Shield of the Gods (Aigis Trilogy, Book 1)

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Shield of the Gods (Aigis Trilogy, Book 1) Page 1

by S. M. Welles


  Book One of the Aigis Trilogy

  Copyright © 2012 by S.M. Welles

  All rights reserved.

  I dedicate this to my family.



  Chapter 1. The Glass Bottle

  Chapter 2. Energy Shift

  Chapter 3. Not Human

  Chapter 4. A Giant Battle

  Chapter 5. Pursuit

  Chapter 6. Drifter

  Chapter 7. Raw Memories

  Chapter 8. Boarding

  Chapter 9. Extended Reality

  Chapter 10. Spies

  Chapter 11. Choices

  Chapter 12. Purpose

  Chapter 13. The City of Phailon

  Chapter 14. Sonda: the Fast Ones

  Chapter 15. Secret Ambitions

  Chapter 16. The Race

  Chapter 17. Fallen

  Chapter 18. Eisisumet

  Chapter 19. Druconica: the Strong Ones

  Chapter 20. Titans

  Chapter 21. Counsel of the King

  Chapter 22. Trapped

  Chapter 23. Dragons, Trolls, and Elves

  Chapter 24. Blood of Earth

  Chapter 25. Dark Revenge

  Chapter 26. The Attack on the Obelisk

  Chapter 27. The Next Beginning


  About the Author



  Baku floated just a few feet above the lake floor with his eyes closed, head bowed, and limbs hanging limp. Every few hours, exotic fish and water-dwelling creatures would swim up to check on their maker. Baku opened his eyes just enough to see which creature it was each time he felt a small water current swirl across his bare torso. He spoke telepathic words of gratitude to them, then resumed concentrating on recuperating. His fish darted out of his pale, glowing aura and back into darkness.

  A large current passed over him. By the feel of the warmer water, one of his surface creatures had come to visit.

  ‘Wake up, Baku,’ a booming voice said. ‘We must talk.’

  Baku flinched, then rubbed his face with sore hands. None of his creatures spoke in words. The pale glow emanating from his aching body revealed a gargantuan green snout bigger than his six-foot-tall frame. That snout belonged to Leviathan, a allying god that liked to take on the form of a dragon. The dragon’s reptilian eyes, which were half as big as him, reflected Baku’s glow, making the eyes look nocturnal. ‘Hello, Leviathan,’ he said.

  ‘Are you well enough? Your body looks aged like one of your mortal men.’

  ‘Do I, now? I’m not surprised.’ Baku held his arms out. Sure enough his muscle mass had shrunk from solid to sparing. He pulled at the tanned skin covering his triceps and it stretched a good inch from what muscle he had. Disheartening, but still not a surprise. Being a god, his chosen appearance was at the mercy of how he felt, along with how he acted. Right now he felt old. Old and weary. Baku maneuvered into sitting with his legs crossed and began rising toward the lake surface.

  ‘Others have questions as well,’ Leviathan said, rising with him.

  ‘Who else knows what’s going on?’

  ‘Just you. But everyone knows something is up.’

  ‘That doesn’t surprise me,’ Baku said as their heads broke the surface. He stopped glowing. “I’ve put off enlightening all of you long enough.” He now hovered inches above the surface of his lake, dripping water as he sat with both elbows on his knees, his goateed chin resting on one fist. He fanned his other arm absently and became dry in the next instant.

  The dragon rose higher and higher into the air, twisting his snake-like form. Baku looked up at his ally and felt the size of a flea. Leviathan was hundreds of feet long. No matter how many times Baku saw Leviathan, his sheer enormity left his mouth ajar. He swallowed humbly.

  “Baku?” an energetic voice said from the distant shore, “is that you?”

  Baku twisted around. “Din! What a pleasure to see you. How have you been?” With a thought, he flew towards Din and alighted on the pale sandy beach. A grassy field splayed out beyond the small beach.

  “Quite well, old friend,” Din said and they pulled each other into a one-armed embrace. Din was a little taller, had bright blue eyes, and orange hair that stuck up like dancing flames. “How many centuries has it been?” They let go and stepped apart.

  “More like eons.”

  “Close enough,” Din said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “How are you and Kara getting along these days?”

  Baku frowned, remembering Kara and Nexus leaving his realm after the last exhausting skirmish.

  “That bad again?” Din rubbed his chin. “When are you two going to finally decide whether to love or hate each other? This game you’ve got going is getting tiresome for—”

  “It’s not a game,” Baku snapped.

  “Then what is it?”

  He thought a moment, his heart aching. “A complication.”

  Din laughed.

  “Savor what laughter you can. We’re going to need it to help get through our newest problem.” Din’s smile shrank into a serious line. Leviathan drew his head closer, the rest of his serpentine body coiled over the lake. “Not too long ago we all felt the energy of an incomplete prophecy being released.”

  Din nodded somberly. “I thought it was a prophecy, but I wasn’t sure.”

  ‘It did feel different,’ the dragon said.

  “Almost like a death sentence.” Din waved a hand at the sand. It swirled and rippled, then pockets of it rose and formed into miniature replicas of armor-clad mortals facing off in two small lines. The lines charged each other but before they could clash, Din let out a frustrated sigh and wiped them away with another wave of his hand. The sand rippled to stillness like a water surface after being hit with raindrops.

  Baku knew prophecies usually had an energy that felt like the winner of a contest had been called out. This one, however had felt like a judge banging his gavel, filling him with dread. The entire universe had echoed with this ominous prophecy, but only gods were sensitive to such energy.

  “Nexus, my son, has prophesied a war. That’s why it felt different.” He paused to let the other two voice their outrage, but his words were met with a pregnant silence. This is more serious than I thought.

  Leviathan said, ‘He has no worlds of his own. How does he know how to create a valid prophecy? He shouldn’t be able to.’

  “I know. Which is why I believe someone has helped and tutored him.”

  ‘We don’t just declare our will and force it to be so through a prophecy. And we definitely don’t teach those who haven’t proven themselves worthy enough to become Creators. What plans could that boy have that are more vital than the natural flow of life?’

  “None, I believe. Which is why the energy it released felt so foreboding. Our only saving grace is that gods can only foretell events, not the desired outcomes. However, such things have a tendency to fulfill themselves the way we want them to. We shouldn’t take this prophecy any lighter than the rest. If we accept this war as unavoidable, we need to gather our allies and agree on counter-measures against the enemy.”

  ‘Are you sure it isn’t too late to talk Nexus out of it?’ Leviathan hovered motionless, his huge belly feet above the lake. The energy emanating from him made the surface ripple.

  Baku bowed his head. “I have tried. Goodness knows I have tried. He wants what he wants, and that’s that. To risk his own sanity to employ a prophecy is proof enough.”

  Din spoke in a voice almost empty of hope. “Do you think this war can be stopped before it starts?”

  “That’s w
hat I’m hoping to accomplish,” Baku said.


  A menacing voice reverberated throughout the realm. “That’s a good question now, isn’t it?”

  “Nexus,” Baku breathed between clenched teeth.

  The air swirled and billowed high over the lake, then began to take shape. Two great eyes and part of a transparent face appeared. The dark eyes were clearest, and next the vague mouth. The astral projection of Nexus’ face was larger than Baku and Din. “I have plans and you have counter-plans, my dear father. But this time I’ve finally outmaneuvered you. This isn’t a war between gods, by the way. What would be the fun in that?”

  ‘Why have a war at all?’ Leviathan said, his gargantuan frame dwarfing the face.

  “Simple, my ancient dragon. It is a war of prophecy and cannot be undone, unless you care to forfeit here and now. I highly doubt you’d want that, but by all means go right ahead. It would save me a lot of trouble.”

  “What do you want from this war?”

  Nexus grinned, his ethereal eyes full of malice. “You’ll see. You’ll all see in time, so listen real carefully to what I’m about to say, for I speak with the Voice of Prophecy—which, as you know, makes my prophecy is legal and binding. Here it is in full:

  Unconsciously every god has chosen a side.

  Now they shall choose one thousand lives.

  The worldless watch with the young at their side.

  For with them this war does not abide.

  Then time will come when all gods are done

  building armies in hopes of this battle won.

  Then the battlefield shall be revealed

  and with a word, life’s fate is sealed;

  the war will begin.

  Yet, despite two-hundred thousand lives,

  the fate of the universe shall reside

  only on the shoulders of two warriors unrealized.

  Hope is never lost, keep up the fight.

  And prophet: beware the sword of light.

  “And here’s a twist—it wouldn’t be as interesting if there weren’t. If any god’s army on either side gets wiped out to the last warrior, their worlds will become mine. And if you think you can avoid participating, you are gravely mistaken. Your worlds by default will become mine the minute I initiate the war, so don’t take too long to build your forces.

  Nexus’ projection began to fade. “The warriors will be assembled on my chosen battlefield after I eliminate two particular mortals first, one I know, and one I do not yet know.” The realm echoed with hollow laughter as he disappeared.

  “Uh oh,” Baku said, unable to move.

  “Uh oh, what?” Din asked.

  Baku looked up and saw his fear mirrored in Din’s wide eyes. “He knows.”

  Chapter 1

  The Glass Bottle

  That’s it. I can’t stand it any longer. Roxie snuck up the basement stairs and crouched so she could peer through the gap between the door and wood flooring. The plan had been to wait until at least eleven, but she ran out of pen caps after chewing up a fifth one. She narrowed her eyes against the air flowing through the gap and searched for her grandmother, whom she hoped had gone to bed a little early. Roxie didn’t want to be told yet again, her grandmother’s eyes rolling skyward, “Rox, you’re not an alien.” She knew she wasn’t an alien, but from age six to somewhere around eight or nine, she had been thoroughly convinced she was one. Now seventeen, the “alien” idea had cropped back up as a half-serious, half-joking explanation for her latest odd behavior: a compulsion to travel a specific southeasterly route through her home city of Buffalo, New York.

  The nightly news delivered its latest story and the living room was dimly lit, two signs to turn around, go back downstairs, and wait until later. But maybe the TV would mask the sound of an opening and closing door. Roxie shifted to one side of the gap and searched for a pair of slippers framed by the coffee table in front of the couch.

  No slippers. No Grandma, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t in the bathroom, or had simply tucked her feet onto the couch.

  Roxie raised herself to a kneeling position on the first carpeted step and touched the doorknob one finger at a time, trying hard to not let her anxious grip jiggle it. Old as her grandmother was, she had all her wits about her, eyes that noticed anything—so long as her glasses were on—and hearing that had only begun to fade now that she’d entered her seventies. A door cracking open, seemingly of its own accord, would garner as much attention as ringing a church bell.

  For the last few weeks, Roxie had felt like she was standing at the beginning of a path she’d never taken, but had always wanted to know where it led. A gentle pull originating in her stomach urged her on her southeasterly route, as if a literal gut instinct was trying to guide her to someplace or someone important. Over the last few days the tug had gotten more insistent, so she tried walking around the neighborhood in hopes of discovering where this curious pull wanted her to go. She found herself taking the same turns, wandering a little farther, and a little farther each day, until she decided she’d travelled far enough from home. Stopping herself took some willpower. Turning back generated a cold panic in her chest. The only reason she never lost control was because she found her panic irrational. Yet each time she made it back home, she felt more restless, more out of place, and she didn’t understand why.

  She needed to find the answer tonight.

  Breath held, Roxie turned the doorknob and eased the door open. The couch lay empty. She exhaled and pushed the door farther open, then froze before she could let go of the knob. Staring back at her was Grandma, all the way from the kitchen table.

  “What are you up to, Rox? Your eyes are glowing.” Grandma sounded like she wasn’t in the mood for nonsense.

  The sudden surprise of getting caught was enough to cause Roxie’s eyes to glow; they glowed whenever she strongly felt sad, angry or frightened, an uncontrollable external indicator of how she felt on the inside. To her knowledge she was the only person on Earth with glowing eyes, which was why she’d never totally dismissed the possibility of being an alien. The problem with that theory was her parents, who were most certainly from Earth themselves, although they both died the day she was born. There were pictures of them all over the house, and she had spent hours with Grandma leafing through photo albums that showed her parents dating, getting married, Roxie’s mother’s belly getting bigger every month, and even copies of the ultrasounds.

  Roxie glanced at the back door, which seemed to beckon to her with its dull brass knob.

  “Just go back to your room and read one of your old alien books. It’s too late at night for this nonsense.”

  Roxie meant to head back to her room, but instead rounded the couch and headed for the back door. “I’m sorry, I know this is a bad time for this, but I have to go. I feel like the answer is really close this time.” She reached for the door.

  “And it can’t wait ‘til morning?”

  Roxie thought for a moment. “Sorry. No.” Without realizing it, she’d already opened the inner door and had a hand on the screen door.

  Grandma set her pencil down. She frowned and stared at Roxie over the rim of her glasses, her frown lined by wrinkles. “You thought the answer was close last night and the night before. Go back to your room.”

  “I can’t!” Roxie blurted, then cringed. Defying her grandmother was something she lacked the gall to do. She respected her grandmother’s judgment, and right now understood that wandering around cities at night was stupid. But tonight Roxie felt like she had no option but to go out.

  Grandma rose from her chair, put her fist on her hips, and scrutinized Roxie, who noticed her grip had grown slick on the door handle. She wiped her hand on her capris and braced herself for the incoming berating.

  Grandma took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “You’re lucky your eyes glow, or else I’d never believe you.”

  Roxie felt the warmth behind her retinas fade, meaning her eyes had stopped glowin

  “Be careful.”

  Relief blossomed in Roxie’s chest, but was replaced by an urgency to get moving. “I will.” She slipped out the back door, which screeched in protest as it swung shut, and Roxie headed into the forest, her eyes aglow once again. No wind rustled the leaves, and the crickets and tree frogs hushed themselves as she traversed their part of the forest. Roxie shot her glowing-eyed gaze in the direction of any minute rustling and twig scraping nearby but, to her relief, no raccoons, foxes or opossums decided to give her a heart attack.

  Roxie reached the other side of the woods and entered a run-down section of Buffalo, a part she knew well enough from all her recent trips into the city. She wasn’t a big fan of cities, even though she’d been through those particular streets a zillion times without incident.

  The pull guided her past the soup kitchen and its flock of homeless people, a collection of ragged dogs waiting for their next meal.

  Minutes later, Roxie found an intersection connected to an alley without working lights. She couldn’t recall walking past a lightless street on previous wanderings. Common sense told her to go find another way, but the pull in her mind implored her in that dark direction. Okay, now my brain decides to lead me a different way! The pull had normally guided her to take a turn a couple of blocks ago, but not tonight.

  Roxie made it to the middle of the intersection, half in darkness and half in light, when she saw the silhouette of a tall, muscular person that seemed to be looking straight at her. Was that a knife in his hand? The sight of blood all over a sidewalk flashed in her mind. She backed away, then started running.

  Roxie just made it onto the sidewalk when someone grabbed her arm and forced her to turn around. She felt the delicate touch of something sharp press against her throat. Before she could contemplate her own mortality, or even how her attacker had managed to sprint across the intersection so fast, she almost went deaf. A thunderous bang from overhead echoed through the entire block, and a wave of wind swept out in all directions from where they stood. Streetlights flickered, then everything returned to normal. What the heck was that?


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