The Billionaire's Lover: Curves To Keep (Part One) (A BBW Erotic Romance)

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The Billionaire's Lover: Curves To Keep (Part One) (A BBW Erotic Romance) Page 5

by Bethany Rousseau

  Edwards cleared his desk quickly, pushing the papers aside before gently pressing Gabrielle face down upon the surface. He shifted her feet beneath her, scooting her up against the unyielding frame until her ass was stuck up in the air, her legs spread steadily so that she wouldn’t stumble. Gabrielle felt the cooler air of the room brush up along her inner thighs, caressing her slick folds as she stood bent over and helpless, her skin crawling with anticipation. She started slightly when Edwards’ hand came against her ass; he was caressing her through the fabric of her skirt slowly, exploring the curve of her buttocks as she tried not to squirm. “Ah, yes, you are such a fine specimen of womanhood, Gabrielle.” He squeezed her ass firmly in his hands. “It’s almost too tempting to take your skirt off right away and see what this lovely part of your body looks like underneath the clothes.” He gave her ass another firm squeeze, and Gabrielle squirmed, a soft whimper creeping up through her throat.

  The next moment, his grip on her withdrew, and Gabrielle had only an instant of confusion—of anticipation—before his hand came down across her ass firmly, a muted smack sounding in her ears even as the blow sent a jolt through her, seemingly straight to her already-soaking pussy. Before she could recover from her sense of shock, Edwards brought his hand down again, striking another part of her ass, and she yelped, twitching and starting—but not quite able to move. His hand came down against her again and again, and Gabrielle felt her skin heating up under the blows, a faint tingle growing along the curve of her ass cheeks as he hit the same parts of her over and over again. Just when she was beginning to become accustomed to the onslaught, Gabrielle was startled once more when Edwards pulled her skirt up abruptly, exposing her completely. She started to instinctively pull herself up, shy and uncomfortable, but Edwards pushed her back onto the desk firmly but gently, holding her there until she began to calm down.

  He reached between her legs, and Gabrielle squirmed slightly as his fingers brushed against her slick folds, delicate as a feather. He pressed more firmly against her, slipping along her labia, and Gabrielle suppressed the urge she felt to push her hips down and back, wanting more than just the teasing contact he was giving her. “Oooh, this is an unexpected treat—you keep yourself very smooth. Is that so you’ll be more sensitive?” His fingers found her clit and stroked it slowly, rubbing against the bead of flesh. Gabrielle writhed, unable to help herself, the contact sending tingles of electric sensation through her body. She murmured an affirmative, and heard Edwards’ amused chuckle. He withdrew his fingers and Gabrielle whimpered helplessly, pressing her forehead against the cool, hard surface of his desk and trying to get a hold of herself.

  Edwards brought his hand down quickly against her ass, sending a sharp crack of sensation through her body. Gabrielle’s yelp transformed into a moan as he squeezed her the next instant, sending a fresh wave of pain and pleasure that made her feel weak with desire. His hand came down again, finding another spot, and igniting another flashpoint of tingling fire. Gabrielle struggled to remain still as he landed blow after blow, seemingly hitting every inch of skin over her curving buttocks, taking his time and hitting certain spots repeatedly. She was dripping wet, her pussy tightening with need, her whole body trembling from the rigid control. Gabrielle barely felt the strain in her arms from the awkward position they were locked in, or the pressure in her feet; her entire being was focused on the spanking she was receiving, on her intense need for more.

  Gabrielle was panting when Edwards finally retreated, his blows stopping suddenly. She could barely hold herself up on the desk, and as she heard him moving around behind her, she sagged, realizing only then that tears had started to form in her eyes. “I think that’s enough for you right now,” Edwards remarked, and Gabrielle’s keen ears picked up the sound of him moving around the desk. He stood in front of her, and Gabrielle awkwardly looked up, tilting her head to try and see enough of his face to divine his intent. Edwards was smiling faintly, looking down at her with undisguised lust. “Are you very sorry for threatening to expose my encounter with that secretary?” he asked her lowly. Gabrielle nodded, knowing the correct answer without needing any better lead than the question. “Then I will give you an opportunity to make amends.” He unbuckled his belt and Gabrielle’s interest spiked, her gaze following his hands as he opened the fly of his expensive trousers. He didn’t remove them completely, instead pulling a thick, hard cock out of the confines. Gabrielle licked her lips instinctively, thinking that he was larger than almost any of her previous partners with faint trepidation.

  Edwards pulled her up more firmly onto the desk, dragging her across the surface until her feet were dangling in the air and her face was hovering above his cock. “Show me how sorry you are, Gabrielle,” he murmured. Gabrielle ducked her head, thinking with irritation how much easier it would be if her hands were free. She cringed as her instinctive move to reach out for him with her hands made the handcuffs dig more firmly into her wrists and took a deep breath, licking her lips thoroughly. She moved them down onto the tip of Edwards’ cock, taking it into her mouth slowly and focusing all of her effort on her lips and tongue. She sucked and licked him, closing her eyes and tilting her head slightly for better control. It was uncomfortable, but oddly thrilling as she took more and more of him into her mouth, holding herself up and beginning to bob her head up and down. “Mmm,” Edwards murmured, his fingers moving into her hair. She felt a slight tugging and realized he was pulling her hair free of its bun, the hair pins clattering to the wooden surface of the desk as his fingers began to work through her thick tresses. Gabrielle knew that she had to please him—that the whole point of the exercise was for her to demonstrate her ability to please, her willingness to give pleasure. She took as much of him as she could, ruthlessly suppressing her gag reflex and vertigo both, sucking and licking more enthusiastically as she tasted the sharpness of his precum beginning to flow. She gasped when she felt his hand come down across her exposed ass cheeks suddenly, almost choking in her startlement. Then Edwards was holding her head firmly, his fingers working through her hair as he thrust slowly but steadily into the attentions of her mouth.

  She was gratified at the low moan she heard leaving his lips, filled with intense pleasure at the thought of her slight power over him. If she could make him reach orgasm with her mouth, she thought… she had done it to so many men, she knew it was only a matter of technique. Gabrielle sucked harder, running her tongue along all of the sensitive places she knew made up the anatomy of Edwards’ cock; she pressed against the tip, along the length of the nerve that ran underneath, moaning to send vibrations through the sensitive shaft as she began moving faster and faster. She was consumed with the desire—the outright need—to make Edwards come, to have that small token of power over him, and she took him deeper into her mouth than she had ever taken any man, devouring him with her lips and tongue, even letting him brush against the muscles of her throat in spite of the discomfort. Edwards was moaning lowly, his cock twitching inside of her mouth, his body tensing, and Gabrielle knew he had to be close—he was only moments away from climax.

  Abruptly, he pulled out of her mouth, stepping back from her slightly, and Gabrielle let out a low, needy whimper, arching her neck to look up into his face with disappointment. Edwards chuckled, struggling to catch his breath for a moment. “Oh-ho, you are a talented woman,” he said, stroking her cheek with surprising tenderness. “But you didn’t really think I was going to let you finish me off to your satisfaction, did you?” Gabrielle found herself smiling in spite of her disappointment at the caressing, dominant tone of voice. Edwards shook his head, his lips twitching with a smile. “You’re a hungry little minx, aren’t you? Determined not to ever fully give in.” He gave her hair a sharp tug and Gabrielle gasped, tensing. “I will have to teach you the benefits of submitting.” He pulled her up carefully and kissed her deeply on the lips for a long moment, and Gabrielle forgot about her determination to make him orgasm, lost in the thrill of her helplessness and the
demands of the kiss. Just when she was becoming accustomed, Edwards let go of her, letting her fall back to the desk in a graceless heap. He strode around the desk, out of her sight, and Gabrielle struggled, trying to find a way to look for him, to see what he was doing.

  He pulled her by the legs, dragging her backward until her feet touched the ground, and Gabrielle grimaced at the way her breasts pressed against the hard surface, uncomfortable and tight. He settled her in the same position he’d put her in at first, her hips pressed firmly against the edge of the desk, her legs spread, and he lifted her skirt back up, his fingers gliding across the curve of her ass as Gabrielle shivered and trembled, frightened and intrigued all at once. It occurred to her—too late, perhaps—that Edwards could do almost whatever he wanted to her in her current state; she couldn’t get free to defend herself, and the office was so private that even if she yelled, no one would hear her. His fingers dipped down between her legs and he began to play them against her soaking wet labia, teasing her as she squirmed and writhed, the contact reminding her of how much her body wanted relief. Edwards worked his way between her slick folds slowly, finding her clit after torturous moments and rubbing against it firmly. Gabrielle squirmed and writhed as he rubbed the cluster of nerves, retreating and then returning, leaving her trembling with intense need. “You are not to come without my permission,” Edwards told her firmly, and Gabrielle, too aroused to speak, nodded her assent to the condition, willing to agree to anything if it would give her the promise of more, of better contact, of satisfaction.

  Edwards’ fingers withdrew and Gabrielle whimpered, pushing her hips back by instinct, needy for his touch. The next moment she felt him pressing against her, the slightly rough material of his trousers brushing against the backs of her thighs. She tried to hold herself still as he brought his cock up between her legs, rubbing against her soaking wet pussy. He rocked his hips, teasing her interminably; his hot, hard cock slipped along her wet slit slowly and steadily, the tip barely missing her clit as he moved against her. Sounds were leaving her throat, wordless expressions of intense need that Gabrielle had never made before, and she tried to push down, back, wanting more than anything to feel Edwards inside of her. “Remember, you’re here for my pleasure,” Edwards murmured, shifting his movements slightly so that his cock was pressed right up against the well of her pussy, tantalizingly close to where she wanted it most. Gabrielle gritted her teeth, trying to calm her breathing as her body shook with a desire so intense that every moment of waiting was torture.

  Edwards thrust into her slowly, filling her tight pussy, and Gabrielle moaned out, long and low, sagging with brief satisfaction against the desk. She panted as she felt the thickness of him pushing up along her inner walls, inexorably thrusting deeper inside of her as she stood there helpless to either stop him or to change the pace. He pulled out of her almost entirely before thrusting even deeper inside, taking his time to let her feel every inch of him penetrating her. Gabrielle realized she was clenching her hands into fists, biting her lip so hard that she could almost taste blood, as she held herself up, trying to will Edwards to move faster. Instead he continued his slow, steady thrusts for several more long moments, tormenting Gabrielle with the satisfaction of the feeling of his cock deep inside of her before withdrawing it. He pulled out until just his tip was inside of her and stopped, leaving Gabrielle shaking with pent-up desire. “Push yourself onto me,” he commanded her. “Show me how much you want me.” Gabrielle squirmed, trying to get a better position, and pushed her hips back and down as hard as she could, struggling with her lack of leverage and balance. She heard Edwards’ lust-filled chuckle, and his hands closed on her hips, pushing her back up against the desk and pinning her there.

  Instead of continuing the torture, he thrust into her hard and fast, making Gabrielle gasp at the jolt of pleasure the sudden movement sent through her body. Edwards held onto her tightly, keeping her utterly helpless and still as he thrust into her again and again, pounding into her from behind. She squirmed and writhed, trying ineffectually to twist her hips as her body was gripped by mounting pleasure. She remembered in a daze that she wasn’t allowed to come without his permission—Gabrielle moaned and whimpered, fighting against the momentum of increasing arousal that built up in her with every thrust of Edwards’ hips as he plunged deeper and deeper into her pussy. She bit her bottom lip, trying to focus on the tingling fire of pain along her ass cheeks instead of the intense pleasure that Edwards was giving her. She couldn’t hold back—a flare of panic rose up in her mind—she was going to disobey Edwards.

  Gabrielle twisted and writhed, straining to try and keep herself from reaching the orgasm that was only a hair’s breadth away. “Remember, Gabrielle,” Edwards murmured between moans. Gabrielle was shaking, her whole body tense with the effort of restraining herself. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm, whimpering from the strain.

  “Please…” she said, gasping, straining against the cuffs on her wrists. “Please, Mr. Edwards…” She heard him chuckle shortly, and one of his hands left her hips, dipping around and down between her legs. He began to stroke her clit, finding it in a moment, and Gabrielle let out a cry, the whimpers leaving her lips constantly as the contact made it nearly impossible for her to continue holding back. She was so close—pleasure was coursing through her body, sensation shooting up along every nerve.

  Edwards’ fingertips played more firmly against her clit, and Gabrielle almost panicked, thinking that she would almost undoubtedly come without permission. She was poised to beg again, to scream out her plea for release. “Come for me, Gabrielle. Come for me right now.” Gabrielle cried out in pleasure, her body tensing up in the moment of hearing the words—the permission that Edwards had finally granted her. The next moment her self-control gave way and an orgasm more intense than any she had ever experienced crashed through her, obliterating every ability to think. Gabrielle was only dimly aware of Edwards continuing to pound into her from behind as she was wracked by wave after wave of pleasure, her body moving and contorting as much as her position would allow. She cried out over and over again, the pleasure intensifying each moment until it finally broke. Gabrielle heard Edwards groaning, felt the sticky-slick sensation deep inside of her as he reached his own orgasm, thrusting into her a few last times hard. He sagged against her briefly, and Gabrielle felt her mind drifting away, the intense pleasure pulling her inexorably into a deep doze. The relief that rushed into her arms as Edwards released the handcuffs made her moan, but for a long moment, she plunged into darkness, so thoroughly satisfied she couldn’t care whether or not it was the right thing to do.

  Gabrielle came back to herself slowly, not certain of how long she had been locked in the post-orgasmic doze she had fallen into. She stirred, sitting up on Edwards’ desk, and glanced around until she saw him straightening his cuffs on his jacket, coming around to his chair on the other side of the desk. She took a deep breath and pulled herself up off of the desk, feeling oddly flustered; she had never had such a powerful orgasm in her entire life as the one that Edwards had given her just moments before. Edwards sat down in his chair, watching as Gabrielle picked up her clothes and began to re-dress herself. Gabrielle felt his gaze lingering on her breasts, her hips, and felt a spike of renewed desire that she tried to suppress. She licked her lips, taking a deep breath, and sat down across from him, pulling the seat back into its normal position. “I have an offer for you,” Edwards said, meeting her gaze. He rummaged in the open drawer to his desk and took out a box, putting it down on the desk before reaching for a piece of paper.

  “Okay,” Gabrielle said, still feeling the aftershocks of intense pleasure running through her veins, along her nerves. She took another deep breath surreptitiously, trying to calm her sense of nervousness as well as her arousal—it was too easy to be turned on by Edwards as he sat there, watching her with the faintest of smiles curving his lips.

  “I would like for you to be my sub—my submissive. This w
ould be completely separate from your position here; I wouldn’t require it as a condition of your internship, and if you decide not to do it, you will still have the position, and you won’t see me.” Gabrielle nodded slowly, wondering what the offer had to do with the piece of paper or the box he had produced. It was long and slim, and Gabrielle wondered absently what was in it. “If, however, you are interested in pursuing a relationship outside of your work here, I have some terms and instructions for you.” Gabrielle’s eyes widened slightly, and she was full of curiosity—but she knew that she had to be patient. “There is also this.” Edwards put down the sheet of paper and picked up the box once more, extending it to her. “Take your time in deciding, Gabrielle—I don’t want to rush you. If you decide in favor of the relationship, follow the instructions and wear the item in the box.” Edwards extended both to her.

  Gabrielle took them, standing on still-unsteady legs and not giving into the temptation of reading the instructions and terms right away; she didn’t trust herself to pay close enough attention to know what she was getting herself into. Instead she slipped both into her portfolio case. “It was a pleasure to meet you, and to interview you this afternoon,” Edwards said, the faint smile on his face deepening as Gabrielle blushed at the tacit reminder of what they had just done. “You start on Monday in your new position.” He turned his attention back to the work on his desk, and Gabrielle knew that she was dismissed.


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