Poisonous Desires

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Poisonous Desires Page 14

by Selena Illyria

  “If we allow this, you give your information to the representative of the Feline-Shifter Quorum, no stalling. You stop selling your Katnip-laced goods and you tell us who your local supplier is, as well as give the names to all those who supplied you in the other counties,” Nadia said. Her tone was unemotional, but her eyes flashed with something he couldn’t identify.

  “Deal. Torger must sign off on the agreement. Once he does that, I’ll talk to whoever you want and give you whatever information you wanted.” Poppy sat back, a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

  Urban didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. Nadia, he knew, would call Zerik and tell him the good news. Although what information Poppy actually had, since Rex had been her source, was in her head. Urban looked up at the camera. “Okay, I’ll check in with Torger, and someone will let you know what he decides.”

  Urban stood up and led Nadia out of the room. “I will say this: the end of the Summit will be interesting.” By Poppy’s machinations, she’d shored up Torger’s power base and elevated several packs, including the one that Urban had feared would have issues with Michael, the Capper pack. Upon thinking about it, he realized that a lot of the lower-leveled weaker packs had female betas. Urban ran a hand over his face. It looked like under Torger’s regime, women were going to come into their power. He had to hold back a laugh at that. The old really was moving along, or rather, was being shoved out of the way. He was glad it was all over so he could spend his last few days of vacation with Nadia if she didn’t have to rush out of town too quickly.

  * * * *

  Nadia ignored the hard look in Torger’s eyes. Distrust radiated off of him in waves. Draven stood to Torger’s left. She had enough of the posturing; she had better things to do, or rather someone to do, than wait around for them to get their asses in gear. She had a phone call to make, Urban to fuck, and orders to wait for. Her patience snapped. “Look, guys, it wasn’t me this time. You heard her testimony; she killed all those people in a massive takeover plan. Your own undercover officer confirmed it.”

  Urban shifted in his chair. Nervous energy hit him hard in the stomach, making him nauseated. “Bro, look, you have the evidence—”

  She cut him off. “She used the bake sales to fund the investments that she was going to use to take over the packs and become an alpha female. Everyone knows how you feel about your position and women’s roles.”

  Torger said nothing. She took that as a go-ahead, so she kept talking. “You wouldn’t be opposed to the women rising up and becoming alphas, so long as they had the money to keep the packs going and were able to keep order. By killing off the alphas currently in charge, they used fear to keep people in check, and since you don’t know when or how or what, you’re in the clear. The packs can sort themselves out.”

  “Which is a bad way to keep everyone in check,” Torger pointed out.

  Nadia could concede to that point. “True, what she was basically doing was modeling the pack life after what pards and prides do, allowing women to rule but through fear, which was outdated in our way of life.”

  Urban interjected. “Which would also allow more maneuvering with the LGBT parts of the pack to have more opportunities. At least that’s what she claimed she wanted.”

  Nadia wasn’t sure if that had been part of the plan. “Talk is cheap, but if she’d been successful, we’d have had to monitor how it went until all the changes took hold. I’ve already heard of a group of gay werewolves trying to form their own pack. They need you to ratify them.” She studied Torger’s face, but he gave no emotion away. Nadia didn’t want to ever play poker with Torger. Urban, on the other hand, she snuck him a look and thought about a nice game of strip poker.

  “Also, she was using the Katnip rehab centers to launder the money they were taking in. This way, if the Feds ever looked into her finances, they would’ve seen donations to the centers, but nothing about Poppy owning the centers. She used shell companies.” Nadia was pleased with adding this in.

  She’d been able to call Zerik and have him look into Poppy’s finances. Poppy hadn’t named anyone else in the scheme, and there were already rumblings within the Werewolf Summit about her attempt. The problem was already done. Now the selections were being made with the remaining alphas and packs to decide the new leadership hierarchy. So far, the Torstan pack was in the lead for second pack under Torger’s. Everyone else was too busy fighting with each other. The Wickerman pack had dissolved into chaos, and Poppy’s former pack had lost at least two of their alphas due to injury and coma. Torger had sent out officers to handle the fights and threats.

  Nadia could only hope that things with the Feline Summit would go smoothly and that her father wouldn’t attend and abdicate his position from home. Maybe they’d all get lucky and he’d disappear or declare Milly his successor and move away. Nadia didn’t want the position, that was for damn sure.

  “So we know the who and why, and now I have to deal with the fallout.” Torger sighed; he looked exhausted. “At least you guys do fast work and Rex is giving me his end of his investigation, which is good. All that’s left is handling pack business, which Urban can do. Thank you for your help, Nadia. Tell Zerik that once we’re done with Poppy he can take her and she can be tried for her crimes against the feline community.”

  Nadia blinked. She hadn’t expected that from Torger. “Okay,” she replied slowly. “Poppy won’t be executed, but Zerik will expect her to give him the names as well. He wants the Katnip operation shut down.”

  Torger agreed. “And I want it out of my town and to make an example of Poppy as to what happens to drug dealers.” There was acidity in his tone.

  Nadia shivered at the anger in his voice. The hard glint in his eyes told her all she wanted to know. Torger may not like her, but he didn’t hate her nor was he out to get her.

  “Urban, I have to talk to you; can you stay?” Torger asked, his tone neutral.

  Great; they’re going to talk about me. She didn’t say anything; she stood up and walked out of the room, ignoring Urban calling after her. Nadia wasn’t going to stand in the way of Torger saying his piece to Urban, and besides, she wasn’t sure if Urban would defy his brother and alpha if Torger put his foot down on a possible relationship. It didn’t startle her to realize that she wanted a true and real relationship with him. She’d fought herself long enough. Urban was her mate, her man, and damn it, it would destroy her if he left her. There was no one else for her, but life wasn’t fair. Urban was an adult, and he had to make up his own mind with no interference from her. She would fight for them, but only if he did the same.

  Chapter Nine

  Urban didn’t get a chance to chastise his brother on his treatment of Nadia.

  “I don’t have time to spare her feelings on what she thought I wanted to talk to you about, and I don’t have time for this. The Council has gotten wind of the fights happening at the Summit. I need to give you some instructions on how to handle things.” Torger paused and gave Urban a steely look, which made Urban sit up in his seat. In the back of his mind, he felt relief that Torger didn’t disapprove of Nadia.

  Torger continued. “You need to meet with each pack and find out what’s in their heads. See if they can compromise. Deal with the packs that have lost leaders due to Poppy first. Set guidelines on how to choose a new alpha, and no bloodshed.” Torger paused and wiped a hand over his face. “Get them to vote on it, have a karaoke contest, I don’t fucking care, make sure they choose before the Summit ends. I’ll handle the closing items; just hold on until I can relieve you. The Council bullshit is almost over, thank God. And the race for representative is going to the primary vote. Then the elections.”

  Urban could hear the relief in those last words. It felt as if the Evanson mess had been going on for far too long. Hopefully Jagger would be able to clear his name before the elections. At least Urban wasn’t going to get dragged into that.

  “Thankfully the Feline Summit will be quieter. Only one problem that I can se
e that can cause issues, but other than that, they’ll be well behaved. They want a vacation. Cats.” Torger let out a snort and rolled his eyes.

  Urban didn’t ask. He’d bring up the subject with Nadia.

  “Get out of here; I have actual work to do. Oh, and mark your woman, will ya? I can smell her on you but on her, not so much.” Torger made a shooing motion with his hands.

  Urban got up and shook his head. “Yeah, yeah, and when is Isy gonna mark you, huh?”

  Torger growled. “When we both can get a fucking vacation. Now out!” Torger shouted.

  Urban chuckled and left the DCPD. He felt lighthearted and clear-headed. Now he had to go after Nadia and make sure she wasn’t feeling hurt by what she thought Torger was going to say to him. She’d listen to him, even if he had to tie her up and spank her to do it. His gut clenched and his cock thickened as heat filtered through his veins. Oh yes, he was looking forward to convincing his little snow leopard that Murphy’s Law could go fuck itself. They were going to be together, and they had a future together.

  He got into his car and headed to her place, then to the packs to give them Torger’s decisions. Urban was sure she’d gone home on foot to give herself time to think and acclimate to the idea that Torger would prevent them from being together, though Torger had no actual say in Urban’s love life unless it endangered him. Torger wanted the best for him, but Urban made his own decisions about who he loved, and he loved Nadia, even if he didn’t know everything about her. She’d marked him, made him hers whether she wanted to admit it or not. Now it was his turn to prove his love with words and actions. No running this time, and if she tried to escape he’d give chase. His little snow leopard didn’t know what a horny and in love werewolf could be like, but she was about to find out. He parked his car in her driveway and got out, a smile on his face and and eagerness in his heart.

  Urban got to the door and prepared to open it. It flew open; Nadia’s walls were back up and a guarded expression marred her face. Before she could say anything, he brushed into the house and started talking. “Torger wanted to talk to me about some pack business, give me instructions on how to deal with the packs and handle the issues that Poppy made. So I wanted to check in with you before I go out to the campgrounds. What’s on your mind, baby?”

  He sat down on her couch, lifted up his leg, and rested his ankle on his knee, settling down. Nadia came over to him and sat down on the coffee table. “Really?”

  Urban put his foot down and leaned forward, grabbing her hands and kissing her knuckles. “Yes, really. He doesn’t object to us being together. So now what?”

  A slow smile spread on her beautiful mouth. “Are you sure?” She ducked her head shyly.

  “Why don’t I show you all the ways that I want to be with you? Words may not matter, but even if he objected and even though he is my brother, I would still be with you because I love you.” He yanked on her hands and pulled her into his arms. Urban placed butterfly kisses on her forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and finally on her lips. He took his sweet time tasting her, pouring his passion and adoration and love into the simple act. She let out a soft sigh, followed by a moan. Her feline pheromones swirled around them, increasing his desire to be inside of her. His cock pressed against his fly, demanding to be released. He ignored it and concentrated on the taste of her: coffee, chocolate, vanilla, spice, and something wild and passionate. Underneath her cool, aloof exterior and all her walls was a woman with sensual grace and beauty, with love and compassion, with heart and loyalty.

  He was skimming the surface of Nadia; there were deeper wells, he knew that much, and he planned on spending his entire life diving into the places and searching out every nook and cranny until he knew everything about her. As his tongue swirled and teased hers, rubbing along the sides, he could taste her essence, her wild, untamable spice, the heat and fire of her feline side, but there were indefinable aspects of her that sent his werewolf howling, desiring to dig up those private points of her. He held her face mobile with one hand while skimming her spine with the other. Urban swallowed her moan. He pulled back his head, panting; his lungs searched for air, and yet he wanted more. To give himself time to calm his heart, he placed biting kisses along her jaw, nipping and tugging lightly at the flesh before moving lower.

  Her pulse pounded wildly against his lips, matching the beat of his heart. “So beautiful,” he murmured against her neck. Urban inhaled her scent; the muskiness of her arousal rose up between them to combine with his desire. The fire of sunlight from the feline combined with the cool-toned moonlight from the wolf mingled on the air. Heat fluctuated between them, adding fuel to their need. Hunger to taste her rolled over his tongue. His cock pulsed against his fly. His skin tingled with the need to feel her silken flesh against his. Urban could feel his control snap. The wolf shoved forward, needing to be inside of its true mate. He grabbed the hem of her shirt. With desperation, their hands tangled as they lifted it over her head and arms. He undid the front clasp of her bra and helped to pull it off of her. Once her breasts were free, he cupped them and dipped his head to place reverent kisses across her chest and then down the slope of her, first one mound and then the other. He massaged the undersides but left her nipples alone.

  She thrust out her chest. He shook his head as he dusted more kisses on her flesh. “Ask for it. You know the rules.”

  She made a pained mewling sound. “Please, taste my nipples.”

  Urban shook his head again. “No. Not taste. Tell me, describe what you want,” he urged.

  Nadia groaned and grabbed a hank of his hair. She tugged on the strands until the pain forced him to look up. “Suck my tits,” she ordered, “bite them, suck them, pull them. Finger-fuck me, make me come, please, Urban.” She murmured the last plea.

  Urban tossed his head. She released her hold and looked down at him, pupils dilated, darkened with desire. A sheen of sweat coated her forehead and upper lip. He smirked. “You haven’t earned it yet. Stand up.”

  Once she was on her feet, he lifted up one foot and took off one shoe and sock. He did the next one and then undid her fly and zipper. “Next time, you’re wearing lace-up jeans and simple stilettos.”

  He looked up at her. She had a cheeky grin on her face, and some of the arousal had died down. “I have a whole collection of shoes and clothes you’ve never seen.”

  His cock pulsed and jerked in response to her words. Down, boy, he ordered the eager organ and returned his focus back to undressing her. He pulled down the denim slowly.

  She groaned and leaned over. Her breasts bounced up and down, drawing his attention. He drew in a deep breath and focused on getting her out of her jeans. Once he had them off he looked her up and down, admiring every dip and hollow of her body. She kept herself fit but still had curves to tease and hold on to. He traced his fingers up her sides and then back down to grip her hips. Urban leaned forward and pressed kisses down her stomach. He took his time, licking and sucking her skin. She tasted of vanilla and salt, so sweet. Urban swirled his tongue in the indentation of her bellybutton.

  Nadia threaded her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp with her nails. He groaned at the pain as he placed kisses over her silk-covered mound. Urban had deliberately left her in her panties; he didn’t want her to have free access to her pussy yet, and besides, he had plans for them. “Stay here,” he ordered, and he got up and left the room. He went to the bag he’d brought with him and rifled through it until he found some nipple clamps and an anal plug along with the lube. Urban returned to her and said, “Now, stand still.”

  He placed his implements of pleasure on the coffee table and went to work. “Do. Not. Move. You may make noises, but you can’t ask me to touch or pleasure you unless you tell me explicitly what you want, understand?”

  “Yes, Urban, I understand,” she whispered. She bowed her head, but her gaze followed his every movement.

  “Good.” He lowered his head and lapped at the tip of her nipple before swirling his
tongue around the tightened tip. Urban took his time, teasing the sensitive bud until her whimpers grew louder and her explicit pleas for him to suck and bite her increased in volume.

  “Please, Urban, please, suck my tits, bite them, flick them, pinch them, please.” Her body trembled, but she made no move to give herself relief.

  “No.” Once he was sure she couldn’t take any more, he put the clamp on her nipple and showed the other one the same affection before adding the second toy. She let out a shuddering breath but still made no move to release herself from the pain and heat. The pinchers had stopped the nerves from firing and allowed the blood flow to stop. Once he released them, the feeling and sensation would return to the area, multiplying her arousal to the point of orgasm. There were many toys he’d gotten since he’d started seeing her, hoping one day he’d get to use them with her without setting up an appointment. Now he knew he had to get more toys for them to use on each other. He admired her body once more, wishing he could bind her to the bed and tie a rope around her body. Later, he told himself. Urban crouched down and pulled her panties to her knees, using his fingers to tease and pinch her clit. Each stroke drew a gasp and moan from her. The trembling increased but she didn’t move a hand, trying not to curl it up into a fist.

  He rewarded her control by parting her thickened pussy lips, flushed, red and wet, with a teasing tracing of the tip of his tongue along each side of her sex, around her dripping entrance, and back to her clit, touching the hot, thick button with gentle flicks and swipes. She cried out, her words tumbling out of her mouth, begging him to suck and tease her clit. “Please, Urban, please, suck my clit, taste it, tease it, tug and pinch it, please,” she begged.


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