Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2)

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Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2) Page 1

by Lacey Wolfe

  Take A Chance, Cowboy


  Lacey Wolfe

  Take A Chance, Cowboy

  Copyright © 2015, Lacey Wolfe

  ISBN: 9781940744698

  Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

  Electronic Publication: March 2015

  Editor: Leigh Lamb

  Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs

  eBooks are not transferable. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Back Cover Copy

  Can a city girl heal a cowboy’s broken heart?

  Nathan Carver gave up on love long ago after a betrayal he wasn’t sure he could ever get over. When Angie Simms arrives in town to help his brother’s fiancée with their upcoming wedding, she stirs things in him that he hasn’t felt in a long time. Things he doesn’t want to feel. So he pushes her away.

  Angie wants what she wants, and doesn’t always think before she speaks. When she lays eyes on sexy cowboy Nathan, she’s determined to find out what caused his brooding attitude. She can tell right away that he’s not someone to play with. He’s got a layer of hurt around his heart, which makes him that much more attractive.

  The feisty woman is determined to make Nathan her conquest, but will he take a chance on Angie?

  Content Warning: contains adult language and sexual situations


  Thank you to my readers for loving Tucker from Counting Cowboys and wanting more of this series. Your daily encouragement to write more of these hunky cowboys keeps me going.

  A big thank you to Leigh Lamb and Pamela Tyner for polishing this book up to sparkle. Leigh has a great eye for my over-used words and giving me suggestions when I need them. Pamela always gives me that extra shove to make the story better. Again, thank you!

  Chapter 1

  Nathan Carver sat on a bale of hay and rubbed his temple. You can do this. Today he was doing something he never thought would happen again—teaching. It was going to be a small class for adults wanting to learn how to ride a horse. In the past, he’d taught kids, but his past experience was still too raw.

  Standing and taking a deep breath, Nathan went into the barn to make sure everything was ready. There was only an hour before his students would arrive, but for some reason he was sure something had been forgotten. He’d set everything out and in a neat row, so he could show the class and explain what each item was. Then he’d teach them how to saddle the horses and so on.

  As he gazed at the equipment, scratching his head, he was positive everything was ready—except his nerves. He’d really hoped his twin, Tucker, would be here helping him. Tucker knew how much Nathan needed the moral support. Most likely, his fiancée, Lauren, had him occupied. They’d been inseparable lately, and their wedding wasn’t far away. Nathan couldn’t wait until it was over. Truth be told, he was sick of this wedding crap. He was happy for his brother, but tired of the talk. It was all his family discussed each Sunday at dinner—hell, anytime he saw them. It was at the point where he wanted to pretend to be sick, but that would never fly in the Carver household. They’d bring the meal to him.

  “Hello! Anyone here?” a female voice called from the other end of the barn.

  He’d instructed his students to meet him in front of the horse ring. There was always one who didn’t listen. He walked toward the other end to find a woman with her back to him. She wasn’t dressed for lessons in her tight black skirt and high heels. She’d really have to hike it up just to sit on the horse, but boy would it be a hot sight to see.

  “Can I help you?”

  She spun around and the warmest brown eyes he’d ever seen stared back at him. “I’m not sure if you’re Tucker or Nathan.”

  Most people who knew them could tell the difference. She must be new in town. “Nathan. And you are?”

  She smiled wide. “God, you’re hot.”

  Wow, she was blunt. “Thanks.”

  “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you to be so…” Her cheeks reddened.

  He was uncomfortable as well. “Uh, are you here for riding classes?”

  She shook her head, and his gaze focused on her red lips. “I’m looking for Lauren.”

  “Here? Why didn’t you go up to Tucker’s place?”

  “I did, but no one was there. So, I came to see if she was here. When I spoke to her earlier she mentioned being at the horse pasture because riding lessons were beginning today. And I was running late, like usual.” She rambled on. “Anyway, so she isn’t here. I guess I should call her. Excuse me.” She pulled her cellphone from her purse, and before Nathan could find out who this beautiful stranger was, she was on the phone.

  He turned and went back to his checklist. Whoever she was, she wasn’t there for his class, so he didn’t need to worry about her. Lauren would be there soon—hopefully. He glanced over his shoulder one more time at the woman. She’d thought he was hot, but he found her to be breathtaking. Typically, he liked a country girl in boots, tight jeans, and plaid shirts. That woman was stunning in her designer clothes, and he had a feeling she’d look just as good in his preferred attire. Especially with the rack she had. She’d been blessed with one of the best sets he’d ever seen.

  He didn’t have time to think about her, or what she needed. He needed to wrap his head around the task at hand. This darn class.

  “Sorry we’re late,” Tucker said as he came into the barn. “This one—” He poked Lauren’s side playfully. “—was worried about how she looked.”

  Before Nathan had time to really look at Lauren, she screeched and ran toward the other end of the barn, wrapping her arms around the mystery woman.

  “Who is that?” Nathan asked his brother.

  “It’s her friend Angie from Georgia. She’s going to be staying here to help Lauren with the wedding. She’ll be on the property too, in Grandma and Grandpa’s old place.”

  For some reason, knowing Lauren’s hot friend would be on Carver ranch made him feel grumpy. “Is that wise?”

  Tucker lifted an eyebrow. “It’s vacant. No one is there. It’s not like I asked if she could stay with you.”

  Having her around would be a distraction for him. No woman had caught his eye in a long time, and he couldn’t seem to take his gaze away from her. “But what do we know about her?”

  Tucker gave him a puzzled expression. “Dude…chill. She’s Lauren’s best friend, she’s fine. What the hell has gotten into you?”

  The class was bringing back memories, and the wedding…he was ready for it to be done. And now this Angie woman.

  “We’re going shopping!” Lauren kissed Tucker’s cheek.

  Nathan inhaled, a flowery scent attacking his senses. He glanced at the captivating brunette and she stared at him with a flirtatious smile.

  “Are you the only instructor for lessons?” she asked.

  Tucker put his arm around Nathan’s shoulders. “He sure is. Interested while you’re visiting?”

  Her gaze wandered over Nathan and he felt self-conscious. Jeez, this woman stared at him like he was eye candy, and he liked it.

  “Maybe some private lessons.” She winked.

  “Uh.” Nathan wasn’t sure what to say.

  Tucker released Nathan and laced his arms around Lauren. “What do you think, darlin’? Think my brother should give your friend private lessons?”

  Why did they g
et to decide? “It’s my business. Don’t I get a say?”

  “If you’re not interested, it’s fine.” Angie placed a hand on her hip, her fun smile fading.

  Fuck. He didn’t want to upset anyone. “Yeah, I can do it…only if you’re serious.”

  She looked at him and squared her shoulders. “Oh, I’m serious.”

  A shiver went down his spine and his cock hardened. He groaned, adjusted his pants, and marched off. That damn brunette was getting under his skin. He didn’t have time to “like” a woman who was only in town for a short time. Hopefully the time leading up to the wedding would fly by and life would return to normal.

  * * * *

  Angie Simms opened the door to Lauren’s car and plopped down in the passenger seat. Lauren started the car and turned the radio down.

  “That guy has his panties in a wad.” Angie buckled up.

  Lauren laughed. “Who?”

  The hottie in light blue jeans and a form-fitting, gray t-shirt. She’d met Tucker before, but Nathan had something about him that turned her on. “Nathan. What was his problem?”

  Lauren backed the car out and headed down the dirt road. “He loves horses and helping people learn to ride and care for them, but these lessons are bringing him down. He used to teach, and he started to see someone he met from the class. Anyway, it’s not my place to tell. Nathan’s a private kinda guy, so I shouldn’t blab his business.”

  “I won’t tell.”

  Lauren sighed. “I know, but still.”

  Angie rolled her eyes. “Well, I was serious about the lessons.”

  Lauren put her blinker on. “Really? I can’t see that.”

  “I like it here.”

  “You’ve been here two hours tops. You know nothing about this place.”

  She did know that the men here were hot. Sure, guys back in Georgia were attractive, but most of the ones in the area where she lived were either clean-cut business men, or simply not her type. The men she’d seen here so far…they didn’t compare with their five o’clock shadows and clothes that weren’t neatly pressed. Okay, one in particular didn’t compare. Angie was determined to get to know Nathan and pull away at his layers until she learned who he really was. Maybe all he needed was a hug? Or a wild time between the sheets.

  Angie tugged at the bottom of her skirt, trying to get comfortable. “We’ll see where my head’s at after the wedding.”

  “Is there something you need to tell me?” Lauren stopped at a red light and looked at Angie.

  “Nope, nothing.” Only that she’d gotten fired from her job and her condo lease was almost up.

  Right now was the time to make a life-changing decision, if she wanted. She’d see what Deer Crossing, Texas had to offer and go from there.

  Chapter 2

  Nathan plopped down on a stool in front of the counter at Long Necks Bar—the most popular and only bar in Deer Crossing. His riding lessons had gone well. Tucker had been there to support him, just as he said he would. Without his brother, Nathan wasn’t sure he would’ve made it through.

  Teaching adults to ride a horse was harder than kids. Children got past their fears easier it seemed. One woman was afraid of heights, and it had taken the whole class to get her to stop holding the horse’s neck with her face buried in the mane. Finding his patience with her had been tough, especially with Tucker chuckling to himself.

  “Hey, Nate. What can I get you?” Courtney, the bar owner, stood before him.

  Her red hair was tied back in a braid. Dark circles under her eyes made him wonder if she was okay, but Courtney hated talking about herself.

  “A bottle of tonight’s special.”

  She winked. “You got it.”

  A moment later, she slid the bottle to him. “Thanks.”

  “So...” She leaned on her elbows. “How were the classes?”

  The whole town seemed to know. “Better than I expected.”

  “Good.” She smiled. “Want to know a secret?”

  He took a quick sip. “I don’t know. Will you kill me if I tell someone?”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “I might break your legs.”

  He joined her in the laughter. “I’ll take the chance.”

  “I can’t ride a horse.”

  His eyes widened. “Really? You grew up on a ranch.”

  “I know.” She pulled her braid over her shoulder. “My dad never had the time to teach me.”

  Nathan could offer her classes, but he had an idea of someone else who would love some one-on-one time with Courtney. “My class is full, but Braden’s pretty good. Maybe he can teach you sometime.”

  “I doubt he has time.” She waved her hand as though she was shaking the idea off.

  He could never figure out if she liked his little brother. Braden was totally smitten with her, but wouldn’t make a move since she was ten years older than him. “You never know.”

  “Your twin just arrived.” Courtney stood straight and tossed a white towel over her shoulder.

  Nathan turned on the stool, and he felt like his eyes might bug out of his head. Lauren’s friend Angie stood next to her in dark, tight blue jeans and a red flannel shirt. She was fucking hot, and his cock hardened. He spun back around and adjusted his jeans. He tipped his head back, beer to his lips, and drank as much as he could before sitting straight and putting the bottle down.

  He couldn’t fall for a girl who wasn’t sticking around. And he didn’t do casual, never had. When Nathan fell, he fell hard. The things that woman did to him with her looks alone. He didn’t want to imagine what could happen if their bodies connected.

  * * * *

  Angie drank from her beer and watched Lauren dance with her fiancé. It was nice to see Lauren happy and carefree. She smiled all the time—a good change after the last asshole she’d been with.

  Angie glanced toward the bar where Nathan sat. He still had that grumpy expression. What made him so unhappy? After taking the last sip of her beer, she went toward the bar, dropping the bottle in a trash bin on the way. He crossed his arms as she got closer. There was no way she was the cause of his discomfort. He didn’t know her.

  “Hey.” She sat next to him.

  “Hi.” He barely acknowledged her.

  Maybe if she got him talking, he’d loosen up. He was wound as tight as the shirt he wore. Not that she was complaining about that. The man had a chest, a hard and well-defined one. “Having a good evening?”

  “I was just leaving.” He stayed seated, which she found odd.

  “I hope it isn’t because of me.”

  His body tensed more, if that was even possible. “No.”

  She shook her head. “Want to play some pool? I’m pretty good.”

  A slight smile crossed his face, but he still didn’t glance at her. “Are you?”

  “I am. How about it?”

  His tongue darted out and licked his bottom lip. “Maybe another time.”

  This man was frustrating. She placed a hand on his knee and scooted closer, getting a smell of his musky aftershave. He sat straight, but finally looked at her.

  “Do you not like me?”

  He stood, her hand falling. “I have no problem with you. Why would I?” Nathan marched off before she could respond.

  She never let someone walk away from her until an issue was solved. And this guy had one with her. She caught up to him quickly, grabbing his shoulder. “Nathan. I’m not stupid nor am I blind.”

  “Just leave me alone.” He shrugged her hand off him.

  She glared at him as he walked away, his feet heavier than before. She was about to go after him, until Lauren stopped her.

  “Let him be, okay?” Lauren said, concern in her eyes.

  She let out a loud sigh. “I just want to know what I did to him.”

  “Nothing. Obviously. He doesn’t even know you.”

  Angie wasn’t so sure about that. The man seemed to have a serious dislike for her.

  “Let’s go play a game of
pool.” Lauren tugged her by her elbow.

  That sounded like a plan. She wasn’t about to let Mr. Sour Pants ruin her evening or time in Deer Crossing.

  * * * *

  Nathan pounded his fist into the steering wheel of his truck. He’d just left the bar over a woman. A woman who made him feel things again. It was pathetic. He couldn’t bring himself to start the truck because that meant being away from her. And he didn’t want that. No, he wanted to go back in there, wrap his arms around her waist, bring her sexy body hard against his, and devour her lips.

  Fuck, he’d only seen her twice in his life and this was the kind of effect she had on him. He wasn’t going to let her run him off. Before long, she’d be gone back to her life, and for now, he’d just deal with her.

  Taking a deep breath, he pushed the truck door open and went back into Long Necks. He looked for her right away, like a love-sick puppy. He spotted her laughing by the pool table. He could do this.

  He walked over and picked up a stick. “Care if I join ya’ll?”

  Tucker smiled. “We can play teams. Angie’s pretty damn good.”

  “Girls against guys?” Nathan suggested, because between him and his brother, they never lost.

  Lauren chalked her pool stick. “I’ve got the best player on my team. Works for me.”

  “We aren’t gonna get beat by girls, are we?” Tucker put an arm around Nathan’s shoulder.

  Nathan shook his head. “Nah. I’ve seen the way your fiancée plays.”

  “Hey now!” Lauren playfully glared at him.

  Angie racked the balls. “But you haven’t seen the way I play. May the best team win. Now, who’s breaking?”

  Lauren kissed Tucker on the cheek. “We’ll let the boys break. Give them a shot at this.”

  “You break.” Tucker squeezed Nathan’s shoulder.

  Nathan positioned the cue ball where he wanted it then leaned over the table. He moved the stick back and forth between his fingers a few times, closed one eye, and tried to concentrate on the game. But Angie stood at the other end. The button of her shirt was undone and he could see her creamy skin. He wished there was a way to will those damn buttons to pop open, one by one, revealing everything underneath her shirt.


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