Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series)

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Tangerine Morning: Jezzica's Story (Serenity Cove Series) Page 8

by Rita Garcia

  Jezzica leaped up and brushed the sand off her shorts. She wanted to introduce her nieces, but they were deep in laughter, having fun with the group they’d invited. “I’ll be back in a few, Caty.”

  Jezzica noticed the brilliance of the stars and the soft breeze coming in off the sea. “I’m glad you stopped by. I want to apologize. You must think I qualify for a good psychiatric evaluation.”

  “No, I think you’re dealing with the aftermath of a horrid situation.”

  She hadn’t been around him five minutes and already she was dabbing at her eyes. “That doesn’t excuse for my abruptness with you.”

  “There’s some news I need to share with you. You’re aware the florist was burglarized and about Maggie’s ordeal with the criminals.”

  The ominous tone of his voice caught her attention. “Yeah, poor Maggie, that was awful the way they treated her.”

  Zack shook his head. “Now that we know who they are, the only surprise is that she’s still alive.”

  “You know—”

  “Wait.” He interrupted her, “there’s more. I ordered the file for the carjacking from Stone Valley. The composite sketches you helped the police come up with were in the files. Jezz, we caught the killers—they matched the sketches.”

  “You caught Geoff’s killers?”

  He grimaced and shook his head. “No, we didn’t exactly catch—”

  “I should have known. How did they get away?”

  “Trust me. You don’t want to know.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “I don’t understand. It’s like these criminals have some shield of protection around them.”

  “We’ll get them. I promise.” He placed a hand on her shoulder.

  She backed away from his touch, and jogged across the sand as frustration knotted her stomach and angry tears blurred her vision.

  She continued past her sister. “Jezz? Wait up.”

  Jezzica bent over and gripped her knees. Catylen stopped beside her. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

  “The killers got away, again. Only Geoff’s still gone—he’s never coming back.”

  “Come on.” Catylen led her to the cottage. Upstairs, Jezzica crawled under the covers and Catylen tucked them in around her.

  “There’s no starting over. There is no moving forward.” The despair in Jezzica’s voice cast a shadow over her face.

  “Try to rest.” Catylen sat with her for a few minutes before tiptoeing out of the room.

  Jezzica awoke to a soft tap on her door. She blinked her eyes open and checked the clock beside her bed. “Come in.”

  She scooted up and leaned against the headboard as Lauren entered and timidly moved closer to the bed. “Aunt Jezz, I need to talk to you.”

  The same words she’d heard from Zack not more than two hours ago. Jezzica patted a spot on the covers next to her.

  Lauren sat on the edge of the bed as tears made uneven tracks on her face. Jezzica reached and brushed her golden hair back from her face. “What is it, baby girl?”

  “I don’t know how to tell Mom.”

  Jezzica leaned forward. “Tell me and we’ll figure out what to do, together.”

  “It’s Dad.” She paused and nibbled on her lower lip. “I came home from college a day early. He was there with—he wasn’t alone. A woman came out of the bedroom, wearing one of Mom’s robes. I hate him—I hate my dad. How do I tell Mom?”

  “Oh, Lauren.” She pulled her into her arms. “You don’t need to tell her. I’ll handle it.”

  She laid her head on her aunt’s shoulder and Jezzica rubbed her back. “Come on, I’ll go tuck you in.”

  Jezzica settled Lauren in bed, and then returned to her room. She found the place under her covers that was still warm and pulled the blanket around her. How could she tell her sister what Lauren had seen? Left without a choice, she had to be the one to tell Catylen—the pain and anguish was something Lauren didn’t need to witness. How could he bring the other woman right into their home? The conversation with Lauren replayed in her mind until she drifted into a fitful sleep.

  Near dawn, she gave up the battle, pushed out of bed and threw on her running clothes. Her feet pounded the sand to her mantra of I can’t do it. Like the story of the phoenix, Catylen had been fighting to rise up out of the ashes. And now Jezzica was the one who had the task of rekindling the flame and pulling her back into the ash pit. She sunk down into the sand and hid her face in the circle of her arms resting on her knees.

  “Jezzica?” She looked up as her sister dropped down beside her and put her hand on her back. “Want to talk?”

  Jezzica whooshed out an audible breath. “Oh, Caty, I’d give anything not to do this to you.”

  “You’re scaring me. Is it one of the girls?”

  She shook her head. “It’s about Mike.” Jezzica reached for her hand and told her what Lauren had seen when she’d arrived home unexpectedly, skipping the robe—it wasn’t a visual she wanted to plant in her sister’s mind.

  “I knew something was bothering Lauren. Of all the scenarios I imagined and fretted over, this wasn’t one. How could Mike have stooped that low?”

  “You know you have a place here for as long as you want.”

  “I love you, too. At least I’m no longer at a crossroads as what to do. Whether to try again or file for a divorce—he settled that dilemma.”

  “I thought you would fall apart when I told you.”

  “Oh, I probably will at some point—right now I’m numb, and livid that he did this to Lauren.” Catylen shrugged.

  “It’s deeper than that. You seem to have peace, as though this was the outcome you were seeking all along.”

  “No. It’s not the way I wanted my marriage to end. I’ve been praying for a sign, something that would help me make a decision. I trust God.”

  “You think God wanted you to end your marriage?” A frown lined Jezzica’s brow.

  “Mike made the choice to end our marriage, not God. The life I’ve known for the past twenty-five years being over saddens me. But I do have peace.”

  Jezzica hugged her sister. “I meant what I said—you have a home here for as long as you want to stay. I’d like it if you stayed here permanently.”

  Catylen returned her sister’s embrace. “It means so much to me being here with you. It would seem we’re both facing difficult conversations with Mom and Dad.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that one. I’d like to tell them about the bookshop and invite them for the grand opening.” Jezzica wasn’t at all convinced she could handle her parents.

  “Does that have anything to do with there being safety in numbers—inviting them while their granddaughters are here?”

  “Should have known I couldn’t get that one past you.” Jezzica jumped up. “Race you back to the cottage. The loser gets to call Mom and Dad.”

  “No fair. You got a head start.” Sand flew as the two sisters raced. Catylen caught up with her sister, and after tackling her, she leaped up and took the lead.

  “Caty! Watch out!”

  Catylen froze at the sound of her sister’s voice as Jezzica flashed by and tromped up the wooden stairs leading to their deck, where she pumped her fists in the air, claiming her win.

  Catylen wrapped her hands around her mouth. “You still have to break the news that you’re living here now and own the bookshop. The phone call is the easy part.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  At Rubi’s, Zack settled into a booth across from Logan. He flipped the thick china mug right side up and Tiffani filled it with the strong, dark liquid he needed.

  Logan slapped his hand on the table. “I should fire the whole department—nothing but a bunch of incompetent fools. An embarrassment to the force.”

  “That may be, but we need a plan of action.” He paused long enough to give the waitress his order.

  Logan rubbed his jaw. “Why do you suppose they targeted Maggie?”

  “A mistake. Jezz is the one they’re aft
er. The only reason they didn’t kill Maggie is because they intend to finish the job they came to do.” Zack drained his mug and signaled for a refill.

  Logan nodded. “The roadblock failed, so they must still be in Serenity. How do we keep Jezzica safe?”

  “They could have left afterward, but I doubt it. I say we use Nicole as a decoy. Have her spend time in the bookshop for a few days instead of Jezzica.” Zack leaned back as Tiffani set their plates on the table. The smell of bacon, eggs, and hash browns hit his stomach, and sent a reminder he’d skipped dinner the night before.

  “Might work. Ted can hide in the upstairs area of the shop. Everyone will be working double shifts for a few days.” Logan broke the yolk and smeared it over the white of his eggs. “You talk to Jezzica and I’ll take care of Nicole and Ted.”

  “These killers won’t wait long to make their move.” Zack forked a bite of the steamy potatoes, then speared a piece of crisp bacon. “I swear this town has the best food on the planet.”

  “Long as you stay away from the burritos at Mick’s Bar.” Logan cringed, as though he’d had personal experience with Mick’s food.

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Zack pushed back his plate and drained the last of the coffee from his cup. “I’m out of here. I’ll go tackle talking to Jezz.”

  “Good luck. She isn’t going to be easy to convince.” Logan tossed his napkin onto his plate and slid out of the booth.

  They climbed into their trucks and turned opposite directions onto Shoreview Drive. Zack parked in the driveway of his cottage, went around back and walked the few feet to Jezzica’s back stairs. A heron perched on a piece of driftwood and in one swift motion, spread his magnificent blue tip wings and took flight over the roaring waves.

  The sisters were sitting on the deck with empty dishes spread out on the table. “Have a seat.” Catylen scooted over, leaving an open chair for Zack.

  “Coffee?” Jezzica offered.

  “Thanks, but I just finished breakfast with Logan. That’s what I came to talk to you about.”

  “Oh. What’s going on?” Curiosity filled her expression.

  Zack delivered the detailed plan and fire flamed in Jezzica’s eyes. “No. I’ll be the one to lure them in. They know what I look like and I’m the one they want.”

  Zack clenched his jaw. Women. “Not a good idea. These guys mean business.”

  “And so do I. I’ve had enough of their miserable lowlife ways.” She set her cup down and sloshed coffee onto the table. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going for a short run before I head to the shop.”

  “Hold up. I’ll join you—we need to finish this discussion.”

  She practically smirked at him. “Go square things with Logan. I’ll meet you at the bookshop around noon.”

  He sent Nicole a text, advising her of Jezzica’s whereabouts. Then settled on a rock and kept Jezzica in view until he heard back from Nicole, confirming she was in the area. The message arrived and he drove to the station.

  He located Logan in the conference room. “Jezzica is insisting on being in the bookshop.” Zack flipped a chair around and straddled it.

  “She’s right. They do know what she looks like. See about a bulletproof vest for her. I don’t want her sister and nieces in the shop—too many and someone will get hurt when this thing goes down.”

  Zack swirled the chair back under the table and slammed out of the room. He checked the equipment room and found a vest for Jezzica, knowing full well it could only do so much. He went into his office and closed the door harder than necessary. Between the burglaries and the criminals’ escape—he had a multitude of forms and reports to write. Maybe the task would take his mind off Jezzica’s crazy plan. In a sudden move, he kicked back his chair and with a determined stride stormed out of his office. No way could he concentrate on detail work.

  He checked the time, and headed to the bookshop. He wasn’t happy as he parked and saw the lights through the windows. The door was unlocked and he was able to walk right in—what if he’d been one of the killers?

  She smiled at him as he walked in. “You’re early.”

  He held back the reprimand he wanted to unleash on her, as he nodded to Catylen and the two young women helping her.

  “Zack, these are my lovely nieces. This is Tasha.” Jezzica tilted her head toward the one with the chocolate colored hair like both her mother and aunt. “And this is Lauren.” She indicated the taller of the two with blond hair. A dramatic difference in coloring—but their features confirmed they were indeed sisters.

  He looked from one to the other. “My pleasure. I hope you’re enjoying your visit.”

  Catylen grinned. “Oh, they are. Especially spending time marinating on the shore.” Her laugher mixed with theirs, as they both shot her a surprised look that asked how she knew their secret.

  “Have a minute?” He nodded in Jezzica’s direction. Before stepping back outside, he remembered his manners. “Nice meeting you both.” He nodded to Tasha and Lauren, and held the door open for Jezzica.

  “Zack, it seems I’m always making a fool out of myself around you. I’m sorry about this morning.”

  “It didn’t help that I rushed in with the finesse of a hurricane.”

  “None of this is easy, and for some strange reason I keep blaming you for the storms.”

  “I want to keep you safe. We need to establish some ground rules until this situation is resolved.”

  “I’m listening.” She folded her arms across her chest. He forced his eyes away.

  “Logan agrees with your plan. But wants your sister and nieces to stay away.”

  She uncrossed her arms. “He’s right. I’ll see to it immediately.”

  He pulled a box from the back of his truck. “It’s a bulletproof vest. Wear it between here and home, and while you’re in the bookshop.”

  She took the box from his hands. “Will do.” She sighed. “This makes it seem much more real and dangerous.”

  “I’d be relieved if you allowed Nicole to take over as a decoy.” He shifted his stance.

  “No. I have to do this.” Jezzica stepped back. “I can’t let these vile killers win.”

  He grimaced and planted his booted feet farther apart. “Every available precaution must be taken to ensure your safety. Agreed?”

  She nodded. “I’ll start by sending my family back to the cottage. I don’t want anyone hurt, including me.”

  “We all have the same mission—to put the killers behind bars. You go home for the day, too. Give us time to get organized. I don’t want you here alone.” His eyes roamed up and down the street. “Ted will be watching the bookshop until you leave.”

  “I don’t see him.” She looked around.

  “He’s there.” Unease clinched his gut as he drove away. Someone was out there waiting and watching for a chance to get to Jezzica. His concern went beyond the scope of his job.

  There wasn’t a comfortable way to share his feelings for her. Affections that she obviously had no intentions of accepting. Was she right? Were marriage vows meant to transcend the barriers of space and time? But wouldn’t that limit the quality of life for Jezzica? It didn’t resonate with him. Through his rearview mirror, he saw her still standing there, as if his leaving had stirred up a potpourri of emotions. Had it?

  Chapter Twenty

  Jezzica watched until she could no longer see Zack’s truck. Stop it, just stop it, she reprimanded herself. There were much bigger issues than a man who awakened every desire within her. There’s no time for foolishness. With a deep sigh, the sign over the shop caught Jezzica’s attention. Sea Glass Bookshop. She had considered changing it, but now she’d grown accustomed to the sound and feel of it.

  It wasn’t the only name she was growing fond of. Under different circumstances, she and Zack may have been quite the match. She admired his honesty and integrity. It was painful to admit, but in many ways they had more in common than she and Geoff. Still she loved her husband with every fiber of
her heart and soul.

  Determined to focus on what needed to be done, she sailed back into the shop. Her sister was straining to maneuver the rug from the children’s area onto the top of the nearby counter. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to vacuum, but with all the construction dust this rug is better off rolled up and protected.”

  She helped her sister with the rug and dusted off her hands. “Caty, I need to talk to you.” Her nieces were chatting while attending to their assigned tasks. “Let’s talk outside.”

  “What’s going on?” Catylen followed her.

  Jezzica explained the situation and prepared to defend her decision. “Let’s get the girls and go home for the day.”

  Catylen shook her head. “I agree the girls shouldn’t be here. But neither should you. The police are equipped and trained to handle these type of situations.”

  “It’s something I must do.” Jezzica pressed her lips tightly together.

  “Yeah, I know your mind’s made up, and when you decide something, there is no arguing with you.” Catylen stormed back into the shop.

  Jezzica scooted in the door behind her sister. “I have to do this. But for now, let’s all go home.”

  Back at the cottage, Tasha and Lauren were quick to change and head out to the shore. Jezzica gave Rusty some demanded attention, as her sister stared out to sea. “Have you heard from Mike?” Jezzica wanted to ease the hurt in her sister’s eyes.

  Catylen shook her head. “After Lauren walking in and finding what she did, I don’t expect to hear from him. I contacted an attorney. Remember Carl Weaver?”

  “I heard he’s one of the best. Have you talked to Dr. Ellie?” Jezzica stretched out on the lounge chair.

  Catylen raked her hair back, secured it with a band she pulled from her pocket, and lay back on the lounger across from her sister. “Not about this. The marriage is over, and I’m ready to carve out a new life for myself.”

  Tasha popped up the steps onto the deck. “I’m going to make lattes. You want one?” She nodded at her mom and aunt.


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