Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2)

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Take a Chance, Cowboy (Carver Ranch Series Book 2) Page 3

by Lacey Wolfe

  “Oh.” Hope was in her eyes.

  His whole family wanted to see him move past his ex, but they weren’t the ones who had been fooled. The ones to learn the person they’d loved and thought they were marrying was just playing them. “I’m attracted to her.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “I don’t know. She doesn’t live here, so it’s kinda stupid.”

  She chuckled. “It isn’t. You’re healing, and I think it’s good you like her.”

  “I don’t.”

  She touched his shoulder. “Nathan, dear, you need to move on from what happened with Carrie. None of us expected it, but you can’t let it hold you back in life.”

  It was hard to move on and trust a woman again. Lying was one of the worst things anyone could do. “Long distance doesn’t work.”

  “If it’s meant to be, it will work out.”

  “What if I left?”

  She tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, what if I moved to Georgia for her?” The thought had crossed his mind. A thought he shouldn’t be having over a woman he’d only kissed once, but that’s how he was. An all-or-nothing kind of guy.

  “Then that’s what you do, and we’ll be visiting you often. Son, it doesn’t matter if we all live on the same land or same state. We’re family. That will never change. It’s my dream for my kids to all live here with me, but it’s not reality.”

  He never imagined not living on the ranch. Once again, he was getting ahead of himself.

  “Can I get you a brownie? I made them for Melissa after she aced an exam at college, but she won’t touch them. Something about getting fat before the wedding.”

  Oh great, his sister had caught the ‘must look perfect for the wedding’ bug. “I’ll eat the whole plate.”

  “I know you would, but your dad would hunt you down.” She stood, folding the blanket and laying it over the back of the couch. “Come on and let your mama spoil you a bit.”

  He grinned. His mother loved being a mom. She was one of those women born to do it, and she was going to make an even better grandmother. Maybe Lauren and Tucker would give her a baby in the next year or two. So far, that was her only hope in getting one after the loss she’d experienced a few years ago.

  * * * *

  Nathan set his beer down and straightened the hat on his head. “Where’s Angie?”

  Tucker pulled Lauren into his lap and nibbled on her neck. Between giggles, she said, “She wasn’t feeling well. Stomach ache.”

  He’d just seen her earlier and she seemed fine. But he supposed that a stomach ache could come on at any time. “She home alone?”

  Lauren pushed Tucker away. “Stop.” She kissed his cheek then glanced at Nathan. “Your mom took her some soup, but she’s probably on the couch watching a movie.”

  “We could be doing that, darlin’.” His twin laid his chin on Lauren’s shoulder and squeezed her tight.

  Jeez, those two made him sick. Had he been like that when he was with his ex? If so, he felt sorry for the people around him. Pushing back in his chair, he picked up the half-full beer bottle. “I’m gonna head out. It’s quiet here tonight. I think a movie sounds perfect.”

  He tossed the bottle in the trash. He expected them to say goodbye, but they were so involved with one another, they didn’t even notice him get up.

  Twenty minutes later, he found himself turning down the driveway toward his grandparents’ place where Angie was staying. It was only because he wanted to make sure she wasn’t too sick. Not because he liked her, or so he kept telling himself.

  He parked in front of the home and took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he wondered if he should just leave. He never liked being bothered when he was sick. A person usually looked their worse when ill. He sighed. Might as well go see her since he was there, and that’s what he really wanted.

  Leaving the vehicle, he climbed the steps and lightly knocked on the door. He’d give her just a moment, and if she didn’t come, he’d leave. The door swung open and she smiled. His gaze traveled her body. Tight black yoga pants and bright pink tank top. Her dark hair was in a bun on the top of her head, and she wore no makeup. Damn, she was a natural beauty.

  “Hey.” She leaned against the doorframe.

  She didn’t seem ill at all. “I was checking on you. Lauren said you had a stomach ache.”

  “I do. I’m lactose intolerant and I got a little carried away today with dairy.”

  He was glad to hear it wasn’t a bug. “Feeling better?”

  “A bit. I’m just relaxing. Want to come in?”

  It wasn’t a good idea. The more time he spent with her, the more he liked her. Falling for a woman who was there temporarily wasn’t a good idea, but damn if he was going to listen to his head right now. “Sure.”

  She stepped back, letting him in. He knew his way around this place like the back of his hand. Nothing had changed. It was just as his grandparents had left it—only they weren’t there. The ranch wasn’t the same without them, but that was life, and they all had to move on.

  “Can I get you anything?” She stood in the kitchen doorway. “I don’t have much.”

  “I’m good.”

  She had a movie paused. It looked like a zombie flick. Was she one of those people who loved the brain-eating creatures?

  “I can change the TV.” She sat on the couch and picked up the remote. “I love scary movies.”

  He took a seat next to her. “I like scary movies too, just not zombies.”

  She tugged at the straps of her tank top, her breasts bouncing a little. “How come?”

  “It’s creepy.”

  She placed a pillow in her lap. “No more creepy than a wolf shifting into a person.”

  “Yeah, but at least it wasn’t dead first.”

  “Okay, so what are your thoughts on vampires?”

  He grinned, enjoying the ease of their conversation. “You really want to know?”

  “Of course. Or I wouldn’t have asked.”

  Her floral scent seemed to be encircling him, making him feel like he wanted to get drunk on her aroma. What flower was that? Lilac? “They’re real.”

  She burst out laughing. “They are not.”

  “Sure they are. They’re just hidden. One of these days, though, they’re going to make themselves known. We’re going to be watching TV and breaking news is going to come across, alerting us vampires are real.”

  She tossed the pillow she was holding at him. “Cowboy, you’ve fallen off one too many horses.”

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him. Without a second thought, he pressed his lips to hers. This time, they weren’t in the middle of a bar. They were alone and could really explore this kiss, which he intended to do.

  Angie climbed into his lap, straddling him. She placed her palms on his cheeks and deepened the kiss. She tasted sweet, like honey. He laced his arms around her waist and yanked her snug against him. He was hard already and there was no hiding it from the thin material of her pants.

  She broke the kiss and stared into his eyes, but he wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. He claimed her lips again and she moaned. Caressing her spine, he moved around to the front and cupped a breast. No bra. Hot damn. He kneaded gently before taking her nipple between his fingers and lightly pinching. She ground into him, causing his breath to catch from the pleasure.

  With a force, she pushed back from him. “Damn it, your kissing makes me want to let go of my conservative girl ways and take you right here.”

  He grinned and brushed a few fallen strands of her hair from her face. “I won’t make you compromise your beliefs, and I’m fine waiting as long as it takes.”

  She licked her lips. “Lucky for you, I do enjoy playing.”

  “I’m a good player.” He paused and chuckled. “Shit, that didn’t sound right.”

  She kissed his chin. “I know what you meant. Play me, please.”

  God, he’d never met a woman w
ho spoke like Angie. Between her sexy southern accent and how upfront she was, he found himself falling for her quickly. She was definitely unique.

  Her lips trailed down his neck. If she crept lower and offered a blow-job, he wouldn’t stop her. He loved the feel of a woman’s mouth wrapped around his cock. He cupped her sex, finding it damp through the thin material. Does she taste sweet? He rubbed her clit and she groaned.

  He had to see her naked, at least partially. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, he lifted it. Just as it was about to go over her head, the doorbell rang. He quickly pulled her shirt back down and stared at her. “Who is it?”

  She hopped off his lap, but not without gazing at his hard-on. She licked her lips. “I’m gonna murder whoever it is. Ya’ll got plenty of land for dead bodies.”

  She was joking, right? He stood and straightened his jeans as she sauntered toward the front. Thankfully, the dead bodies comment helped with his erection.

  Laughter flooded from the foyer. Whoever it was, she wasn’t going to kill them. Most likely, he knew the person, so he wandered up to see who it was.

  “Maggie!” He went to her and embraced her. He hadn’t seen his cousin in months. Not a whole lot since she got engaged to her husband, Brock. They’d decided to go to Vegas one weekend and elope. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, Brock is traveling, so I came to see if Lauren needed any help with the wedding.”

  “Isn’t she sweet?” Lauren had a shit-eating grin on her face, as though she knew just what they’d interrupted. “Angie, would you mind if Maggie stayed with you here? I know you don’t know each other well.”

  Angie nodded and leaned against the wall. “It’s perfect. I don’t really like to be alone.”

  And the exploring time was over. “I’ll let you ladies catch up. I need to get home anyway. I’ve got a riding class in the morning.”

  Angie grabbed his wrist. “Whoa there, cowboy. Don’t leave without kissing me.”

  His cheeks warmed as his cousin and future sister-in-law stared at him. He was never one for public affection. He bent forward and kissed her quickly.

  “That’s it?” She raised an eyebrow.

  This woman was something else. “For now.”

  She released him and he brushed past the other two women. The sooner this wedding was over, the better. Or maybe not. Angie would leave, and he wasn’t ready for that.

  Chapter 5

  The next few days went by in a blur. Angie felt like it was go-go-go with Lauren, Maggie, and Melissa. They shopped for so many last minute items for the wedding, which was now just days away. She’d barely had time to sit down and relax. Her friend promised things would begin to slow down and be less stressful. Angie wasn’t so sure. This wedding was taking a lot of prep, but Lauren was doing almost all of it herself. If Angie ever got married, she’d hire someone. It would be worth every penny to avoid the stress or turning into bridezilla.

  Today was the day of the big Carver family lunch and Angie was invited to attend. The family was wonderful. Nothing like the one she’d grown up in—and the one she barely spoke to. Her mother was in and out of rehab and her sister had followed in the same tracks. She had no idea who her father was, because at the time she was conceived, her mom had been a prostitute. What a story to share with potential dates. She could just imagine the look on Nathan’s face if she ever shared that with him.

  Angie grabbed her tennis shoes and went into the kitchen. “Hey, Maggie. I’m going for a quick walk around the ranch.”

  Maggie sat in the chair, curlers tight in her red hair. “Have fun! I’m waiting on Brock to call.”

  Angie had enjoyed hearing about their relationship and how she’d turned her corporate ladder man into a weekend cowboy.

  Outside, she sat on the steps and put her shoes on. There was a lot of property, and she wasn’t sure which way to go but decided to walk and see where she ended up. It was a cool morning with a light breeze. Her sinuses had been bothering her, so the air was nice and seemed to open up her airways.

  It was so peaceful. All she heard were birds chirping and livestock making their usual noises. Not the sound of cars driving, horns blazing, and people talking. She could really get used to this. She’d been tossing around the idea of staying there, but could she really do it? While she didn’t have much of a relationship with her mom and sister, she was always there for them when she could be. If she came to Texas, they only had her at a phone call. That might be a good thing though. No more three AM visitors needing a couch to crash on, or twenty dollars for something to feed their addictions.

  She followed the path she was on until she approached the field where the bulls were kept. As she got closer, she was amazed at how big they were. She’d never been so close to one. She didn’t dare lean on the fence, but she got close enough to get a good look. They were thick and strong. A real beauty of an animal, at least to her.

  The sound of someone cursing made her turn toward the barn. She’d recognize that voice in a lineup. Inside, Nathan was crouched on the ground, scooping up feed he must’ve spilled.

  “Need help?”

  He glanced at her and a smirk formed. Damn, he was sexy. No wonder her best friend had fallen for his twin. She wanted this one all to herself.

  “You look much too pretty to help.”

  She pulled her shirt out, looking at the worn flannel she had on. “This? Please. I look ridiculous, I’m sure.” She leaned against a wall. “This isn’t my usual attire, but I thought while I was visiting it would be. It’s pretty comfy from my usual dress clothes and heels.”

  He stood and wiped his hands together. “On you, it’s fucking hot.”

  Her cheeks burned, which was a hard thing to accomplish. Pushing off the wall, she went to him and gripped the front of his t-shirt. “Everything you wear makes me wet.”

  He chuckled. “I’ve missed that mouth the last few days.”

  She licked her lips. “Have you? I’ve been told I’m an acquired taste.”

  “I like the way you taste.”

  Her stomach did some weird flip-flop thingy and her nerves heightened. This was new. She’d never experienced this. Sure, she’d gotten the butterflies before in a new relationship, but with Nathan, it was magnified by a hundred.

  She went up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. He groaned and pushed his tongue in. Every time she was around this man, she had to kiss him. She was quickly becoming addicted to him. Lauren had told her to be patient with Nathan, but damn it, she didn’t want to. He didn’t seem like he wanted that either.

  She laced her fingers around his neck and snaked the other hand up his shirt, caressing his abs. He tugged her tight to him as he gripped her ass. His erection pressed into her stomach. One of these days, she was going to see him naked. For now, all they could have was this kiss—and it was toe-curling and sigh worthy.


  Angie jumped and broke away from Nathan to see his sister, Melissa, standing there.

  “I had no idea you two were, uh...” Melissa ran a hand through her blonde hair. “Sorry I interrupted.”

  Angie rubbed her hips then crossed her arms. “It’s okay. I need to get back to the house anyway. I wanted to bring a cake for dessert today.”

  “You’re coming?” Nathan asked.

  She’d expected him to look a little happier, but instead, it was shock. Hopefully, it was because of his sister walking in on them. “If that’s okay.”

  “Of course it is.” Melissa grinned. “I’ll make sure you two get a seat next to each other too.”

  It wasn’t like this was a secret. “Perfect. We can hold hands under the table.”

  Nathan caressed his chin. “I need to finish up here and get showered. If you ladies will excuse me.”

  Angie grabbed his hand. “See ya soon.” She shared a smile with Melissa. “I’ll see you soon too.”

  As she left the barn and walked the path back toward the house, she found she was embarrassed his
sister had caught them kissing, even if she tried not to show it. It was an awkward thing to encounter. She’d caught her mom having sex so many times that she wished there was such a thing as brain bleach.

  * * * *

  Nathan entered his parents’ house and laughter welcomed him. Since they had several guests, he expected everyone would be on their best behavior.

  Payback was a bitch, and he was due for some. When Tucker first started seeing Lauren, they’d given him a hard time at their Sunday lunches. Now that he was seeing Angie, or whatever it was, it was his turn to be hounded by his siblings.

  In the kitchen, his cousin, Maggie, sat at a table with Angie. Maggie noticed him first and winked. He couldn’t help but stare at Angie. She’d changed out of her casual attire and now wore a tight black dress that hugged her, with gray leggings and a pair of boots. His eyes kept going back to the dress and the idea of grabbing the zipper and pulling it down.

  “What’s up, dude?” Braden clapped a hand on his shoulder.

  Breaking his connection with the seductive dress, he turned to his younger brother. “Nothing. Where were you this morning? You’re supposed to help me on Sunday.”

  Braden squeezed his shoulder, and humor filled his eyes. “I saw Angie wander into the barn, so I figured she’d help.”

  Give me an erection. “She knows nothing about ranch work.”

  “You could always teach her.”

  “The same way he’s going to teach me to ride a horse this afternoon.” She was by his side, her lilac scent swarming around him, making him feel dizzy with lust.

  Her words finally registered and he asked, “I’m what?”

  She ran her fingers down his arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps. “I asked you when I first came here if you’d teach me.”

  She had, but he didn’t think she was serious. “Why today?” He wanted to tear that dress of hers today, not ride a horse.

  “This coming week is going to be a little hectic with the wedding.”

  Nathan was thankful the wedding was almost there, because that meant it would be over. His brother was a lunatic. Apparently, he was worried the tuxes wouldn’t fit and wanted them to try them on before picking them up from the rental place. Nathan hadn’t gained or lost weight, but Tucker didn’t care.


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