Rock Star Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Book 6)

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Rock Star Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Book 6) Page 7

by Verna Clay

  Chapter 16: Rockin' the Garage

  Tessa breathed in Sean's scent and nuzzled her face into his chest. He reached behind her head and pulled her even closer. He said in her ear, "I'd like to stay in your bed all night, but I don't think your dad and mom would appreciate it. I can't take a chance of being tossed out on my ear just when things are finally going right for us."

  That afternoon during their encounter against the tree beside the river, Sean had pressed his forehead to hers and said, "As much as I want to, I'm not going to make love with you out here in the open. Can I come to your room tonight?"

  Tessa had been so overcome with lust that she'd have granted him anything. She'd whispered, "Yes."

  Later, after they'd ridden back to the ranch and taken care of the horses, she been so embarrassed she'd opened her mouth to cancel everything, but Sean had suddenly dipped his head and covered her lips with his. She'd melted into him. Then he'd said, "Later," and quickly walked away. No doubt he knew she was about to go gun shy on him.

  After dark, she'd been so nervous she'd almost jumped in her car and driven away. Sean Barfield and her. It was beyond crazy. A light rap on her door had sent her into panic mode and she'd frozen. He must have known because he'd slightly opened the door, peeked around it, and just stared at her.

  She'd thought she was going to hyperventilate, but suddenly, he was across the room and kissing her so passionately that any thought of bolting exploded into a million shards. No way was she leaving.

  Now, she stretched her arms around him. "I don't want you to leave, either, but you're right."

  "That's what I like to hear." He rolled her onto her back and positioned himself above her. The room was dim, but not so much that she couldn't see his white teeth when he smiled. He said, "Let's do something crazy next Saturday, like go to Denver and hang out at the mall, take in a movie, eat ice cream, walk in the park. What do you say?"

  "But what if you're recognized?"

  "I won't be because I'll wear my hippie outfit."

  Tessa chewed her lip. "And I could dress like a hippie, too."

  "Yes! That's my fun-loving Tessa."

  She grinned and he lowered his head and said, "And there's my dimple." He licked it and then they were making love all over again.

  After he left, Tessa scooted over to the side of the bed he'd just vacated, and Sadie jumped up beside her. Inhaling Sean's lingering scent, sleepily, she said, "Now, that's what I call rockin' the garage."

  Chapter 17: Flower Power

  Sean held Tessa's hand and tugged her into the ice cream parlor. He made the peace sign with his fingers and said to the clerk, "Peace, brother." He cocked his head at Tessa, "What's your pleasure, Butterfly?"

  She looked longingly at the carton of double fudge-fudge, but said, "I'd like a single orange sherbet."

  He said to the clerk, "We'll have two double fudge-fudge double scoops."

  Tessa opened her mouth to protest and he quickly planted a kiss on it.

  After Sean paid the clerk and handed out her treat, Tessa glared at him and then licked her ice cream. She moaned with pleasure and he leaned down to her ear. "I sure hope I can please you tonight as much as that ice cream."

  "Sean!" she exclaimed, and then corrected herself. "Moon Boy!"

  He said, "Come on; let's go see what's playing at the movies."

  They located the theater in Cherry Creek Shopping Center and perused the poster boards. Moon Boy said, "You pick out whatever you want, Butterfly."

  "Really. You mean you wouldn't mind watching a chick-flick?"

  "Honey, I'll watch anything you choose, just as long as I can sneak my arm around you and steal a few kisses."

  She giggled and said, "Just because you're so accommodating, I say we watch that sci-fi you seemed really interested in."

  The movie turned out to be very good, but Tessa…er…Butterfly liked the stolen kisses from Moon Boy much more. His fake beard tickled and she had to stifle giggles more than once.

  After the movie they walked the mall and window shopped. They received more than a few glances. Butterfly wore a flowing skirt plastered with butterflies that she'd found at Cindy's Second Chance Clothing shop in Paxtonville and a peasant top that kept falling off one shoulder. She'd pinned several silk flowers in her hair and she wore sandals that laced up to mid calf. She'd even drawn a butterfly on her right cheek with colorful flow pens.

  As for Moon Boy, in addition to what looked to be a month's worth of beard, he wore baggy linen trousers, a matching linen tunic, and a blue bandana tied around his forehead. He also wore sandals. As extra disguise, he had donned large, very dark sunglasses.

  When they walked past a music store blaring one of his tunes, he grabbed Butterfly's hand and hurried her away.

  In the late afternoon they found an out-of-the-way Italian restaurant and asked for the most private table available. The waiter grinned and led them to a small courtyard beside a bubbling fountain.

  After they placed their orders, Butterfly leaned back and sighed, "I haven't had this much fun in years!"

  Moon Boy smiled. "I haven't either. See how fantastic we are together."

  The waiter returned with drinks before she could answer.

  Their meal was delicious, their conversation fabulous, and their desire to be alone consuming. Moon Boy said, "Let's skip the park and go back to our motel."

  Butterfly nodded shyly.

  They had driven to Denver in Butterfly's car because her dad's beater truck wasn't reliable enough to drive out of town, and Moon Boy's sports car would have garnered way too much attention. Butterfly could tell that Moon Boy truly loved his anonymity.

  Back at the Holiday Inn Motel, Moon Boy shed his disguise and once again became Sean Barfield. Butterfly closed her eyes when Sean began removing the flowers from her hair. He said, "You're beautiful as Butterfly, but even more beautiful as Tessa."

  After much encouragement, he finally got her into the shower with him and Tessa knew there was nothing on earth more erotic than showering with Sean Barfield.

  Chapter 18: Puppy Lost

  Preston handed Tessa the file on Biscuit. Freckles had brought him in for a checkup and the dog was thriving under her care. During the pup's examination he had been polite but aloof. He hadn't been back to Freckles' duplex since her razzing him about his dream girl a week earlier. By the way she'd watched him during the checkup, he'd felt like a bug under a microscope, but he was determined to not let her get under his skin again. As she was leaving he'd gotten the impression she wanted to apologize, but when she said nothing, he figured it was only wishful thinking on his part. What the hell did he care whether she owned up to being a snot. He was glad when she left. At least he thought he was glad.

  Rather than dwell on his feelings for Freckles, he concentrated on Tessa. She was different. She glanced up and said, "What? Do I have lipstick on my teeth or something?"

  "No. But something's going on with you. You want to tell me about it?"

  "No." She glanced back at Biscuit's folder, but there was a soft smile lifting the corners of her mouth. That's when it hit him—Sean! The asshole had finally gotten to her. He was surprised when he didn't completely fall apart. Instead, he said, "Happy looks good on you, Tessa."

  After that he put on rubber gloves and started cleaning the animals' cages.

  It was almost closing when Tessa rushed into his office and said, "Freckles is on the phone and she sounds frantic." He jerked the phone up and punched the blinking button. "Hello, Freckles, this is Preston. What's up?"

  "The puppy's gone! I've looked everywhere for him. I was playing with him on the floor and introducing him to Bozo, you know that huge husky, and I ran to the kitchen when the tea kettle whistled, but when I came back, he was gone. He and Bozo were getting along fine. You don't think Bozo ate him, do you?"

  "God, no! He's probably just hiding. Did you try to entice him with food?"

  "Of course I did! I even got out his favorite squeaky toys."<
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  "I'm leaving work now and coming over. Keep calling him and offering food."


  Preston glanced at Tessa who was still in his office. "Biscuit is missing."

  "I gathered as much. Do you want me to come with you to help find him?"

  "No, but thanks for offering."

  Ten minutes later, Preston pulled to the front of Freckles place. She had her front door open before he was out of his truck. From her distraught expression, the little guy was still on the loose.

  He said, "We'll find him," as he followed her into the house. He saw a squeaky toy on the floor and picked it up. Going down on his knees he started squeezing the darn thing and looking in every nook and cranny he could find. Bozo thought he wanted to play and jumped on him. The dog was so big he laid Preston out on the carpet. Freckles grabbed Bozo's collar and pulled him toward the hallway. "I'll lock him up in the bathroom. I already checked in there for Biscuit."

  Preston continued his search. "Come on Biscuit. Come on, boy. Come to Papa. You're not in trouble."

  Freckles returned and went down on her knees, also searching with a squeaky toy. After combing the living room, they started on the dining room and then kitchen. Preston carefully pulled out the fridge and oven—no dog. He asked, "Is there any way he could have gotten outside?"

  "No. All the doors were closed and the windows all have screens. It's like he was abducted by aliens."

  "Let's check the bedrooms." She followed him to the bedroom she called her "doggie guest suite" and then the "kitty guest suite" across the hall. No Biscuit. There was only one room left besides the bathroom, where Bozo was scratching and whining to be released from.

  Freckles asked, "Should I put Bozo in the doggie suite?"

  "Yeah, go ahead. If he starts barking in the bathroom he'll wake the dead."

  A minute later she joined Preston in searching her bedroom. On their hands and knees they combed every corner and stuck their heads under the bed. Finally, Preston sat on the floor and leaned his back against the side of the bed. He shook his head. "Okay, let's think about this," he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes. A strangled sound coming from Freckles had him jerking his eyes open. She suddenly let out a huge sob. "I lost my baby. He could be hurt or dead and it's all my fault!"

  Preston reached out and pulled her to him. She sobbed against his chest and he tried to comfort her. "It's not your fault. You can't watch him twenty-four seven. We'll find him. He's probably asleep somewhere."

  Just then his eyes alighted on one of those big house slippers that were mostly fur. It moved ever so slightly and he blinked. Smoothing one hand over Freckles red hair, he put his lips next to her ear. "Look there."

  She inhaled on a shudder and loosened her grip on his shirt. Her eyes were hopeful as she turned in the direction he pointed. The pink house slipper moved again when Biscuit squirmed into a more comfortable position with his head lodged in the toe of the shoe and his backside in the heel. Freckles jerked her gaze back to Preston's, but he was no longer interested in the puppy. He was wondering how long it would take to count the freckles on Freckles. Her eyes widened when his face descended toward hers.

  Her expression of surprise when he claimed her lips turned into a long moan as she once again clung to him. He'd always thought her lips sexy and when she focused her concentration on kissing him, he knew heaven had just descended into the earthly realm. The woman knew how to kiss! They were still sitting on the floor and he moved her body until she was straddling him. Then he laid her backwards onto the floor and rose above her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and did some kind of wiggle thing that would have brought him to his knees if he wasn't already on them.

  After twenty minutes of this glorious torture to his knees, he rasped two words, "Bed. Now." He scooped Freckles into his arms, stood, made a hundred-and-eighty degree turn, and dropped them both onto the bed. That's when she started undressing him and he practically ripped her clothes off. After that, they were all hands and mouths and tongues and she moved in ways he'd never even imagined possible. The woman was a contortionist.

  While she was doing something that had him coming unglued, his eyes suddenly popped open and he said, "Shit."

  She stopped what she was doing. "Did I hurt you?"

  "Hell no. But I don’t have any protection."

  Slowly she moved up his body until a small breast was teasing his face and reached into the nightstand beside her bed. She grabbed a packet and said, "Not to worry."

  Preston made a growling sound, grabbed her by the waist, and plopped her onto her back. "Oh, this is going to be a long night, sweetheart." After that, he took over.

  Preston felt so relaxed that he didn't want to open his eyes, but a dog's yipping kept breaking into his sleep. As he became more awake, he was aware of a soft body pressed up to his. He pried his eyes open to see a tangled mess of red hair. A stray strand tickled his nose and he sneezed. The yipping got louder. Beside him, Freckles said, "All right, all right, I'll take you potty." She pushed upward and stopped when their eyes met. It was just getting light outside. She looked beautiful. He said, "I want to count your freckles when you return."


  He grinned, "I want to count your freckles after you come back to bed. I think it will take a long time."

  A grin spread across her face. "That'll be a first for me." Her eyes suddenly widened. "I was your first, wasn't I?"

  His slow smile neither confirmed nor denied her question.

  Biscuit's yapping was getting out of hand. Preston patted her bottom and said, "You take him potty this time and I'll do it next time."

  He was surprised when she grabbed the sheet to wrap herself in before getting up. As if he hadn't already seen and tasted every inch of her.

  While she was taking care of Biscuit he stretched his hands behind his head and contemplated his feelings for Freckles. She made him laugh; she challenged him; sometimes she made him feel like a hero; sometimes like a heel. But the one thing he knew beyond a doubt was that he adored her.

  She returned to the bedroom and said, "The baby's in his shoe."

  The words touched his heart. This woman touched his heart. "What's your real name?" he asked.

  She didn't hedge. She just said, "Will you promise not to laugh?"

  He said seriously, "I promise."

  "Victoria Amelia Genevieve Martinique."

  Somehow, he wasn't surprised. She stood at the foot of the bed and he said, "Victoria Amelia Genevieve Martinique, will you let me make love to you again?"

  Chapter 19: Queen Witch

  Three weeks after her adventure with Sean dressed as hippies in Denver, Tessa went in search of him. It had been her turn to work the half day the vet office was open on Saturday. She was excited to tell him that Toby said she'd be training with him and Preston two days a week in the next phase of becoming their assistant. When the time came for her to transition into the job fulltime, they were going to hire another receptionist.

  When she entered the barn, she heard a guitar being strummed and Sean humming along. He had a beautiful voice and his songs were more along the lines of classic rock than hard rock. He said that's why his band had been named Endangered Species. They wanted to bring back the sounds of classic rock. Well, they were certainly succeeding. On the drive to work and back home, she'd heard their songs played on the radio and the DJ touting how good they were.

  She paused in the doorway. "Hi, Sean."

  He glanced up and the smile he gave her filled her heart with love. Soon, his three months would be up and she knew he had to leave, but for now she was just living in the moment. He'd told her several times that things would work out and she'd believed him. She had come to the conclusion that he really did care deeply for her and wasn't going to fulfill the age-old prophesy of "out-of-sight, out-of-mind."

  "I like that song. Is it new?" she asked.

  He motioned for her to sit beside him on the couch. "It is. It's about a country gir
l that the city guy fell in love with and he's trying to make her believe him." His eyes were dead serious as they roamed her face.

  They just stared at each other and then he said. "I'm stuck on the last line in the chorus, though. Maybe you can help me out."

  "I'm not much at poetry and I got a 'C' in English."

  "Doesn't matter."

  He started strumming the guitar again, paused, and said, "I'll start at the beginning."

  Tessa's heart beat wildly as he began singing about a man pining for his country girl. The tune could have been categorized as Classic Country Rock. It was so beautiful it brought tears to her eyes. When he got to the chorus, he sang,

  She's the gal I've always known came from heaven just for me.

  Oh, how can I make an angel believe…how can I make an angel believe…

  He hummed the tune and said, "Got any ideas for the last line?"

  Tessa swiped at a tear and softly replied,

  In the beautiful family we were meant to be.

  She shrugged feeling embarrassed.

  Sean thought about the words for a second and then sang the song from the top, adding the full chorus. It was beautiful. He stopped strumming and held the guitar against his chest. "I wrote that song for you. Can you see us together as a family?"

  Tears dripped down her cheeks. "I'm afraid I could never live up to your expectations. I'm afraid I would be a hindrance to your career."

  Sean studied her eyes and said, "Fuck my career. As for expectations, you're perfect the way you are. The only thing I want is to spend my life with you. You make me whole. You make me want to be a better person. You make me laugh and cry. I want to marry you and live here in Paxtonville, have children, and live a normal life. As for my career, after I fulfill my contract, I'm quitting the band. My heart has never been in performing, it's in writing and producing songs. I want to be behind the scenes, not in front."


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