Wheels of Steel, Book 3

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Wheels of Steel, Book 3 Page 11

by Pepper Pace

  “Fuck…” he tried to say but it was nothing more than staccato grunts. His hand moved to cover hers, halting her pumping fist.


  It took her a moment to understand but then she stopped. Yes, he was right. The car was no place to finish what they had started. She released his beautiful cock and searched for her keys. Once the car was moving she glanced at him and the sight was enough to feed her own fantasies for years to come; Jason slouched in his seat with his long legs splayed, his cock full and throbbing, his hands lightly stroking himself. She wanted to mew like a little animal. She wanted to pounce on his cock and pull him into her mouth or leap on his lap and allow him to impale her roughly!

  “Where?” She said in a voice that sounded as if it had been run across gravel.

  “My house. In Hyde Park.”

  Her brow went up but she headed for the Northside of town. She couldn’t stop peeking at him and the way that he stroked his cock lightly. And then his hand reached out and he gripped hers, pulling her hand to his shaft. Happily she wrapped her fingers around it. Happily she stroked him until he’d grunt and halt her hand movement. And after a few moments she would resume her silent ministrations of his erection while he quietly directed her toward his new home.

  As Robin headed down an exclusive street with huge million dollar homes, she couldn’t help but to watch them with interest, all the while continuing her stroke on Jason’s cock.

  “Turn there. That’s where I live.”

  Robin released his cock long enough to turn down a circular drive-way. She looked out the window at the huge house. It was the house of a very successful individual.

  Jason watched her take in his home. “This is where I live, Peter and I bought it together.”

  Their contract must have been very lucrative. He leaned forward and kissed her. It was not something she could ever get tired of. He reached out again and replaced her hand on his shaft, but this time, since she wasn’t driving, she was able to lean towards him.

  She parted her lips and forced her tongue into his mouth and Jason moved his hand to her jeans. He slipped his hands inside, they were too tight, his hands were too big and yet he managed to bring his finger tips against her slick clit. Robin cried out as if she had sprained her ankle, or fallen off the roof of a building. Her pussy was so wet that Jason’s hand was immediately coated with her silky lubricant.

  He removed his hand and leaned back so that he could place his fingers into his mouth. Robin watched him with hooded eyes. She lightly stroked the head of his cock until her finger was wet with his precum and then quickly she sucked her fingers into her mouth.

  Jason’s eyes got huge and then he cried out loudly and he came with no touch! His spurting cock shot round after round of semen against the shoulder of his shirt, his chest even his neck. Robin licked her lips as she watched him cum, his hand moved back to his thick shaft and he worked himself until there was nothing else but a creamy stream of semen rolling over his knuckles.

  Panting, he examined his knuckles and then wiped his hands clean against his already ruined shirt. His penis was still hard in his grip and he leaned over and kissed Robin once again before opening his door to get out of the car and shoving his still aching cock back into his pants.

  Robin’s eyes were glazed with desire as they headed hand in hand into the house. Jason punched in a code and the door just sprung open. That was new. But other than this, she didn’t notice any of her surroundings, other than a dim awareness of cool furnishing and artsy decorations. Jason led her towards a flight of stairs and then past it to an elevator. The doors closed smoothly and Robin leaned forward to kiss him again. His hand cupped her jaw but too soon they were pulling apart as the lift reached its destination. Taking her hand again, Jason led her down a large corridor. It wasn’t dark but she couldn’t see where the lights were coming from. They reached one set of several doors and Jason opened it and together they stepped into a large suite. Music was playing softly, it wasn’t Jason’s music she didn’t think. But similar, jazzy chill music.

  Again, the room wasn’t dark but she couldn’t see where the lights were coming from. She didn’t have much time to register more than a nice entertainment center with seating for two or three and funky artwork on the walls filled with vibrant colors.

  He led her to a partially opened door where a large bed was the focal point of the room. Backlight was coming from behind the headboard in soft blue. Robin needed her fire sated the way his had been and she put her hands around his waist and kissed his neck. He quickly removed his shirt and Robin traced the outline of muscles on his broad chest before lightly kissing his pale, freckled skin. She remembered that it was probably good that he had already cum—if his body was still ultra sensitive to touch and the way that he tensed and relaxed was an indication that it was.

  Jason began to undo his pants, and then moved to a chair where he sat down so that he could unlace his shoes. Robin saw his new brace as his pants came off. And then the full leg brace came off as well and Jason reached for his cane as he stood, leaning heavily on it, not seeming to be in any pain as his legs bore all of his weight unaided. Robin took in every inch of his nude body. She had forgotten how beautiful he was, from his unruly red hair, his green eyes outlined by long lashes, and of course his broad muscled chest and arms with its tattoos and then down to his toned stomach with its trail of rust colored hair that lead to where his dick still tilted upward.

  She remembered then that she hadn’t removed her clothes and as he watched her, she quickly swept off her blouse and shimmied out of her jeans. Her shoes and socks were next and then when she was standing in just her panties and bra she hesitated for the first time.

  Jason closed the space between them and he pulled her against his body and kissed her gently, his dick against her belly, captured between them. Robin sighed and then swept off her panties and bra. Jason moved back to look at her and she could see by the way his eyes moved across every inch of her that he was putting her to memory.

  Robin smiled and then Jason smiled. They made love over and over, pausing frantically to move from one position to the next. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the entire house and perhaps even beyond. Robin’s body quickly became re-adjusted to Jason and after making lover for five hours their exhausted bodies fell into coma like sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Many hours later Robin’s eyes opened slowly. She felt as if she had run a marathon; her body ached in places that she could only wonder about. Without moving she allowed her eyes to flit around and take in her surroundings. Jason’s soft snores beside her let her know that he still slept. Only then did she move. She looked at him sleeping on his back with his arms spread out and her head against his chest.


  Robin carefully sat up so that she wouldn’t jar the bed and then she stood. Grimacing at the soreness embedded in various body parts for various reasons, Robin stealthily moved to her clothes. Her panties were still too damp to put on and with disgust she shoved them into her pocket after pulling on her jeans. As urgently as she had wanted to fuck last night was just as urgently as she wanted to disappear this morning.

  She did not want to have the discussion that Jason would surely want to have; are they back together. She chastised herself for how easily she had succumbed. She would blame it on the alcohol and the pot—and the fact that she hadn’t had sex in months. And she would try not to think about how right it felt being with him again. She had worked too hard to get over this to just fall back into Jason’s arms!

  Robin collected her things quickly and moved to the other room to dress, slipping on her shirt without putting on her bra. She took a moment to check the time. Fuck it was after twelve! Well there went classes for the day and she surely was not going to rush to make her last two classes smelling like hot sex. Disappointed that she had allowed herself to miss one of her last few days of school before summer break, Robin slipped on her shoes and hurried out of the suite
of rooms and to the hall.

  She could hear activity going on in the home coming from one of the closed doors in the corridor. Double fuck. She did not want to run into Belinda or Peter! Robin moved towards the stairs, bypassing the elevator and as she came closer to the closed door the voices inside became clear. Robin’s steps faltered.

  No. Hell no…

  She paused and listened to the clear laughing voice that was unmistakably Amberly’s. Robin felt hot and cold flashes coursing through her body. She rubbed her face forgetting that she was holding her bra and then with her mouth turned down in slow dawning anger, Robin opened the door.

  Amberly’s head swung to the door, her mouth still opened in mid laugh. She was sitting in a bed with crumpled bedding wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, her hair tousled. Belinda and Peter were at the bedside, he in his chair wearing just pajama bottoms and Belinda in sleep shorts and an oversized shirt. An Asian man lay on the floor as if feigning death or sleep and it was he that everyone was laughing at. But once the door opened all heads turned to her and at the sight of Robin, the room fell instantly quiet.

  Robin’s eyes were locked onto the sight of the slight, dark haired girl whose smile was slowly falling away.

  “Do you live here?” Robin asked simply.

  “Robin-” Peter began.

  “Shut up,” she said without taking her eyes from Amberly. “Well, do you?”


  “FUCK!” Robin screamed.

  “Robin.” Amberly said while getting out of bed. “I just live here for convenience-” she limped forward to explain but as soon as she was close enough Robin slapped her.

  “That’s what I think of your explanation!” She spat as Amberly’s head swung back. The smaller girl held her face in shock. Robin turned back to the corridor and Jason was quickly pulling on pants and hurrying toward her.

  “Robin!” She stormed towards the stairs but stopped, swinging around to meet him.

  “You lying sack of shit!” She yelled when he was in front of her.

  “No no, Robin, you don’t understand-”

  She punched him in the stomach hearing the satisfying thunk of her fist making contact and then watching him crumple forward as the air was forced from his body.

  “Shit!” Belinda exclaimed running forward. Robin turned and hurried down the stairs and across the large expansive entry way towards the door. She yanked it but it was locked. What the fuck?! She tried again but it wouldn’t open and there were no visible locks…

  A hand reached out and began pressing a code onto a pad next to the door and then there was the sound of a lock disengaging and she was able to pull the door open. She stormed out of the house and the figure that had unlocked the door followed close behind her. She glanced at him as she angrily crossed the patio. It was the Asian man that they had apparently been laughing at.

  Why was he following her? He was watching her curiously as he walked alongside her.

  “What do you want?” She bit out angrily.

  “So you’re the infamous Robin.” He had a thickly accented voice but his English was smooth and cultured. “Somehow I thought you’d be bigger.”

  She continued to march towards her car. “Who the hell are you?”

  He stopped walking. “They call me Y. I’m Amberly’s husband.” He held out his hand for her to shake and Robin frowned at him, her footsteps slowing. “Yagano Kurahara.”

  Her head began to pound. “What?”

  He gestured back to the house good naturedly. “That was my wife that you slapped back there.” Y’s hand was still held out and Robin slowly shook it.

  “Well…” Robin began. “You might not believe me but it was long overdue, Yakano.”

  He raised his brow and shrugged. “There is some history there, I’m aware of that.” Y was very pleasant despite the strange circumstances and he wasn’t bad on the eyes. He appeared a bit older; perhaps in his mid thirties. He was just her height and so wasn’t very tall and was dressed in pajama bottoms showcasing a slender yet toned torso. He wore some very nice tattoos, one of which completely covering one forearm. His relatively short hair was unkempt and it was obvious that he had just risen for the day.

  “Robin, why are you…so angry?”

  “What?” She shook her head. Who was he to question her?! “Yakano-”

  “Y if you prefer.”

  “Y, your wife and my EX boyfriend acted in an inappropriately sexual manner with each other.” Amberly appeared in the doorway and was watching them. Robin grimaced at the sight of her. Well it wouldn’t be her fault if they broke up when he discovered that they were living under the same roof with the guy that Amberly was secretly in love with.

  “Are you talking about when they made-out in the Jacuzzi at that party?”

  Robin gave him a surprised look. “You know about that?”

  He shrugged. “It was kind of a big deal when they got to Japan. Oh, I was their guide. I work for Akita Tom and I helped them to get acquainted with Japan…well as much as Jason would allow. He stayed in a funk during the entire trip. But I got to know Amberly…obviously.” He smiled. “And she got it off her chest. So, yes, I know all about that.”

  “And you don’t have a problem with them living together?”

  “Well…I live here too. But we’re only going to be here for a few more weeks and then we’re off to Japan again. Amberly just wanted to stay in the States long enough to make sure that Jason’s Baclofen pump was working right. I don’t know much about Baclofen, but she’s one of his support people in case something goes wrong with it.”

  She gave him a grim look. “And you’re aware of the pact that they made?”

  “The pact?” He shrugged casually. “They made that before I ever came along, and from what I understand before you had either.” He gave her a serious look. “Robin, I can assure you that Jason won’t need to fulfill the terms of that pact. It’s already been taken care of by me.”

  “So you really don’t have a problem with Amberly being in love with Jason-?”

  “Whoa!” He chuckled, holding up his hands. “That would be a problem. But Amberly is in love with me, not Jason.” Y glanced at the house and seemed to lock eyes with Amberly. After a moment she retreated back into the house. “She loves him.” Y met her eyes again. “She loves them all, but Jason has a special place in her heart. I think it’s their cerebral palsy. At least that’s my thought.”

  Robin was shaking her head. “I feel sorry for you Y, if you think that’s all there is to it.” Robin backed to her car. Her calm demeanor cracked as her voice began to tremble with emotion. “You’ll go on thinking that you were being open and honest to allow their friendship to continue. And then the next thing you’ll know they’ll be off somewhere drunk and humping.” Tears appeared in Robin’s eyes. “Then you’ll wish that you had never trusted them. I just want to save you from feeling stupid.”

  “Robin,” Y said gently, “you shouldn’t feel stupid. They feel stupid enough.” He stepped forward. “Robin, Amberly looks at Jason’s misery and has taken it on single handedly. She has taken every bit of responsibility for your breakup. I’ve grown to care for Jason and I know how he feels for you. He locks himself away all night sometimes, and all that can be heard is your voice singing the same songs over and over. He beats himself up pretty bad thinking that you hate him. Not to be inappropriate, but the sounds you two made last night is all anyone needs to hear to know that you two still have feelings for each other.”

  Robin glanced away. “Good luck, Y. I mean that.”

  “Breathe.” He said.

  Her heart crashed. “What?!”

  “Your tattoo, it says breathe. Do you understand the full meaning of those symbols?” Y had moved close enough to lean against her car and he crossed his arms in front of him. He was staring at the house as he spoke in a gentle voice. “It represents Ki, which is a fundamental concept of traditional Asian culture. Ki is a part of everything that exists. It is lif
e force or spiritual energy. The symbols literally mean inhale, exhale, but together it means breathe.”


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