Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2)

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Barbaric Tendencies (Ciara Steele Novella Series #2) Page 1

by Banks, Catherine

  Barbaric Tendencies

  Ciara Steele Novella Series, Book Two

  By Catherine Banks

  Copyright 2015 Catherine Banks

  Cover by Avery Banks

  Ebook Edition


  Ebook Edition, License Notes:

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  Three weeks of training and I was already much better at fighting. I rolled to the side as my opponent slashed at me with his sword. The air whizzed by my head as I rolled again to dodge another strike. I grabbed the sword I had dropped earlier and blocked his sword from splitting my head. His blond hair was cropped in a military style buzz and glistened from the overhead lights. His teeth were gritted in concentration as he tried not to kill me, but still work me out. I got my legs under me and pushed up knocking him backwards. His handsome face brightened as he smiled and his blue eyes sparkled with delight as I pressed the tip of my sword against his throat. “Yield?” I asked breathlessly.

  He swung his sword down and knocked my legs out from under me then pressed the tip of his sword to my throat. “Never.”

  I groaned and tossed my sword. “Dammit.”

  He sheathed his sword and extended his hand. “You’re better, but I still don’t know what the Council is thinking, sending you out in the field. You wouldn’t survive ten seconds if I used all of my strength against you.”

  I took his hand and let him help me up. My muscles were screaming in protest and I stared at the ground for a moment while I regained my balance. I stood up fully and smiled while I said, “Jared, you have to admit that I’m better.”

  Jared snorted and said, “A ten year old wereanimal could take you down.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Wereanimals don’t change until their sixteen and don’t have the extra strength until then and you know it.”

  Jared winked one eye at me. “Exactly.”

  I pushed his chest and retrieved my sword from the ground. “Stupid tiger.”

  Jared snarled. “I heard that.”

  I set the sword in its rack. “You hear everything.” I walked behind Jared as we headed to the mess hall. It seemed like years had passed since I had started my new life at the compound instead of the two months that it really was. A handsome man’s face I was trying to forget flashed in front of my eyes wrenching my heart and making me stop walking. I leaned against the stone wall for support.

  Jared walked back to me and wiped the tears from my face. “You need to eat more. You won’t win any battles if you faint from fatigue.”

  I felt a pressure in the center of my forehead and gave in to the pain. The pressure eased and my sight increased. I looked up slowly and stared at the transparent white tiger head, which overlapped Jared’s human face. He kept his face neutral knowing that the sight of a smiling tiger wasn’t exactly relaxing. I felt a presence near me and turned around slowly. The hunting face of a vampire stared at me from a few feet away. I swallowed my scream as the vampire smiled. Jared stepped between us and pushed my face against his chest. “Close it, Ciara.”

  I inhaled then focused on the center of my forehead envisioning closing my eyes and felt the slight pressure of my third eye closing. Jared tilted my face up and whispered, “Closed?”

  I stared at his human face and nodded. “No more tiger.” Since the time I was born my third eye or Ajna chakra has been open, which allows me to see people’s true faces. In the case of preternaturals that meant I saw the non-human faces they wore, which was often very frightening.

  Jared kissed the center of my forehead lightly. “Let’s get you some food.” I let him lead me to the mess hall in a numb shell. I knew that Jared liked me as more than a friend, but I also knew that I had told him once a week for two months that I could not be anything more than that with him. He always assured me it was fine, but his small touches and kind acts confused my broken heart and soul.

  The mess hall was crowded as it always was and we walked toward the long line. Jared pointed to an empty table in the back and shoved me in its direction. I walked with my eyes on the ground, avoiding all of the stares from the beings in the room. I felt my skin chill and goosebumps rise on my arms as I moved through them all. Hundreds of preternaturals of every type watched me as I walked to the empty table. Two females hissed hurtful terms at me as I passed their table. It wasn’t bad enough that I was not a preternatural and living in the compound, but I had also won the attention of the alpha weretiger who was currently the most eligible bachelor. Thus successfully ticking off all of the single weretigresses. I finally made it to the table and sat down staring at the grey tabletop. Rule one of life with preternaturals: Never have a staring contest unless you truly think that you are stronger. It always ends in a dominance battle.

  The chair beside me moved and someone sat down in it. I looked up slowly and smiled at the man now beside me. “Hey Kevin.” Kevin was short for a werewolf, most of the smaller werewolves did not survive long, he was only five foot five and built like a bodybuilder. In fact he did bodybuilding competitions some times when he was bored or needed extra money. He was attractive in a pretty boy way with black curly hair and pouty lips.

  He frowned down at me. “You need to eat more. You’re losing weight.”

  Jared set down two trays piled high with food. “I told her she needs to eat more.”

  I stared at the tray of meat, cheese, fruit and bread. “Are you trying to make me fat?”

  Kevin rolled his eyes then leaned forward. “You could always let me turn you and then you would never be fat.”

  Jared snarled. “Shut up Kevin.”

  Kevin frowned. “Don’t act like you haven’t thought of it too. I know you would love to…”

  I punched Kevin in the arm as hard as I could and forced my face not to wince in pain from hurting my hand. “Stop it.”

  Kevin looked at his arm. “You punched me.”

  I tossed a piece of barely cooked meat in front of him. “Just eat.” He looked at the piece of meat for a moment before picking it up and chewing on it. I grabbed a piece of watermelon and chewed on it while looking at everyone in the mess hall. Wereanimals of every type, vampires, sidhe, dwarfs, ogres, goblins and so many other creatures of myth all sat together eating and talking that it was a little overwhelming. If a human who knew nothing of the preternaturals were to walk in this place they would run away screaming. Or think it was a costume party. Once Jared was beside me everyone ignored me so I could look around freely. I slowly scanned the room and stopped when I met someone’s eyes. No one looked at me when Jared was with me. The man smiled at me and raised his cup in acknowledgment. I quickly looked down and chewed on a piece of beef which tasted like tri tip. I raised my eyeballs only and almost choked on the food. He was still looking at me. He was handsome and his skin was decorated with what looked like tattoos of flowers and vines. I swallowed and looked down when I finally realized what he was. He was sidhe. Sidhe were very powerful and had odd senses of humor. Some thought it was fun to tie your shoe laces together while others thought it was fun to tie your intestines together. I tried to stay away from them as much as possible.

  I ate a few more pieces of meat and bread then looked at Jared who was still scarfing down his tray of
food. “I’m going to my room now.”

  Jared stopped in the middle of eating a piece of meat and said, “I’m almost done. If you wait I’ll take you…”

  I shook my head and opened my mouth, but Kevin interrupted, “I’ll escort her.”

  Jared looked like he was going to protest, but knew there was no reason to deny Kevin from escorting me. Kevin was my bodyguard after all. He sighed and nodded his head. “Alright. I’ll see you tonight for your magic training.” I nodded my head and stood up. Jared grabbed my hand and rubbed it against his face. I stared at him in shock and he sighed. “Sorry, alpha habit.”

  I shook my head and followed Kevin through the mess hall. My hand tingled from his stubble and aura. I felt eyes on my back and knew it wasn’t just Jared watching me, but the male sidhe as well. Kevin waited until we were a few yards from the mess hall and asked, “Have you given him an answer yet?”

  I frowned up at him. “I’ve told you and him more times than I can count that I’m not going to choose a mate.”

  Kevin shook his head angrily. “It’d be easier for you if you did. Not only would you get more protection, but you wouldn’t be alone at night.”

  I snarled. “I’m never alone at night.”

  Kevin smiled. “The Council is only trying to protect you.”

  I laughed bitterly. “No, they’re making sure that I don’t try to run away.”

  A deep voice answered from behind me, “I believe they secured you from running away by threatening a loved one, not by allowing you the pleasure of having guards.”

  The hair on the nape of my neck stood up and I turned around slowly, already knowing that it would be a vampire. “I apologize, Sir. I meant no disrespect to the Council.”

  The vampire moved closer to me and inhaled. “You’re injured.”

  “What? No I’m not,” I said as I tried to inspect myself. I didn’t feel any pain.

  He reached out slowly so he wouldn’t frighten me and touched the side of my throat. “Who harmed you?” He asked in a slightly angered voice.

  I swallowed nervously. “It wasn’t on purpose. It was during training and I must not have moved out of the way fast enough.”

  The vampire looked at Kevin. “Who harmed her?”

  Kevin shrugged. “I just ate lunch with her.”

  “Louis it wasn’t on purpose. You can’t punish him when it wasn’t on purpose and was during my training.”

  Louis’ lips twitched in a snarl. “Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, Ciara.”

  I grimaced. Shit I just pissed off a vampire. Never good. I dropped to my knees and kissed the back of one of his hands. Even though I hated doing it, my life was worth more than a little dignity. “Forgive me Monsieur Louis. I am not feeling well. May I have leave to shower?”

  Louis was quiet for a moment then pulled me in to a standing position. “Go. I will speak with Jared.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but Louis raised one of his eyebrows and I felt the air around him charge with electricity as his power began to build. It was never a good idea to anger a Master level vampire. They had a tendency to maim first and then ask questions later. I nodded my head and turned back toward Kevin. Louis spoke again as we walked away, “Kevin, do not leave her side until her magic lesson.”

  Kevin bowed at the waist. “Of course, Sir.”

  Kevin took my hand and led me down the hallway to my room. Once safely inside Kevin locked the doors and started my shower. I tossed my shoes in the corner by the front door and then walked to my bed and flopped down on it face down. I screamed in to the comforter and kicked angrily throwing my tantrum. Kevin sat down on the bed beside me and rubbed my back. “Ciara, when are you going to tell me the truth about why you’re here?”

  I sighed and rolled over to look at him. “It’s not important.” I stood up and pulled my shirt off over my head. I started fumbling with my bra and Kevin stood up and helped me. I wrapped my arms around my chest to keep my bra from falling off once it was unbuttoned. “I’m sorry Kevin. I don’t mean to take my issues out on you.”

  Kevin stepped in front of me. “It’s alright.” He wrapped his arms around me and his warmth spread over me. “I just wish you would trust me enough to talk to me.”

  I looked up at his serious face and felt awful. “I do trust you. I wouldn’t let you comfort me if I didn’t.”

  Kevin smiled. “You just like my body heat.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not my fault you lycanthropes are naturally hot and I’m always cold.” I pulled away from him slowly and then rushed to the shower, dropping my clothes on the ground as I stepped inside. The hot water felt good, but not nearly as good as Kevin’s body heat. Lycanthropes ran at a higher body temperature due to their increased metabolism so they are very useful in snow storms. I washed quickly and then pulled my robe around my body before stepping out of the shower again. I had gotten used to Kevin and Jared seeing me naked due to the many instances where I had been injured, but I still tried to maintain some of my dignity. Wereanimals are big on touching and not modest.

  Kevin was already sitting in the comfortable chair across the room from my bed where he would keep guard for the night. I faced away from him as I changed in to a comfortable t-shirt and shorts, turned off the light and then climbed in to my bed. I didn’t really like having someone awake in my room while I slept, but according to everyone I was in danger and needed guards. I hadn’t really experienced a threat from anyone here, but I couldn’t argue with the Council. Kevin whispered, “Sleep Ciara. I’m going to be right here and no one will hurt you.”

  “I’m not worried about anyone hurting me physically,” I whispered groggily. Kevin asked me something, but my mind had already drifted off.

  The dream started like they always did with me standing in an empty white room alone and crying. Two hands turned me around and warm lips pressed against mine sending a pleasant shock through my body. I pulled back and smiled. “Eric.” His short black hair and golden eyes sparkled. His skin was the color of maple and looked delicious. I reached up to touch his face and he jumped backwards.

  “Why Ciara? Why did you turn away from me? Why did you go with them?” He asked angrily.

  Tears streamed down my face. “It was the only way to save you. They wanted to kill you.”

  Eric shook his head. “I could have protected you. You’re my mate Ciara. Mates don’t run. Mates don’t leave! Mates don’t sleep with other people in their room when the other is aching just to touch you!”

  I sat up and winced at the bright light. Kevin was sitting next to me and tried to put his arm around me. I pushed his arm away and stood up. Kevin frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  I was still crying and wiped at the endless amount of tears. I had promised myself I wouldn’t ever cry again, but every week I dreamed of Eric and every time I woke up crying. I stood up and held out my hands. “Please. Please don’t touch me.”

  Kevin held his hands up in surrender. “Alright. I didn’t do anything though.”

  A whisper of Eric’s words slipped through my head, “Mates don’t sleep with other people in their room when the other is aching just to touch you.”

  A sob escaped from my throat and I dropped to the floor. “It was the only way. I had to!”

  Kevin knelt down beside me. “Ciara. Talk to me. You always have these nightmares and don’t release. Tell me what happened.”

  Someone knocked on the door saving me from answering him. Kevin walked to the door and looked through the peephole. He unlocked the door and stepped out of the way.

  Jared walked in and stopped when he saw me. He growled and turned to Kevin. “What did you do?”

  Kevin shook his head. “She had a nightmare again.”

  Jared walked quickly to me and reached out. I scrambled back away from him. “Don’t touch me. Please. Please don’t touch me anymore.”

  Jared frowned. “Ciara, you know I would never hurt you…”

  I stood up and wiped my face. “
It’s not you Jared. It’s…” I looked down at my hands and changed my mind against telling him. “I’ll be late for my lesson.”

  Jared reached out to me, but I walked quickly past him and changed in to jeans and a t-shirt. Kevin cleared his throat. “I’m leaving now. I’ll see you at dinner.”

  The door closed leaving me alone with Jared. He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I tried to pull away, but he turned me around to face him. “You need to talk to me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

  Anger and despair surged through my body and I snapped. “No one can help me! I’m damaged and there is no repair for what was done!”

  Jared stepped back from me and frowned. “I could help you deal with it.”

  I screamed at him for the first time, “You can’t! The vampires made sure that I couldn’t be helped!”

  Jared’s eyes filled with rage. “What did they do? Is it fatal?”

  A sob escaped again, but I recomposed myself. “Unfortunately my hand is all that would end it and I do not have the strength to end my own life.” He dropped to his knees and tilted his head to the side exposing his neck. It was a complete sign of submission and I knew I had to respond carefully. “Jared, if I thought there was anyway that you could help I would tell you, but there’s not.” I bent down slowly and then rolled my head to the side so that I was in the lower submissive pose, giving him his dominance back. I really hated preternatural dominance games.

  He dropped down and put his face against my neck and licked the small cut. I swear I could hear him purring, but I didn’t want to ask. He licked the cut again. “I’m sorry I harmed you.” I started to stand up and he growled vibrating my throat and making me swallow. He gripped the sides of my body with his hands, keeping his face against my neck the entire time. It was close to night time, which was when he usually changed so I knew the beast was close. I stayed perfectly still as he rubbed his face against mine and then looked in to my eyes. I wanted to say something, but nothing helpful came to mind. He kissed my lips quickly and then searched my face. His body was so warm and I knew if I let him get carried away this would go in a direction that I did not want. I tried to move again and he snapped his teeth at me. He flicked his tongue across my lips and then kissed me hard and passionately. My mind clicked off and my body took over. Hormones never listen to reason. I kissed him back and felt my body try to rise to meet his. He flattened his body against mine and I felt his chest rumbling. He was purring! His hands balled in to my hair and the kiss deepened. An image of Eric flashed across my closed eyelids and I tried to jerk away, but Jared was much stronger than me. I did the only thing that I could think of.


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