it’s all good. Try a green olive, a tiger prawn, some feta and egg, it’s to die for,” he mumbled to me with his mouth full.

  I cringed at the thought of assaulting my pallet with his weird combo suggestion, and decided to pick at some raw vegetables and dips instead. I really wasn’t hungry, but felt I needed to wait for Jack to finish eating, in case he decided he was still hungry after this lot and started eating the couch or something.

  Jack wiped his plate clean, and headed to my bathroom to get ready for bed. My dad had sent a text telling me that he and mom had drunk more than they intended to and were staying over at my aunt’s house. Jack smirked.

  “Okay, no screaming, Lily, we don’t want to alert the neighbors that we’re having wild sex whilst your parents are out of town,” he flirted. I rolled my eyes too tired to think of a comeback, so I headed for the bathroom.

  I was already in my pyjamas, so I just brushed my teeth and slipped under my duvet into my bed. It felt so inviting, and I snuggled down to get comfortable. Jack came in about ten minutes later. “Arghh! For goodness sake, Jack, your feet are freezing.” I jumped and wriggled away from him, his feet following, sliding down my legs, chasing after the warmth.

  He had spooned next to me, but was trying to heat his feet on my warm legs, and his knees felt frozen at the back of my legs. Jack chuckled and slid his arm under my neck. I turned and cuddled into him. He breathed in deeply, and exhaled with a sigh, sounding content.

  Jack’s heart was steady and strong, and he always made me feel safe when he was around. He moved his head, lifting it slightly away from me. The room was dark with the blinds drawn, but I could feel that he was looking down at me.

  I felt his breath directly on my face. “He’s not immune you know, honey.” I was thinking about how I was going to play my time with Alfie when I saw him again when he said this.

  “What do you mean?”

  Jack rubbed my arm slowly, and hesitated, before replying. “Alfie… you might think he doesn’t care…he does.”

  I moved slightly away and looked up at him, even although I couldn’t make out his face in the dark. “What makes you say that? He’s told me many times he doesn’t love me, and he can’t love me.”

  “Well, not sure if it's love, honey, but he has feelings for you alright.” My heart thumped in my chest and a small excited feeling ran through me.

  “I wish you were right, what makes you think that, Jack?”

  He kissed my forehead. “He wanted to beat the shit out of me for touching you, his jealous twitchy jaw was quite endearing really.” He chuckled softly.

  “Hey, and if looks could kill, I would have been a goner this morning,” he added. I sighed deeply. I didn’t want to think about him anymore right now.

  “I’m too tired to analyze him any more today, Jack, but I want to thank you for stopping me from being weak tonight.”

  We chatted a while, and I don’t really remember falling asleep, but I woke with Jack stretching out and rolling into me.

  I was lying on my back and his usual morning glory dug into my side. “Jack, stop trying to rub your dick off on me,” I mumbled. I shifted and looked up at him, and although his eyes were closed, he smirked.

  I slapped him and slid out of bed, standing unsteadily. My shorts had ridden up and one of my ass cheeks was briefly on show until I straightened them.

  “Has anyone told you that your ass is a peach?” Jack chuckled.

  “Fuck off Jack, you’re not drunk now, and I’m on a schedule; you need to go get laid.”

  “Wow! Lily, thick head, eh? I mean your actual head. I wasn’t trying to admire myself, or anything.” He chuckled loudly. “Hey, you have to admit that was damned funny, and I wasn’t even trying.” I smirked back.

  “You’re just a horny teenage kid in a man’s body. You do know that, right? I’m claiming first dibs on the bathroom, and you lay there, no eating the furniture. You’re having breakfast on the way home this morning. I have no time for you to stay here.”

  I managed to get Jack out of the house hugging some toast wrapped in a kitchen towel, and we headed for the tube. I pushed him to the side to avoid stepping in a puddle, and he balanced on one leg before renegotiating his footing to avoid it.

  “Thanks,” he mumbled. We got to the station, and Jack told me that he would hold an impromptu drink night at his place, if I felt I needed support.

  I felt so touched by the lengths that he would go to for me. “Love you, Jack.” His arms stretched out, and I walked into them. He pulled me close and hugged me tightly.

  “Love you too, honey. See you later, maybe. Text me and let me know what you need, and I’ll do whatever.”

  I ran and swiped my oyster card at the barrier, then weaved my way down the escalators to the tube to go see Alfie.

  Arriving at Covent Garden, I headed to The Royal Opera House to find Alfie. It was a crisp, cold day, and I loved the fresh feeling of the morning. The sun shone and it was a perfect winter’s morning, as my dad would say. I turned the corner and stalled briefly.

  Alfie was standing looking straight ahead, like something fresh off the front cover of GQ magazine.

  His distinctive profile and fuck-me hair was all mussed up and perfect. He still looked like a rock star, apart from the addition of a large woolen college scarf he’d acquired from somewhere. His hands were tucked into the back pockets of his jeans.

  I didn’t think I would ever get over how devastatingly handsome he was; I could look at him all day and not get bored. My feet and my head must have started reconnecting at some point because I was moving towards him again.

  He hadn’t seen me watching him, and when he turned his
head our eyes met. His face changed from being passive, as his perfect full lips stretched across his face in a beautiful smile, flashing his dimple at me.

  He started towards me, not waiting for me to reach him, and stopped within a couple of inches of me. His hand reached up, and he tugged on my coat lapel, pulling me closer.

  His smile reached his eyes, then they dropped to fall on my lips. He licked his and closed the little space between us, his mouth landing softly on mine. He lingered, before bumping my nose playfully with his.

  He broke the kiss and met my gaze again, still smiling, before his head dropped forward and he allowed his forehead to rest on mine. I thought, yeah, that Jack was right. He definitely feels something for me. “Hey,” he cooed, and smiled slowly at me again. “I missed you.”

  My heart sped up and banged in my chest, I felt so excited at those words. “I missed you.”

  It took everything I had not to throw my arms around him and surrender to whatever he had in mind for me from that point on.

  That would have been what the weak, naïve Lily would have done. I reminded myself that, although I felt happy to see him, I really didn’t want to be the girl Alfie knew in Miami.

  If I wasn’t careful with what was happening, it could have turned into a holiday romance in a heartbeat. I could have ended up in that fucked-up world that he had created for me in Florida. So I couldn’t afford to fuck up the opportunity to get him to see things from my perspective in London.

  He reached over and took my hand, lacing his fingers in mine. He lifted it and kissed the back of it. “Okay, I’m all yours, where are we going?” Butterflies fluttered deep in my belly at what he’d just said. Even though I knew he didn’t really mean it. All mine, I wish.

  I smiled and hoped that my face hadn’t registered the conflict I felt inside with what he had just said and decided my time with him would be romantic no matter what. I just wished I had a plan for that, but I didn’t right now.

  We found a little coffee house and settled ourselves at a table near the back. Alfie slipped in the same side as me. He had a habit of doing that, not sitting opposite me for some reason.

  It was quite quiet considering we were in a busy tourist area. We ordered some bagels with cream cheese, and he had a decaf latte whereas I preferred a cappuccino. I stirred some sweetener into my coffee, the spoon clinking in the large, white, wide rimmed coffee cup.

  The metal spoon clinked again as I set it down on the ceramic saucer and lifted the coffee to my mouth. The froth left a milk-mustache on my top lip, and Alfie chuckled when he noticed. “What is it?” I asked, smiling back, my brows slightly bunched at him. He smirked dipping his head. Leaning forward, he placed his hand over mine on the table.

  His mouth landed just over my top lip. He held my gaze intensely as his tongue fluttered lightly over the top of my mouth, then sucked on my top lip erotically. He leaned back, still staring at me, his eyes sparkling humorously, before his eyes dropped to my mouth again, and they widened.

  He wiggled his finger in a small circle a few inches from my mouth, as he grinned. My panties melted, heat and moisture pooled at my core when I noticed that it had turned him on, his eyes were darker now. “Coffee tastes great on your lips. I can only think about one other place that it would definitely taste better.” He smirked. I blushed, loving his playful, suggestive tone, but worried about how easily he could turn me on. He was so seductive.

  “You could have just passed me a napkin and told me, or wiped it off with one.” I pretended to scold him. He shook his head, grinning. I tried to keep my face passive. “Why do you have to make everything you do to me seem so sensual?” I huffed.

  He smirked playfully at me. “I do? I’m just following your rules Lily, you said no hands remember?” I had to chuckle, he got me with that one.

  “Well, if it’s something like that then of course you can use your hands,” I tried to explain.

  He smiled slowly, nodding. “Gotcha!”

  He glanced down and picked up his bagel in both hands, biting into it. Some cheese squished out onto his index and middle fingers. His tongue licked around his lips catching some cheese.

  His tongue looked so moist, the effect it had on me was incredible. He might as well have flicked it over my clit. My panties were soaking now, just from watching him.

  He looked at the cheese on his fingers, his eyes flicking automatically to mine at the same time. Busted! He caught me staring. I was engrossed in what he was doing.

  I was drooling actually, but trying not to. When he saw my eyes focused on him, I’m sure he could see the effect he was having on me.

  He reached over and drew his fingers against my lips. He teased them open and pushed them into my mouth. “Suck them,” he commanded. I sucked the cheese off, and he let out a guttural sound. “Fuck, Lily,” he whispered.

  His gaze was locked into mine with such intensity, and we sat silently staring at each other. If anyone else was around us we were completely oblivious to them in that moment.

  I had a million thoughts running through my mind though. Mainly, about how I undressed him, threw him down on his back, and climbed on top of him.

  In these mental images, we weren’t in a bistro and had much less clothing on, as we did countless dirty, sexy acts to each other involving cream cheese and frothy milky coffee.

  “What do you think, Lily?” I had zoned out completely, locked down in a mini fantasy, and I had missed what he said to me.


  “Can I take you out tonight? Unless, do you have other plans already?” Hell, someone would have to wrap me in bubble wrap and masking tape and stuff me in cupboard to keep me away from him now.

  “No, no plans tonight. Sure, going out with you would be good.” Damn I was babbling.

  He smiled at my awkward reply. “You’re adorable, you know that?” No I didn’t. If I was adorable, he’d want me, and he’d be mine. Even as I reasoned this, I also knew that I so desperately wanted to feel his arms around me, skin to skin. I must be sick to want someone this badly, who only wanted me for my body.

  We watched the street entertainers in the square at Covent Garden; there were some very clever, talented artists, including a comedy, mime artist, some circus entertainers juggling on a unicycle, and a fabulous magician who performed an incredible levitation illusion whilst lying flat in a glass box that was hoisted six feet off of the ground.

  There was a team of kids that did a kind of stomp act, using garbage can lids, brooms and some tackity boots. These guys seemed to impress Alfie the most. I had to agree with that, they impressed me too.

  The oldest could only have been twelve at the most. They were amazing percussionists. Their flawless rhythm and timing of the changing beat never faltered as they danced their complicated choreographed routine.

  Being used to the heat of Florida, it wasn’t long before we were both feeling chilled to the bone. I suggested we started walking again to keep ourselves warm.

  We strolled down through The Strand towards the Embankment, boarding a riverboat docked across from the London Eye. We passed many famous historical sites on the way down to Greenwich as we braved the cold for an outside view. Alfie was in awe of the sights, his favorites being The Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

  The studio hired for the band rehearsals was only a five minute walk from where we disembarked.

  Alfie behaved like a gentleman the whole time we were out after leaving the coffee shop, so I invited him to Jack’s tonight. All I had to do now was invite Jack to his own party.


  I left Alfie by the side of the road without kissing him. Running, I’d seen a black cab, and they were like gold dust around town at this time of the year. I flagged it down and jumped in, closing the door. I opened the window and called out that I would text him Jack’s address in a minute.

  I left him wanting at the side of the road. I felt a little guilty, because he had tried hard to behave himself, but a
t the same time, it served him right for how he’d behaved all those times when he had hurt me.

  I rang Jack. “Hey, Lily.” He sounded sleepy, his voice husky. I had probably woken him from a food coma from the stuff he’d eaten after leaving me.

  “Did I wake you?” I giggled at his grunts as he stretched and waited for him to be able to focus on me again.

  “Yeah, what’s up, how did it go?” I cringed a little, feeling like I was stretching our friendship by calling in another favor from him.

  “You know those drinks you’re having this evening?” I suggested.

  “Sure, what time? I’ll call the troops in.” And just like that, Jack knew exactly what he needed to do.

  I had just arrived home when he called back to tell me what everyone was bringing and told me he was bringing a girl he’d met on the tube. “Jack’s back!” I shouted.

  He chuckled. “It’s your fault, Lily. All this angst has given me the raging horn. I can’t beat it down.” I giggled again, and blushed, but was glad that he couldn’t see me to tease me about it.

  “Well, Jack, seriously, you need to tone the flirting down tonight, if you keep that stuff up with me, you’ll be getting laid alright, but it will probably be laid out on a slab in a mortuary, if the girl has any sense.”

  I texted Jack’s address to Alfie, and he rang back, asking if it was okay to bring the band. I called Jack, and he said it was fine, but they needed to bring some extra food with them.

  I smirked at that, Jack was happy to supply the drinks, but don’t dare try to raid his food stash. After talking to ‘my men’ I was looking forward to tonight.

  It should be a relaxing drink with the guys that had my back, with the guy I wanted, and knowing he had some support, and we were sharing our friends too, gave me a kinda fuzzy feeling.

  After the stunt Alfie pulled with the bottle last night, I decided to put on some jeans to prevent another ‘no hands’ episode. I was racking my brain for anything else he could do without hands, but I guess my sexual imagination isn’t yet a match for my actual experience of sex.


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