Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers Page 28

by Barron, Melinda

  His fingers went to her body and he gently parted her nether lips. “It’s this little bundle of nerves, right here.”

  She gasped as his hands stroked her. That incredible feeling his stroking produced was the feeling she’d felt while he was thrusting into her. That pleasurable feeling that made her tingle.

  As his fingers moved the sensations increased and decreased, taking her from ready to burst to just pleasantly happy. After a few minutes, he centered on a spot above her little nub and stared to rub, harder and harder.

  Sarah felt pressure build in her body, gathering in her womb and clenching her stomach and making her hips move involuntarily.

  “That’s it, sweet Sarah. I want you to peak, as I do when I give you my seed. Tell me what feels good, and what doesn’t. Let me know what you want.”

  “It feels so very good,” she said, bucking against his fingers. “But I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make it… Joshua. Joshua. Oh, Joshua!”

  The feelings inside her increased and when Josh pressed down harder, they exploded inside her, sending tendrils of bliss through her body. She bucked against him harder and harder as he stroked her, and when she was done, he gently pushed her onto her back and slipped inside her.

  Her body was sore, but she didn’t care. She accepted him gladly, his thrusts not near as hard as they had been the first, or second time they made love. He made love to her gently, their lips roaming each other’s faces and shoulders until she felt him stiffen and shoot inside her again.

  They lay cuddled on the floor, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “We need to move to the bed,” he said, his voice sleepy.

  “Do we? I rather like it here,” she replied. “Tell me, Joshua, that it will always be this wonderful, this perfect.”

  “It will be, my love. I won’t let anything come between us. I promise.”

  * * *

  It started to snow the next day, big wet flakes that hung heavy on the trees. Sarah looked outside and laughed. She was wrapped in his shirt, loving the feeling of being half-naked in front of him. Of course she loved it even more that he was naked, and was not shy about his body, or about hers.

  “What is it?”

  “We’re going to be snowbound together, you and I. Even if my father does figure out where we’re at, he wouldn’t venture out in this weather to find us.”

  “You don’t have to worry about him anymore,” Josh said, coming up behind her and gathering her in his arms. “You’re mine now.”

  “So, I have a different taskmaster, is that it?” She tried, and failed, to keep the humor out of her voice. “You will tell me what to do, how to dress, and what I can and can’t say to people?”

  “Heavens no,” Josh replied. “I like you just the way you are, Sarah. I would never try to change you, and I would never, ever tell you what to do. Did I do that when you worked for me?”

  “No. But as your wife, I belong to you. You’ve already made it clear that you plan on disciplining me.”

  “Yes, that is true. But don’t you ever stop speaking your mind, or being yourself. If you do that, then your spankings will be much harder. Don’t forget there is still the threat of the strap out there.”

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten. And I hate the idea.”

  “Well then, behave and you won’t have to endure it.”

  He slapped her bottom and she jumped, pushing away from him toward the counter. “Stop that.”

  “No. I think you need a spanking, Mrs. MacAllister. The first one as a married woman.”

  “I do not. I’ve done nothing wrong.” She tried to get away and he shot out his arm, pulling her back into him.

  “Sometimes spankings can be playful, Sarah.” He carried her to the bed and tossed her onto the soft mattress so that she was face down. He straddled her and stared to spank her, his hand slapping against her sensitive flesh.

  It wasn’t like the hard spankings he’d given her the other times that was for sure. It stung, yes, but this time the stings centered in her womb, and in her clitoris. She felt the pleasant burning in her backside center in the bundle of nerves between her legs and she moaned.

  “Touch yourself, Sarah.”

  “No! I couldn’t.” He slapped her behind again and again, harder.

  “Do it. Play with your clitoris. Make yourself climax for me.”

  When she didn’t move, he slapped her behind again. “Do it!”

  She felt wanton and wicked, and she felt wonderful. Her fingers snaked through her wetness until they found the little bud that Joshua had so expertly manipulated the other night.

  It felt wonderful as the feelings built. Josh caressed her back, his fingers toying with her backside as she moved her hand up and down on her herself.

  Sometimes he would smack her bottom, and she would moan with each one, calling out his name as she edged closer and closer to the magnificent feeling he’d produced in her the day before.

  “I don’t think I can make it happen,” she said, lessening her movements.

  “Yes, you can,” he said, smacking her bottom. “Keep stroking yourself. Faster and faster. Find the spot that feels good and concentrate on that.”

  He smacked her bottom again and again and she did as he said, moving her fingers around until she found the one spot that ached the most. Then she centered on it, rubbing harder and harder as he smacked harder and harder.

  Minutes later the dam burst. Her body tightened and pleasure rolled through her.

  “Josh!” The spanking stopped and he slipped his shaft inside her. He hadn’t taken her like this before, and she loved the feeling of it. It felt like he went in deeper, and stroked her insides in different places. It didn’t take him long to climax and when he did, she felt wonderful feelings of belonging and need gather in her. She tried to send it out to him, and knew that she’d succeeded when he said, “Sarah, I love you so very much,” against her back.

  She giggled when she heard his soft snores, pushing him off her and rolling until they were both under the blankets. She needed to check on wood, on the food and on water, but all she really wanted to do was stay wrapped in her husband’s arms, forever.

  Chapter 6

  It snowed enough to keep them at the cabin for five days. The sun had come out, true, but the snow was still heavy, and Josh told her it was too risky to try to go back into town on horseback.

  She knew it wasn’t true, though. He was just looking for an excuse to keep them alone, and together, for as long as possible. And that was just fine with her. They made love every night, and almost every afternoon. Her body was pleasantly sore, and she welcomed each thrust that he gave her.

  But on the sixth day, it ended. Early in the afternoon, Ben showed up, with Win riding beside him.

  “You need to come back to town,” he said once they were inside. “Sorry.”

  Josh nodded in regret and turned to Sarah.

  “Is my father very angry?”

  “He’s livid,” Ben replied. “But we didn’t tell them where you were. They think you’re in Denver, and they’ve hired private detectives to search the city to find you. One of them figured out that you’d never left the area. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right behind us, that is if he followed us here.”

  Sarah ran to the window and looked out. There were only two horses, and she didn’t see anyone in the trees nearby.

  “It’s too late for an annulment,” Josh said. “We’ve made sure of that.”

  Sarah blushed furiously at his words, happy that her back was to the room so she couldn’t see the looks on the faces of her new brothers-in-law. It would be much too embarrassing. Finally, she turned to them.

  “Is Earnest with them?” She hated the thought that she had hurt him. After all, he was just a pawn in her father’s scheme, just as she was.

  “Yes,” Win said. “He’s actually a fairly nice man. And, well, he and your Aunt Becky have taken a shine to each other.”

sp; “What? Taken a shine as in, married shine?” She stared at them, her shock evident.

  “Looks that way,” Win said, his amusement evident. “I never thought I’d see the day Becky would fall for someone, but she seems to have done it now. And he’s very happy to welcome her advances.”

  Josh’s laughter filled the room. “Becky’s doing the chasing?”

  “She’s the one who made it clear that she liked the idea,” Ben said. “Which, I believe, made your father all the madder, Sarah. At first we thought that maybe she was just trying to take your place, you know, to lessen the consequences of your broken engagement with him. But it soon became quite apparent that they liked each other. A lot.”

  “But Becky’s lived in Mac’s Crossing for the last thirty years,” Sarah said. “Surely she wouldn’t leave.”

  “I think she will,” Ben replied. “I’m pretty sure that’s the plan right now. I heard her say something to your mother about her letting you and Josh live in her house, that it would be a better place for you to raise children than above the store.”

  Sarah stared at them, her heart in her chest. “Becky’s going to get married? She’s going to be mother to those three children? I thought Becky would never marry again. She’s been a widow for so long.”

  “I think it’s fantastic,” Win replied. “She’s happier than I’ve seen her in years.”

  Sarah laughed, and ran to Josh, hugging him tightly. “That means my father has no reason to try and break us up.”

  Ben cleared his throat. “Not exactly.”

  “What?” She turned back to him.

  “Your father is alleging that Josh kidnapped you against your will. As I said there are several detectives searching for the two of you. When they find you, there could be trouble. That’s why we came out. As soon as the snow would let us, that is.”

  Ben winked to let them know that the snow hadn’t slowed them down at all. They’d just used it as an excuse to give the newlyweds more time alone.

  “What does that mean?” Sarah grasped Josh’s hand.

  “It means he’s going to have him arrested,” Ben said. “I told him I wouldn’t do it, so he brought a territorial marshal from Denver with him. He’s staying at the boarding house right now to clear things up.”

  “But it’s not true,” Sarah said. “Josh didn’t force anything on me.”

  “We all know that,” Win said. “But I wouldn’t put it past your father to try and bribe the marshal into taking Josh to Denver and trying to make him stand trial. He’s furious with you for going against his wishes.”

  Sarah felt her perfect world crumble around her. She’d thought that once they were married her father would see that they belonged together. And now that Becky was falling for Earnest, then things should have been perfect. She sighed heavily.

  “I guess since Earnest and I didn’t get married my father didn’t get his large promotion.”

  “No, actually, he did,” Win said. “But I think he thought to use your marriage to the best of his advantage in the future, too. Now he can’t do that, and he’s not a very happy man.”

  Sarah leaned into Josh as he pulled her close. He nodded at his brothers and they said something about “Being outside for a few minutes”, and then left. He turned her toward him and cupped her face.

  “Didn’t I tell you that I wouldn’t let anything come in between us?’

  “Yes, but what if they try to send you to jail?”

  “For what? Your father’s angry, true, but Sarah, we have witnesses that watched us get married, not the least of them being a preacher who would never lie. You are my wife, and it is legal and binding. Don’t you trust me?”

  She paled at the look of hurt on his face. “Of course I do. But I’m so frightened.”

  “Don’t be. Just remember that we are together because we want to be, and nobody can change that.”

  * * *

  Sarah could see Becky’s happiness the minute she stepped into Win’s house. The place was packed, not only with MacAllisters, but with McKays. Becky sat near Earnest, their gazes fixed on each other.

  Sarah scanned the room and found her mother, sitting across from her father, her back ramrod straight. Her eyes bore holes into her daughter as Sarah and Josh moved into the room. Her father stood and turned toward her, his face red with anger.

  “You are a disgrace,” he said when she neared him. “How dare you embarrass me?”

  “My marriage shouldn’t be about you, Father. I love Josh and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Josh stood next to her, his arm placed protectively around her shoulders. He stuck out his right hand toward her father, but her father ignored it.

  “You will come back to St. Louis with us and I’ll see to the annulment. Perhaps I can find a man who will take you, even though you’re ruined.”

  “She’s not ruined,” Josh said. “And there will be no annulment. She’s my wife until death do us part.”

  Sarah swallowed hard at the angry look her father gave Josh. His eyes turned cold and he turned his gaze toward a man Sarah didn’t recognize.

  “This man kidnapped my daughter, and then raped her. Arrest him.”

  Sarah gasped. “It’s not true! We’re married. Father, how could you do this to me?”

  The man stood and took a bite of the sandwich in his hand. He looked at her father, and then at Josh, then swiveled his gaze to Ben.

  “Where’s the preacher?” His voice was deep and Sarah shuddered.

  “What does it matter?” Her father shook his head. “She is my daughter.”

  “She’s a grown woman,” the marshal replied. “If she was married by a preacher, and she refused to come with you, then I’m afraid I have nothing to arrest the man for. You can’t arrest someone because you’re mad at them. Plus, you didn’t tell me that she’s well into her twenties. You made it sound like she was a teenager.”

  “Her age doesn’t matter.”

  “I’m afraid it does,” Ben said. “For one thing, Sarah has lived in Mac’s Crossing with her aunt for the past five years, give or take a few months. That means that she’s not under your thumb, as you would want her to be. There’s really nothing you can do about the situation. Secondly, she is legally married. The preacher’s on his way here, right now, to attest to that.”

  The room grew quiet and finally, Sarah looked at her father. “What are you worried about? My happiness? Or the fact that when you go back to St. Louis you’ll be humiliated because I didn’t do as you ordered?”

  Her father lifted his hand to slap her, but Josh grabbed his arm. He opened his mouth, and then closed it when Earnest stood.

  “Jacob. That’s enough.”

  Sarah turned toward the mild-mannered man, who had sat quietly the whole time. He glared at her father, then he turned to her and smiled.

  “I must say, I had no idea that you were in love with someone else. I apologize for what you’ve been through.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she said softly.

  “I feel like it is. I should have asked more questions, tried to get more information. But I’ve been a widower for so long, and you’re so lovely, I’m afraid I was swept off my feet.”

  He turned to Josh and held out his hand. “You’re a lucky man and I wish the both of you years of happiness.”

  “Thank you,” Josh said, grasping Earnest’s hand while keeping Sarah safely behind him at the same time.

  “I’m so sorry, Earnest.”

  His smile was genuine. “I’m not. Please don’t take offense at that statement.” He turned to Becky and smiled and Sarah realized that Ben had been right. Becky and Earnest were very attracted to each other. In fact, it looked as if it had been love at first sight.

  Sarah smiled at her aunt, who beamed back at her.

  The silence in the room grew thick, and then Josh turned to Mr. McKay.

  “I hope this is the end of it, and that we can put this ugly situation behind us.”

��You’ve stolen my daughter from me and given me nothing in return. What do you think?”

  Sarah’s heart sunk as her father’s words set in. “I’m sorry you weren’t paid for me, Father. Perhaps we can send you some money every month for a fee for your troubles.”

  He looked at her, and she could tell that he wanted to reach out to slap her, but instead he swallowed hard.

  “You may stay here. As far as I’m concerned, you no longer exist.” He marched toward the door, then turned. “Mrs. McKay. Come along.”

  Sarah’s mother stood and walked after him, averting her eyes from her daughter, who called out for her.

  When they were out the door, Sarah fought against the tears that filled her eyes. When Josh gathered her close, she could no longer fight it. They fell against his shoulders and he stroked her hair, whispering in her ear that he would take care of her, that he was her family now.

  Sarah knew his words were true, but the loss of her parents hit her deeply. Even though she hadn’t lived with them for quite some time, the idea that she would never see them again hurt more than she could ever have imagined.

  When she lifted her head from Josh’s shoulder, she realized that the room was empty except for the two of them.

  “You know that I love you,” he said. “They’ll change their minds. They’re angry right now that you went against their wishes, that’s all. Your father still has his promotion, and Earnest has found himself a wife. Everything will work out, you’ll see.”

  “But what if it doesn’t?”

  “It will, my love. The first time they realize they have a grandchild they’ll be here, wanting to see him.”

  “Or her,” she said, sniffling.

  Josh laughed and kissed her gently. “Or her. Sarah, I love you. We’re together now, and that’s all that matters, right?”

  She nodded, knowing in her heart that he was right. In her mind, however, her parents refusal of her hurt very badly. She wondered if she would ever see them again, or if they would allow her contact with her other family members.


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