Edge of Chaos

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Edge of Chaos Page 31

by Des Pensable

  ‘What would you like me to do?’ asked Granwell.

  ‘You are going to conjure me some beasts.’ replied Featherdown.

  ‘Oh is that all. I was hoping you had something exciting in mind.’ said Granwell.

  ‘I have.’ replied Featherdown. ‘It will be the most exciting thing you and I have done for a while. A grand deception.’

  ‘I don’t remember us doing anything together before.’ said Granwell thinking carefully.

  ‘What about that time on Rembro.’ replied Featherdown.

  ‘Oh but that wasn’t you that was …is it really you? I don’t think I’ve seen you naked before.’

  Featherdown grinned and nodded.

  ‘By the Powers, We nearly died on Rembro.’ replied Granwell a lot more serious.

  ‘And we might die here unless we can pull this off properly.’ said Featherdown.

  ’Do you think you can control that dragon you were telling me about earlier.’

  ‘Ahh. Perhaps. She owes me a favour but she is rather temperamental. She likes fighting and destroying things. We could lose the town.’ replied Granwell a little uncertain now.

  ‘Perhaps if we throw in a couple of magic items.’ said Featherdown.

  ‘You’re not going to call a real dragon are you?’ said the druid suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

  ‘Yes. Just do your job. Look pretty and when the fighting starts dive for the ground and meld in. We’ll do the fighting.’

  ‘Okay this is how I envisage it playing out. Just keep an eye on Archwizard Firestorm. He’s the most likely to wake up that it’s a deception. There are also a couple of wizard hunters around. They will be invisible and unlikely to bother the dragon but they could worry us if they get close enough.’


  Back at the Gateway Building a wizard hunter was reporting to High Priest Kelnor.

  ‘I went to check on the western teleport area and discovered that the members of our patrol sent there were dead. There were signs of magic use and there were a few civilians there. I suspected that it might be a trap and there might be hidden magic users so I waited patiently to try and detect them. While waiting a young Newman naked except for a glamour teleported in announcing he was a person called Aquitain. He was recognized and greeted with great enthusiasm by the civilians. I recalled that we were not to harm him. He changed to a bear and sniffed around as if trying to detect any hidden people like myself. When he started to approach my position I left to come here to report.’

  ‘This is interesting!’ said Firestorm. ‘The last report I had on him said he was in Moonmist. Are you sure it wasn’t someone posing as him?’

  ‘I don’t think so, My Lord. He was naked. Nobody would come to a war zone naked unless they were idiots or extremely powerful and I’ve heard rumours about this Aquitain fellow. They say he’s an Agent of Chaos and a mind wizard. That’s likely to make him both crazy and powerful and that’s a bad combination.’

  ‘Don’t believe everything you hear.’ said Firestorm. ‘He bleeds just like you or I. Anyhow I dare say if he’s here, we’ll see him soon enough.’


  Granwell finished a complicated incantation calling for help from the dragon who had promised assistance in return for a favour granted by Granwell. Unfortunately dragons were not that reliable resenting being called to act for lesser beings. However, a favour was a favour and required a repayment in kind.

  ‘This dragon has an unpronounceable name and prefers that we just call her Rose. She is quite vain and she likes the idea of roses being pretty flowers on a bush covered with thorns. I think she sees herself that way.’ said Granwell. ‘Let me do the talking.’

  After about five minutes a bronze coloured dragon appeared on top of the teleport marker and casually looked around until she spotted Granwell.

  ‘Sssssss … I was just about to have a nap when my good friend Granwell called. I hope you have some nice entertainment for me or I might be a bit unhappy. I do like my napsssss.’

  ‘Err . Hello Rose. This is my friend Aquitain. There is an army not far from here and we were planning a little party for them but first we thought you might like some entertainment before the fight. We were hoping to stage a grand deception to fool an archwizard into releasing some hostage Newmans.’

  ‘Ssssssss … it sounds interessssting. Tell me more.’ said Rose.

  ‘My friend Aquitain will explain what he wishes to do.’

  Rose looked at Featherdown closely and said.

  ‘Ssssssss. An interessssting disguise wizard but not very practical. I hope your deception is a little better.’

  Featherdown explained what he planned to do and the dragon was quiet for a couple of minutes thinking about it.

  ‘Sssssss … it might work. I shall come along and watch. If it is boring I might just ssssssstart the killing early.’

  Featherdown breathed a sigh of relief. He was more concerned about this part of the plan than the rest. All they needed now was exceptional good luck so he set to work.

  First he had Granwell polymorph to the shape of a Little Person to look harmless. Granwell knew he could use his conjuring ability in this shape as he had done it before. Granwell climbed into the birdcage and it was hung around the dragons neck on a rope as if was a necklace or a more appropriately a trophy or a prisoner. This was important as it gave Granwell a good view. Unfortunately it was likely to be a very scary journey when the dragon flew.

  Featherdown coiled two lengths of rope around the dragon’s chest to hold onto while in the air, cast the power to use mindspeak on himself so he could communicate with everyone and climbed onto the dragons back. He sat at the front looking like a near naked Aquitain with the druid mimicking Miranda holding on tightly behind him. The druid was silently cursing his stupidity for deciding to volunteer to help. Granwell just closed his eyes and hung on tightly thinking that if he survived he would see a healer to check his own sanity and off they flew.

  Rose at first spiralled in a couple of lazy circles around gaining altitude and when about three hundred paces up from the ground headed for the headland. She circled three times around it then slowly descended to about two hundred paces off the ground above the square outside the gateway building and hovered in view of the whole army below her. They all watched but did nothing aggressive.

  Featherdown used a herald power on himself. This allowed him to speak with a magically enhanced voice so that all below could hear him.

  ‘I am Aquitain, Wizard Captain of the Mudrun Defence forces. I have Princess Miranda of Argenta with me. We wish to speak with the commander of this force under a flag of truce. Please send up a green flare if you wish to talk.’

  He quickly used Mass Suggestion.

  ‘If we don’t see a flare we shall assume you wish to fight us and the other dragons currently on the way. You have five minutes to reply.’ and Rose flew off circling around the headland.

  ‘Okay, now for the reinforcements, Granwell. Keep them flying high in circles so they can’t see them too well. At a distance they will look like dragons.’ said Featherdown using mindspeak.

  Granwell sat in the cage wedged his legs against the sides and began conjuring three Wyverns. They were stupid animals and would do what he asked for about 10 minutes.

  To the majority on the ground the mass suggestion had primed them to see dragons and dragons they saw. The few that saw Wyverns were disbelieved.

  On the ground Firestorm was looking up.

  ‘What’s he playing at? I’d bet a week’s pay those are Wyverns.’

  ‘They look like dragons to me.’ said Kelnor. ‘but I’ve only ever seen them in books. Are they really as dangerous as they’re claimed to be?’

  ‘Well, four of them could probably destroy half our force, I suppose. I didn’t think we’d be facing dragons. We haven’t got the right gear. It would certainly upset morale.’ replied Firestorm reluctantly.

  ‘We better talk. Send up a flare.’

  On s
eeing the flare Rose circled down to the ground and landed three hundred paces from the Gateway Building while the wyverns flew in circles around the headland about five hundred paces above. More than half the army moved to a position where they could see the dragon with Featherdown and Miranda on its back. A hundred soldiers took up position with weapons drawn halfway between Featherdown and the Gateway Building and the supplies coming out of the gateway stopped.

  Featherdown sat there for a couple of minutes and nobody came out to talk so he dismounted the dragon and walked out in front of it and began talking using his herald amplified voice. Everyone on the headland could hear him.

  ‘I am Aquitain. I am a mind wizard and I’m from Panmagica like you. You probably know mind magic is illegal in Panmagica but probably don’t know why. It’s because we are believed by the priests to be in control of dangerous magic that affects people minds.’

  ‘Did anyone tell you about this world you have just entered. I am here to warn you of this place. It was once totally destroyed by a magic storm that went on for weeks. Few know why the storm started but it has left behind a problem for all who would stay here. Countless ghosts wander eternally around. They play tricks on men’s minds and sometimes enter their dreams and drive them mad.’

  ‘I have been working here trying to keep men sane but even I find it hard to keep them from my dreams. Most of you know that in Panmagica illusions are only used for entertainment and to scare the children. Here they take on a life of their own and so do the dreams. The creatures people dream have been known to come alive and kill them and all others around.’

  ‘I know you won’t believe me so I will show you an illusion and you judge for yourself.’

  ‘Now conjure your big beast.’ said Featherdown to Granwell using mindspeak while he cast a mass suggestion.

  ‘Remember this is only an illusion.’

  A mighty thunder lizard appeared fifty paces from Featherdown and roared. Many of the troops nearby paled and stepped back a couple of paces. More than one wet his pants.

  The lizard took one look at the dragon and decided that it was an enemy, roared again and charged. Rose sent out a column of liquid fire at it and the lizard burst into flame screamed in pain and collapsed in a blazing heap to the ground. Several seconds later it vanished leaving only a dark smouldering area and the stench of burning flesh.

  ‘That was an illusion.’ broadcast Featherdown.

  ‘Imagine if one of the monsters in your dreams come true. How could you fight, you’re on your back asleep. Imagine the carnage. You and your friends ripped apart. Blood on the walls and bits of your flesh scattered randomly around the room; an arm here, a leg there and your battered carcass lying in the corner.’

  There were murmurs everywhere among the troops.

  ‘I am from Panmagica like you. I am a mind wizard and there are others like me here as well. They can seed your minds with creatures that will come alive and murder you and your companions while you sleep. I don’t wish to harm any of you but I am sworn to protect this place. Please release your hostages, take your weapons and supplies and go back through the gate.’

  ‘Quick you better get out there fast he will start panicking the troops.’ said Kelnor.

  Firestorm nodded and hurried out.

  Featherdown cast a mass suggestion using mindspeak to scratch the itch. Here and there soldiers subconsciously started scratching.

  Firestorm moved to the front and used a herald power on himself.

  ‘This is Archwizard Firestorm. You have just seen an excellent example of a mind wizard trying to cause fear and confusion before a battle. We are stronger and smarter than that. Bring on your wyverns and we will show them as little mercy as we show any others that try to stop our glorious troops from Panmagica doing their sworn duty. Either get your Archwizard Featherdown to surrender or bring on you worst.’

  ‘There is a second problem here which your leaders didn’t tell you about.’ said Featherdown.

  ‘The insects here spread a plague that that causes horrifying pain and death over a couple of days. Fungus grows all over your body and your insides rot. It generally starts by a small insect bite that creates an incurable itch. When you see others near you scratching it could be the plague.’

  One soldier nearby complained that he was itchy and needed a plague cure. Others noticed that they were scratching or saw others scratching and started asking the priests to do something about it. Firestorm realized that he would soon have a major morale problem on his hands unless he got rid of Aquitain.

  ‘This meeting is over. You have 30 seconds to leave or you won’t leave.’ yelled Firestorm.

  ‘All troops sound off the Panmagican Battle chant.’

  Featherdown quickly remounted the dragon and as they took off all the troops began singing the battle chant that was designed to raise morale and block mental attacks. The troops all over the headland and town joined in heartily rendering the chant that was Featherdown’s signal for the druids to do their job.

  The two druids in the hidden chamber beside the gateway, chuckled when they heard the guards above start gustily singly the battle chant and went to work. Lever one was pulled down, this stopped the chamber from being flooded. Lever two was pulled down, this lit up the hidden chamber and tunnel going down to the teleport circle with green light and finally lever three. This lever rotated the wall in the pit upward.

  Suddenly the people looked over and saw a green-lit area and one druid started calling ‘Run Dragon Run!’ The children were up and off like hares. The parents were a bit slower suddenly realizing what was happening and moved chasing the children. The pit was cleared in about 20 seconds and the druid rotated the wall back down again before the alarm was given above. Unfortunately there was an invisible mage hunter hiding in the pit and he also ran through with the town’s people.

  As children ran down the length of the tunnel the druid at the other end began sending groups of them off to the western teleport marker using the teleport circle as quickly as he could. The mage hunter waited until all the people had passed leaving the druid at the end then attacked from invisibility grabbing the druid around the neck and cutting his throat. He then opened the wall using the lever and yelled for his colleagues to come down.

  The yelling was his downfall. A couple of the townsmen came back down the tunnel to see what the noise was about and saw the dead druid. They yelled a warning and tackled the wizard hunter. The druid at the teleport circle end turned to a bat and flew down the tunnel changed to a bear and ripped the head off the mage hunter while another of the townspeople closed the wall off.

  He healed a knife wound on a townsman checked his dead druid friend, then changed to a bat again flew down the tunnel and continued teleporting the townspeople away. Finally he retrieved his dead druid colleague and teleported himself away just as the people at the pit end began to break through the wall.

  The two druids in the tunnel next to where the troops were held had no trouble at all. The procedure went like clockwork. The troops cleared the room in 15 seconds and the wall was down again by twenty. It would be at least five minutes before anyone would notice they were all gone.

  As the people and guards arrived in groups at the western teleport marker they were directed to travel through the jungle further to the west. Several of the guards were given weapons and asked to fan out and help guard the area.

  Meanwhile Featherdown on Rose the dragon flew around in circles watching and listening to the troops sing their battle chant. The druid pretending to be Miranda changed to an eagle and was sent back to help with the people at the western teleport marker along with Granwell who teleported there in case they needed some magical backup.

  Chapter 26 Arrogance and Vanity

  When Granwell sent him a message that the plan had worked and most of the people and guards had escaped Featherdown breathed a sigh of relief and using mindspeak to the dragon told her she could now cause as much devastation as she wished but as
ked her to start with the commercial teleport building. He teleported to his tower, used his rod of greater dispel to eliminate his Aquitain form, donned his battledress and went down to the basement. He used his communicator crystal to contact Granwell.

  ‘How’s it going?’

  ‘Good.’ replied Granwell.

  ‘We’ve got all the townspeople and all the guards that were captured. Are you going to close the gateway now? Heteronymous has arrived he wants to know whether to do his part.’

  ‘I’m going to try and close the gateway from the backup control room but it could be hazardous if Firestorm knows about it. Tell Heteronymous to wait about 30 minutes for the gateway to close. If it doesn’t close and I don’t return then to do his part.’ replied Featherdown.

  ‘What’s he going to do?’ asked Granwell.

  ‘Don’t ask. Just use the mass teleport wand I gave you and get the townspeople to safety. If I don’t join you, I am likely to be gone for a while. Good luck my friend.’ replied Featherdown.

  Featherdown opened a dimensional safe in the wall of his basement and took out a simple glass sphere the size of an orange made of very thin glass. The sphere was full of a colourless liquid and had a warning on the surface ‘Terratox. Do not break.’, and a picture of a skull.

  He held it in his right hand and went to the teleport circle and teleported to the backup control centre for the gateway, a small room deep inside the rock above the gateway.

  On arrival he felt it instantly- an antimagic zone.

  ‘Welcome.’ said Archwizard Firestorm.

  ‘We got you this time.’ said Curbut. ‘I can’t believe the great Featherdown would be so stupid as to fall into a trap like this.’

  Featherdown looked around. There were four wizard hunters all with weapons drawn, two fighters in full armour with weapons at the ready, Archwizard Firestorm and Wizard Curbut.


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