Mistress of Mellyn

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Mistress of Mellyn Page 15

by Виктория Холт

  ” No, I suppose not.”

  ” He saw you on Jacinth and thinks you’d be a worthy mistress for her. That was why he wanted you to have her. He’s very fond of that mare. ”

  ” I see.”

  ” Miss Leigh, you would like to possess a horse like that?”

  ” Who wouldn’t?”

  ” Suppose I asked Connan if it could be taken into his stables and kept there for you to ride. How would that be?”

  I replied emphatically: ” It is most kind of you, Miss Nansellock, and I do appreciate your desire and that of your brother to please me. But I do not wish for any special favours here. Mr. TreMellyn has a full and adequate stable for the needs of us all. I should be very much against asking for special favours for myself.”

  ” I see,” she said, ” that you are very determined and very proud.”

  She leaned forward and touched my hand in a very friendly manner.

  There was a faint mist of tears in her eyes. She was touched by my position, and understood how desperately I clung to my pride because it was my only possession.

  I thought her kind and considerate, and I could understand why Alice had made a friend of her. I felt that I too could easily become her friend, for she had never made me in the least conscious of my social position in the house.

  One day, I thought, I’ll tell her what I’ve discovered about Alice.

  But not yet. I was, as her brother had said, as spiky as a hedgehog. I did not think for a moment that I should be rebuffed by Celestine Nansellock, but Just at this time I was not going to run any risk.

  Alvean joined us, and Celestine complimented her on her riding. Then we went back to the house, and tea, over which I presided, was served in the punch room.

  I thought what a happy afternoon that was.

  Connan TreMellyn came back the day before the show. I was glad he had not returned before, because I was afraid that Alvean might betray her excitement.

  I was entered for one of the early events in which points were scored, particularly for jumping. It was what they called a mixed event which meant that men and women competed together.

  Tapperty, who knew I was going to enter, wouldn’t hear of my riding on Dion.

  ” Why, Miss,” he said, the day before the show, ” if you’d have took Jacinth when she was offered you, you would have got first prize. That mare be a winner and so would you be, Miss, on her back. Old Dion, he’s a good fellow, but he ain’t no prize winner. How’d you say to taking Royal Rover?”

  ” What if Mr. TreMellyn objected?”

  Tapperty winked.

  “Nay, he’d not object. He’ll be riding n out to the show on May Morning, so old Royal ‘un be free. I’ll tell ‘ee what, just suppose master was to say to me Saddle up Royal Rover for me, Tapperty.” Right, then I’d saddle the Rover for him and it would be May Morning for you, Miss. Nothing ‘ud please master more than for to see his horse win a prize. “

  I was anxious to show off before Connan TreMellyn and I agreed to Tapperty’s suggestion. After all, I was teaching his daughter to ride and that meant that I could, with the approval of his head stable man, make my selection from the stables.

  The night before the show I presented Alvean with the brooch.

  She was extremely delighted.

  “It’s a whip!” she cried.

  ” It will pin your cravat,” I said, ” and I hope bring you luck.”

  ” It will. Miss. I know it will.”

  ” Well, don’t rely on it too much. Remember luck only comes to those who deserve it.” I quoted the beginning of an old rhyme which Father used to say to us.

  ” Your head and your heart keep boldly up, Your chin and your heels keep down.” I went on:

  ” And when you take your jump together … go with Prince.”

  ” I’ll remember.”


  ” It seems so long in coming.”

  ” It’ll come fast enough.”

  That night when I went in to say good night to her I sat on her bed and we talked about the show.

  I was a little anxious about her, because she was too excited, and I tried to calm her down. I told her she must go to sleep for if she did not she would not be fresh for the morning.

  ” But how does one sleep, Miss,” she asked, ” when sleep won’t come?”

  I realised then the magnitude of what I had done. A few months before, when I had come to this house, this girl had been afraid to mount a horse; now she was looking forward to competing at the horse show.

  That was all well and good. I would have preferred her interest not to have been centred so wholeheartedly on her father. It was his approval which meant so much to her.

  She was not only eager; she was apprehensive, so desperately did she long for his admiration.

  I went to my room and came back with a book of Mr. Longfellow’s poems.

  I sat down by her bed and began to read to her, for I knew of nothing to turn the mind to peace than his narrative poem, ” Hiawatha.”

  I often quoted it when I was trying to sleep and then I would feel myself torn from the events of this world in which I lived and in my imagination I would wander along through the primeval forests with the “rustlings of great rivers … and their wild reverberations.”

  The words flowed from my lips. I knew I was conjuring up visions for Alvean. She had forgotten the show . her fears and her hopes. She was with the little Hiawatha sitting at the feet of the good Nokomis and—she slept.

  I woke up on the day of the horse show to find the mist had penetrated my room. I got out of bed and went to the window. Little wisps of it encircled the palm trees and the feathery leaves of the evergreen pines were decorated with little drops of moisture.

  ” I hope the mist lifts before the afternoon,” I said to myself.

  But all through the morning it persisted, and there were anxious looks and whispers throughout the house where everyone was thinking of the show. Most of the servants were going. They always did. Kitty told me, because the master had special interest in it as one of the judges, and Billy Trehay and some of the stable boys were entrants.

  “It do put master in a good mood to see his horses win,” said Kitty: ” but they say he’s always harder on his own than on others.”

  Immediately after luncheon Alvean and I set out; she was riding Black Prince and I was on Royal Rover. It was exhilarating to be on a good horse, and I felt as excited as Alvean; I fear I was just as eager to shine in the eyes of Connan TreMellyn as she was.

  The show was being held in a big field close to the village church, and when we arrived the crowds were already gathering.

  Alvean and I parted company when we reached the field and I discovered that the event in which I was competing was one of the first.

  The show was intended to start at two-fifteen, but there was the usual delay, and at twenty past we were still waiting to begin.

  The mist had lifted slightly, but it was a leaden day; the sky was like a grey blanket and everything seemed to have accumulated a layer of moisture. The sea smell was strong but the waves were silent to-day and the cry of the gulls was more melancholy than ever.

  Connan arrived with the other judges; there were three of them, all local worthies. Connan, I saw, had come on May Morning, as I expected, since I had been given Royal Rover.

  The village band struck up a traditional air and everyone stood still and sang.

  It was very impressive, I thought, to hear those words sung with such fervour in that misty field:

  ” And shall they scorn Tre Pol and Pen, And shall Trelawney die~> Then twenty thousand Cornish men Will know the reason why.”

  A proud song, I thought, for an insular people; and they stood at attention as they sang. I noticed little Gillyflower standing there, singing with the rest, and I was surprised to see her; she was with Daisy and I hoped the girl would look after her.

  She saw me and I waved to her, but she lowered her eyes at once, y
et I could see that she was smiling to herself and I was quite pleased.

  A rider came close to me and a voice said : ” Well, if it is not Miss Leigh, herself!”

  I turned and saw Peter Nansellock; he was mounted on Jacinth.

  ” Good afternoon,” I said, and my eyes lingered on the perfections of Jacinth.

  I was wearing a placard with a number on my back which had been put there by one of the organisers.

  ” Don’t tell me,” said Peter Nansellock, ” that you and I are competitors in this first event.”

  ” Are you in it then?”

  He turned, and I saw the placard on his back.

  ” I haven’t a hope,” I said.

  ” Against me?”

  ” Against Jacinth,” I answered.

  ” Miss Leigh, you could have been riding her.”

  ” You must have been mad to do what you did. You set the stables talking.”

  ” Who cares for stable boys?”

  ” I do.”

  “Then you are not being your usual sensible self.”

  “A governess has to care for the opinions of all and sundry.”

  ” You are not an ordinary governess.”

  ” Do you know, Mr. Nansellock,” I said lightly, ” I believe all the governesses in your life were no ordinary governesses. If they had been, perhaps they would have had no place in your life.”

  I gave Royal Rover a gentle touch on the flank and he responded immediately.

  I did not see Peter again until he was competing. He went before I did. I watched him ride round the field. He and Jacinth seemed like one animal. Like a centaur, I thought. Were they the creatures with the head and shoulders of a man and the body of a horse?

  ” Oh, perfect,” I explained aloud as I watched him take the Jumps and canter gracefully round the field. And who couldn’t, I said to myself maliciously, on a mare like that!

  A round of applause followed him as he finished his turn.

  Mine did not come until some time later.

  I saw Connan TreMellyn in the judges’ stand. And I whispered: ” Royal Rover, help me. I want you to beat Jacinth. I want you to win this prize. I want to show Connan TreMellyn that there is one thing I can do. Help me. Royal Rover.”

  The sensitive ears seemed to prick up as Royal Rover moved daintily forward and I knew that he heard me, and would respond to the appeal in my voice, ” Come on. Rover,” I whispered. ” We can do it.”

  And we went round as faultlessly, I hoped, as Jacinth had. I heard the applause burst out as I finished, and walked my horse away.

  We waited until the rest of the competitors were finished and the results were called. I was glad that they were announced at the end of each event. People were more interested immediately after they had seen a performance. The practice of announcing all winners at the end of the meeting I had always thought to be a sort of anticlimax.

  ” This one is a tie,” Connan was saying. ” Two competitors scored full marks in this one. It’s most unusual, but I am happy to say that the winners are a lady and a gentleman: Miss Martha Leigh on Royal Rover, and Mr. Peter Nansellock on Jacinth.”

  We trotted up to take our prizes.

  Connan said: ” The prize is a silver rose bowl. How can we split it?

  Obviously we cannot do that so the lady gets the bowl. “

  ” Of course,” said Peter.

  ” But you get a silver spoon,” Connan told him. ” Consolation for having tied with a lady.”

  We accepted our prizes, and as Connan gave me mine he was smiling, very well pleased.

  ” Good show. Miss Leigh. I did not know anyone could get so much out of Royal Rover.”

  I patted Royal Rover and said, more for his hearing than anyone else’s: “I couldn’t have had a better partner.”

  Then Peter and I trotted off; I with my rose bowl, he with his spoon.

  Peter said: ” If you had been on Jacinth you would have been the undisputed winner.”

  ” I should still have had to compete against you on something else.”

  ” Jacinth would win any race … just look at her. Isn’t she perfection? Never mind, you got the rose bowl.”

  ” I shall always feel that it is not entirely mine.”

  ” When you arrange your roses you will aways think, Part of this belonged to that man … what was his name? He was always charming to me, but I was a little add with him. I’m sorry now.”

  ” I rarely forget people’s names, and I feel I have nothing to regret in my conduct towards you.”

  ” There is a way out of this rose bowl situation. Suppose we set up house together. It could have a place of honour there. Ours,” we could say, and both feel happy about it. “

  I was angry at this flippancy, and I said: ” We should, I am sure, feel far from happy about everything else.”

  And I rode away.

  I wanted to be near the Judges’ stand when Alvean appeared. I wanted to watch Connan’s face as his daughter performed. I wanted to be dose when she took her prize—which I was sure she would, for she was eager to win and she had worked hard. The jumps should offer no difficulty to her.

  The elementary jumping contest for eight-year-olds began and I was feverishly impatient, waiting for Alvean’s turn as I watched those little girls and boys go through their performances. But there was no Alvean. The contest was over and the results announced.

  I felt sick with disappointment. So she had panicked at the last moment. My work had been in vain. When the great moment came her fears had returned.

  When the prizes were being given I went in search of Alvean, but I could not find her, and as the more advanced jumping contest for the eight-year-old group was about to begin, it occurred to me that she must have gone back to the house. I pictured her abject misery because after all our talk, all our practice, her courage had failed her at the critical moment.

  I wanted to get away, for now my own petty triumph meant nothing to me, and I wanted to find Alvean quickly, to comfort her if need be, and I felt sure she would need my comfort.

  I rode back to Mount Mellyn, hung up my saddle and bridle, gave Royal Rover a quick rub-down and a drink, and left him munching an armful of hay in his stall while I went into the house.

  The back door was unlatched and I went in. The house seemed very quiet. I guessed that all but Mrs. Polgrey were at the horse show.

  Mrs. Polgrey would probably be in her room having her afternoon doze.

  I went up to my room and called Alvean as I went.

  There was no answer so I hurried through the school room to her room which was deserted. Perhaps she had not come back to the house. I then remembered that I had not seen Prince in the stables. But then I had forgotten to look in his stall.

  I came back to my room and stood uncertainly at the window. I thought, I’ll go back to the show. She’s probably still there.

  And as I stood at the window I knew that someone was in Alice’s apartments. I was not sure how I knew. It may only have been a shadow across the window-pane. But I was certain that someone was there. “

  Without thinking very much of what I would do when I discovered who was there I ran from my room, through the gallery to Alice’s rooms. My riding-boots must have made a clatter along the gallery. I threw open the door of the room and shouted: ” Who is here? Who is it?”

  No one was in the room, but I saw in that fleeting second, the communicating door between the two rooms dose.

  I had a feeling that it might be Alvean who was there, and I was sure that Alvean’needed me at this moment. I had to find her, and any fear I might have had, disappeared. I ran across the dressing room and opened the door of the bedroom. I looked round the room. I ran to the curtains and felt them. There was no one there. Then I ran to the other door and opened it. I was in another dressing room and the communicating door similar to that in Alice’s was open. I went through and immediately I knew that I was in Connan’s bedroom for I saw a cravat, which he had been wear
ing that morning, flung on the dressing table. I saw his dressing gown and slippers.

  The sight of these made me blush and realise that I was trespassing in a part of the house where I had no right to be.

  But someone other than Conhan had been there before me. Who was it?

  I went swiftly across the bedroom, opened the door and found myself in the gallery.

  There was no sign of anyone there so I went slowly back to my room.

  Who had been in Alice’s room? Who was it who haunted the place?

  ” Alice,” I said aloud. ” Is it you, Alice?”

  Then I went down to the stables. I wanted to get back to the show and find Alvean.

  I had saddled Royal Rover and was riding out of the stable yard when I saw Billy Trehay hurrying towards the house.

  He said: “Oh Miss, there’s been an accident. A terrible accident.”

  “What?” I stammered.

  ” It’s Miss Alvean. She took a toss in the jumping.”

  ” But she wasn’t in the jumping!” I cried.

  ” Yes she were. In the eight-year-olds. Advanced class. It was the high jump. Prince stumbled and fell. They went rolling over and over…”

  For a moment I lost control of myself; I covered my face with my hands and cried out in protest.

  ” They were looking for you. Miss,” he said.

  ” Where is she then?”

  ” She were down there in the field. They’m afraid to move her. They wrapped her up and now they’m waiting for Dr. Pengelly to come. They think she may have broken some bones. Her father’s with her. He kept saying, Where’s Miss Leigh?” And I saw you leave so I came after you. I think perhaps you’d better be getting down there. Miss . since he was asking for you like. “

  I turned away and rode as fast as I dared down the hill into the village, and as I rode I prayed, and scolded:

  ” Oh God, let her be all right. Oh Alvean, you little fool! It would have been enough to take the simple jumps. That would have pleased him enough. You could have done the high jumps next year. Alvean, my poor, poor child.” And then: “It’s his fault. It’s all his fault. If he had been a human parent this wouldn’t have happened.”

  And so I came to the field. I shall never forget what I saw there:


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