Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers Page 33

by Barron, Melinda

  “You mean the blood?”


  “They’ll just think it’s that time of the month for you, don’t worry. I want to consummate our marriage tonight so you can’t run from me tomorrow.”

  Harmony blushed, her face growing red as he stroked her arms. He kissed her again, his tongue pressing against her lips until they parted, then darting inside her mouth. The sensation was fantastic, making her head spin and her toes tingle.

  When he was done, he turned her gently, and started to undo the buttons on her dress.


  “Shush, it’s all right. I’m your husband, remember?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” His voice was soft at her ears, his fingers gentle as he undid her buttons. “Besides, I’ve already seen your backside, remember?”

  Nervous laughter bubbled out of her mouth. She’d never in a thousand years dreamed that she’d be married today. Especially married to Ben MacAllister. Her husband was the Sheriff of Mac’s Crossing. She would have to move into town; move into his house. Only then did she remember that he didn’t live in a regular house, but in the boarding house in town.

  She wanted to ask him where they would live, but she was too distracted by the feel of his hands against her back. When the dress was totally unfastened, he pushed it off her shoulders and it landed in a puddle at her feet. Her corset soon followed and she shivered.

  “Do you bring along old petticoats?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around her suddenly cold body.

  “We’ll bunch them under you. They’ll be soft, and they’ll catch your virgin blood. That way no one will know my ‘wife’ was a virgin.”

  She laughed and turned to him. “Okay.”

  “Then, I’ll buy you new ones tomorrow.”

  “I have money,” she said, her voice low. “I can buy them.”

  “No, I’ll buy them.” He kissed her again, his lips more demanding this time. Then, he kissed the tip of her nose. “Go and get them, then come to me at the bed.”

  When she’d done as he asked, he folded the petticoats together to make a small blanket. Then he guided her so that her hips rested on the blanket. He lay down next to her and stroked her arms.


  “I’m so nervous. I never thought this would happen.”

  “I know, you said you’d never get married.” He stroked her breasts gently. He’d not taken off her shift, so she didn’t feel quite so exposed.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I meant with you. I knew I’d have to marry some day, but I never thought it would be to you.” He continued to caress her, then kissed her gently before lowering his mouth to her breast, sucking the hard little nub into his mouth. Harmony arched her back, pushing herself further into his mouth. She wound her fingers into his hair as he suckled her, loving the feeling of his tongue and teeth on her private parts.

  When he moved his mouth to her other breast she stroked his back. He hadn’t yet taken off any clothes, but it still felt intimate and sweet to touch him like this. When he broke away and groaned, standing up quickly she wondered if she’d done something wrong. But when he started to strip out of his clothes, she knew that she hadn’t.

  The sight of his manhood jutting out between his thighs made her eyes go wide.

  “Oh my.” She knew she sounded nervous, but she couldn’t help it. She was old enough to know what happened between a man and a woman, and was nervous about it, since this was her first time.

  “Hush now, it’ll be fine. I promise.”

  He lay down next to her, stroking her arm. His manhood touched her thigh and she stroked his arm.

  “Are we sure we shouldn’t wait?”

  “I’m sure,” he said, his hands stroking her breasts, and moving down her stomach, bunching the shift up in his hands. “Would you feel better if we left this on?”

  His gentle words took away every last bit of indecision she had. She was his wife, and she was curious. She needed to swallow her nerves and be a woman.

  “No, it’s all right. I’m nervous, true, but I’m also very curious.” She sat up and lifted her shift off her body. For the first time in her life she was naked in front of someone, and though it made her tense, it also excited her like nothing ever had before. She lay back down and looked up at him.

  He was propped on his elbow, his gaze raking down her body.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said softly. “I have noticed it before, but I was so intent on staying single, that I never really noticed it. Do you know what I’m saying?” The seductive tone of his voice made her giggle.

  “I was wearing clothing then. You’re just excited because I’m naked.”

  “Yeah, you could be right.” He leaned over and kissed her, his hands stroking her body. “Touch me, Harmony. Touch me.”

  She did as he asked, her hands stroking his chest and shoulders, his back and arms. When she came close to his thighs and manhood, she moved back up, fascinated by what she saw, but nervous to make actual contact.

  When he took her hand, and guided it down, she fought him for just a few minutes. Then she stopped fighting him, and relaxed into his touch. When they reached his hardness, she moaned softly. He hissed in a breath when her fingers traced the length of him.

  “Yeah, that feels so nice.” She could hear the control in his voice.

  “It does. Maybe I should touch some more.” She wrapped her hand around him and squeezed gently, heat spreading over her. She could feel wetness between her legs, and she knew she was ready for him. And, she could tell by the way he throbbed in her hands, that he was more than ready for her.

  He positioned himself on top of her, using his knees to gently nudge her thighs apart. She welcomed him eagerly, and when he placed the tip of his penis at her opening, she lifted her hips in invitation.

  It felt as natural as breathing. The pain of his entry was eased with a sweet kiss, his lips possessive against her own. Their gazes locked while he gently thrust, and Harmony moaned in a mixture of pleasure and the pain of something new in her body. When his movements increased, she clutched him tighter, loving the feel of him. He stared down at her as he thrust, his eyes tender yet full of desire. When the thrusts became harder, and then stopped, she could feel the warmth of his seed inside her.

  He leaned over and kissed her again, then stroked her shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Not really. If I’d known it was going to be this wonderful, I would have done something to get arrested, then forced us to be together.”

  His laugh was deep, and she wiggled under him. “I liked it.”

  “I’m glad, because I did, too. We want to be careful, though, and not get you with child too early. I’d like some time for just us, first.”

  She nodded in response. “How do we do that?”

  “You let me worry about it,” he said. When he rolled to his side, he took her with him, wrapping her tightly against his chest.

  “Goodnight, Mrs. MacAllister.”

  “Goodnight, Mr. MacAllister.” She laid her head against his chest and slept, not worried for the first time in ages what was going to happen to her in the future.

  * * *

  Ben stretched, his muscles just a little sore. Then he remembered the quick ride to Denver, his hunt for Harmony, and their fast marriage last evening. He put his hands out toward the side of the bed where she’d slept the night before, and encountered nothing but bedding.

  “Harmony?” He sat up, and looked around. The room was empty except for him. He got up and dressed quickly, walking down the hallway to the bathroom, which was also empty.

  Then he came back in their room and called her name again. Her clothing was still here, but there was no telling where she was. They were going to have to have a talk about her just leaving. Independence was one thing, but scaring your new husband half to death because of your past history was another thing altogether.

Chapter 4

  Harmony whistled as she walked up the stairs. Spending last night in Ben’s arms had been a dream come true. She hadn’t even really thought about the fact that her bottom was incredibly sore from the back-to-back spankings he’d given her. That didn’t matter at all. In fact, she’d gladly bare her bottom for another one, if it meant he would kiss her again, caress her and make love to her again.

  She put her key in the door, but before she could turn it, it pulled forward and she toppled into her husband’s arms.

  “Where have you been?” His voice was full of tension.

  “Downstairs. I forgot to tell them we’d be two for breakfast today.” She tried, and failed to hide the smile that spread across her face at his look of relief. “Were you worried I’d run?”

  “Yeah, a little.” He managed to look sheepish. “After all, you were gone yesterday morning when I woke up.”

  She grimaced. “Sorry. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  “It better not. I’m very good at spanking, I hope you remember that.”

  Her hand went to her behind and she nodded. “Are we staying the week?”

  “We are. Our first order of business is to talk to the man about the house you wanted to rent, and tell him you won’t need it. After that, I thought we’d shop for furniture, and for some new clothes for you, too.”

  “Sounds like fun,” she said with a smile. “Can we take a nap this afternoon?”

  His frown made her laugh. “Are you tired?”

  “No, I just want to get you back into bed before tonight.”

  This time, his smile was genuine. “Well, this is an interesting development. I’m glad to know you enjoyed last night.”

  “Very much so, but I think I need some practice. Will you help me?”

  “It will be my honor.”

  * * *

  Three weeks later, Harmony felt as if her feet still weren’t touching the floor. She’d expected her father to be angry with her. Instead, he was thrilled. Her mother had cried at not being included in the wedding, until she found out that the Ben wanted to have another ceremony in Mac’s Crossing, so members of the family could attend. Then she was over the moon, making plans and insisting that they wait long enough for her only child to have a ‘real’ wedding dress.

  Ben had agreed, but he’d made it plain to everyone who would listen that they were already married, and as such would be living together. Which brought up the problem of finding a house. Ben insisted they find something near town, since he could be needed at all hours of the day or night.

  They’d had trouble thinking of something, until Josh reminded his brother that the Beaton house, which sat not far off the town square, was empty, and had been empty since the Beatons had moved back east.

  Ben had inquired at the bank, and Win told him the house could be purchased for back taxes. And when Ben had carried Harmony over the threshold, she knew she was home. The place was very roomy, but also very dirty, and overrun with mice. The first order of business was getting rid of the pests, which involved her father bringing several barn carts into the city to live in the house for a few days. That was all it took. The cats were happy, and the mice were gone.

  Then, Harmony, her mother, and the four other MacAllister brides, Vanessa, Dawn, Ruby and Sarah had attacked the house with buckets, rags and soapy water, washing every surface until it sparkled.

  By the time the furniture they’d bought was delivered, Harmony was in seventh heaven. Once the mice were gone, and the house clean, she and Ben had been sleeping on the floor. She was so thrilled to have a bed she felt as if this was the first day of the rest of her life. She said so to Ben, and he laughed.

  “Geeze, put me behind the bed, huh?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. We will be sharing this bed, you know. So, you’re included in my happiness.”

  “That’s nice to know.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “Is the dress ready for the wedding? I’m getting anxious to get it over with.”

  “Get it over with?” Harmony stared at him, her face falling into a frown. “Why do you want to get it over with? Are you tired of being married to me already?”

  The look he gave her made her laugh. “No. What I’m tired of is every old lady in town grinning at me and asking ‘How’s newlywed life, Sheriff’? or ‘When’s that pretty little wife of yours going to come to town’? Or, and this one makes me mad, ‘Did you tie her to the sofa before you left the house today’? It’s like they don’t really believe we’re married. Or they think I can’t keep hold of you. I want them to see the real deal.”

  “They’re just jealous because you’ve been laughing so much the last three weeks.”

  He crossed the room and gathered her in his arms. “I have been doing that.” His kiss was gentle. “And I’m happy about it.”

  “Me, too.” She put her head on his chest, and then watched as he lifted papers from the table.

  “What’s this?”

  “A new story. I got a letter from my publisher the other day, reminding me I was behind schedule, and he needed a new Virginia and Seth story, very soon. I’m having trouble, though, thinking about anything but my new husband.”

  “What’s happening in this one?”

  “Virginia and Seth are on their way to San Francisco, and he’s a little angry with her because she did something he said not to. So, they’re not talking.”

  Ben snorted in disgust. “You should have him spank her.”

  “What? My heroine can’t get spanked.”

  “Why not? The writer does.” He narrowed his eyes at her, but instead of anger, there was humor in them.

  “Not since we got married, remember? I’ve been a good girl.”

  He rubbed his chin and watched her. “Hmm, maybe you need help with this scene.”

  “Ben.” She took a step backwards.

  “They’re on a train, right, so there won’t be room for him to take her over his knee. Unless they have a private compartment. Do they?”

  “Yes.” She shook her head. “Seth is not going to spank Virginia.”

  “Yes, he is,” Ben said. “And let me show you how he’s going to do it.”

  He grabbed her around the waist, turning her toward the wall. “Lift your skirts and hold them up.”

  “No!” His body was flat against hers and she struggled against him even as she laughed. “Stop that, this instant! You are terrible.”

  “Do as you’re told, wife. Right now.”

  She shook her head again and he just laughed, which made her blood boil.

  “Now, he’s going to have to make sure the curtains are drawn, even though they’re on a moving train.” Ben pushed himself harder against her and Harmony stifled a moan. “Then, he’s going to have to make her mind. Do as you’re told, Harmony. Lift your skirts.”

  “No. I don’t want to be spanked.”

  “Well, we have to rehearse the scene. Now, either lift them, or I’ll rip them.”

  Harmony inhaled sharply. “You wouldn’t! This is one of my new dresses.”

  “Then you’d better do as you’re told, and not push your husband’s patience anymore.” When she didn’t move, he grasped her hips. “Harmony.”

  The warning was clear. She gathered her skirts, pulling them up around her waist. When he laughed, she giggled herself.

  “I should have known. No bloomers.”

  “I hate them!”

  “I know.” He took a step back from her, then grasped her hips and gently pulled her toward him. “Now, bend over at the waist, just a little bit, with one hand on the wall to steady yourself. Imagine you’re on a train, a rocking train, roaring toward San Francisco.” His hand caressed her behind.

  “Ben, please.”

  “Shush. I’m not Ben, I’m Seth, and you’re Virginia.” His hand came down on her behind, not nearly as hard as it had the first two times he’d spanked it. It came down again and again, though, and the sharp slaps turned into a burning sensation.
  “I get the idea. That’s enough.”

  “I don’t think so, Virginia. You’ve been a bad girl.”

  “Ben… Ow!” The slap was harder than the last ones.


  She giggled. “Seth. Please stop.”

  “No.” Now, when Ben would slap her behind, he would grab a handful of cheek and shake it. “Nice and red. Bad girl.”

  Wetness started to form between Harmony’s thighs. She thought about the erotic picture they must make, her with her skirts above her hips, slightly bent. Him fully clothed, his silver sheriff’s star shining on his chest, spanking her as if she were a bad girl.

  “Ben.” This time the word was full of desire, and when he leaned over and kissed her neck, she shivered.

  “Have you been a bad girl, Virginia?”

  “Yes, Seth.” She bit her lip to keep from crying out as the slaps increased in intensity.

  “This will teach you to behave, won’t it?”

  “Yes, my husband.” He didn’t spank her long, just enough for her to know she would feel it while she sat at the table that afternoon, writing.

  “Now, this is for Harmony. I’d better see a bunch of newly written pages when I get home tonight, or you’re going to be in a whole lot of trouble. You understand me, young lady?”

  “Yes, Sheriff MacAllister.” She giggled as he spanked her again, her giggles turning to moans when the slaps landed harder. She wanted to ask him to carry her to the bed and make love to her. They’d done it every night since they got married, with Ben careful so as to make sure they didn’t make a baby.

  When the last slap landed, she stayed in place, sighing when he placed his still clothed body hard against hers. “If you finish all your pages, tonight I’ll reward you.”

  “You reward me that way every night.”

  “No, I mean a special reward. How about a midnight ride down to the creek? Then, we can make love in the moonlight.”

  “Oh, Ben, that sounds so wonderful.” She turned into his arms and kissed him, her lips claiming his like his so often did hers. “My goal today is six pages. I’ll have them done when you get home, I promise.”


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