Rook and Ronin Company Box Set: Books 6-9 (JA Huss Box Set Series Order Book 2)

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Rook and Ronin Company Box Set: Books 6-9 (JA Huss Box Set Series Order Book 2) Page 46

by JA Huss

  He pulls back just a few inches, so my father and brother can hear us now too. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. And I promise you won’t regret choosing me.”

  James. I almost say it, but I stop myself before it slips out. So I lean in, just like he did, and whisper, “You’re mine, Fenici. If you go anywhere, I will hunt you down.”

  He wraps his hand around my neck and pulls me towards him, laughing into my hair.

  The minister takes over in our silence and tells James to kiss me.

  As if he needed permission.

  He kisses me like no man should kiss a girl in front of her father.

  He kisses me like a husband.

  When that’s over, he takes my hand and leads me outside onto the patio. It’s bustling with workers setting up for tomorrow, and there’s no music, but he draws me close, his hands on my waist as we sway slowly. He brings my head to his chest and breathes a sigh of relief.

  “I’m sorry it was such a long wait. I hope this night makes up for time lost. I can’t promise you that you’ll never fall, Harper. But if you ever need me for anything, I’ll be there. I’ll catch you. I’ll fix it. And if we ever have to be apart, always know that we’re together.” He lifts my wedding ring to his lips and kisses it. “We met years ago. We drifted apart to become these two people. And now we’re back together. One soul, cut in half, reunited.”

  I’m breathless as the killer they call James declares his love for me. In the backyard of the brother he stole me from, in full view of anyone who cares to watch.

  “Did you know Vincent was going to try and marry me tonight?”

  He gazes down on me, the light catching his green eyes, making them light up for a moment. “I know everything, Harper Fenici.” I smile at that. “I may not always remember everything, but I have it all locked away up here.” He taps the side of his head.

  “I can’t decide if you’re a brazen fool, an evil mastermind, or a gentle man.”

  He grins. “I was foolish enough to believe I could have a woman like you. But my determination paid off. I’ve had my share of evil moments. But evil begets evil. And the people I killed were doing their share of begetting. As far as a gentle man, well”—he smiles—“only with you, Harper. And our children, when they come.”

  I rest my head against his chest again, and we dance that way, barely moving, content to be in each other’s arms, even if we are in the lion’s den. Until finally my feet are tired and I get sleepy. And then he leads me upstairs to my room and we undress each other slowly. He touches my body like he’s never touched it before. He worships it. Not sexually, although it turns me on so bad, my nipples perk and my sex throbs.

  I touch him too. I search his body for scars. I search his mind for misgivings. But on both accounts, I find none.

  No scars. Just a perfect man.

  No misgivings. Just his honest love.

  And in that moment, I release myself to him completely.

  “I am yours, Six.”

  “And I am yours, Come.”

  He takes me to bed. I stretch out on the white sheets. Naked. Bare for him. And he worships me in a new way. Our first night as Six and Come is filled with talking and laughing. Touching and loving. And the climax of my night has nothing to do with sex.

  He fills me up in a different way now.

  He fills me up with love.

  The next morning he wakes me slowly with a light touch across my breasts. “It’s time, Harper.”

  We promised each other we would not talk about today until it was really here. And now it is. “I’m listening.”

  So he talks. And he tells me all about this day before it even starts. He gives very elaborate details. He gives a timeframe and backup options—just in case. He gives me everything I’ve ever wanted to know about what this day means. What my code means. And what we need to do in order to have a future together.

  He gives me hope.

  Chapter Eighty-Five - Sasha

  “It itches.” I scratch the bodice of my fancy dress. It’s made up of bunched-up fabric that gathers together in long lines of wrinkles along my torso. Who the hell wears this shit? “And tights? Why the f—”

  “Sasha,” One snaps. I’m getting on his last nerve, but I don’t care. “You said you wanted to do this. You came to me, remember? Do you want to go to the party or not?”

  I squint my eyes at him. Merc is suddenly starting to look like a much better option as far as mercenary friends go. “It’s my party.”

  “It’s Harper’s party. You’re just there to ruin it.”

  “Yeah, well…” I got nothing. It’s true. I’m just there to fuck it all up. And save Nick. And Harper. But mostly Nick. After we made all those plans about getting the files back, he thinks he can go off and try and do it alone? I don’t think so, buddy.

  “Now,” he says, straightening my hair. “What will you say when the Admiral confronts you about being shot on the boat?”

  “Sir, my Uncle One—”

  “Skip the uncle part, kid.”

  Asshole. “Sir, One alerted me to Tet’s plan to kill me and brought me a special bulletproof life vest.” I had to cop to that part of James’ plan. Obviously, One needed to know how I survived.

  “If he asks anything else, you just defer to me and act like a kid. Just drink some fucking punch and eat cookies.”

  Right. I have to control the eye roll.

  The car pulls up in the valet area and One and I exit the hotel lobby and get in. The compound is about a thirty-minute drive north, so we have a lot of time to think about what’s happening.

  The problem I have is, I don’t know why he agreed to this. I leveraged the missing file over his head. The one Merc still has. The one everyone needs in order to make both files work. The one Nick and I would have right now, if this asshole next to me hadn’t drugged Harper and stolen it at the last second. I told One that James has the missing file. I feel bad for James. Using him to lure all the players sucks. But he’s the only one who can handle what I’m sending. He’s the only one who can deal with gang members and assassins. Nick is not experienced enough. Harper is probably useless. And I’m not big enough.


  “OK, put on your game face, kid.”

  I’ve been wearing my game face since last Christmas when Ford left my grandparents’ ranch.

  The car pulls up to the gates of the private community and the driver slides his window down and hands over the paperwork.

  It’s not legit. It’s not even an invitation. Why try and fake it? So we decided to just announce who we are and see what happens.

  After twenty seconds on the phone inside the gate house, we’re waved through.

  The driveway leading up to the main house is flanked on both sides by towering palm trees waving in the wind. There’s so many flowers blooming, the scent of them is almost overwhelming. Almost enough to make me sick.

  We’re met by our own little welcoming committee when the car stops. Several men, none of whom have visible weapons, pat us both down. I have a knife strapped to my calf that gets confiscated.

  One shoots me a dirty look as we’re escorted inside, but I figure it’s more suspicious to show up with no weapons than it is to get caught with one knife.

  This place is packed with people. The sun is just setting, and there’s music and that loud rumble of voices you hear in a crowd.

  I search for my target.


  I see the Admiral. But he’s not my target.

  I see James’ drunk mother. But she’s not my target either.

  I see… Nick.

  And he’s holding hands with a dark-haired girl who has the same brilliant green eyes as James.

  Nicola. I’ve never met her before, but I know that’s her. Is that the girl Nick was referring to?

  I’m just about to make my way over there and start shit when a hand grabs my shoulder. I look up to see the Admiral.

  He’s not looking at me, though. He’
s looking at One.

  “One. You continue to surprise me,” he says, lifting his champagne glass in a fake toast.

  “Six is not the only one with surprises,” my uncle answers.

  “I should say not. Have you come to deliver the file you stole from my daughter?”

  “No,” One says evenly. “I came to pick one up.” I’m still in the Admiral’s grasp when they both look down at me. “She’s got some very interesting information. It seems that you, Admiral, have been set up by a little girl and her—”

  James has One in a headlock and he’s choked the words off. “You made a big mistake coming here tonight, One.”

  “Vincent,” the Admiral says with a chuckle. “Please. We’re not going to finish this here—” And then he must look James in the eyes, because the realization of who he is flashes across his face.

  James snaps One’s neck and is easing him down to the ground before anyone actually realizes what just happened. In fact, only the few people closest to the Admiral understand. I’m just about to search One for the file while everyone is distracted by James when I see my target being pulled out of the room.

  I leave the ballroom just as the room erupts in panic and follow Harper and her would-be abductor down the west wing of the palatial mansion. She’s pulled through the door, not fighting or crying out, either. So that alarms me. What if Harper is working for someone else as well? It seems we are nothing but a clusterfuck of double and triple crossings tonight.

  I stop at the closed door to the room they entered and then open it a crack to see what’s going on.

  Chapter Eighty-Six - Harper

  “Let go of my hand, you bitch.” I yank my arm out of her grasp and turn, my ridiculous full skirts on this elaborate gown swirling at my feet in a whoosh.

  “Where is he?” Mrs. Fenici spits. Her breath is laced with alcohol and her hands are trembling as she points her finger in my face. I smack it away and she tries to grab me again, the bangle bracelets on her frail wrist jangling. “That is not my son out there. Where is my son?”

  “That is your son, you drunken bitch.” And then I look over at the door and spy Sasha. I want to smile and give her a hug but she looks like she’s all business. The witch turns to follow my gaze and Sasha gives her a little wave.

  “Hello there, Mrs F. Do you need help, Harper?” she says in her sweetest little-girl voice.

  I almost smile. “No, thank you, Sasha. I’ve got this. Why don’t you go find Nick and take care of his little problem.”

  “Will do,” she quips, and exits through the door just as quietly as she came in.

  “What are you doing? I demand to see my son. Who did you marry last night?”

  “Not the son you think,” I say in a low voice. “And you’re not going to leave this room, I’m afraid. So you won’t be seeing anyone.”

  “Right,” she spits through her teeth. “I’m—”

  “You’re sick,” I say, cutting her off. “What kind of mother sends her sons off to kill? What kind of mother sends her daughter off to kill?”

  “Your James did that.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “My James owed your assassin a life debt. He had no choice. You’re the one responsible for all this because you were so power-hungry or weak-minded, you didn’t have the wherewithal to resist selling out your children.” She opens her mouth to speak, but I slap her so hard across her mouth she sways sideways and falls to the ground.

  “You bitch,” she seethes.

  I step forward and kick her in the teeth with my pretty white shoe that matches my pretty white dress. Her head crashes back against the floor this time, her legs sprawled out in front of her.

  I lean down and grab her dark hair and look her in her green eyes as I yank her head back. “It’s unfortunate that I never learned to shoot, because then you’d go quickly. But the only weapons I have at the moment are my hands. So I’m going to take your life with those.”

  She thrashes her legs and waves her arms around, trying to land a punch, I think. But this woman, Jesus. It’s almost like a lioness toying with a mouse. She is weak and pathetic. I dodge her attempts, but even the couple that land don’t hurt bad enough to make me wince.

  And then I have a fleeting thought. Why? Why am I such a highly trained killer?

  She sees this change in me and smiles.

  “He set you up too, darling. Just like I set up James. You’ve been programmed, dear. You’ve been programmed to kill, just like all the other Company contracts.”

  Contracts. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re here to kill me, darling. Going through with it only brings you farther into the fold. Why do you think we pay such close attention to Company children, Harper? Because we love them? Please,” she laughs. “Please. I’ve been told you’re naive, but surely you understand what you are? What you were born to be? You’re a killer, Miss Tate. One of the secret ones. One of the Zeros brought up in a loving family. But a killer nonetheless. He called us all here to die by your hands, just like last summer on the ship. Your father is the evil one in this world.”

  “Then why come?”

  “Because I have someone here representing me as well. And your father should know better than to double-cross me. We both have daughters, Harper. And mine is killing your brother. Right now. But she’s not the only delegate I brought to this party, sweetie. Your father and I talked about joining forces. Becoming one powerful family by wedding you and Vincent. Our last hope for a compromise. But then… you killed my delegates. And they let you get away. Your father protected you, even smoothed things over with Vincent. But I knew better.” She reaches up to tap her head just like James did last night. “I know everything.”

  When she echoes his words I panic.

  “And his secret mission—the one he’s been on for years but has no clue about—is to kill everyone at this party, Harper. James didn’t come up with this plan, dear. I did. And you walked right into it. You—”

  I snap her neck just as easily as James snapped One’s and then I let her drop to the floor and go searching through the desk until I find what I need to finish my job here tonight.

  A gun.

  And I guess she’s right.

  I’m a goddamned killer.

  But at least I’m not a goddamned liar.

  Because she’s full of shit. I don’t believe he’s been programmed. I know my James is damaged, but he’s not a ridiculous robot programmed to kill.

  He kills of his own free will, or not at all.

  Chapter Eighty-Seven - Sasha

  The entire mansion is in an uproar. People are screaming while the Admiral’s voice booms through the downstairs, asking people to remain calm.

  Good luck with that. I chuckle as I make my way down the hallway. Several people look at me funny, but I’m not so out of place that they stop to question me. I’m sure there’s no kids allowed at this thing. But I almost look grown up in my fancy dress. I try to walk calmly as I look for Nick, but I’m not used to the fancy shoes, and that makes walking difficult.

  I look in each room as I pass, and then finally decide Nick is not on the ground floor. I look up at the second floor, consider it, and then nix that idea. If he’s not around, then he got the files off One while James was busy dealing with the aftermath. So that means he’s outside heading towards the rendezvous point.

  I scoot past the lingering crowd as the Admiral assures everyone that Vincent just had a moment of rage over… blah, blah, blah. Lie, lie, lie. He has to know that was James.

  So I just tune that shit out. James is a big boy. If any of us can take care of themselves, it’s him. I check my watch to see how long I have.

  Three minutes.

  Once I get past the people outside, I kick my shoes off and run. I know where Nick’s going and I bet I know who Harper was referring to when she mentioned his little problem. I run my fastest all the way down the path that leads to the marina, my feet pounding on the stone path. I take the
steps two at a time, making my stupid dress poof up each time I land. And I’m only halfway there when I see them arguing on the dock.

  This place is quiet. It’s just a small marina to begin with, but tonight it’s dead. No one is down here but us.

  I creep up as close as I dare, and just barely catch the conversation when she yells.

  “You’re not leaving me, Nicholas. There’s no way you’re going to take what you came for and walk away from this promise.”

  Oh, boy. I got a live one. I sneak down the stairs one at a time, so they can’t detect me. I’m a good stalker. I’ve hunted wild animals my whole life. I know how to creep up on them. And this Nicola is definitely one of the wild ones. When I reach the sand, I slip under the stairs and crawl towards them.

  She’s trying to grab for Nick, but he keeps slapping her hands away. “Stop it,” he growls at her after she tries to slap him. “I’m not anyone’s promise, OK? So stop begging. It’s sad.”

  “It’s called loyalty, Nick.” She’s practically foaming at the mouth, that’s how pissed off she is. “You should want to be loyal to me. You promised you’d leave Sasha and marry me.”

  “You’re delusional. I never said that shit. You’re insane, just like your brothers. You’re an assassin, Nicola. We don’t get promises.”

  “Liar!” she screams. “You’re a liar. I know you were promised to Sasha. And I’m gonna kill that little—”

  Nick grabs her by the throat, but she’s already in attack mode. Her body spins, her foot comes up, and she’s about to connect with his face when he grabs her by the ankle and flips her over and throws her down on the hard dock with a crash. She winces, but gets back up to fight again.


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