Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 27

by Des Pensable

  ‘Who is it?’ said Chantalot.

  ‘Quab.’ said the voice.

  The bard got up and opened the door.

  ‘What’s up?’ he said.

  ‘I think you’ve got that dangerous cockroach that attacked you in here.’ he whispered. ’One of the maids saw a cockroach on your back as you came up the stairs.’

  ‘Go to bed Quab. I’m too tired for one of your jokes. Why would a cockroach follow me in here? To listen to my music or make love to me perhaps.’

  ‘No, I’m serious.’ he said pushing past him into the room with a bug net in his hands.

  Helix looked around the edge of the curtain and realized that the bard must have been the person he tossed into the hedge and being the Head of the Guard the bard must have reported it to others who had been searching for him while Chantalot was playing the music.

  ‘Go to bed Quab, it’s too late for bug hunting.’ said Helix using a suggestion but Quab already had his mental defences active.

  ‘Did you hear that, it’s in here somewhere.’ said Quab looking all around the room.

  ‘What’s in here?’ said Chantalot. ‘I didn’t hear anything.’

  Quab used a power to control insects but it didn’t seem to work.

  ‘It’s the cockroach. It’s playing games with us. It’s potentially dangerous. It’s could be a spy in disguise or worse.’ said Quab.

  ‘This is ridiculous Quab. Are you feeling all right?’

  The bug net suddenly flashed up over Quab’s head catching him in it and he froze rigid. The bug net was a Net of Immobility, anything caught in it was paralysed for easy handling.

  ‘Ha. Looks like you’ve caught yourself.’ said Helix to Quab using mindspeak to him again.

  ‘I thought all the Lady’s creatures were sacred to druids.’

  Into the room stepped an old wizard wearing very ordinary clothes.

  ‘Okay. You’ve had your fun. Show yourself.’ said Featherdown lifting the net off Quab’s head.

  ‘Who are you?’ asked Helix using mindspeak.

  ‘See.’ said Quab. ‘I’m not imaging it. It’s in here somewhere.’

  ‘I’m Featherdown, Archmage of Mudrun and who are you?’

  Helix moved around to the front of the window curtain.

  ‘Ah at last! I’m Helix, of many worlds. I’m here on behalf of Sol Theolaur to find out what’s happened to some of his family who seem to be missing.’

  ‘What are you doing in my room.’ asked Chantalot suddenly wide-awake.

  ‘I was going to crawl into your brain through you ear and read your mind to find out what you know about Aquitain.’ said Helix.

  ‘By the way I enjoyed that song did you compose it?’

  ‘Thank you, I did.’ said Chantalot then suddenly looked at Featherdown and said

  ‘He can’t do that can he? I mean crawl into my brain.’

  ‘Quite possibly.’ said Featherdown.

  ‘But more likely in a metaphorical sense rather than what you’re thinking.’

  ‘How about we all go over to my tower for a hot cup of tea and discuss the situation.’ said Featherdown.

  ‘Good idea, but you better take down that insect screen of yours or I’ll not get in.’ said Helix.

  ‘Oh. Of course! My apologies. It’s the tropical climate here. I kept getting multitudes of insects and spiders invading my tower. In the end I put up the screen but it has caused a few problems. We’ve also got a plague of cockroaches in the town at the moment.’

  Helix flew onto Quab’s shoulder to be teleported to the tower and Chantalot snatched the net out of Quab’s hand and flashed the net over Helix.

  ‘Gotcha!’ he yelled.

  ‘Chantalot let him go.’ said Featherdown.

  ‘He’s a friend.’

  ‘No. Not until I get an apology for throwing me in the hedge.’ he said.

  Suddenly the net flew over Chantalot’s head paralysing him.

  ‘My you are a stubborn bard aren’t you? Perhaps you should remember that a Net of Immobility paralyses your body not your mind. I’m prepared to offer an apology for throwing you into the hedge if you apologize for stamping on me.’

  Featherdown removed the bug net from Chantalot’s head.

  ‘NO. I won’t apologize to a cockroach.’ shouted Chantalot.

  ‘Suit yourself.’ said Helix.

  ‘But just for the record, I’m not a cockroach I’m a Traveller bug.’

  Quab laughed. ‘I think you two could be a real hit as a new show in the inn.’

  ‘Settle down Chantalot.’ said Featherdown beginning to enjoy the situation. He hadn’t seen Chantalot so agitated about anything in years. It could be good for a laugh in the future and they teleported to the entertaining room in the tower.

  Chantalot and Quab sat on one lounge and Helix sat on another opposite them and separated by a small glass topped wooden table covered with scrolls while Featherdown went to make a pot of tea. Several minutes later he returned poured out a cup for each of them and a small thimble for Helix. As they picked up their cups Featherdown cast a word of stunning on Helix.

  ‘Now Helix or whatever your name is I would like a few answers.’

  There was a surge of magic and Chantalot, Quab and Archmage Featherdown were turned into cockroaches. Helix was turned into a Newman.

  ‘Now that was very silly Featherdown. Why is it that Newmans are so down on cockroaches?’ he said.

  ‘What have they ever done to you?’

  He carefully picked up Chantalot, Quab and Featherdown and placed them side-by-side on the floor.

  ‘Now a lesson for apprentice cockroaches, it is not nice to be squashed!’ then he crushed them under his foot.

  They felt the pressure as his foot squeeze down on their bodies. Their carapaces snapped resulting in sharp pains across their backs. Their legs shattered in multiple places, each break sending excruciating lightning bolts of pain. Their insides then burst out of their abdomens in a giddy nauseous explosion leaving them half stunned but throbbing with dull relentless pain like a toothache all over your body.

  ‘Not nice is it.’ said a voice into their minds.

  ‘Fortunately for you it hasn’t happened. You just felt what happened to me a few years ago.’ and they were suddenly uncrushed and there was no more pain.

  ‘Now listen carefully to what I have to say. Rob or Aquitain as you know him has upset an extremely powerful group of mind wizards called the Mentarin. Many of them could squash all of you as easily as I just squashed you. They have reacted to whatever Aquitain did by forcing Archwizard Sol Theolaur and all his family to flee from the home and city he has lived in for over forty years. Believe me that is some feat.’

  ‘Aquitain is very special to me and is probably in grave danger. I wish to help him but I need your willing help. I could very easily rape your minds and take the information I need. However, Sol Theolaur has said you are his friends. I will honour this friendship and treat you with respect.’

  Suddenly they were all Newmans again sitting opposite a cockroach on the lounge chair opposite. Quab was totally shocked, never had he been in the grip of so much raw power and felt so small and insignificant.

  Featherdown, looking a bit shaken, stood and walked to the centre of the room and said a word which none of them could hear. Instantly he was covered with an incredibly ornate wizard gown of deep red covered in magic runes of gold. The gown burst into fire as he added a golden crown and a long rod of gold appeared in his right hand.

  Quab had never witnessed this before. He could feel magic power oozing from Featherdown. Chantalot was scared. He had witnessed this type of power display once before when his brother had been visited by a Minor Power. He had a terrible feeling that he had tried to catch someone very powerful in a bug net. How stupid could he be?

  Featherdown turned to Helix and bowed from the waist before him. He performed a complex movement of his arms, said a few arcane words and a rainbow appeared over him.

>   ‘I am Featherdown, Battlemage of the School of Evocation, Archwizard of Helios, Camparon and Mudrun, Hero of the Battle of Demondew, Defender of the Weak and Bane of Evil. I recognize you and welcome you to Mudrun. May we walk in peace. I am a friend of Sol Theolaur and pledge my help in his family’s hour of need.

  Helix moved into a ritual position two paces in front of Featherdown and an illusion of a white haired old Newman wizard appeared dressed in a purple glowing robe covered in sparkling gems and surrounded by rainbow. Down his front on a chunky golden chain dangled a large golden key.

  ‘I am Helix, Archwizard of the Multiverse, Cosmic Traveller, Sage of Tongues, Keeper of the Golden Book of Knowledge, and Defender of the Weak. I recognize you Featherdown. I accept your pledge. Let us unite for the benefit of our friend.’

  ‘That is my wish.’ said Featherdown.

  Chantalot and Quab were stunned to silence, never had they witnessed Featherdown so serious, so powerful yet so humble.

  Featherdown looked at them and said.

  ‘Quab and Chantalot please tell Helix everything he wishes to know.’

  ‘Wait.’ said Helix. ‘I wish there be no feeling of coercion. I seek only the information that you are willing to give for the safety of Aquitain. Chantalot, I apologize for throwing you into the hedge.’

  ‘No.’ said Chantalot realizing the importance of the occasion and bowing humbly.

  ‘Lord Helix, please accept my sincerest apology for stamping on you. You have taught me a valuable lesson. I should have known better. I will tell you all I know freely as I value Aquitain as a friend and wish to help him in his hour of need.’ and he did. So did Featherdown and Quab.

  After hearing their stories Helix said

  ‘So, the real problem now is how do I find a gate to this Moonmist place. Do you know of one?’

  ‘The strict official policy is that there is only to be one commercial gate and that is the one here but it doesn’t go to Moonmist. There are two other private gates that I know of that do go there and perhaps the druid Council knows of others.’

  ‘One private gate is owned by Queen Snowbelle of Argenta. Her policy is to allow no traffic through it. The other gateway is known as the Southern Gateway and it was recently the scene of a skirmish. I have heard that the new High Druid has placed a permanent guard there and declared it closed to all traffic. Whether it is in actual fact closed I don’t know at the moment. I’ll contact the old High Druid and see if we can meet him to find out.’

  Featherdown uttered an arcane word and a crystal ball appeared in his hand. He waved his hand and the light in the room dimmed. A further word and the ball began to glow then clear. The view in the ball was of a small office where a young male wearing druid’s attire sat working with a scroll.

  ‘Alsomere, this is Featherdown. I need to urgently talk to High Druid Heteronymous. Is he available?’

  The young druid suddenly sat up.

  ’Er ... I think so, my Lord. He is currently making some final arrangements for the Conclave tomorrow, but I’m sure he will be able to talk to you briefly.’

  The young druid walked to a nearby door knocked and poked his head through then returned and removed a crystal ball from a cupboard and placed it on his desk. Moments later, a old thin man with an enormous white beard wearing a plain unadorned home spun brown druid robe walked into the room picked up the crystal ball at his end and began speaking.

  ‘Hello Featherdown, what’s happening? You’re wearing formals. Have you a distinguished visitor?’

  ‘Yes. I have a very high ranked colleague who brings some strange tidings. Can we meet?’

  The High Druid turned to the young druid and asked him to advise his guests that he would back in a few minutes then said

  ‘I’ll meet you at your tower’, and vanished.

  Featherdown turned to the others and said

  ‘I’ll just slip down and bring him up here.’

  Featherdown arrived with High Druid Heteronymous who looked tired and worn.

  ‘You’ll need to make it quick I have a challenge tomorrow and still a lot of things to organize. Hello Quab when are you going to the conclave. I’ll need your help I think the odds are too even for my liking.’

  Helix recognized the old druid as they had apparently had dealings before.

  ‘Hello Heteronymous, it’s me Helix the traveller bug. It seems as I have come at an important time.’

  ‘Hello Ambassador Helix, you have indeed come at an important time. Do you know what the Inter-World Council of Druid idiots are up to? They have sent this halfwit here to conduct a witch-hunt and he’s causing more chaos than an Agent of Chaos. I tried to get into contact with the Council but it’s not responding. What’s happening?’

  ‘Something big is about to happen I think. There’s unusual activity in all the temples of several different faiths back in Panmagica. It may or may not have something to do with this prophesy of yours. All I know is Aquitain has upset the Mentarin and that spells trouble with a big T.’

  ‘Damnation. I knew that lad was going to cause trouble but the Mentarin what have they got to do with us here on Mudrun? He’s not even on Mudrun I believe he’s on Moonmist. Isn’t that what you said Featherdown?’

  ‘Yes that is our current belief Heteronymous. I wonder if the Mentarin have something of value there and Aquitain has stumbled upon it?’

  ‘It’s possible.’ said Helix. ‘No one seems to know where they make their magic items. Perhaps it is there.’

  ‘If that were the case, why are there problems here on Mudrun? It doesn’t make sense.’ stated Quab.

  ‘That is exactly what I’m here to discover.’ said Helix.

  ‘I need to get to Moonmist to find out. Is the Southern gate open at the moment?’

  ‘Unfortunately not.’ replied Heteronymous.

  ‘That leaves Queen Snowbelle’s gateway then.’ said Helix. ‘What do you think my chances are that she will open it for me.’

  Heteronymous chuckled. ‘A snowballs chance on a lava flow I would guess. However there may be a way. I intend to challenge that idiot High Druid at the Conclave and assuming we win. I’ll get the gate master of the Southern gateway to open for you. She won’t open it for me at the moment as she’s well aware that I don’t hold the Leadership of the Council.’

  ‘Thank you for the generous offer, I think I will still take a look at Queen Snowbell’s gate on the remote chance that I can get through. If not your help will be much appreciated.’

  ‘Good then I must get back.’ said Heteronymous. ‘There are still many things to organize before the conclave tomorrow. Quab why don’t you come back with me so we can discuss tactics? Featherdown I’m counting on your support if things turn ugly.’

  ‘And you’ll have it, Heteronymous. I will be waiting for Quab’s signal.’

  ‘Good. Then let’s hope we can pull this off and get rid of that idiot and return this world to some semblance of peace.’ replied Heteronymous as he moved towards the teleport circle with Quab and Featherdown. After the old High Wizard and Quab had left Featherdown yelled.

  ‘Chantalot, double the guards, call a general meeting of everyone in the town for midday. It looks like a long night.’

  ‘Lord Helix, as you can see I will likely be busy for a while. I can give you the teleport coordinates for both Queen Snowbelle’s gate and the Southern gateway. You can try either or both if you wish. The southern gateway is preferable and I’m sure you will have no trouble with the guards there. However, I would suggest that Hieronymus’s information that it is closed is likely to be correct. If you are prepared to take the risk with Queen Snowbelle’s gateway then you should be aware that she is not friendly with the current Druid’s Council but neither does she like wizards and will kill them mercilessly on sight.’

  ‘She was a High Druid of Mudrun in a previous life before she was reincarnated as a nymph. She is also the mother of Aquitain’s girlfriend Miranda but the relationship between mother and d
aughter is strained at the moment. She may not be prepared to let you pass knowing that you wish to help Aquitain.’

  ‘She sounds like a woman scorned by another magic user that wants vengeance on all and has the power to take it.’ replied Helix.

  ‘Unfortunately, they usually don’t like cockroaches either. Where does she live?’

  ‘We have the teleport coordinates in the library. Chantalot perhaps you could show Helix where they are.’

  ‘I would be honoured to show you.’ replied Chantalot.

  ‘I’m always interested in new stories of heroism and glory.’

  ‘Then lead on bard, I’m sure you’ll see some in the next few days.’ said Helix and flew onto Chantalot’s shoulder.

  Chapter 23 The Initial Attack

  Helix and Chantalot had two things in common. They both liked beer and bawdy songs. These things were established fairly quickly. Unfortunately there was little time for either at the moment. Chantalot took Helix to the library where Helix got the coordinates to the gates but then Helix changed his mind. He decided to stay and wait for the news about the conclave. He had a feeling that the conclave was more than just a challenge for leadership. Too much was resting on the outcome. That meant that unknown powers and gods would be tempted to interfere.

  After getting the coordinates, Helix and Chantalot decided to head back to the inn for some rest. They talked for some time about Aquitain. Helix revealed that he had been a tutor of Aquitain when he was a young lad. While Chantalot didn’t say so, he thought this was strange.

  Why would a person of Helix’s obvious power and influence spend time teaching Aquitain when he was a child? Just how powerful was Aquitain when he was young? Surely they could have got a much less esteemed tutor. Then he remembered that Aquitain had a lot of hidden knowledge locked away. What did they put in his mind? Perhaps Helix intended to unlock some secret knowledge. They were awakened at dawn when one of the Guard officers banged on Chantalot’s door.


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