Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 4

by Des Pensable

  ‘Are my cousin Zephira and my memcrystal Alpha still alive?’

  ‘We believe they are.’ replied the collective.

  ‘Am I able to remake you?’

  ‘You have the power within you.’ replied the collective.

  Aquitain thought about whether to remake Glammer for several more minutes and finally he came to the conclusion that like everything lately there was a good side and a bad side.

  Glammer had gone to the trouble of revealing her true nature. She was neither friend nor enemy but she had helped Aquitain out of some difficult situations and might be able to do so in the future but he couldn’t help feeling that Glammer also had a hidden agenda.

  ‘Okay, Glammer! You have risked much to expose your nature. It is only fair that I try to remake you but you must give me the music for the Dance of the Elements. The rest I will work out.’

  ‘Since you have already heard it once, it is no longer a secret. I will play it to your mind. You will have to create the sound when needed.’

  Moments later Aquitain could visualize the music in her head. It was so beautiful. The feeling was interrupted by a surge of magic as Bellen returned.

  ‘How did all these mothra get in here? Do you want me to clear them out Lord Warden?’

  ‘No! No! They are our friends. You must not harm them. Now tell me what’s happening outside?’ said Aquitain.

  ‘It’s strange Milord. I’m not sure what is happening among me people,’ replied Bellen.

  ‘There is much confusion as to what happened during the ball. What I saw doesn’t seem to tally with what they saw. They remember Queen Aurora dying and Queen Miranda being turned to stone. What happened later confuses them. They need time to think.’

  ‘Thank you, Bellen! Return to your duties I have work to do. We might keep the mindlink intact if you don’t mind as I might need your help again soon.’

  ‘To be sure M’lord.’ and he teleported away.

  ‘Okay Glammer, the Dance of the Elementals is quite spectacular, involving powerful magic and that is likely to attract a lot of attention. The question is how do we hide the fact that I am remaking you from those who might not approve and try to disrupt the show. I think we will need a little distraction. We need to deceive them into believing they are not seeing you being remade but something else.’ he said thinking deviously.

  ‘Bellen, I have a plan. This is what I want you to do.’

  He then set out to try and use his new knowledge about the spirit to see how it interacted with the body in order to work out how to remake Glammer.

  He adjusted his vision to see spirit auras and set out to examine how the difference between the spirit auras of the four different elemental types of mothra was expressed in their spirits. He carefully examined the spirits and the bodies of the mothra and came to the surprising conclusion that it was the spirit being modified more than the body of the mothra. Their little bodies seemed to be made of a mixture of matter and energy. There was only a minor transmutation in the body to accommodate the new energy form but a significant change in the spirit aura, which meant the spirit container itself, was being altered.

  He tried to relate this to the magic theory he had been taught and realized that what he had been taught was wrong. Magic protections were always considered to work on the body and ignore the spirit. Here he had definite proof that the spirit was heavily involved as well. Was the fire shield that he learnt from the little people actually affecting his spirit. Could it be that by modifying his own spirit he could confer a degree of energy resistance.

  He was still considering the implications when Yllandril returned.

  ‘Have you made any progress Yllandril?’

  ‘Hello Aquitain, I’m afraid I have bad news. Most of the Elendari are very confused about what happened at the ball. They are returning to their estates to think about what to do. Darkmantle has been trying to motivate them to at least make a decision about a new Queen but they aren’t listening to him. They blame him for the death of the old Queen and are suspicious about his motives. No one wants to talk about mutants, infertility problems or maps.’

  ‘What about the Llanlleans, have they heard about what happened at the ball?’

  ‘Yes they were scrying the Queen’s ball. Strangely they are unsure about what they witnessed at the ball also. Many think that they saw only illusions.’

  ‘Thanks Yllandril keep trying,’ replied Aquitain as he returned his thoughts to the present situation. A little later Bellen advised him that all was ready for the evening’s performance in two hours’ time.

  Chapter 3 The Remaking of Glammer

  The night following the ball was declared a night of remembrance for Miranda the Queen of Argenta. The dead Queen Aurora was having a more elaborate remembrance ceremony in a week’s time. Aquitain had invited Darkmantle, the Elendari Lords, Somanller and other Llanlleans, the Trixies and anyone interested to attend what was to be a very special function at midnight in the centre of the garden maze.

  The exotic four-poster lover’s bed used by the Queen had been removed leaving a clear area about 20 paces square. The stone statue of Miranda stood in the centre and around the periphery of the clearing stood twenty Llanllean royal guards in dress uniform interspersed between lanterns that lit up the area.

  The guests began turning up an hour before midnight. Darkmantle, several of his friends, and a couple of his guards that had known her came along. Prendergrass, Darkmantle’s house wizard placed a wreath of flowers at the base of her statue. A handful of other Elendari including Princess Gemelica and two of her bodyguards showed up out of curiosity.

  Every Trixie within the palace and for a league around was there. More than a hundred sat in a circle facing her statue outside a circular zoned off area. Somanller and about twenty Llanlleans, who had met Miranda only a day earlier and liked her, had teleported in and sat on the grass in their Newman forms, as a group.

  They had placed a crown of flowers shaped in the form of a dragonfly on the statues head, which had caused a murmur amongst the Trixies who seemed to think it a good idea and were annoyed that they didn’t think of it.

  About a half an hour before midnight nine musicians in a single line trooped into the area, and sat in a group facing the statue and readied their instruments. There were three Elendari, three Trixies and three Llanlleans. This caused a real surprise as no one could remember when Elendari, Trixies and Llanlleans had ever played music together before.

  A quarter of an hour before midnight, Bellen together with a group of Trixies carried a light wooden box as big as a Trixie and placed it on the ground near the statue and then placed the little green crystal figure of the Warden of Moonmist upon it. Many wondered what the Warden was thinking and whether it could feel real emotions.

  Five minutes before the ceremony was to begin, Llalorax in a glowing golden mage robe teleported next to the wooden box, with a cat in one arm and Yllandril on his shoulder. He placed the stone spider next to the crystal Warden and the cat at the base of the box then in a magically enhanced voice he said.

  ‘During the proceedings would you please keep absolutely quiet and do not move. You are about to witness something that no one has witnessed for an age. The Warden of Moonmist will honour Queen Miranda of Argenta with some special music.’

  Llalorax with a severe look on his face began chanting and four crystal stakes, one at each corner of the area lit up a blue colour. Everyone present felt the tingle of strong magic.

  ‘Do not be alarmed. I have surrounded the area with a ward so that the ceremony will not be disturbed. Now everyone please be quiet.’

  The crowd became so absolutely quiet that it seemed they had forgotten to breathe. The Dance of the Elementals was legendary and none realized they were about to witness it. Apprehension and excitement was written all over their eager faces.

  ‘We are ready Lord Warden,’ said Llalorax. ‘You may start.’

  The little crystal Warden turned towards the
nervous musicians who immediately readied their instruments. They had been given instructions to play some popular dance music and none knew that they were to play the Dance of the Elements. This music was considered music of the gods and unplayable by mortals. They were told only that the music may sound different once they started playing and this had them both excited and worried.

  Aquitain had shape changed to look like a Trixie and sat in the front row of the Trixie area. He had created a mind link with each of the musicians and was going to play the music directly to their minds. They would try to follow with their instruments. In actual fact they would only need to make noise as Aquitain was going to use his ability to control sound to reshape it into the music that he had memorized.

  Everyone was tense with anticipation as the whole area took on a golden glow. The cat pulled a string opening a small panel in the side of the box and out flew a hundred glowing mothra. The guards dimmed the lanterns and the little green crystal conductor began waving his arms. The musicians began playing and immediately the sound transformed itself to the most wonderful music ever heard by those present.

  The mothra formed into a circular procession flying around the statue moving in harmony with the music and pulsing their glowing little coloured bodies. The musicians became lost in rapture. The crowd was riveted, their faces glowing in ecstatic enchantment. The volume and tempo of the music increased and the mothra flew faster and faster until their glowing bodies became blurring streaks of light.

  Suddenly the stone statue glowed the intense purple colour of strong magic and the circular procession of mothra contracted into a smaller and smaller circle until it became a spherical blob of throbbing colour. There was an intense flash of purple light, temporarily blinding all present, the music faded, there was darkness for a second or two and Aquitain dashed over to the statue and using a teleport ring supplied by Llalorax teleported the statue to the mask room then shape changed. When their vision returned the area was illuminated in golden light and the statue of Miranda had turned from stone to flesh.

  Queen Miranda stood there in all her glory, her golden armour flashing with light. The audience were absolutely quiet. Their minds still fogged by the spectacle, could not yet comprehend that Miranda was there. Bellen was the first to react. He ran to the Queen and bowed to her and shouted.

  ‘Long live Queen Miranda. Our Queen is back.’

  The Trixies all jumped up and cheered and shouted. The Llanlleans were quiet. Darkmantle was frowning. Prendergast smiled and Princess Gemelica was furious.

  ‘Stop this foolishness!’ she screamed.

  Aquitain pranced over to Gemelica and said in a loud voice.

  ‘It’s easy to see who doesn’t want me back. What’s up princess? Don’t you like the competition?’

  Gemelica went white in the face and stammered.

  ‘But ... but he said you would be locked away and wouldn’t cause me any harm.’

  Everyone stopped breathing and there was dead quiet as they strained to hear what was being said.

  ‘Who told you that Gemelica, the Lord of the Mentarin?’ asked Aquitain forcefully.

  ‘You bitch. You’ll pay,’ screamed Gemelica and she dived at Aquitain wrapping her arms around him and pulling him to the ground. The crowd scattered to give the two royals room to fight. Suddenly there was a pulse of magic as both Gemelica and Aquitain teleported away.

  Aquitain found himself on a marble floor in a throne room rolling around with Gemelica. He looked around and immediately created a pure heart shield protecting him from charm, domination and possession attacks and hiding his spirit aura from sight.

  Gemelica let go rolled away and stood up and screamed at a black cloaked and hooded figure sitting on a throne.

  ‘You told me she wouldn’t cause any problems.’

  ‘How dare you raise your voice at me!’ said the Dark One.

  ‘Bow down now and pray that your worst nightmares don’t visit you for the rest of your short life.’ said the black clad figure.

  Two guards raced over to her and forced her face down on the floor facing the hooded person.

  Aquitain used his power to thicken his skin, stood up and discretely surrounded himself with a cylinder of hardened air.

  The hooded one’s attention switched to Aquitain.

  ‘Well what have we here? The body of the self-styled Queen of Argenta following her mistress’s spirit no doubt, hoping that they might have a happy reunion. Well you’re too late she’s already got another body.’

  ‘So let’s see who you really are?’

  Two golden eyes lit up inside the darkness of the hood.

  ‘What have you brought here you fool.’ He yelled at Gemelica and immediately cast a lightning bolt at Aquitain. Most of the blast was absorbed by the air shield but enough passed through to give Aquitain a healthy jolt.

  She created a zone of darkness then triggered Miranda’s bracelet of return to teleport herself back to the prison bottle. If anyone followed her they would be trapped there.

  She then used the teleport circle in the prison bottle to teleport outside the bottle into the crypt area then using a teleport ring teleported back to the garden maze and ran to where the audience for the memorial were gathered.

  Yllandril spotted her first and yelled at her using mindspeak.

  ‘What are you playing at?’

  ‘I’m OK! Gemelica teleported me to a throne room where there was a dark hooded character. He wasn’t very happy to see me so I left. He also let it slip that Miranda’s spirit was there somewhere in another body which means she’s alive.’ replied Aquitain.

  ‘You must stop acting so irrationally. The people in the maze garden are upset. They thought the show was great but are worried as some recognized it as the Dance of the Elementals. That dance has special significance to everyone.’

  ‘They are wondering what has happened to Gemelica. You must bring her back or it could get ugly. Please come here and help Crys explain that it wasn’t really the Dance of the Elementals. The Elendari are upset at the slight to their dead Queen Aurora and are demanding an apology from Crys who they still think is Aquitain, and he’s just standing there stupidly ignoring them. We’re your friends you must let us help.’

  ‘Whoa,’ thought Aquitain. ‘That jolt of lightning must have affected my mind.’

  A few seconds later Aquitain arrived at the centre of the maze garden near the wooden box on which Crys was still standing. On arrival the Trixies let out a cheer and began clapping.

  ‘Our Queen is back. Queen Miranda is back.’

  Aquitain looked around at her adoring fans and felt incredibly guilty. She had fooled them all and now would have to play the part and continue the deception or destroy their hope and faith. She waved her hands to calm them down a little.

  ‘Thank you all for your warm welcome back. As you saw I had a little disagreement with Princess Gemelica. It seems that she is being controlled by the Mentarin spirit creatures much like her mother was. Fortunately with the help of the Warden I was able escape. I would like to thank the Lord Warden.’

  Aquitain turned to Crys and waited as if it was going to address the assembly but before it could say anything one of Darkmantle’s friends yelled

  ‘What sort of game are you two playing at? First you insult us by playing the Dance of the Elementals and now you’ve done something to the Princess Gemelica.’

  Aquitain was lost for words.

  ‘What’s happened, Yllandril.’ she said through the mind link.

  ‘I don’t know.’ replied Yllandril. ‘You told us you had a plan then you’ve been doing crazy things all day. We’ve been going along with you thinking you were going to do something special but now, it seems you’ve upset everyone except the Trixies.’

  Aquitain didn’t know what to say and just stood there dumbstruck. Something really strange had happened. Receiving no answers, all the Elendari except for Darkmantle and Prendergrass shook their heads and left.

nbsp; Llalorax and the Llanlleans teleported away, leaving only the Trixies. Bellen told them the show was over and they all left chattering happily although Bellen wasn’t smiling when he left.

  ‘Congratulations Lord Warden.’ said the voice of Glammer in his head.

  ‘You have done something that only one other has achieved in history. You have successfully remade me but simultaneously you have lost all hope of help from the Elendari and Llanlleans. I suspect even the Trixies will be less than impressed when they realize the consequences of what you have done.’

  ‘What happened? It all seemed to go so well.’ said Aquitain totally baffled.

  ‘Last night you used the pure heart and forgot about the Warden’s curse!’

  ‘They have forgotten everything that you did last night after Miranda was turned to stone. No one except you, your enemies and I know what happened there. They all think that they must have got drunk to celebrate the death of Queen Aurora. They don’t know that you are in Miranda’s body or that her spirit was lost or anything about the Mentarin.’

  ‘Your friends didn’t know that you were going to enact the Dance of the Elements. It is a legendary dance. To the Elendari you played the Queens Lament. It is only enacted at the death of their Queen to honour her passing. To the Llanlleans you played Champions Reward. It is only enacted after much debate amongst the tribes to celebrate a great victory and to the Trixies you played Crowning Glory. It is enacted to celebrate the crowning of the Queen of the Trixies.’

  ‘With the same music you have rudely insulted the Elendari dead Queen, lauded Miranda as a great hero without the Llanllean agreement and chosen and crowned Miranda as Queen of the Trixies without consulting them. Well done. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to have such a complete disaster. You really are an Agent of Chaos.’

  ‘I will see if I can find Miranda’s spirit. Bye’

  Aquitain, Crys and Yllandril stood looking across an empty grassy area. Only Darkmantle and Prendergrass looked back.


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