Full Moon Falling Faster (Full Moon Series Book 3)

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Full Moon Falling Faster (Full Moon Series Book 3) Page 15

by P. Mattern

  “MITZI!” He said excitedly ,”I’ve been thinking… let’s make another baby!”

  Mitzi giggled and then started to laugh.

  “Cass are you serious? What prompted this sudden patriarchal craving? The twins are a handful now! You really want MORE?”

  “Yes.” He replied, his teasingly sexy smile lifting the corners of his lips. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of this - this FILLING you up and creating new life within you. It makes sex even more sexy, I think, the possibility that my seed would find purchase in your womb… makes me crazy excited.

  But of course I’m being selfish, as is my’ wont ‘at times… how do you feel about getting pregnant again?”

  Mitzi could feel her body answering Cass’s question before she could speak. She felt her womb actually move in response to his invitation, eager to receive his man seed.

  From very far away she heard herself answer “Oh Cass… yes.” And Cass began moving against her again, caressing her, making her feel cherished in ways she had never imagined.

  As their parents were taking a “nap”, the twins and Buttercup were taking in the outdoors. It was one of the ‘glory days of summer’, warm but not unbearable. They were practicing their swordplay again: this time Cory had the upper hand. He had been volunteering for extra practice sessions with Fallon Lunel, the twins private Warfare Tutor, and his extra practice was paying off.

  Absolam panted as he repelled strike after strike. His brother was focused, a frown of supreme concentration creasing his brow. As Ab stumbled over the uneven terrain Cory was able to land a blow on his brothers hip. The tip of the sword tore Ab’s pocket apart and the folded copy of “Sam Saddlebags, Horse Detective” that had been sticking out of it fell out and tumbled onto the grass.

  Ab looked down and let out a scream that made Buttercup jump and caused his own twin to startle.

  ‘YOU CUT MY COPY OF SAM SADDLEBAGS!” Absolam screamed, causing Buttercup to faint dead away, her head slumping forward onto the picnic table she’d been sitting at, face down onto her favorite book. Furiously he came at his shocked brother, his sword swinging, his fangs protruding and his eyes glowing red.

  Cory was not to be outdone… by anyone. His own fangs displayed, he flew up into the air with the express intention of striking Ab down before Ab was able to land a blow. Just as Cory was about to seriously wound his brother he felt himself jerked violently backward and his sword wrenched out of his upraised hand.

  “What in SEVEN HELLS do you think you’re DOING?” Daniel shouted at the twins, looking completely angry and glaring at each in turn. He had Cory’s sword in his hand and he gave Ab such a fierce look that Ab automatically trotted over and surrendered his sword also.

  Daniel’s head swiveled toward the picnic table between the willows where Buttercup sat, part of her face flat against the redwood table. Quickly he ran to her at vamp speed, checking her pulse, then gathering her up into his arms.

  Giving the twins his sternest look he said firmly.

  “You both need to follow me back inside - and I mean double time !I WILL be telling Mitzi that I found you killing each other and I’m sure, Cory, she won’t be pleased to hear that you were flying without your instructor present!!! You boys are in deep SHIT!”

  “Sorry” both the boys muttered, in nearly inaudible voices. They were silent as they followed Daniel back inside the underground Farmhouse. They were hoping their parents would be in a forgiving mood.

  Ian couldn’t sleep. He wanted to pace but he knew that he couldn’t do that, because he was supposed to be heavily sedated, to sleep solidly and obliviously while the Powers That Be readied him for a series of torturous experiments to discern exactly what it took to end the immortal life of a R-nav, or in the common vernacular, a vampire.

  He also knew that his immortal life was in the hands of a Government employee that would certainly be executed for treason for aiding and abetting his escape: Ruthie Lily. Her motivations were unclear to him. He knew that she had been witness to the torture of his predecessor, the other vampire that had been captured two months ago. He also knew that the death of the vampire, a prominent member of the V-net organization, had sickened her and firmed her resolve to help him escape.

  The first thing that tipped him off that Ruthie Lilly was in proximity was that the guards in front of his electrified plexiglass cage each made a strange sound, as if they had both exhaled all the breath in their lungs simultaneously. They stopped moving and talking to each other and stood motionless, still upright, their eyes staring straight ahead. Soon after he observed the slight commotion he saw her walking brusquely up the hall.

  She was dressed in a jumpsuit of dark grey material that outlined her womanly curves perfectly. She pressed a finger to her lips briefly, and pressed the thumb of her right hand into the keypad identification screen. Immediately Ian heard the sound of something metallic snapping open in release.

  She entered and pointed a small metallic device toward Ian, first toward his wrists, then lower to scan across the shackled on his ankles. There was the same metallic release sound, a dull click that echoed slightly within the walls of his cell.

  For a moment Ian stood frozen. Everything was happening too fast and his pulse raced as he considered the incredible risks Ruthie Lilly was taking for his sake. He snapped to attention as he realized she was speaking into his mind with her natural mind probing abilities.

  “Prisoner # 48766.” She intoned silently into his conscious thoughts, ”Are you hearing my transmissions clearly?”

  Ian gave a barely perceptible nod of his head in response to Ruthie Lilly, after which she continued to speak into his mind.

  “They removed my wings when they captured me 3 years ago - obviously I can’t fly. You will have to carry me. It may be a task-they have purposely weakened you with their treatment, but I know you can do it.

  Both our immortal lives depend on it.” She finished. Ian looked downward into her eyes. Her face was expressionless, but her beautiful large eyes spoke volumes. There was deep hurt there. And a certain grimness that may have been the result of having seen too much mayhem and torture. Up close she seemed much younger than she had when he’d seen her in her official capacity. He couldn’t help but notice that she had the most lushly beautifully shaped mouth, a natural shade of deepest rose red.

  And dimples. As a born Welshman he had always been a sucker for dimples.

  She fumbled in a pocket of her jumpsuit and produced a small metallic oval about the size of a cigarette lighter.

  Looking at him she spoke into his thoughts, ”This may help-or not work at all. We have very little time. The entire floor of your cell is programmed to report any weight other than YOUR body weight to the main computer and then activate a timer. If the extra weight doesn’t vacate the cell in a certain amount of time an alarm will sound and lock down the entire facility. This is why all my business with you –the shots, collecting the specimens-has been done so quickly, because as soon as the guards and I add our collective body weight to the floor of your cell we start being timed.”

  “Excuse me.” She finished. And then backed into him, the front of his body, pressing her own backside flush against him.

  “This is how we will travel-straight up.” She explained, probing his conscious mind again. Her firm rounded buttocks were pressed tightly up against his groin area. To his chagrin Ian could feel himself getting an erection. Apparently he wasn’t as debilitated as he’d thought.

  She didn’t seem to notice. He heard her take a deep breath.

  “When I say “GO” start your ascent.” she told him.

  Ian saw Ruthie Lilly lift the metallic oval and a blue beam appeared on the edge of the ceiling skylight a good 24 feet above them. He could see that the skylight was rather narrow-perhaps 4’x6’-and the beam she was shining at one corner of the rectangular skylight was cutting through the metal surrounding the triple thick glass of the skylight. He could discern faint wisps of thin white smoke
curling away from the edges as she continued to direct the laser with a steady hand.

  A few more seconds passed. “Get ready.” Ruthie told him, he could see that she was approximately two thirds of the way around the skylight with her laser. Tenseness emanated from her as she fiercely concentrated on keeping the laser steady as she worked on removing the skylight. Suddenly Ian realized that he could hear her counting down in his head.

  “Ten… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… three… two … ONE!

  GOOOOOOOOO!” She seemingly shouted in his head. Ian immediately felt for his hovering muscle and to his delight, with his arms wrapped around Ruthie Lilly’s small waist the couple began ascending upward. Ian kept a good two feet away from the center of the cell, realizing that the skylight would fall downward at some point and not wanting either himself or Ruthie Lilly injured by the heavy mass of glass and metal. They were about 10 feet from the ceiling when he heard the groaning noise of metal tearing away from it’s moorings. And the skylight, having been freed of its moorings, fell downward in front of them.

  “Faster!!” Ruthie Lilly practically screamed, this time audibly, over the din of glass shattering on the concrete floor and alarms going off in sequence below them.

  Pressed together as they were, with Ian’s somewhat rusty navigational skills they barely fit through the opening, narrowly avoiding a jagged corner where the metal had been pulled out by the dead hanging weight of the glass in the skylight just before it fell.

  They cleared the opening left by the now shattered skylight and continued to ascend rapidly up into the atmosphere. Ruthie noticed with a sense of relief that they were passing through a smoglike low lying cloud cover that would serve to conceal their movements from anyone on the ground. Silently she spoke into Ian’s thoughts again, instructing him to change direction and travel Southwest.

  He did as she asked, and to his unspoken question as to where they were going she again spoke to him, wanting to reassure him that soon he would be among friends.

  “Ian we are traveling to the Noble Farm, where your friends are. It’s the safest place right now, and they have defensive applications that can be activated to assure that you, and the Farm stay secure.”

  Inwardly Ian groaned loudly. He was being returned to the very place he’d been most recently thrown out of. He thought about Castor Noble’s glowering face and wondered what kind of reception he was in for.

  “Child position.” Nora was saying, ”Isn’t as easy as it looks if you’re doing it right. And Blue you’re not getting actually smaller but you have to have noticed how much firmer you are! Yoga is really working for you!”

  Blue blushed slightly in pleasure as he sipped his cherry Coke.

  “Fress pretty much told me the same thing… I HAVE lost a few inches, I’m using a different notch on my belt and Fress had to take me shopping again. Dr Caligare said just to ‘keep up the good work.’ And it’s so weird Nora… I DO have definition, but since I’m so BROAD it’s like I have a 12 pack instead of a SIX pack!!!”

  Nora looked at him contemplatively as she sipped her own sarsaparilla soda. The couple had been frequenting a little club that catered to the tastes of Goth under aged teens but charmingly included a 1920’s themed soda fountain at which beverages that had been popular nearly a century before were served. Fresh squeezed lemonades, limeades, vanilla, chocolate and cherry sodas and hand scooped milkshakes were among the offerings, as well as smoothies and energy drink shots.

  The small club had quickly become ‘their’ hangout. Blue, because of his size, attracted attention nearly everywhere they went. But somehow he was less of a standout in the small club, where everyone was friendly and accepting.

  “What are you thinking? “ Blue asked, looking across the bistro table into Nora’s amazing golden eyes.

  “I’m thinking your face looks thinner Blue. You have some cheekbones. And nice features. REALLY nice features!”

  Blue was thinking instantly of other ’features’ of his, located in a Southward direction on his torso, that he’d like Nora’s opinion on. He’d become an efficient stealth masturbator since the first time Nora and he had kissed each other, and kept waiting for an opportunity to see if he could take their relationship to the next level. The problem was that they were rarely alone, and even their makeout sessions at Fress’s cottage were often cut short by other occupants of the household arriving or leaving. The cottage was bursting at the seams - Cary and Kimbra were still there, as well as Avi, though he spent most nights at his girlfriend’s place. Fress, of course, was there. The newest addition to the Cottage was Jaxon, whose mother had finally signed the necessary papers to relinquish custody of Jaxon to Fress.

  Anyway you looked at it, it was a full house.

  Nora herself spent many nights at the cottage. Fress felt fulfilled as a ‘mother’ with the house full to the rafters with young people, all of whom absolutely adored her. All of them considered her their ‘angel’ and surrogate mother. Fress was firm but always loving, treated them as equals, made huge scrumptious quantities of foods for them (her specialties being Thai and Indian cuisine), and made herself available for late night discussions of matters that they considered important.

  Blue was emboldened enough by Nora’s assessment of his attractiveness to be honest about what was on his mind.

  “Nora,” he said, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “You must know how I feel about you. You’re the best thing that has happened to me in my life - other than Fress taking me in of course. I’ve been feeling frustrated lately with our lack of privacy, trying to figure out how we can get…closer I guess. And I worry that I’m keeping you from socializing with other guys. Well actually I don’t WANT you to… I guess that’s just me being selfish. But I never want to stop you from doing what is best for yourself.

  I mean, just look at us! We’re both young, just getting started in life.” He finished, giving her a meaningful look. Noticing that the curve of her lips was poetic.

  “I get that Blue.” Nora replied, her chin tilted upward in the endearing way she had. Blue loved her body language - it was forthright, honest, true. “And I think I have a solution. Not a perfect one by any means but something that I’ve thought long and hard about.”

  Blue could hardly breathe waiting for her to finish her thought.

  “Anyway,” she said, casting her eyes discreetly downward for a few seconds before looking him straight in the eyes again. ”I talked to Fress late last night, and told her how I felt about you-about us. She agreed with me that you and I need some place to be with each other, uninterrupted and everything, and she’s been thinking about getting a little camper anyway for short trips. And, well-

  She suggested that it might be a good place for us to hook up! What do you think?”

  It was beyond the scope of Blue’s experience to imagine talking to an adult, especially an adult of the opposite sex, about anything as personal as having sex with his girlfriend. Blue was appalled that Fress had been clued in to his and Nora’s intentions in that regard. A slow blush started in the soles of Blue’s feet and spread quickly upwards until it crept up his neck and colored his cheeks.

  “Norrie of course I think that’s stellar of Fress to offer us a private space. But I’m not sure how that makes me feel. I mean every time we go there everybody will know we’re… we’re…”

  “Screwing?” Nora prompted helpfully.

  Blue blushed until his milk pale face had an odd lilac cast to it. He looked into her eyes and she saw a yearning reflected in them-the same yearning she herself felt when she was with Blue.

  “Nora listens to me,” Blue said quietly, reaching across the table for her hand. ”What you and I will be doing will not be ‘screwing’ or ‘fucking’ or ‘humping’. I want to make love to you, every inch of your familiar precious body. I want you to feel my love with every touch, and I want each and every touch to resonate in your soul. I want to erase all the bad sex you’ve ever had and fill
you up with love – MY love.”

  “Oh Blue.” Nora said, her eyes misting over. “I know. That’s why I love you. You aren’t like most male energies. The time we’ve spend together has shown me that, and so much more.”

  “I guess we’ll have to take advantage of Fressenda’s offer. It is a generous offer. It’s better than taking you to a motel or anything. OUR first time shouldn’t be in a motel, Nora.

  “And you know I love you.” He finished.

  When Blue arrived back at the cottage later he was surprised that Cary and Avi were in the living room. He had the sense that they’d been waiting for him.

  Cary sauntered up first, smiling. He threw his arm around Blue’s shoulders.

  “Blue, buddy, Fress wanted Avinash and I to have a ‘guy talk’ with you today about serious relationships with girlfriends.”

  “In YOUR case, that would be Nora!” Avi added, also smiling.

  Cary pulled Blue out of the small foyer and indicated a seat on one of Fress’s overstuffed couches.

  Blue felt somewhat awkward, but at the same time relieved. He genuinely wanted any information that his new ’dark brothers’ could supply.

  The three young males, two vampires and a shape shifter, sat down and Avi looked at Cary to begin.

  “As you may know,” Cary said, his easy and inclusive smile putting Blue at ease.” I recently got married. My wife and I did NOT have sex until after we were married - but, believe me, that was due to extenuating circumstances. I wanted her from the get go. Our make out sessions caused me actual physical pain at times - you may have heard of ‘blue balls’? But I loved her enough to respect her wishes, even after we tied the knot. Which brings me to my first point-respect. How does Nora feel about having sex?”

  Blue couldn’t believe he was even having that conversation. Mentally he was shaking his head.

  “She wants the same thing I want,” he answered honestly. ”And I do love her… I know that sounds odd since she’s the only girl I’ve ever been with. But I’ve been in the V-net a few months, and I’ve even met some other girls casually, and I CAN’T explain it but I just know that she’s ‘the one ’ - at least for me. Nobody laughs like her. Or is as brave as she is - I know you guys have heard that she was V-raped. There is a certain way she tilts her chin up when she looks at me that I love. She is beautiful. And I might add that she is VERY passionate… she goes after whatever she wants with a will and a vengeance…


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