Gloucester’s Witch Academy 1

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Gloucester’s Witch Academy 1 Page 8

by Jessica Baker

  We stepped out and took a stroll along the park. Not saying much but holding hands and feeling in sync like medieval lovers.

  I checked my watch and groaned. “I’m sorry but I have to go to work. We will have to catch a bus to the bar from here.” I sigh. “I wish I don’t have to go.”

  He pulled me close to his body. His heat enveloping and clouding my sense with giddy happiness. “I know.” Then he bent his head and kissed me. So sweetly I almost melted. My knees buckled but his hand supported my back and kept me up. His mouth covered mine and moans of ecstasy escaped from me. I couldn’t believe. My first kiss and I got the fireworks. And the heat. Oh, so much heat between my legs. He ends the kiss and I open my eyes to see the coastline of Boston fade over his head. That’s it. There’s no denying it now. I have fallen in love with him. Head over heels in love. And it felt so beautiful to be love someone who looked at you like the sun rests in your eyes. He is everything I have ever wanted and more.

  We both ended up smiling like fools.

  “Jane. May I see you again? Please?”

  “Sure.” I grinned. “How about a movie date?”

  “It’s on.”

  He smiled and kissed me again. Just a fleeting peck on my lips.

  “Can’t wait. I’ll text you.” I just nodded and stepped out of his arms. I made the short walk to the bus stop to get into the next bus that will take me to work.

  Chapter 8

  I arrive at work with a stupid grin on my face while walking on the clouds. I can’t help it. I am happy. Very happy. Not only did I just have the best date ever, I think I might have a boyfriend already. Having Mark as my boyfriend would so amazing. He would make the best boyfriend and hopefully husband, ever. And if there is one thing I know; he surely feels the same way. Maybe even more. My fairytale is coming true. Yay!

  I push the door open and go in.

  “Hi, guys,” I call out to the guys at the bar.

  “Hello, Jane,” Martin responded. “You look amazing.”

  I blush. I did not have time to change as I planned before coming to work because I did not think that the date will last all afternoon. Not that I am complaining, it is one of the most enjoyable moments I have had in a while, I’m just not used to dressing up like when coming to work. And I’m sure they would have come to various conclusions but at this point, I don’t care. I am having the best day and if that means having the sweetest disposition today, then so be it.

  “Thank you, Chris,” I respond as I made my way to the locker room.

  I heard a high pitch yelp of excitement behind me. Becky was already in her uniform; she just grabbed my hand and intertwined my arms in hers as we made our way to the locker room. “Let’s go have the conversation about this killer dress. Did it do its work?”

  I feign ignorance. “I have no idea what you are talking about. I have had this dress for ages.”

  “Uhh…no. This is the type of dress you blow up your credit for and not even feel bad about it. So tell me, Jane, where did you go?”

  I could not hide my joy anymore. I let out a happy squeal. “I just got back from a date with Mark.”

  “No way. The library guy. The one that got you hot all over? That same Mark?” I had told Becky about Mark the previous week when she was asking if I had met anyone yet in Boston.


  “Oh girl, I am so proud of you. Look at you all smiley and stuff. Tell me everything.”

  “Well, you know we exchanged numbers and have been chatting ever since Sunday. It feels like we have known each other for ages, you know.” Becky follows to my locker and sits while I begin to change into my uniform.

  “But even then, I was still kinda skeptical about how our date will go. So I met with him on the block around the public library and we just walked and talked…” I smile off wistfully as I turned my back for Becky to help me with my zipper.

  “…and what?” She asked impatiently after helping with the zipper and the dressed pooled at my feet.

  “And we eat tacos and ice cream while talking about some of our deepest fears and worries. “Oh, Becky. He is so sweet. Super caring and very compassionate. He is going to make an amazing doctor.”

  “Ummm hmmm… and what happened after you discovered all these amazing things about him?”

  I took about a second to bring out my uniform and wear my shorts. “Well, we did kiss-“

  “No way.”

  “-my first too.” I bit my lip and nodded gleefully.

  Becky pulled me into a bear hug.

  “I am so happy for you, Jane.”

  “Me too. It was beautiful. There were sparks everywhere.”

  “Hope you are seeing him again?”

  “Yes. We a movie date soon, he will text me when exactly.”

  “Just make sure you go for the sappy romcoms. If he laughs or cries, he’s a keeper.”

  “Thank you, love sensei. I will be sure to remember that.”

  “And is there a reason why both of you are not outside doing the work they are paying you for?” Sam said as she entered and found us both laughing.

  Becky ignores her and just face me to say. “See you out there. We will finish this later.”

  Becky then walks out and intentionally gives Sam a fake smile on her way.

  I could tell Sam was very curious about what we talking about but there was no way she was going to ask. Not that I would tell her anyway. I pulled my uniform top over my head.

  “I didn’t know you were coming in today.” She asked.

  “Why would I miss it?” I ask while putting my hair in a bun.

  “I don’t know.” She said with a shrug.

  “Well, I have to get to my tables now. See you out there.” I said as I walked past her outside.

  I step into the bar and see the whole is almost filled up with people. Even though I have only been here for about a week, it is starting to grow on me. I have my regulars who always find a way to crack a joke about my red hair. Even some of the jabs are now harmless and anyone who tries to go above board and insult gets the boo from the other customers. So maybe it’s because I had my first kiss today but I am in a chirpy mood and so I will go out of my way to be exceptionally nice to even the worst mannered customer I serve today. Yes. And I will dedicate it all to the amazing and sweet Mark.

  While I was running order for some customers, a man came in. He looked so sophisticated in his blue dress shirt and crisp pants. Some people would look elegant even in rags and this man looked exceptionally good-looking and powerful. He even stood with confidence. The alpha male, Becky would have called him. A dark mop of hair and a nice beard. Even I am getting ideas. He is one heck of a fine man. He looked around the bar till his gaze rested on mine. Our eyes locked and I smiled signaling my hand was occupied. He smiled back and waved. I then cock my head in the direction of my section signaling that he come take a seat.

  He understood and went on to sit at one of the empty booths behind. I finished with the customer and went over to meet him.

  “Hi, my name is Jane. What may I get you?” I offered with a smile.

  And he smiles right back at me. Upon closer inspection, He looks good. Like someone that has it all together. Maybe, mid to late 20s. I can’t ascertain the color of his eyes but I can tell that he is deliberate and has a way of arresting smoldering gaze.

  “Hi, Jane. My name is Sagat. You’re new here.”

  He did not ask it as a question, Maybe I would have if he had but he did not. Smart. I have to give it to this man.

  “Well, what gave me away? Apart from the obvious red hair?” I return.

  “To be honest, I kinda know all the waitresses here already. I come in occasionally whenever I can.

  I chuckle. “Yeah, I am pretty new. Started last week.”

  “And how has it been so far? Punched anyone yet?”

  “Nah. I don’t think I have the mental strength or even physical strength for that. I mean the first few days were rough but I am kin
d of getting the hang of it. Although my legs still kill me in the mornings”

  “Wow, that’s rough. First time waitressing?”

  I don’t know why, even though I know he is probing, I still like talking to him. Maybe it was that really deep voice of his that warms me up and curls my toes. I am not interested in him romantically, I already kinda have a man. But that doesn’t mean I cannot be friendly and make friends.

  “Yes. First time and hopefully the last. I see this as a means to pay rent until I can figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.”

  “And it’s not a bad one. I once had a job cleaning a public pool.” He looked mortified I couldn’t help laughing.

  “Was it that bad?”

  “Do you know the things that go on at the public pool? God, I don’t think I have been able to unsee the things I have seen since then.” He did a dramatic shudder.

  “But you look like you’ve come a long from that phase”

  “Yes. And I clean up well. But the whole experience gave me a perspective on some business opportunities around the fact that nobody wants to volunteer to do the dirty work. So I started doing that. Focusing on areas that I know people shy away from.”

  “That’s a really nice initiative. So what do you really do?”

  “I am a businessman. I own quite several startups. I am in Boston to tie up some loose ends on a project.”

  “Well, let’s give you the Boston hospitality while you are here. What can I get you?”

  “Whiskey on the rocks, please.”

  “Okay, Whiskey on the rocks coming right up.”

  He smiled as I walked away. And when I returned with his drinks, we talked a little more about the labor market and climate change. He seemed to be a genius in everything. And he had a wonderful sense of humor.

  “You know, I was not sure whether to come out tonight. But you, Jane, made it all worth it.”

  I put my hand on my chest and feigned surprise. ” Thank you, kind sir.”

  He chuckled. “For real though, the few times I have been here and your other co-workers have served me, they were either too dumb to have serious conversations with or are sending not so friendly vibes. But you, you are pleasant to talk to.”

  The compliment caught me off guard. There were no sexual innuendos or any romantic insinuations. It is almost so rare to find men like this. Who just enjoys the company of opposite-sex without making it weird? I guess today is my day of spending time with awesome men. The First was Mark. And now it is- wait,

  “I don’t even know your name.” I blurted out.

  He smiled. “It’s Sagat. My name is Sagat. I mentioned it earlier?”

  “Yes, you did. Just forgot.” I quickly put in before he considers me a moron.

  He quirked his lips in a small smile and polished off his drink and dug into his back pocket to bring out his wallet. “I have to go now. I am meeting with some friends tonight.” He dropped some bills on the table.

  “See you around, Jane. Stay safe out there.”

  “I will. Thanks for coming in and letting me serve you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine. Goodbye, Jane.”

  “Bye, Sagat.”

  I do a quick joy dance when I counted the huge tip he gave me. Now this is the kind of customers that makes your day. Well, there was one other customer who could cap off this wonderful payday.

  I continued working and serving a couple of folks. I was surprised when I served a couple of guys who were celebrating a promotion. I had my hands full working with a couple of indecisive law associates. They were quite reluctant but I managed to guide them into buying a bottle of champagne and even trying out some new drinks. Thanks to Chris and Martin, I was initiated into their friendship clique before the night was over. The promotion guys had just left when Franklin entered the bar. I was a bit busy when he came in but I managed to wave at him and he just went on to sit at the table in my section.

  I knew he wanted to talk more than he wanted to drink. So I took my time. Getting a hang of this meant that I learned how to shuffle different customers whilst making all of them feel important and heard.

  When I was done, I decided to catch my break with Franklin. So I walked over with his usual order.

  “On the house,” I said as I set in from of him.

  His light lit up as if I had just offered him a million-dollar cheque.

  “Thank you so much, Jane. This is just what I needed.”

  “Rough day?” I ask as I take the seat in front of him.

  “Not really. I mean, no worse than normal. It’s quite personal. But I will be fine. How about you? Tell me, what is on your mind?”

  “Hmm, right now?”

  “Yes. Tell me, the first thing on your mind.

  “The usual, I guess. I am still figuring out this whole thing out, you know. This moving into a new city is simpler in movies. Just making ends meet with minimum wage is crazy and just stressful.”

  “If I understand what you are saying to me right now, you need some money.”

  “Yeah, I do. Rent will be due soon and based on my calculations, I won’t be able to make it. Not with this job.”

  Franklin played around with the rim of his glasses in silence before he talked again.

  “How much do you need?”

  “Ummm…presently, I need about 1500 USD.” I answer not sure where he is going with all this.

  “So, Jane. What if I tell you that I can help you with this problem? I can give you the money you need if…”

  “If I do what, Franklin,” I ask already assuming the worst of this man in front of me. When he didn’t answer quickly enough, I stared at him with disgust and asked again. “If I do what, Franklin? I want to hear you say it”

  “If you go on a date with me.”

  “What? Date? Just a date.” I could not believe what I just heard. Of course, there has to be something worse coming right?


  I took a deep breath and settled on an easier way to turn him down without hurting his feelings. “Look, Franklin. I am honored that you are offering to help me out with money but I can’t do this. It’s almost like an escort or prostitution transaction thing. And I am not that desperate. So I am going to have to politely turn down your offer.”

  “Before you, that, just give me a chance to explain. You asked what was wrong with me earlier so here it is. I have been worried because quite a lot of my business partners are family people and when my wife was with me, she used to be the one to host them and engage them and things like that. I hardly ever know what to say or how to be sociable around them. I just want you to come with me on this on this date with my business partners and friends. With you there, I might be able to loosen up and become a better partner and friend to these guys that stood by me. That’s all, Jane.”

  Even though I do not want to agree, his motive is harmless. I mean, if I could help him help his business, wouldn’t that be great? But no matter how I try to justify it, I know the money would be very useful to me. So, I just might have to learn to pick my battles and let give in. I have no other option. This is the only job I have and I won’t be able to even make rent and pay off my loan with this job. And even though a part of me feels bad about this, I will just have to take help wherever I can get it. What do I have to lose from a harmless dinner, anyway?

  “Dinner can’t work. I have a shift here tomorrow. How about lunch?”

  “Lunch is even better. It is going to be great, Jane. I promise.”

  I finally gave in. We exchanged numbers and set the date for tomorrow afternoon instead of the evening before I resumed from my shift at the bar. Franklin is so happy. You would think I had just found his favorite stuffed animal. He promises to wire the money to my bank account before we even go on the date. He is so trusting. Now, it just wouldn’t be fair to disappoint him. We talk for a while before he took just a sip of the drink and then left.

  I was almost in the last hour of my shift when Jennifer w
alked up to me. We haven’t had much interaction since I turned down her offer. She did not hide her new resentment of me although we tried to act polite to each other in public.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the goody-two-shoes Jane already testing the waters.” She said in a mocking tone.

  “What do you mean by that?” I ask

  “Oh please, we all saw you take Franklin’s card. So you don’t mind doing older rich men, right?”

  “First of all, I owe you no explanations. But this is nothing. I am just trying to help a friend. And if you must know, I already have someone.”

  If there was malice in her eyes, she hid it well. “Really? You’ve already been bitten by the love bug. That’s great. Tell me about him.”

  “Well, his name is Mark. He is a medical student. He is going to become a hotshot doctor. He is super smart and caring. He is so focused. We met the other day at the library where he is almost always studying or at the university. We went on a date earlier today and it was amazing.” I was on a roll. Gushing about how great my guy is. I even brought out my phone and showed her the picture of him I had taken earlier that day while he was unaware. Jennifer looked at him and nodded.

  “He’s hot. I approve. You snagged a good one, Jane-y. I’m proud of you” I laugh at her compliment of me. Maybe we don’t have to be enemies or frenemies like Becky said. Jennifer doesn’t seem all that bad. I’m so glad we could move past the whole hostility shindig. Well, not until she opened her mouth and said.

  “So that means there is nothing between you and Ray then? You seemed upset the last time you saw us together.”

  “Upset? No. No. I was not. He is just a customer who helped me some time and we talk, that’s all.”

  “I guess this means that you can now back off, Ray. You little slut! I know your type. I see you with several men. Smiling and flirting. You want to play with people and have them all, right? Well, not Ray. Keep your doctor poster boy and brooding recluse but don’t ever come near Ray. He doesn’t have time for wannabe princesses who thinks the world revolves around her because she is pretty and has everyone eating off the palm of her hand. Back the hell off!” She stormed off after that unexpected outburst. I just stood there with my mouth open wondering where all that venom came from. Just when I thought we were making some progress, she had to get all bitchy.


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