Ironroot (Tales of the Empire)

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Ironroot (Tales of the Empire) Page 36

by S. J. A. Turney

  “Either of you two seen Scortius? I went to his tent before I came down here and there was no sign of him. I think he’d been drinking though.

  Salonius and Catilina exchanged a curious and unreadable look.

  “I expect he’ll turn up,” the young engineer said.


  Prefect Salonius slipped off his horse just outside the great stone gate and handed the reins to one of his staff officers. Saravis Fork looked no different despite the decade that had passed. The sleepy town in the valley poured smoke forth into the early evening’s mauve sky. Squinting, he could even make out the inn where they’d met Petrus, but everything looked like a child’s wooden model from high in the Imperial fort. He smiled as he gave the valley a last, lingering look and tore his gaze away and walked through the gate, across the plateau, and to the wall walk.

  Over the years since his rise, some would have said ‘meteoric’ rise through the ranks, he had found cause to revisit every place they had been during that hectic fortnight that had changed the world for him. Even the ruined villa had been on his list, though it was in a considerably worsened state following his efforts.

  He’d been made captain the day following Varro’s funeral; quietly and with no ceremony. An officer he’d not known from the First had taken the prefect’s position and had done a good job of rebuilding the Fourth and repairing the damage Cristus had done. He’d worked with Salonius to promote the roles of what Cristus had always considered ‘support troops’ and these days engineers were generally considered a crucial part of any army. Indeed, the military’s reliance upon new ideas in both offensive and defensive engineering had been largely down to his own efforts and had led to a summons to Vengen where he had been presented to the Emperor Darius.

  He’d not known what to expect of his Emperor in person, but the easy and almost familiar way the great man had dealt with him had further strengthened Salonius’ already rock-hard loyalty. How could an Empire fail with men like Darius and Sabian at the helm? It was that meeting, almost six years ago that had seen the reorganisation of the troops in the north and the creation of two new northern armies. It had been sad to leave the Fourth, but the opportunities offered as prefect of the new Twenty First had been great.

  Sadly, that week at Vengen was the last time he’d seen Catilina too. She’d been out to visit a number of times early on, including that surprise visit after that first winter, when she’d turned up with Varro’s child howling and laughing in her arms.

  He sighed. He should have asked her to marry him years ago, but even though he was sure her father would have approved, he knew deep down that he would only ever be a friend to her. And her life was full of her child, with her brother and father taking care of them, so he didn’t have to worry about her.

  Salonius reached into the pouch that hung beneath his decorative prefect’s cloak and, scrabbling around inside, drew out a hand full of fine, grey powder. He smiled at the last of Varro’s remains. For over a decade he’d carried that pouch that he’d collected the morning after the funeral, and here, at Saravis Fork, he would make an end of it. Though buried in his urn at Crow Hill, something of captain Varro had been scattered to the wild northern winds everywhere they had been.

  With a sad smile, he held up his hand and opened the fingers. The mountain winds immediately picked up the grey dust and whipped it from his hand, hurling it into the valley.

  “Rest well, my friend.”

  The smile still on his face, he stepped slowly back and watched the last grains of dust disappear beneath the flag of the Twenty First: a black banner bearing a white stag and a sword.





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