30 Days (Morgan Family Series Book 1)

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30 Days (Morgan Family Series Book 1) Page 11

by J. L. Leslie

  I turn and face Mr. Morgan and ask him what he needs me to do. Cameron’s face is set in a hard stare at the file on the table in front of him.

  “I’d rather she didn’t view it, Mr. Morgan. With all due respect.” Phil states.

  “With all due respect to you Mr. Andrews, you came to us. You are the client

  pushing this case when you don’t really have anything to push. Your preliminary hearing is tomorrow and you have no evidence to back up your statement. Ms.

  Stone, look at the screen and tell me if you see any evidence that our client was drugged.”

  I grasp my hands together in front of me to keep them from trembling and watch Mr. Morgan press play. Ecstasy comes to life on the screen. I recognize every dancer, including myself. I’m in my blonde wig and I’m onstage. I swallow hard, but keep my eyes on the screen.

  Mindy is covering her area and Phil Andrews comes to sit in it. He orders a drink from the waitress, Paula, and she goes to get it. I watch him have three drinks and then he goes to the private dance rooms with Mindy. His hands are empty. I watch their private dance. He consumes nothing. He emerges empty handed as well. Nothing in the footage insists that he was drugged. Even when they leave, he’s empty handed and so is she.

  “What do you think, Ms. Stone?” Mr. Morgan asks.

  “It appears that the waitress served your client. The footage shows her retrieve his drinks from the bar and the drinks were poured while the glass was sitting on top of the bar. There is no indication of any illegal substance in the glass or being put in the glass before the beverages were served to your client. When he consumes his second drink, it’s poured the exact same way and served by the same waitress. Same for the third. If he was indeed drugged, it doesn’t appear that it happened during his stay at the club.”

  “It happened!” Phil argues. “She drugged me in my car!”

  “With all due respect…” I hesitate, but then continue, “that argument will not change the fact that you left with her to begin with and that was prior to your allegation of being drugged. Do you need anything else, Mr. Morgan?”

  I notice that slight smirk on Cameron’s face. It matches the smirk on Mr.

  Morgan’s face. I try not to smirk at all. I hate being put in this situation.

  “That’s all. Thank you, Ms. Stone.”

  I walk out of the conference room and try to calm the hammering my heart is doing. I feel sick about what just happened. Seeing myself on the screen. Having Mr. Morgan see me on the screen. Even if he didn’t know it was me. It was humiliating.

  “Well done, Ms. Stone.” I look up and see Mr. Morgan standing at my desk a little while later. “We’ll go to lunch at Manganello’s to discuss a raise for you.”

  He walks off before I can tell him I have lunch plans with Cameron. He wants to discuss a raise? I haven’t been working here that long. If he wants to give me a raise, I’ll take it though. I open IM and send Cameron a message.

  - I have to cancel lunch. Your father wants to take me to lunch to discuss a raise. Guess I’m doing a good job!

  I wait for a response, but don’t get one. I pick up the phone to call, but Mr.

  Morgan comes by and asks if I’m ready. I frown at my single IM and hesitate before telling him yes.


  I sit at Manganello’s and wait for the client my father sent me to meet. He assured me he was taking Memphis to lunch today to discuss giving her a raise so I knew our lunch plans would be canceled. Now whoever this client was I was meeting, was already ten minutes late. I check my phone again and when I put it back in my pocket, Collette sits down in front of me. The waiter takes her drink order and walks away.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Excuse me? I thought your father explained.”

  “You’re the client.” I realize.

  “Yes. This divorce is becoming a real thorn in my side. Philip is…”

  “Divorce? Collette, one of the paralegals can handle this. I’m a criminal

  lawyer. I don’t have time to worry about petty divorces.”

  “Your father assured me you would take care of it.” she grits out. “He told you wrong.” I start to rise and she grabs my arm.

  “I paid $300 for a consult and you’re going to give that to me.” she says,


  “What the fuck do you want from me, Collette?” I growl. “Is your soon-to-be-

  ex-husband taking you to the cleaners because you fucked his father too?”

  She visibly flinches and her eyes swell with tears. “I made a mistake,

  Cameron. I’ll never forgive myself for what I did to you.” she says, quietly.

  “I can’t help you with your divorce. I don’t have time.” I say, coldly. “I’ll refund your money for this meeting and set you up with one of the paralegals.”

  I get up and head out of the restaurant. I hear her heels clicking as she follows behind me.

  “Wait!” she grabs my arm and turns me around. Her lips cover mine for a brief second, her body melts against me. I push her away and she breaths against my mouth.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  “Go back to your husband, Collette. Whatever you did, beg for forgiveness and pray he lets you come home.”

  I walk away from her and out of the restaurant. I start walking instead of hailing a cab back to the firm. I want to go get a drink. Drown out the annoyance and

  anger my father has caused to rage inside me. Annoyance and anger at him making Memphis watch that footage and at him setting up that meeting with Collette. I thought avoiding each other was how we maintained our relationship.

  I pass a bar and linger outside it. Maybe just a few drinks. I open the door and my phone vibrates in my pocket. Shit. My calendar reminds me I have a meeting with Jim and Beasley in thirty minutes. I hail a cab.

  I’m irritable when I walk in the conference room. I don’t bother hiding it. This case isn’t going the way I prefer it to. Tanner Beasley is being charged with First Degree murder of his wife and he still won’t give us his alibi.

  Several eyewitness neighbors have given statements to hearing gunshots and seeing him flee the property. Of course, it was dark outside and none of the neighbors actually have a clear view of the property. It could’ve been anyone fleeing, but without a rock solid alibi everything is circumstantial. People have been convicted on circumstantial evidence.

  There’s no murder weapon and there wasn’t any gunshot residue on his hands. All of Beasley’s guns are registered and the bullets used to kill Mrs. Beasley did not match any of the guns that belong to Mr. Beasley. Still, no alibi he’s willing to share.

  “Where were you on the night of November 7, 2015, Mr. Beasley?” I ask and he gives me a confused look, not answering me. “Do you recall your whereabouts on the night of Saturday, November 7, 2015, Mr. Beasley?”

  “What the hell are you doing kid?” he asks, angrily.

  “This is what the prosecutor will ask you when you take the stand in court. You’ll be under oath, Mr. Beasley. Unless you don’t want to take the stand. We need to make that decision now.” I explain. “If you take the stand, you’ll be asked where you were.”

  “I didn’t kill my wife!” he says adamantly. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “I can’t tell you where I was!” he cries, anguish in his voice. “I’m a deacon at the church! I…I’m a good man! I have problems! I don’t go there anymore…not since that night!”

  “We all have problems, Mr. Beasley.” Jim soothes. “But you’re facing a murder charge.”

  “I…” he starts and tears stream down his face. “I only went so I could see Amber.”

  Chapter 24


  I press ignore on another call from Cameron. I’ve lost count of how many times he’s called now and wonder when he’ll give up. Just give up already. Go kiss the blonde I saw you with again.

  I take the hot dog from the vendor and pay him, telling him to
keep the change. I bite into it and curse when mustard drips onto my fingers. I manage to lick it off before it drizzles onto my shirt. I should’ve changed clothes. Instead, I’d walked down the block to the hot dog vendor in my black skirt and white pin-striped shirt. The same outfit I wore to work. My black stilettos click on the sidewalk as I walk home.

  I miraculously finish off the hot dog without making a mess and enter my apartment building. I walk to the end of the hall and check my mailbox. Empty. Guess that’s good there aren’t any bills. I trudge up the back set of stairs and stop halfway up. Cameron is sitting at the top. Even in the dim lighting, I know it’s him. I grip the railing.

  “You aren’t answering my calls.” he says, solemnly.

  “Didn’t want to talk to you.”

  I slump against the wall and lower myself to the step. I feel trapped and don’t feel like trying to run away from him. I know I should just walk past him and to my apartment, but his presence is simply intimidating. I cower on the step and hope he’ll leave. He doesn’t.

  Cameron comes to sit beside me. I scoot closer to the wall and don’t look at him. I know he won’t disappear if I avoid looking at him, but I know my strength will disappear if I do look at him.

  “I knew eventually I would fuck up, but I don’t even know what I’ve done, Memphis.”


  “Your father took me to lunch today.”

  “I know. He told me he was giving you a raise. I’m proud of you.”

  “He took me to Manganello’s.” I say, quietly. “Do you like that restaurant?”

  “It’s not what it looked like.”

  “It wasn’t? It looked like you kissed another woman.” I laugh.

  “She kissed me! My father set that whole thing up, Memphis. He wanted you to see that. I pushed her away.” he explains.

  “I don’t know what I thought this was, but I’m an idiot for thinking I was anything more than just a thirty-day whore to you.” I say, bitterly.

  I move to stand, but Cameron stops me. I wrestle against him, but he holds me firmly in his lap.

  “I bought you for thirty days. Big fucking deal. Those thirty days are over and you stayed with me, Memphis. You buried yourself so deep within me that I don’t know how to let you go now. Don’t make me.” he pleads, resting his forehead on mine. “Please don’t make me.”

  He shifts and moves me until I’m straddling his waist. “I can’t let you go.” he whispers against my lips.

  I cup his face and part my lips before he captures them. My pussy slickens with need. My nipples harden to tight peaks. His hands slip beneath my skirt and squeeze my ass. His fingers trace the hem of my panties, teasing just at the edge and then dipping inside to my soaking core.

  “Ahh…Cameron…we shouldn’t…not here…” I gasp as he curls his finger inside


  “I didn’t kiss her back.” he says, firmly. “I only want you, Memphis.”


  “Do you believe me?”

  I look down at him, studying his piercing gaze and I know he’s telling me the

  truth. He pushes a second finger inside me and I moan against his lips.

  “Yes…I believe you.”

  “Good girl.” he smiles. He lifts me while he undoes his pants.

  “Lets go to my apartment. Someone will catch us out here.” I plead.

  “No.” he grins, mischievously.

  I drop my gaze to his cock and my mouth waters. He positions the head of his cock at my entrance and looks at me questioningly.

  “Can I fuck you bare? Are you protected?” he asks.

  Oh God. Can I do this?

  “Yes. I trust you.” Please don’t make me regret this.

  “And I trust you.”

  When he slides into me it’s the most exquisite feeling I’ve ever known. I lock my gaze with his as he glides me up and down. All worry of getting caught or being seen is no longer on my mind. Just him. Just us.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and let him cradle me in his arms. He breathes against my lips as I rock into him.

  “You feel so good…” I whisper. “So good. Don’t stop…”

  “I won’t.” he assures me.

  My eyes grow heavy as my orgasm builds. I bite my lip to keep from screaming out as it rips through me. Soaring. Spasming. Spinning. Falling. I open my eyes.

  Cameron is right there with me.


  I meet my father at the courthouse for Phil Andrews’s preliminary hearing. After careful consideration, Phil opted to gracefully bow out of his vendetta against Ecstasy and the dancer he was caught with. My father and I were both sure we would get Phil off with community service or a fine at the most.

  The hearing goes quick and painless. For the most part. Phil’s wife cries on the first row. Her devastated sobs can be heard throughout the courtroom. Some of her friends make snide comments about the woman Phil was caught with and the judge has to call order to the courtroom. Other than that, it’s over in less than an hour. Community service. No fine.

  I grab my briefcase and head out. Glad to be done with this case and worried about the Beasley case. I still haven’t talked to Memphis about it. Our time was a little preoccupied last night. Still, I know I have to tell her. It’s just a matter of time

  before the security footage from Ecstasy is subpoenaed and if Tanner Beasley is on there with her, she’ll be subpoenaed too.

  “Mr. Blue Eyes! Hey, you!”

  I turn and study the two women calling after me. They look vaguely familiar.

  Busty, attractive, but I’m sure I’ve never been with either of them.

  “Damn, you are gorgeous.” one of them mutters when they reach me. “I’m sorry ladies, do I know you?” I ask and they laugh.

  “Probably not in this get up.” the brunette answers. “I’m Stacy. This is Leah.

  We’re friends of Memphis and we know exactly who you are.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure then.” I smile and shake their hands.

  “We’ve been dying to officially meet you, but Memphis has been so busy.” Leah pouts, her eyes wonder lower. “Wonder what she’s been doin’.”

  I laugh at her bluntness. “The firm keeps her working hard. I’m sorry she hasn’t been making time for you.”

  “We see her at lunch sometimes.” Stacy says. “We think it’s time for a girls’ night out.”

  “With you two beautiful ladies…I don’t know.” I tease. “Will you take care of her for me? Keep her out of trouble?”

  “We make no promises.” they say, simultaneously. At least they’re honest.

  “I’ll tell her to call you. I have to get back to work. Nice meeting you both.”

  I wave goodbye to them and hear them making comments as I walk away. I stifle my laughter, shaking my head.

  When I get back to my office, Jim is waving me down before I can even open my door. I hold up my hand, indicating he should give me a minute. I put my briefcase down and step back out.

  “I put a rush on the subpoena for the security footage. It’s in the conference room. If you have time, we can view it now. I don’t have another meeting until three o’clock.”

  I try to think of any excuse I can to not let Jim watch that video. Besides outright telling him that I don’t want him seeing my girlfriend’s tits, I don’t have a valid excuse. Shit.

  “Give me fifteen minutes. I’ll meet you in there.”

  I take the elevator up and take a deep breath as I approach Memphis’s desk.

  She looks deep in thought, typing away on her keyboard. I can hear her fingers clicking away the closer I get. A stack of files sits to the left of her.

  She glances up as I get closer and does a double take when she realizes it’s me. I like that. Her skin heats to a light shade of red, tingeing from her neck slowly up to her cheeks. I imagine that her nipples are beading inside her bra and her pussy is clenching. I lick my lips. Focus!

  “I need to tell
you something.” I briefly glance down at her slightly exposed cleavage and remind myself again to focus. I grip the edge of her desk.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks, reaching out and touching my hand.

  “I have to review some footage with Jim. It’s from Ecstasy.” I explain and she nods. “The big client I’ve been working on the past several weeks, he says he was there the night his wife was murdered.” I study her face for any sign of recognition.

  I’m not sure why. She doesn’t even know who my client is. “He said he was there to see Amber.”

  Memphis slides her hand away from mine and looks down. She starts fidgeting with her hands, picking at her nails.


  “If you’re on the footage and he’s with you…” my voice trails.

  “I understand.” her voice is low. “It’s fine. I’m not really ashamed of what I did. I did what I had to do. Now you’ll do what you have to do.”

  Chapter 25


  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I mean, I don’t have to go.” I tell him again.

  Cameron pulls his pants up, sans underwear, and holds his hand out to help me from the bed. I accept his hand and then yelp when he gives me a hard smack on the ass.

  “Go get ready and go out with your friends. Didn’t they take off work for you? Besides, I need to work on this case. Start getting you prepped for when I subpoena you.” he grins.

  “You’ll have to treat me as a hostile witness.” I joke. “I’ll be very uncooperative.”

  “I’m sure Jim will want to question you. He was practically drooling. I think it may have been the first boner he’s had in years.”

  “Please don’t make me think of Jim like that.” I laugh.

  I take a quick shower and when I emerge I’m surprised to see Cameron still here. His files are spread out on my coffee table and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is playing on my television. I smile as I walk into my room and start looking for something to wear.


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