by Peter Sasgen
Smith, Frederick H., Jr., MoMM2
Smith, Jack C., RT1
Southwick, Paul, PhoM1
Spencer, Amos A., S1c
Talucci, Ralph M., S1c
Tandy, William H., Jr., PhM1
Thomas, Leroy, St3
Turbitt, William J., F1c
Wagoner, William B., S1c
West, Franklin G., Lt.
Whiting, George L., CY
Wiest, Irvin C., CTM
Wilkins, Kenneth M., RT3
Woods, Isaac B., Jr., EM1
Abel, Donald A., Ens.
Adams, Thomas B., Y3
Adams, Wendell S., Bkr3
Amburgey, Lawrence M., Lt. (jg)
Anderson, Gustav I., Jr., MoMM3
Aueril, Sestilio J., S1c
Beck, Merle L., GM2
Brown, Roderick W., F1c
Browning, James A., EM1
Burdick, Charles A., MoMM2
Canfield, Kenneth T., MoMM2
Coleman, John A., RM3
Cooley, Quintus L., StM2
Danielson, Otis C., SC2
Dunn, Davis H., Ens.
Edge, Lawrence L., Cdr.
Enos, E. R., F1c
Epps, William H., Jr., StM2
Feld, Paul E., F1c
Fox, Donald C., RM2
Frank, Richard E., CMoMM
Fugett, Mack A., QM2
Fuller, Grant M., CMoMM
Hackstaff, Howard J., RM2
Harman, Guy P., TM1
Hasiak, John J., TM3
Hess, Richard D., S1c
Houghton, Wilbur S., TM1
Jenkins, Robert W., EM1
Johnson, John C., RT1
Johnson, Stuart E., Jr., CQM
Johnston, Russel M., Lt. (jg)
Kalinoff, Michael W., F1c
Karr, William G., RM2
Keefer, Robert T., S1c
Kern, Franklyn B., Ens.
King, Edward W., EM2
Kissane, John E., S2c
Knight, Fraser S., Lt. Cdr.
Lamothe, Joseph N., Cox
Laracy, John J., Jr., EM3
Lewis, Marion A., CGM
Lockwood, Thomas G., PhoM3
Lynch, Joseph F., TM2
Maghan, Allan G., F1c
Markle, John E., EM2
McBride, Roy J., MoMM2
Miles, Henry V., MoMM1
Nester, Sidney A., EM3
Newberry, Joseph R., F1c
Olson, Douglas H., MoMM2
O’Toole, William P., EM3
Parton, John F., EM3
Paskin, Theodore, RT2
Pauley, George W., RM3
Phenicie, John E., MoMM3
Primavera, Louis J., MoMM1
Prunier, George A., EM3
Quenett, Clayton F., TM2
Raley, Charles H., F1c
Ray, Roscoe G., Jr., SM1
Raynes, James A., EM1
Reid, Jack A., F1c
Rhanor, Charles J., S1c
Rice, Robert M., S1c
Rose, Russell A., Ens.
Schiller, Robert G., F1c
Schmidling, Charles J., FCS1
Schweyer, Roy H., RT2
Slater, Robert E., Lt.(jg)
Smith, Logan C., Lt. (jg)
Snodgrass, Roger L., Y1
Stamm, Raymond S., SC1
Surber, Robert M., EM2
Tierney, Daniel R., MoMM1
Velie, Russell C., TM2
Vincent, Thomas F., Jr., S1c
Whitright, Willard, TM2
Williams, Jay J., MoMM2
Williams, John R., Jr., F3c
Williams, Thomas F., F1c
Wilson, Joseph R., F1c
Winegar, Clarence D., TM3
Wolfe, Lynn E., TM3
Wright, George “W,” PhM1
Anderson, Lloyd C., CmoMM
Anthony, Melvin L., RT3
Apostolopoulos, Vasilios, QM3
Bartocci, Lawrence E., F1c
Beardslee, Ralph C., Jr., SM1
Bennett, Wilfred A., TM2
Birkner, Francis R., PhoM1
Burke, Julian T., Jr., Lt. Cdr.
Canaday, Gerald B., TM1
Caramenico, Lewis J., F1c
Cates, Don B., FC1
Chereek, Benjamin, EM1
Christensen, Charles R., CMoMM
Collins, Joel W., III, RM2
Cooper, Earl B., MoMM2
Cronin, Joseph J., MoMM1
Doheny, Edward L., III, Lt.
Drozdowicz, Edward J., MM1
Dunn, Matthew D., EM2
Early, John A., Jr., F1c
Emmons, Robert C., WOE
Evans, Cassel J., TM2
Fiedler, John E., F2c
Field, Sidney F., F1c
Funkhouser, Edward M., RM3
Geiser, Robert F., RM3
Giannelli, Frank A., MoMM3
Griffin, Charles W., SC3
Hall, Lloyd A., RT1
Haney, Arthur A., RT2
Hayes, William, EM3
Herbert, Edward R., F1c
Holland, Noble V., Bkr1
Holloway, Harold E., S2c
Holzwarth, Jacob T., MoMM2
Hopley, Eric E., Lt.
Jasinski, Leon F., EM3
Jerbert, Arthur H., Lt. (jg)
Johnson, Kenneth W., EM3
Kenworthy, Harvey W., F1c
Kilgore, William H., Lt.
Kocon, Joseph S., TM2
Korn, Carl A., Jr., Lt.
Laster, Robert, StM1
Logan, John E., GM1
Lort, Joseph M., Jr., QM2
Lusse, Melvin R., EM2
Lynsky, Mark V., Jr., MoMM2
Mahoney, Robert C., TM1
Mattingly, John W., TM1
McGee, John S., Y1
Miller, Kay D., F1c
Moody, Dick, MoMM2
Nelson, Chester R., F1c
Nelson, William C., S1c
Nickerson, Bryan W., S1c
O’Brien, William J., FCS2
Ostergren, John F., Lt.
Peterman, John J., Jr., TM2
Ragsdale, Glenn E., S1c
Rainer, William H. Jr., RM3
Rankin, Walter H., MoMM2c
Risser, Robert D., Cdr.
Rodgers, James L., S1c
Rusin, Nicholas, TM3
Schmersahl, Jacob B., Jr., MoMM3
Schoomaker, Edward P., S1c
Schulke, Oscar J., EM2
Shaw, Harold M., RM2
Sly, Richard H., Ens.
Smith, Billy R., SC1
Smith, Carl, MoMM3
Smith, Paul T., S1c
Sproull, Raymond D., Jr., S1c
Sunbury, George G., RT3
Thacker, William O., StM1
Thompson, Earnest L., MoMM1
Wakshinsky, Albert S., EM2
Ward, James M., MoMM2
Weeks, Richard L., S1c
Whitefield, William B., CPhM
Wildes, Warren F., EM3
Wilson, Robert G., F1c
Witt, Ishmael C., MoMM2
Alexander, James R., Bkr3
Alexander, Robert E., CPhM
Alpin, Carter F., Jr., EM3
Anderson, Hubert C., Lt.
Ayers, James M., Ens.
Beales, Austin W., MoMM1
Benson, Gordon H., RM2
Beyer, Walter L., QM1
Beynon, Robert P., EM3
Bruderly, Robert E., EM2
Buckman, Horace T., F1c
Carberry, Jack S., F1c
Carden, Olie L., MoMM1
Carter, Arthur L., FC1c
Chisum, Albert, TM3
Choquette, Hugh E., TM3
Clarey, John L., Lt. Cdr.
Cole, William E., TM1
Cummins, William E., Lt. (jg)
Curran, John E., MoMM2
Elliott, Michael M., Lt. (jg)
Ely, John A., S1c
nbsp; Erickson, John H., EM1
Ervin, Norval L., Jr., S1c
Flessner, Conrad J., Lt.
Fletcher, Earl T., EM3
Gaito, Eugene, CMoMM
Gilkes, Thomas H., MoMM1
Gillespie, Clark H., MoMM1
Gilmore, Paul D., MoMM3
Gosnell, Marshall S., MoMM1
Harrington, John L., MoMM2
Hedland, Fred, F1c
Heinz, Robert L., Y1
Holder, John “A,” F1c
Howard, Homer L., F2c
Jackson, Ted D., F1c
Jackson, Wilbur L., MoMM1
Johnson, Gerald B., EM2
Johnson, Henry N., S1c
Kear, Charles B., F1c
Kenney, Albert P., Bkr3
King, Henry, Jr., TM1
Knoche, Eugene A., MoMM2
Knox, Joseph M., Jr., CMoMM
LaCour, Marshall W., PhoM2
Lancaster, Wallace E., S2c
Launius, John J., RT1
Lundgren, Walter E., MoMM3
McMillion, George J., F1c
McNeven, Vern, MoMM2
Molloy, Leslie R., RT2
Nash, Paul G., GM2
Odoms, Edward A., StM1
Ohlund, Arley “V,” S1c
Olsen, Rolf S., EM2
Patterson, Robert G., CEM
Perske, Earl W., CCS
Poppleton, Sidney R., S1c
Price, Lloyd R., S1c
Rasp, Vincent R., F1c
Reiner, Morton M., S1c
Rodskiaer, Aage E., RM1
Rohrbacher, Virgel H., GM1
Ryan, Ronald R., S1c
Scaglione, Peter T., RM3
Stack, Thomas P., TM3
Sweat, James G., SM1
Taylor, Richard S., EM2
Turner, Charles R., StM2
Tyree, Alexander K., CDR
Updegraff, Jack L., QM3
Van Kuran, Peter, Lt. (jg)
Verkinder, Victor, MoMM1
Videkovich, William P., MoMM2
Waddell, Kenneth A., EM2
Waugh, William L., TM2
Weidner, Alpheus S., Jr., MoMM3
Weller, Homer G., QM2
Winning, Edward G., CEM
Wise, John P., Ens.
Anderson, Jack H., EM3
Atnip, Tolbert B., S1c
Ault, Earl E., F1c
Baird, Floyd C., MoMM1
Barr, George, MoMM3
Bennett, Millard M., TM3
Bentham, Robert E., TM3
Bolinder, Ralph H., F1c
Boyd, Edgar, SM1
Brady, Ferris G., RT3
Brooks, F. C., Lt.
Brumfeld, Floyd E., S1c
Burke, Charles M., MoMM3
Burlew, Harry A., MoMM3
Carlen, Robert C., S1c
Carpenter, Clarence A., S1c
Carpenter, Rex N., S1c
Clement, William R., TM2
Clutterham, D. R., Ens.
Costibile, Joe F., S1c
Daranowich, Walter H., PhoM3
Daughtry, Herbert, MoMM2
Dismukes, Alvin C., FCS2
Dixon, Richard L., TM1
Dowler, Melvin L., QM2
Eterovich, Matthew, F1c
Freeburn, Harry D., EM2
Garner, Frank E., PhM1
Gibson, Jack R., EM2
Giltner, Thomas W., MoMM1
Goen, Louis E., TM3
Gould, Harold Ray, S1c
Grigg, John R., MoMM3
Grose, H. G., Lt.(jg)
Groves, Russell C., RM1
Hall, William “F,” MoMM3
Harris, Frederick B., Y1
Hinds, Lawrence P., RM2
Huson, Loyal A., TM3
Irvin, Frederick L., SC3
Jackson, Nathaniel, StM2
Keepers, Harold J., S1c
Klag, Donald J., EM3
Larson, Allen G., F1c
Latham, R. C., Cdr.
Leonard, Carthel F., EM3
MacPherson, Malcolm, RM2
McDaniel, Jessie J., EM3
Minor, James P., EM2
Nylander, Raymond E., S1c
Olsen, J., Ens.
Otis, Donald J., TM2
Owens, Robert L., EM3
Paquette, Clifford N., F1c
Polis, Jack S., EM3
Reif, Harry W., MoMM2
Richeson, Edward M., GM1
Robbins, Kermit E., MoMM1
Robertson, James C., MoMM3
Rodman, George W., QM3
Salisbury, G. F., Lt. (jg)
Sanders, Aubrey R., S1c
Sanders, C. R., Lt.
Scott, Dale V., S1c
Scruggs, Robert C., SC1
Searles, Dayton, Jr., GM3
Settle, Spaulding B., ST3
Shelden, James F., S1c
Siegfried, C. W., Lt. (jg)
Smith, H. J., Lt. Cdr.
Smith, Richard P., MoMM3
Soutiere, Clement, EM3
Stamant, Wilfred J., Jr., S1c
Stanford, Samuel E., MoMM3
Stevens, Charles R., MoMM3
Stokes, Victor L., CEM
Stripling, Ernest R., MoMM2
Thompson, Robert M., MoMM2
Tyler, John P., RT1
Vannatter, Charles H., RM3
Voegtin, E. P., EM1
Wagner, Charles H., Jr., TM3
Weaver, B. S., Lt. (jg)
Welch, Freeman, CTM
Whipps, Jack C., RT3
Wicker, William A., QM3
Wilson, Eldon R., TM3
Wilson, Norval D., CmoMM
Young, Buck R., FC2
1 Blair, Clay, Jr., Silent Victory, Lippincott, 1975, Vol. 2, p. 851 (Hereafter, Blair); and Roscoe, Theodore, United States Submarine Operations in World War II, United States Naval Institute, 1949, pp. 491-92. (Hereafter, Roscoe.)
Chapter One: A World Destroyed
1 Telegram to Sarah S. Edge from U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel. Sarah Edge Shuler and Lawrence L. Edge Jr. (Hereafter, Edge family.)
2 Lawrence L. Edge to Sarah S. Edge. Edge family.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
Chapter Two: ComSubPac
1 Some sixty years later the plane’s wreckage reappeared after heavy rains washed away the covering soil.
2 Blair, p. 341.
Chapter Three: The Wahoo’s Last Dive
1 Roscoe, p. 240.
2 The Squalus flooded and sank in waters off the coast of New Hampshire on May 23, 1939, with the loss of twenty-six men. She was raised, overhauled, and re-commissioned as the Sailfish on May 15, 1940.
3 Top-secret war patrol report of the USS Lapon (SS-260).
4 Top-secret war patrol report of the USS Narwhal (SS-167).
5 Top secret war patrol report of the USS Sawfish (SS-270).
6 Article included in a report submitted by Lockwood to Nimitz concerning the loss of the USS Wahoo (SS-238). Article and report attached to war patrol report of the Wahoo.
7 Lockwood, Charles A., and Hans C. Adamson, Hellcats of the Sea, New York: Greenburg, 1951, p. 2. (Hereafter, Lockwood, HOS.)
8 O’Kane, Richard H., Wahoo: The Patrols of America’s Most Famous WWII Submarine , Novato, California: Presidio Press, 1987, p. 329.
9 Lockwood, HOS, p. 22.
Chapter Four: The Commander from Georgia
1 Roscoe, p. 531.
2 Lawrence L. Edge to Sarah S. Edge. Edge family.
3 Ibid.
4 Top secret war patrol report of the USS Bonefish (SS-223).
5 Ibid.
Chapter Five: The “Magic” Behind the Mission
1 FM Sonar, Model 1, Nos. 11-15, Preliminary Instruction Book, Operation and Maintenance. Unclassified. May 12, 1945 [Rpt. R223.4], Box 1. University of California Division of War Research at the U.S. Navy Radio and Sound Laboratory, San Diego, California. Courtesy of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, California. (Hereafter, UCDWR.)
2 “FM Sonar,” by M. C. Henderson and Charles A. Hisserich. Unclassified. September 4, 1943, Box 2. The conceptual basis for using FM sonar to locate mines underwater. UCDWR.
3 Lockwood, HOS, p. 38.
4 Lockwood, HOS, p. 42.
5 Sources concerning this meeting are at variance as to the actual date as well as the participants. King may have arrived in Pearl Harbor on or about July 12 or 13. He then departed on an inspection trip with Nimitz and other Pacific commanders (there is no mention of Lockwood), minus MacArthur, to the Marianas. After this tour King apparently returned to Washington before Roosevelt’s arrival in Honolulu on July 26. Yet according to Lockwood, his meeting with King and Nimitz took place on July 26, five days after King’s departure and the day of Roosevelt’s arrival.
Chapter Six: Wolf Pack
1 Top-secret war patrol report of the USS Bonefish.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Copy of original Navy message to Bonefish from ComTwelve. Edge family.
Chapter Seven: The Long Road to Tokyo
1 Top-secret prospectus for Operation Barney; Lockwood to Nimitz and King, December 3, 1944, “Japan Sea—Patrol of.” National Archives II (NARA II), Modern Military Records, College Park, MD. RG 313. 5.3 Records of Naval Operating Forces, including those of Operation Barney. Courtesy of Steven Trent Smith.
2 Lockwood had waived the ironclad rule that subs on patrol never, ever broadcast when operating in an area where Japanese radio-direction-finding stations could triangulate their position. In practice the rule was often violated whenever submarine skippers sent contact reports concerning enemy convoys, task forces, and other important information to ComSubPac and to other submarines that, if patrolling nearby, could provide more information or join in an attack.
Chapter Eight: The Magic Loses Its Magic
1 Lockwood to Lawrence L. Edge. November 13, 1944. Edge family.
2 In summer 1943, Watkins, then a submarine division commander, asked Lockwood for permission to make a war patrol as a skipper. The USS Flying Fish (SS-229) was available, and Watkins, at age forty-five, became the oldest man to ever command a sub on a war patrol. Watkins’s performance was mediocre at best. Ironically, Lockwood had requested permission from Nimitz to make a war patrol, not as a skipper but as a rider, and was turned down. Nimitz felt it was too risky to put his sub force commander in a position to be captured and tortured for information from the Japanese.
3 Lockwood to Rear Adm. C. W. Styer, USN. Lockwood papers, Box 14. Library of Congress. (Hereafter, LPLC.)
4 Lockwood to Watkins, January 26, 1945. LPLC, Box 14.
5 Nimitz to Lockwood, HOS, p. 67.
6 Lawrence L. Edge to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Edge (Lawrence Edge’s parents). Edge family.
Chapter Nine: An Operation Called “Barney”
1 Lockwood to Vice Admiral R. S. Edwards, USN. LPLC, Box 15.
2 Lockwood, HOS, p. 71.
3 Lockwood to Captain H. C. Bruton, USN. LPLC, Box 15.