Sinclair, Sabrina - Her Texas Cowboy Brothers [Sexual Meltdown 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Sinclair, Sabrina - Her Texas Cowboy Brothers [Sexual Meltdown 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Sabrina Sinclair

  As her gaze drifted over them, she suddenly threw her head back and roared with laughter. “Fuck, guys. Your pricks are still hard.”

  * * * *

  The three of them lay together in the long grass, enjoying the afterglow of their sexual exertions.

  Kaden’s thoughts drifted to Sabine. He knew now, without any doubt, he loved this woman. He closed his eyes, breathing in her feminine scent as she lay sleeping between him and Hunter. He realized how lucky he was to have found a Sybar woman, especially one who looked like Sabine. He just couldn’t get enough of those beautiful, big brown eyes with their long, dark lashes, and her full, pouting lips that he just wanted to kiss over and over again. With her beautiful, long raven hair, perfect breasts, and oh-so-sexy cunt that he could just lick and fuck all day long without pausing for breath.

  Her clit ring really turned him on, too. So sexy, the way it dangled and glinted. He felt his cock stiffen again as he thought about sucking it and gently teasing it with his teeth.

  Yeah, Sabine was the complete package all right. Beauty and brains rolled into one. She had a high-powered job in the city, and although she loved and needed to be dominated by Sybar men, he knew that was as far as the domination went. He realized there was no way she was going to be the little housewife cooking, cleaning, and attending to his every need.

  He turned and watched her sleeping. Her lips were slightly parted, and her breathing was relaxed. Fuck, she was beautiful. Naturally, he was aware he would have to share her sexual favors with Hunter and Zane, and he was cool with that. He and his brothers were all peas from the same pod, and although they would regularly fight amongst themselves when they disagreed, he knew he loved them as much as he loved Sabine.

  Without doubt, the four of them would be together until the end of time. He tenderly stroked her beautiful, silky hair as she slept, amazed at his luck. So many Sybar men had to go through life unfulfilled, unable to find a Sybar female to love and mate with, so rare and precious were they.

  He guessed Sabine would produce fine, strong Sybar children. Hopefully all of them would be girls. He chuckled to himself thinking how the rest of the world placed a higher value on boys. Well, it sure was different in the Sybar world. The birth of a Sybar girl, so rare when it happened, was celebrated for three days and nights. This feast, involving much merriment and Sybar sex, was known as Qualkari.

  Watching Hunter snoring next to Sabine, he briefly felt like giving his brother a sharp dig in the ribs, but on this occasion and on such a beautiful day, he decided to let his four-minutes-older big brother sleep.

  He wished Zane could be here with them. It just seemed so natural for all three brothers to be together, to share everything.

  He consoled himself with the thought that Zane’s Sybar powers would have given him an excellent idea of the pleasure he and Hunter had shared with Sabine. In much the same way that he and Hunter could experience the passion that Zane had shared with Sabine in the dungeon at Lucifer’s.

  He watched as Sabine briefly woke from her dreams before closing her eyes once more and drifting away. His fully developed Sybar powers meant he could read her thoughts clearly as she lay there. He knew she was enjoying an erotic dream with all three of the Deveraux brothers. The contented, faint smile on her beautiful rosebud lips confirmation that she was enjoying it immensely.

  Soon, the time would come when the three of them would enjoy all Sabine had to offer. That would be the ultimate in male and female Sybar bonding. He placed a hand on his hard cock before closing his eyes. Yeah, that was something to look forward to. It would be glorious.

  He lay on his side and placed a protective hand about Sabine’s waist. He took one last deep breath, filling his lungs with her Sybar scent before drifting into a contented sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Sabine swirled the brandy in her glass as she looked out at the Dallas skyline. Everything seemed so normal. The lights were starting to come on, making the skyscrapers glow warmly against the darkening horizon. Seventy-seven floors below her, the good people of Dallas scurried around like ants. She could vaguely hear the constant noise of car horns.

  Her penthouse apartment sat right at the top of Omega Towers in central Dallas. It was an amazing piece of real estate for a twenty-four-year-old girl to own.

  A huge open-plan living area, complemented by large ceiling-to-floor windows, gave spectacular views of the city. Works of art adorned the walls, many of which were insured for in excess of one hundred thousand dollars.

  Contemporary designer furniture added to the opulent luxury, leaving anyone who visited in no doubt that the owner of such an apartment was indeed a successful individual. Yet, even with all her obvious luxury and her red Ferrari securely parked in her own private underground garage, Sabine was not happy.

  She poured herself another brandy. It had been a week since she had last seen or spoken to any of her cowboy lovers, and she missed them immensely. She had an ache in her heart that just refused to go away.

  What’s the problem, Sabine? You love them, and they love you.

  She didn’t fully understand why herself, but she was aware she needed to be away from them. Even though when they were all together, everything had been perfect.

  Just perfect.

  She took a sip of brandy and closed her eyes, recalling her excitement when she first realized the Deveraux brothers were identical triplets. What a wonderful surprise. The most beautiful guys in the world, three times over.

  Then there was the bare-ass spanking Zane had given her. He’d taken her knickers down in front of Kaden and Hunter. She might have money and live in luxury, but it really turned her on when they dominated her. She sighed inwardly. Yep, Zane had spanked and finger-fucked her to orgasm, and she’d loved it.

  She berated herself. So what’s the problem, dummy?

  Zane had taken control of her again in the dungeon at Lucifer’s. That was the most amazing and satisfying sex she’d ever experienced. Zane had used his full Sybar powers to mind fuck her completely, leaving her in awe of his sexual prowess.

  In frustration, she threw the brandy glass against the wall. It shattered noisily to the floor. Fuck, Sabine, what is the matter with you, girl? These guys are the real deal.

  She sat heavily in a leather armchair. Of course, there was Hunter and Kaden, too. They were both beautiful and both so incredibly sexy. With the same blue eyes and blond hair, they had the same touch, but with their own individual scents. They’d dominated her, too. She breathed in deeply, reliving the experience. The three of them sitting so close together on their beautiful stallion, Titan. The brothers’ Sybar presence overwhelming her. Their sheer masculinity and strength, so overpowering and dominating.

  She knew her panties were wet again. Just the thought of Hunter deep inside her ass and Kaden filling her wet cunny aroused her. If sex with Zane had been mind-blowing, then sex with Kaden and Hunter together was mind-blowing times two.

  She felt tempted to slip a finger into her wet cunny and masturbate. Memories of Kaden’s unblinking blue gaze possessing her, controlling her as she’d climaxed repeatedly made her feel horny, even a week later.

  Sabine stood and walked across the room. Pressing her forehead against the large panoramic window, she looked at the city. Darkness had fallen completely now. Everywhere was lit up. Night had arrived. Of course, she knew if she ever saw the boys again, all three of them would want to fuck and dominate her. She poured herself another brandy. Perhaps this would be more than she could handle. Sex with Kaden and Hunter had been overwhelming. She was pleasured to such an extent it had disoriented and shocked her. The thought of sex with three powerful, linked Sybars excited her beyond belief, but it frightened her a little, too. Perhaps this was why she had needed to separate from them.

  Naturally, all three brothers could read her every thought and emotion. They knew she was no match for their combined Sybar powers. However, they were graciously allowing her to read their thoughts, too. They lo
ved and wanted her to contact them but were not putting any pressure on her or trying to intimidate her.

  The ball was firmly in her court. She loved them with all her heart and would find it hard to live without them. However, if she returned to them, would sex with three powerful Sybar males be simply too overwhelming to contemplate?

  Decisions, decisions.

  * * * *

  When Sabine arrived at Lucifer’s, Zane was seated at the bar. He turned as she walked up behind him.

  She guessed he’d been reading her thoughts. He had a grave look on his face as he stood and kissed her cheek.

  “Sabine, lovely to see you.”

  “You, too, Zane. You must know why I’ve come?”

  He nodded. “We’ll go to my office, it’s more private.”

  As she followed him, a feeling of utter sadness enveloped her. Her gaze settled on his athletic build. That cute ass in those tight jeans, the body-hugging white T-shirt, and the lovely blond locks that fell about his shoulders made him irresistible. The thought of hurting him and his two brothers just broke her heart, but she had to do it.

  He closed the door behind them and motioned for her to take a seat.

  “Drink?” he asked as he settled himself behind his desk.

  She shook her head. It was just prolonging the inevitable.

  “Just a little one, for old time’s sake?”

  The sadness evident on his face made her say, “Okay, Zane, but you won’t get me to change my mind.”

  He reached into his drawer and removed the Jim Beam and a couple of glasses. He poured two large measures, handing one to her.

  His gaze connected with hers over the rim of the glass as he took a large slug. This was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do.

  “We need to slow things down, Zane. I need my own space. Everything is moving far too fast for me.”

  “I disagree. This relationship between the four of us is exactly what we all need.”

  She shook her head. “Zane, you’re all far too strong for me. I’m worried about having sex with all three of you at the same time. Your combined Sybar powers are immense, and it scares me a little. I’m not sure I can handle it.”

  He went to speak, but she held up a hand. “And don’t ask me to choose between you all, either. I can’t. I love all of you, and it simply wouldn’t be fair.”

  “It was always going to be all three of us Sabine or none of us. Us Deveraux boys come as a package, but if you’d rather make us all unhappy,” he downed his bourbon in one swig and threw the empty glass against the wall, “then you’ve achieved what you set out to do.”

  “Don’t be angry with me, Zane. I’ve got to think this through. I love my career, too. I don’t want to give it up.”

  “Babe, we’re not trying to force you to give up your career.”

  She stood abruptly and placed the untouched glass of bourbon on the desk and turned to leave. As she hurried out of his office, tears streamed down her cheeks. This hurt.

  “It’s better this way. I love all of you boys, and I always will, but it’s for the best.”

  * * * *

  Zane looked at his brothers seated at the kitchen table. He knew they were as concerned as he was about Sabine. He loved this Sybar girl with all his heart, and he so wanted to be close to her again.

  Sadness enveloped the Deveraux ranch now, and he knew both he and his brothers needed to experience her smile and warmth again in order for them to feel properly alive once more.

  He poured two cups of strong coffee and then handed them to his brothers.

  “Well, boys, what do you think?”

  Kaden took a slurp of the hot beverage. “The way I see it is this.” He noisily placed his boots on the table. “Sabine loves all three of us right enough. We’ve mind melded enough times to know that. She’s just a little frightened about accommodating all of us at the same time.”

  “You got that right, bro.” Zane poured himself some more coffee. “When you and Hunter had sex with her together, it completely overwhelmed her. I don’t think she was aware how strong the sexual connection would be with two full-fledged Sybars. It sure turned her on. No doubt about that, but the intensity of it all freaked her out, too.”

  “Aren’t you boys forgetting something?” Hunter sounded concerned. “It’s not just the fact that we’re three alpha Sybars, although that’s enough to melt the brains of a normal Sybar woman.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Hunter?” In irritation, Zane rounded on his brother.

  “Quit interrupting me, and I’ll tell you.” He poked Zane in the chest. “Try listening for a change. We’re not just three Sybar males, we’re three identical Sybar males. You of all people should know what that means?”

  “Hunter’s right, Zane.”

  “The effect the three of us can have on Sabine is awesome. Like it or not, us three have a far stronger connection than if we were not identical brothers. The illusions we can create, the thoughts and desires that we can actually place in that pretty little head of hers are brain bending. Now don’t get me wrong, Sabine is strong-willed and clearly made of the right stuff, but she’s worried that the three of us together could prove too much even for her.”

  Zane reasoned it would soon be decision time for the three of them. He knew from accessing Sabine’s thoughts she would not come to them. Even though she longed to do so.

  No. And quite right, too. He and his brothers were strong Sybar males, and it was up to them to take control of the situation. He laughed inwardly. Sabine was an old-fashioned girl in some respects, and nothing would make her happier than the three of them wanting to win her back.

  Fuck, with his fully developed Sybar powers, he could even turn up as a knight in shining armor and whisk her off her feet. He might not have a white charger, but a change of color to his black stallion could easily be achieved using his Sybar powers. He shook his head. Not much good to him, though, when she lived on the seventy-seventh floor.

  They simply needed to convince her. To reassure her sex would be amazing with all three Deveraux brothers together. Let her know she was strong enough, both mentally and physically, to cope with the unbridled sexual ecstasy the three of them together would give her.

  Zane could see her clearly now. Sabine looked despondent, as she stared through the window of her penthouse apartment. A tear rolled down her cheek. She was connecting with them, all of them. She wanted them to come for her and make her part of their lives once more.

  Zane slammed his coffee down on the kitchen table. “Can’t you two cowboys feel it? Sabine is desperate for us to go to her. She needs us.”

  Hunter whooped with delight. “Goddamn, I can feel it, too. Her Sybar scent is real strong. This little lady sure is distressed. We gotta go to her, Zane.”

  They both looked at Kaden. “Yeah, she’s coming over loud and clear to this Sybar, too. Let’s go, boys.”

  They jumped into the gleaming SUV. Kaden took the wheel. “Her presence is real strong. She’s just phoned down to security. Told ‘em when three horny cowboys arrive by the name of Deveraux to send them right up.” He floored the throttle. “Things are looking up.”

  Zane’s spirits soared. He felt alive again. It was his destiny to spend the rest of his life with Sabine. He loved her more than life itself, and he knew Hunter and Kaden did, too.

  He visualized Sabine, heavily pregnant with a Sybar child. What an event that would be. Especially if it turned out to be a girl. It made no difference to him if the kid proved to be Hunter’s or Kaden’s. All four of them were Sybars, and they shared an unbreakable bond.

  Though they did not possess as much wealth as Sabine, Zane was really proud of what he and his brothers had achieved in life. They all lived well. The Deveraux ranch was worth in excess of four million bucks. If he included the profits from Lucifer’s, they were probably living as well as the top five percent of Americans. He hoped Sabine would live with all three of them at the ranch, but he’d worry a
bout that later. He had Sybar pussy on his mind at the moment.

  The gleaming black SUV screeched to a halt outside Omega Towers. Their silent Sybar thought transfer said it all. Let’s get to the lady, boys.

  Kaden pressed the button marked ‘P’ in the impressive glass and chrome elevator, its effortless acceleration speeding them to the seventy-seventh floor in double-quick time. When the elevator doors next opened, she would be waiting for them.

  Zane heard the automated elevator speak. “You have now reached floor seventy-seven. The penthouse.”

  The elevator doors parted.

  Chapter Ten

  “Zane, Hunter, Kaden.” She hurled herself at them, absorbing their combined warmth and masculinity. “I’ve missed you all so very much. I’m so sorry I left you. Please, please forgive me.”

  As one unit, they mind melded her then. All three Deveraux brothers were thinking exactly the same thoughts, with the same emotions and desires. Their presence filled her head, and she heard them clearly communicating with her as one. Even though none of them spoke.

  “We all love you, too, Sabine. We want you to be part of us. We’re all Sybars. We need each other.”

  “I love you all, too, boys. I love you all so much. I never want to be apart from you again.”

  “We know you want us to discipline you for leaving us. You think you deserve to be punished.”

  “Yes, I’ve caused you all so much distress, and I need to be disciplined.” She gently tapped their noses with a well-manicured finger. “I want you to dominate me. When it comes to sex, I need to be submissive.”

  “Go to the bedroom. Now. And take off all your clothes.”

  She felt her heart pound in her chest as she pushed the bedroom door open, revealing her large king-size bed. She needed to know what three linked Sybar males would feel like. Even if the idea frightened her.

  She took off all her clothes, aware that six of the most beautiful blue eyes she’d ever seen observed her intently.


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