Forty and Free: A Sweet Romance Series Bundle - Books 5 - 8

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Forty and Free: A Sweet Romance Series Bundle - Books 5 - 8 Page 6

by Blake, Lillianna

  “Fine. I won’t say another word.”

  Cassie ducked into a doorway just as the woman who’d served her breakfast, Myrna, stepped out into the hall. Her chest tightened with the weight of what she’d overheard. Was she really such an issue in the home? It bothered her to think that she was presumed dishonest before she even had the chance to prove herself.

  She waited until the hallway was clear then stepped back out. As she approached Emma’s room she felt more determined than ever to just get the job done. As fast as possible, she’d move on to the foyer and get out of the mansion. Maybe it was luxurious, but she didn’t want to be surrounded by people that treated her like a spy. As if to punctuate her feelings, James was waiting for her beside the locked door where her project awaited her.

  “I’ll just open this now for you.”

  She nodded, avoiding his eyes. “Thanks.”

  “Anything you need? More paint?”

  “No.” She walked past him as he opened the door.


  She forced herself to turn back to face him.

  “I know that Mr. Morgan spent some time with you last night. It’s important that you’re aware that he leads a very stressful life and shouldn’t be distracted.”

  “You think I will distract him?” She crossed her arms. “What is your problem with me, James?”

  “I don’t have a problem with you. It’s my job to protect Mr. Morgan.”

  “He seems pretty capable of doing that himself.”

  “You’d think. But he’s not as capable as he seems. Again, if you need anything, just let me know. I’ll ensure that you’re not interrupted.”

  “Thanks.” She stared at him as he closed the door behind him.

  Alone in Emma’s room, she had to wonder just what James had meant by his last comment. Was it something about her that worried him, or was it something in Lucas’s past?

  Chapter 15

  To distract himself from the weight of the meeting, Lucas began to surf the web. He knew what he really wanted to search for, but he was trying to convince himself not to. Really, he needed to get her off his mind. Cassie was just an artist—just there for the money, just there for as long as it took to paint a mural. Was he so starved for affection that a little chemistry was enough to hold his interest these days?

  He clicked through a few news articles and then opened up a search page that he used often with new employees. It allowed him to do a quick background check without having to create a paper trail. He tapped the keyboard a few times with his fingertips.

  He knew that James had already done a thorough background check on Cassie before he’d allowed her into the house. This search, though, offered a background check of a more personal nature. It was a bit of an invasion of privacy, but it was efficient and would give him a clear understanding of Cassie’s past.

  With the business situation under control, his thoughts drifted again and again back to her. Maybe if he knew a bit more about her he could calm the restlessness that she somehow seemed to stir within him.

  As he began to type in her name he prepared himself for what he might find. From what she’d told him about her travels, she’d done so on very little money. It didn’t sound to him that she’d had any company while she traveled. She hadn’t mentioned family or a boyfriend. She’d made it to her forties without much responsibility. Did that mean that she had something in her past that had launched her in that direction?

  The first results he came across were features of her artwork. Although she hadn’t been wildly successful as an artist, she’d sold a few pieces for a good amount of money. He guessed that that was how she survived, but a few thousand dollars didn’t last very long.

  He found records of multiple addresses, which meant she’d moved around quite a bit—mostly on the East Coast. As he dug a little deeper into her past, he found the names of her parents and also that they’d died when Cassie was still a child. That struck him hard because of the loss of his own mother. Although he still had his father, it was similar to being orphaned, because his father had been a detached and absent father at best.

  He discovered Cassie’s journey through life one technical bit at a time. He saw that she’d dropped out of college, traveled for the better part of ten years, and had never married—at least there was no marriage license that he could find. She also didn’t have any children. It made him wonder if she was the type that even liked children. She seemed comfortable enough in Emma’s room, but that didn’t mean much.

  The more he learned about her, the more he understood why she’d lived such a vagabond lifestyle. Perhaps she’d experienced so much loss that she didn’t know how to embrace one place and call it home.

  He closed out the website and sat back to think. What he’d hoped would lessen his interest in her had actually increased it. He wondered what she must think of his living such an extravagant lifestyle. It was arrogant of him to assume that she’d be grateful to him. She likely believed what everyone else did—the media’s portrayal of him. Sure, she’d been kind to him the night before, but that didn’t mean that she was fond of him. She likely just didn’t want to offend him. Maybe she worried he wouldn’t pay her after all.

  He shook his head and picked up his phone as it started to ring.

  “Mr. Morgan, are you flying home tonight?”

  He thoughts immediately went to seeing her again. But maybe it would be better to create some distance. “No. James, can you book me a week or so in Venice? I need a break.”

  “You don’t want to see Emma?”

  “Have Natasha and Emma meet me there.”

  “Are you sure? You know Natasha would let you have Emma—”

  “No, I want them both there. I need them both there.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “James, for once, just do what I ask. I don’t want to discuss it.”

  “Yes sir. I’ll have everything set up by this evening.”

  “Thanks.” Lucas hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

  Some time with Natasha and Emma was exactly what he needed. Emma would remind him that the world could be beautiful, and Natasha would remind him that even the most beautiful moments could fade away.

  As he prepared to leave yet again, a brief urge to head back to the mansion and check in with Cassie on the mural filled him. He pushed it away. There was no point in desiring things that would never truly be his.

  Chapter 16

  It didn’t take long for Cassie to slip back into the dream world of Emma’s mural. As she engaged in each section of the natural landscape she thought about what each leaf, each droplet of water meant to her. If she were to teach a child what she understood about life, it would be to savor the tiniest expression of beauty, because its meaning would carry through every experience in her life.

  Even though James’s opinion of her was a bit of a hit to her self-esteem, it only triggered the memories of multiple times in her life that she’d been told she’d never amount to much. It was all the more reason to prove them all wrong. She didn’t care if Lucas had no real interest in her. His wealth and popularity could launch her career to the place she’d always hoped it would be. That was what she needed to focus on.

  As she added a single sparkling dewdrop to a flower petal, she heard the door opening behind her. She turned to look with dread and anticipation. There were only two people she’d expect it could be. James, with yet another warning about her disruptive presence, or Lucas.

  Instead, when she turned she found herself looking into blue eyes so clear that she instantly wanted to match a shade of paint to them. Long pin-straight blonde hair hung around her flawless face.

  “Who are you?” The woman stared at Cassie with narrowed eyes.

  “Who are you?” Cassie planted her feet against the floor. No one else was supposed to have the code to Emma’s room. So how did this woman get in? She was certainly beautiful enough to be Lucas’s girlfriend—Cassie suddenly realized that she
had no idea if Lucas currently had one or not, but why wouldn’t he?

  “I’m Natasha.” She glanced around at the room. “And what have you done to my daughter’s room?”

  “Your daughter?” Cassie’s voice caught in her throat. Though she knew Emma had to have a mother, she hadn’t really thought about her. “Lucas asked me to paint a mural for her in here.”

  “Oh.” Natasha’s smile lit up her entire face. Cassie relaxed the moment she saw it. “You’ve done a beautiful job. He’s always thinking of things like that. To me, a wall would just be a wall, but to him it has to be something more.”

  “I’m sorry, I can leave if I’m in your way. Is Emma with you? Oh, and I’m Cassie, by the way.” Cassie smiled as she extended her hand to Natasha.

  Natasha, still grinning, shook Cassie’s hand. “No, I just came to pick up a few things. Lucas is taking us on one of his spur-of-the-moment trips and Emma wants a few of the outfits he has for her here. She has certain things she likes to wear in certain cities.” She laughed. “My five-year-old, the fashionista.”

  “I’m sure she’s amazing.”

  “You haven’t met her, have you?” Natasha tilted her head to the side.

  “No, I’ve only been here a short time.”

  “Hm. I’m surprised that Lucas allowed you into Emma’s room. He’s extremely paranoid.”

  “I’m sure he has good reason—considering his wealth.”

  “I suppose. Although sometimes I think it goes deeper than that. He’s so determined to protect Emma from everything. It’s going to break his heart when he realizes it’s impossible.”

  “It’s nice that he wants to.” Cassie smiled. “It says a lot about him.”

  “Yes, it does. I couldn’t have picked a better father for her.” Her smile faded and she turned back to the mural. “You’re very talented. I’m sure that Emma will love it.”

  Cassie muttered a thank you and looked away. It was difficult to feel comfortable around Natasha. She thought it was likely that there was still something between her and Lucas. He hadn’t mentioned her, but that didn’t mean they weren’t still together. Maybe Cassie had assumed too much about the affectionate way that he’d touched her.

  “Lucas insisted on nothing frilly or pink.”

  “Oh yes, we both agreed when she was born that she would never be forced to be feminine—not pinned into a role, if you know what I mean. Since I’ve worked as a model, we were both concerned that she might get the idea that image is far too important.”

  Cassie’s eyes widened. There was no question in her mind that this woman could be a model. She had the most stunning bone structure that Cassie had ever seen. In fact it was hard to follow the conversation because now she was dying to paint Natasha. She was that beautiful.

  “I think that’s a wonderful way to raise a little girl.”

  “Do you have kids?”


  “It’s harder than it looks. You question everything you do. How will it affect them? Am I doing everything wrong? I thought I was scrutinized as a model, but when I became a parent—I’m the one that turned that critical eye on myself.” She laughed a little. “If it wasn’t for Lucas bringing me back down to Earth I’d probably lose my mind.”

  “It’s good that you two care for one another so deeply. I’m sure that Emma is quite happy to have two parents so in love.”

  “Oh, no—not in love.”

  Cassie regretted broaching the subject right away. It wasn’t her business. But it was her curiosity that drove her to make that comment.

  “I’m sorry, I misspoke.”

  “It’s fine. The truth is, Lucas and I love one other very much—just not in a romantic way.”

  “It was rude of me to even bring it up. I’m sorry.”

  “Really, it’s fine. It’s refreshing to talk to someone about it, really. I get so busy in my mommy role that sometimes it’s nice to have another woman to talk to.”

  “Would you like to share a cup of coffee? I was about to have one.”

  “You wouldn’t mind? I’d hate to interrupt your work.”

  “Not at all. I need a little break. Lucas is letting me stay in the guest wing. I can make a pot for us there.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  Cassie led Natasha out of the room and toward the guest wing. With each step she took it seemed odd to her to be leading Natasha around what she assumed had once been her home. Was it right of her to invite the woman to share a cup of coffee? She seemed like such a nice person, but the truth was, Cassie hoped to get a little insight into Lucas.

  If he and Natasha loved one another so much, why weren’t they together?

  Chapter 17

  Lucas strolled through the shop and looked at each of the toys on the shelf. Sometimes it was difficult for him to buy things for Emma. One part of him wanted to buy her everything that he saw. Another part resisted spoiling her. She needed to know that not everything would be handed to her, even though he wished he could hand the entire world to her.

  Having a child had complicated his life in the most beautiful way. When he’d met Natasha, a retired model who attended the same social functions that he did, he’d expected her to be demanding and clingy. Instead, she’d challenged his every attempt to woo her.

  She’d turned her nose up at the expensive perfume and jewelry that he’d purchased for her. When he tried to cancel their dates at the last minute for business reasons, she would warn him that he might not get another chance. It was that feisty nature that drew him to her. She’d been a woman who wouldn’t just take everything she could from him. She’d wanted more.

  Natasha had wanted him.

  It had been hard for him to embrace that idea. Until that point, most of his relationships had been about money and appearances. But Natasha had made him rethink everything. He’d had to work to get her attention, and even once he had it, it hadn’t been guaranteed. For, as much as Natasha had savored the limelight while she’d been a model, she’d become a very reserved person. She’d told Lucas that she wanted a normal life.

  When they’d married, he made the grand gesture of buying the mansion and remodeling it to be what he thought Natasha would want. Unfortunately, it couldn’t have been further from what she wanted.

  For a few years she tried to be kind, but after Emma was born she couldn’t tolerate it any longer. The day she declared that she needed a different life was the same day that things broke between them. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her, he did. It was that he could never be that average unknown man that she seemed to want.

  He would always be splashed on magazine covers and questioned at restaurants. He was too well known to go back. But Natasha was no longer a celebrity. She could take Emma to play groups without being questioned about who she was—until she mentioned who her husband was. Then everything changed.

  He’d let her go, not because he’d wanted to, but because he knew that the person she’d become if he held on to her would no longer be the woman that he’d met. He had no right to change her.

  Lucas picked up a stuffed dog with long floppy ears and stared at it as he thought about his daughter. Having a child was still foreign to him. He expected Emma to be a little replica of her mother. Instead, she had her own personality, dreams, and opinions—even at age five. She was strong-willed, daring, and determined to rule the world—at least her very limited piece of the world.

  He set the stuffed animal back down and picked up a set of books. They chronicled what it was like to live in the pioneer days. He carried it to the register to pay. A gentle reminder of what life was like before wealth and technology might teach Emma the lessons he wasn’t able to—or maybe she would just like the cowboy parts. He thanked the cashier and left the store.

  His driver was waiting for him beside the sidewalk.

  Yes, some time with Natasha and Emma was just what he needed to change his attitude. Maybe business wasn’t always easy, but it provided for the two most import
ant women in his life. That was enough reason to stick to it.

  He slid into the backseat of the car and dialed Natasha’s number.

  “Are you two ready to go?”

  “Just about. This is a nice surprise.”

  “I hoped you wouldn’t mind. I know it’s last-minute.”

  “It’s fine. Emma is very excited.”

  “Good.” He sighed and looked out through the window as he watched the city pass by. “I can’t wait to get some time with her.”

  “Every minute counts, Lucas. I know how hard you try to be close to her.”

  “But it could be better.”

  “Every family is different. Remember? You have no reason to be down on yourself.”

  “Maybe you feel that way, but I’m not sure about Emma.”

  “Emma will understand as she gets older. Right now all she knows is that she wants to be with you every minute of every day and that’s not always possible.”

  “I know.” He sighed.

  “It’s good for her—and for you—to have this time together. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay somewhere else?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m looking forward to seeing you too. And I thought you might want to do some shopping while we’re there.”

  “I have my own money, Lucas—”

  “You’ll shop or I’ll shop for you.”

  She laughed.

  He smiled at the sound of her laughter. It still pleased him to no end when he heard it. Although any feelings toward her were now only of friendship, he still treasured her as deeply as he treasured Emma. How could he not when she’d created such a beautiful being?

  As he hung up the phone he thought about what the future might hold. Maybe Emma would change the world, or maybe she would choose a different path entirely. One thing he knew for sure was that she would always be loved, as intensely and fully as the day she was born.

  Chapter 18

  Cassie handed Natasha a cup of coffee after she’d finished on the phone.


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