Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers Page 25

by Barron, Melinda

  * * *

  The next day, Corbin came into the store and nodded at Sarah and her mother. Then, he walked to Josh and propelled him toward the back room.

  From her spot behind the counter, Sarah watched him hand Josh several pieces of paper. Josh read them, his brows lifting, and then he looked at Sarah. She knew what it was, of course. It was a telegram from her father, or from Earnest.

  She glanced at her mother, who sat behind the counter, her knitting firmly in hand. Sarah knew her mother was engrossed in what she was doing, so she edged her way toward the back room. Her mother didn’t stir.

  When she was near the counter, Josh came out. He tucked the slips of paper into his back pocket and winked at Sarah.

  “My father?” She mouthed the words at him and he nodded. Her stomach roiled and she compressed her lips together.

  “What do we do?” She mouthed the words and glanced over her shoulder at her mother, who was still knitting, and not paying any attention to what her daughter was doing.

  “Nothing,” Josh said with a grin.

  “What?” Mrs. McKay swung her head toward Josh.

  “I said nothing. We’re caught up with everything and nothing needs to be done. It would be a perfect time for the two of you to take a break. Why don’t you go home and have some tea? Come back in an hour or so?”

  Sarah gave him a stricken look, but her mother let out a happy sigh. “An excellent idea, Joshua. It has been such a long day. Sarah, please gather your things, and bring me my wrap.”

  “I’d like to stay,” she said. “There are some things in the storeroom that need to be organized.”

  “Nonsense. Joshua says everything is fine, and I’m feeling a little peaked. Taking a nap is an excellent idea.”

  Sarah sighed, and gave Josh an angry look. He replied by blowing her a kiss, and she prayed that her mother hadn’t seen. Since he’d spanked her yesterday, he’d become bolder and bolder, touching her arms and shoulders, blowing her kisses, and once, patting her on the bottom.

  She’d jumped each time, pulling away even as she smiled. She prayed that her mother hadn’t noticed, and was thankful that she hadn’t. But Sarah was afraid that the more Josh got away with, the more things he would do.

  She stared at him, shaking her head, she mouthed “Behave,” and then jumped when her mother’s voice startled her.

  “Sarah Michelle, get your wrap on. It’s freezing outside.”

  Sarah glared at Josh, as he smothered a laugh. She went into the back room to get her cloak. He came up behind her, his hands on her hips.

  “Come back when she falls asleep.”

  “And what happens when she wakes up?”

  “Do you want to see the telegrams or not?”

  “Give them to me now.” She shrugged into her cloak, tying it around herself and then holding out her hand.

  “I’ll see you in a little bit. Don’t be too late.”

  She stamped her foot. “Joshua MacAllister. You are a devil.”

  “And if you’re not careful, you’re going to earn yourself another spanking. Come back when she’s asleep.”

  She grabbed for his pocket as he walked by, but he quickly sidestepped her and laughed as he walked into the main room. When she followed him out her mother was seething, her face set in anger.

  They went outside and started to walk the short distance to Becky’s house.

  When they were one block away, her mother’s hand shot out, grasping Sarah’s shoulder.

  “You are not to be alone with that boy again. Do you understand me?”

  “He’s not a boy, Mother, he’s a man.”

  “And you are an engaged woman. You will not embarrass your family by acting like a wanton woman. Do you understand me?”

  Sarah stared at her, her anger bubbling forward. “Mother, all I was doing was getting my cloak.”

  “You don’t think I don’t know what’s going on? I know how you feel about that boy, and I know how he feels about you. But you will not have him as a husband. You will follow your father’s edict, and you will marry Earnest Hill. Disobey me one more time and we will leave on the next stage. Do I make myself clear?”

  Sarah wanted to tell her to shut up, that she could live her life as she saw fit. But she knew that the minute she did she would be on the next train to St. Louis. So instead of saying what she wanted, she nodded and said, “Yes, Mother.”

  “I’ve been more than patient with your little schemes, Sarah.”

  When Sarah tried to speak, her mother held up her hand.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on. I’m not stupid. I know you spent time alone with him yesterday after I was gone. That was my fault. It won’t happen again, I assure you. The extra days here will give you the time you need to come to terms with leaving Mac’s Crossing. Don’t think anything will change, Sarah. You will be Mrs. Earnest Hall, not Mrs. Joshua MacAllister. Now, let’s go before I freeze my toes off.”

  She started to walk again and Sarah stared after her. She knew her mother was telling the truth. If she found out that Sarah disobeyed her again, Sarah would have to leave Mac’s Crossing, forever. That meant she would never see Josh again. It also meant she couldn’t sneak out of the house when her mother fell asleep to see what was on the telegrams he’d just received.

  * * *

  An hour later, Josh looked out the front window of the store, and glanced at his pocket watch. Sarah should have been back by now. Her mother had had more than enough time to fall asleep. And Sarah had enough time to walk back to the store.

  He thought he’d made himself clear about her obeying him. He wanted time alone with her, and he knew she felt the same way. He waited on several customers, and then nodded at Ben as he came inside.

  “Where’s Sarah?”

  “At home with her mother,” Josh replied. “I asked her to come back, but she hasn’t made it yet. We did receive telegrams, though.”

  He handed the sheets of paper to Ben, who opened them and shook his head.

  “The first one to Mrs. McKay, and I quote, ‘Come home immediately. Mr. McKay’.” Ben laughed. “Love the intimacy between them. Addressed to Mrs. McKay, signed Mr. McKay. And it will be hard for her to comply when she didn’t receive the message.”

  He shuffled the papers and shook his head in laughter. “This one is to Mr. MacAllister from Mr. McKay. Can’t this Earnest Hall answer his own telegrams?”

  “Who knows?” Josh replied. “Maybe he’s a wimp, I don’t know. But I thought the telegram was interesting.”

  Ben laughed and took a deep breath, lowering his voice as he read. “Mr. MacAllister. You will cease and desist all your attentions toward my engaged daughter or I will be forced to take appropriate actions. Mr. McKay.”

  Josh tried not to laugh as Ben shook his head in confusion. “Don’t cease and desist mean the same thing?”

  “I think it’s legal talk. I wonder what appropriate action will be. Will he try to have my store shut down? Hire some thugs to come and beat me up?”

  A serious look crossed Ben’s face. “That’s not too funny, you know. He could try something like that, not about the store, but about the men. We need to be on guard in case someone strange shows up in town.”

  Josh dug out his pocket watch, looked at it and sighed. “I don’t think he’ll try anything.”

  “You don’t? When he doesn’t receive an answer from his wife, he’ll send another telegram. And when that one goes unanswered he’ll send one to me, as sheriff, to see what’s up.”

  “Yeah, he will,” Josh said, putting his watch up. It was obvious that Sarah wasn’t coming while her mother was asleep. He wondered what had happened to make her disobey him, knowing that she would be spanked because of it.

  Yesterday had been the first spanking he’d ever given, although he’d received plenty from his parents. Maybe he didn’t spank her hard enough. Maybe he needed to make it last longer, or to strike her bottom harder. Or maybe, just maybe, he needed to
use something besides his hand.

  His parents had used a leather strap on their boys when they broke the rules. Josh didn’t want to do it, but he would. He needed to let her know that when she returned this afternoon. If she returned this afternoon.

  “Did you hear what I just said?”

  “What? I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “I said, you need to be prepared for when he comes to town, and I’m sure he will be here within the week, since he won’t be receiving answers to his telegrams.”

  “I have a plan,” Josh said, staring back out the window. The store had been very slow this afternoon. There was a front coming in, and snow was expected tomorrow, or the next day.

  “I’m hoping the weather will hold them up,” he said. “Maybe I need to talk Sarah into the elopement idea. We could go to Denver tonight, or tomorrow night.”

  “I like the idea,” Ben said. “But you have to be prepared, then, for her father to file for an annulment.”

  “She’s twenty-seven years old. She’s not a child.”

  “She’s still a single woman with a male parental figure,” Ben said. “You might be facing an uphill battle if you try to fight an annulment.”

  Josh craned his neck to look further outside.

  “You looking for someone?”

  “I told you, Sarah’s not here.” Josh gave his brother a look. “She should be back by now. She and her mother went home earlier, and she was supposed to sneak out and come to see me so I could talk to her about the telegrams. But she didn’t make it.”

  “Maybe her mother didn’t sleep, or maybe she just couldn’t make it out.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping,” Josh said. “I warned her that I would spank her if she didn’t come back. She needs to have a good excuse to get out of her punishment.”

  Ben laughed. “Shouldn’t you be waiting until after y’all are married to spank her?”

  “No. She’s mine, Ben. If her father comes here and tries to stop us, I will run off with her, and I will stay away from Mac’s Crossing, if that’s what it takes to keep her by my side.”

  Ben clapped his little brother on the back. “You know, I’m jealous. I’ve yet to find someone who makes me feel that way. And you know that anything I can do to help your cause, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Thanks, Ben. I just might do that.”

  * * *

  It was several hours later when Sarah and her mother appeared back at the store. Sarah glanced at Josh, who shook his head at her.

  She mouthed the words, “I’m sorry,” and he shook his head again. She knew what that meant. She would be getting another spanking. She didn’t want one, that was for sure, and it wasn’t fair that he would punish her for something out of her control.

  Besides, she’d done it for them. If she’d snuck out, and been caught, her mother would immediately ship her back to St. Louis.

  Of course, she’d been dying to read the telegrams. She wanted to know what her father had to say, what Earnest had to say. She couldn’t imagine Earnest saying anything too rude, or too threatening. He really was a mild man.

  But her father? Her father would be throwing fits about now. She still couldn’t believe that Josh would do a thing like send a telegram stating his intentions about her. Still, it made her feel warm inside. He loved her enough to stand up for her, and that was a glorious thing.

  Her mother took up her place on a chair behind the counter and started to knit. Sarah went to the material and began to straighten the bolts. She could tell from the state of things that there had been a few customers inside the store that day, but not many.

  She knew that tomorrow would be different. Snow would be flying by afternoon, and people would come in during the morning hours to make sure they had everything they needed in the way of flour, yeast and oil for their lamps. Why they waited until the last minute was beyond her.

  Sarah wanted to talk to Josh, but she knew that wouldn’t be happening. If he took a step toward her, her mother cried out, asking a question or making an observation that required conversation on her part.

  She’d just about given up on learning about the telegrams when a loud noise at the front of the store drew her attention.

  “Why Barbara McKay, I don’t believe it. I’d heard you were in town.” Millicent Stanley stood in the doorway, a huge smile on her face. “Come over here and give me a hug.”

  Sarah turned to her mother, who was smiling broadly, and actually hurrying toward the door. She knew the two women had been good friends when her family lived in Mac’s Crossing. Maybe this was the break she was looking for.

  They hugged, and laughter filled the store.

  “Come to the house and have some tea,” Millicent said with a grin. “I’d love to hear all about St. Louis.”

  “Of course,” Barbara said. “Sarah, get your wrap.”

  Two customers came in and Sarah watched them as they hurried over to the dry goods section.

  “Mother, Josh needs my help. I can’t leave now.”

  Her mother turned shrewd eyes on the customers, and then on Sarah and Josh. It was Millicent’s laughter that finally made her relent.

  “They’ll be fine,” she said. “Come on, now. I just made a cake, and you know I’m the best cook in town.”

  Barbara nodded at her, then walked to Sarah. “You behave yourself, and you stay in the main room, understand?”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  When her mother had left, after giving both Sarah and Josh one final evil glance, the two customers left just as quickly, without buying anything,

  Sarah stared after them, shaking her head in confusion. Her confusion turned to laughter when Ruby hurried into the store.

  “Go in the back room. I’ll watch for a few minutes, but she won’t be gone long, I’m sure.”

  “You set this up?” Sarah hugged her quickly before Josh propelled her toward the back room.

  When they were alone, he kissed her quickly, his lips soft against her own.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “She’s threatened to send me back if I step out of line. I couldn’t come back.”

  “Come out tonight, around ten. She’ll be asleep by then.”

  “Josh! Didn’t you hear what I just said?”

  “I did. Tonight, Sarah. And be prepared to be spanked on your bare bottom. Remember yesterday when you agreed to obey me, no matter what?”

  She nodded, and then bit her lip. “Can I see the telegrams?”

  “Tonight. At ten. Come to my house.”

  She stared to object, but knew it would do no good. Somehow she’d find a way to sneak away from Becky’s house at ten, and meet Josh. She wasn’t sure, though, if she would be ready for another spanking.

  Chapter 4

  It was Becky who helped Sarah escape. She had to remember to thank her aunt properly one day, although she wasn’t sure how.

  By nine-thirty it became obvious that her mother wasn’t going to bed until after her daughter was in bed, and asleep. So Becky fixed her sister a hot toddy, and she fell asleep in her chair within seconds.

  Now, as Sarah hurried out the door, she thanked the heavens above for the people who were helping her, for the people who wanted her and Josh to be together, for the people who knew that it was right.

  She should have found some way to get out to see Josh earlier this afternoon. After all, his love was the most important thing to her. She needed to make sure she didn’t do anything to damage that love.

  She was barely to the front gate when a dark figure stepped forward. She gasped as the man came into the moonlight, a grin on his face.

  “Ben.” She put her hand on her chest. “You frightened me.”

  “Josh wanted to come, but if your mother saw him it would be bad. With me, I could just say I was the sheriff out looking to make sure everything was fine for the night.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Hurry,” he said with a wink. “I’ll keep watch, then Josh an
d I will escort you back home later. I’ve given him an hour, and if he tries something untoward, you let me know and I’ll give him a good punch.”

  She laughed and tried to keep up with his long strides. “Meeting him alone, after dark, isn’t untoward on my part?”

  “Not when you’re going to marry him,” Ben said. “Now if he was being familiar, I would say yes. But I know you two just need a little time alone.”

  She wanted to ask Ben if he knew that she was about to be spanked for disobeying Josh’s order to come to the store this afternoon. But then she decided it would be too personal. Still, if Ben thought it was untoward, maybe he could protect her from being spanked. She laughed, and then decided that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Something funny?” He stopped at the side of the store and indicated that she should go up the stairs before him.

  “No. I’m just happy to be going to see Josh. Thank you, Ben, for escorting me.”

  “My pleasure, baby sister.”

  She warmed at his words, then lifted on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “I’ll be back in about an hour,” he said. “You be ready to go home by then.”

  “I will be.”

  When she got to the top of the stairs, Josh was already opening the door. He ushered her inside, then hugged her tight, his lips claiming hers in a passionate kiss.

  “Don’t be kissing my brother.” There was mischief in his voice.

  “I kissed his cheek, to thank him for coming to get me.”

  Josh sighed heavily. “I wanted to do it, but I was afraid your mother would see me hanging around outside. She’s like a bulldog.”

  He kissed her again and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “How was your evening?”

  “It would have been better if I’d spent it with you. How about yours?”

  “Same thing. I worked on the books, and counted the hours until I could do this.”

  When he kissed her again, his tongue pushed against her lips. She opened them freely, welcoming him inside her mouth, relishing the warm feeling that spread through her. Her nipples tightened and the V between her legs moistened. She moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss.


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