Bleacke's Geek

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Bleacke's Geek Page 20

by Lesli Richardson

  “Stop. Life’s kicked your ass and you’ve let it. Look at Dewi. Most people who see her see a woman. Only people with fighting skills see her for who she truly is, a weapon. I’ll be honest, when I first met you and found out who you were, I thought holy shit, I’m going to spend the rest of my life having to be this geek’s bodyguard when Dewi’s not around.”

  Ken reddened, back to feeling that familiar sting to his pride. “Gee, thanks.”

  Beck’s expression tightened. “You’re family. You’re one of the pack. You’re a mate. One thing you haven’t seemed to learn yet is we protect mates, male or female. And someone like Dewi, she makes enemies. Unfortunately, so do I.” He pointed at Ken. “And let me tell you something. When I finally do find Mrs. Right-For-Me, I expect you to help protect her, too. You’re not just a mate. You’re a male.”

  “You’d trust me to help keep someone safe?”

  Beck rolled his eyes. “For a smart guy, sometimes you act really dumb. What do you think I’ve been saying? I respect you, man.” He offered up his fist to Ken.

  Ken stared for a brief moment, confused, then realized what he wanted. Ken bumped fists with him. “Thanks, man.”

  Beck grinned. “We’re sooo going to have to de-geekify you a little. Otherwise, Peyton and Trent are going to chew you up and spit you out at the next Muster.”

  Chapter Twenty

  After eating lunch, Dewi brought Ken his pain medicine and was about to help him back to bed so he could nap when the doorbell rang.

  Beck and Dewi tensed and stared at each other. Badger was out running errands.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Beck growled, immediately on alert.

  “I don’t know.”

  She started to rise when Beck held out a staying hand. “Stay here.” He drew a gun from his shoulder holster, which Ken hadn’t failed to notice he wore a lot since the showdown, and handed it to Dewi. “I’ll be right back.”

  He detoured right, presumably through the kitchen to grab the gun hidden there. After a moment, he returned, his face unreadable.

  “You two need to come inside.”

  “Who is it?” Dewi asked.

  He stood in the doorway and waved them in. “It’s not bad. Come on. You want some help?”

  She shook her head and Beck reached for the gun to take it back. She helped Ken to his feet and handed him the crutches, then hovered like a nervous mother bird as he slowly made his way inside, following Beck to the formal living room.

  A man stood on the far side of the room, his back to them as he looked at some pictures hanging on the wall there.

  Dewi looked startled as she gasped. “Peyton?”

  The man turned. Ken immediately saw the family resemblance. Her older brother, like Beck, looked older than Dewi, but he didn’t look nearly as old as Ken knew he truly was. The color and shape of their eyes were identical, and they had the same hair color.

  “Hey, Dewster,” he said.

  She raced across the room and threw herself into his arms, hugging him, happily crying as he held her.

  Beck and Ken exchanged a glance. Ken hoped this was good.

  When her brother set her on her feet, he wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I received an interesting call from Badger yesterday morning. He informed me it might be a good idea if I come out here and pay my respects to you…and your new mate.”

  Ken didn’t miss Beck’s amused smirk. He also sensed it was because this was something big and unprecedented, and not another shot at his geekyness.

  As if Peyton normally didn’t do things like this. Or, maybe, never did things like this.

  Beck leaned in close and whispered, “I’ll explain later.”

  Ken nodded.

  Dewi led Peyton over to where Beck still stood next to Ken. Peyton’s glance quickly swept Ken before he extended his hand and shook with him. “Peyton Bleacke. Targhee pack Alpha, and Dewi’s older brother.”

  Dewi slipped her arm around Ken’s waist. Her voice sounded subdued, submissive. “Sir, may I present my claimed mate, Heathcliff McKenzie Ethelbert.”

  “Call me Ken,” he snarked.

  Peyton either had a lot more control than everyone else, or maybe Badger had already forewarned him, but the pack Alpha didn’t so much as smirk. “Welcome to the Targhee pack. It’s an honor and a privilege to meet you, Sir,” Peyton said.

  Dewi and Beck both gasped.

  Ken couldn’t help it. “Okay, now what?”

  That’s when Peyton’s formality eased. He smiled, warm and friendly. “I’m sure they’ll explain later. For now, it was a long, crappy flight. I’d like to drop my bag in the guest room, use the john, and if the Dewster would please make me one of her delicious appletinis, I’d really appreciate it.”

  She squealed in joy as she threw her arms around him and hugged him again. “How long are you staying?”

  “A week, at least. We’ve got a lot to talk about. Where do you want me?”

  “Upstairs, turn left, second to last bedroom.” She hurried off to the kitchen.

  Beck stepped forward. “Where’s your bag, Sir, and I’ll take it up for you.”

  Peyton waved him off. “Can it, Beck. We’re not in Idaho. I’ll get my own damn bag.” He smiled at Ken again. “I’m looking forward to getting to know the human male who’s not only earned Badger’s respect, but apparently managed to mark my Prime Alpha sister without getting his throat ripped out.”

  Ken flushed deep red. Is there nothing not shared between these people?

  Apparently there was, because Beck looked startled. Peyton arched an eyebrow at him. “How could you have missed that, Beck? She presented her mate to me as a beta would, not as an Alpha, and damn sure not as a Prime. And she freaking called me Sir. She’s never called me Sir before. Not even at her appointment ceremony. That night I was so happy to settle for not having to fight her or kill the two of you for her losing control that I let it slide. Hardly anyone noticed it because they saw her as my baby sister, not as a Prime Alpha.”

  Peyton looked back to Ken. “The man who’s got the balls to make my sister submit to him, especially when he’s just a human, is definitely someone I’m glad is a member of this pack.”

  Ken laughed. “Again with my balls!”

  * * * *

  Beck helped Ken into the family room, to the more comfortable couch there, and pulled the coffee table close so he could prop his leg up on it.

  Beck kept his voice low and spoke fast. “Man you have no clue how big this is. The pack’s Prime Alpha does not come to you, you come to him. He damn sure never comes to pay respects to a shifter and their mate. And he absolutely freaking never calls a mate Sir. He never calls shifter males Sir. The only man he’s ever called Sir was their father.”

  Despite the painkillers starting to get more than a secure foothold on his system, Ken realized this was both a good and an unprecedented thing. “So it’s safe to say I’m not going to be treated like the bad family secret?”

  Beck looked shocked. “Hell no! I have a feeling the next time you’re in Idaho, he’s going to order everyone there to put in an appearance for a dinner in your honor.” He hesitated. “Okay, I have to ask this. I’m sorry, and I promise I won’t ever get this personal again. But what the fuck? Last time you bit her, she nearly killed you. When did that happen?”

  His face had to be a deep shade of purple by that point. “I don’t know,” he mumbled. “The other night, after I killed Endquist.” Those last three words were ones he still had trouble reconciling in his mind, even though in his heart he felt no guilt or remorse for doing it. “It…just happened. I felt like I had to do it, and I did it.”

  He stared, shocked. “Dude. That’s…incredible.”

  “I didn’t know it would be such a source of fascination,” he muttered.

  “No, you’re not getting it. Human mates do not mark. Ever. They especially don’t mark Prime Alphas. You saw what happened the first time.”

  Ken shrugged.

bsp; Beck sat on the coffee table and made Ken look at him. “Get this through your geek head once and for all. The only people who think of you as dogshit are the ones who are dogshit, like your stupid step-brother. And him, I’d be willing to bet if you ever run into him again, he’ll probably shit his pants trying to get away from you after you cleaned his clock the last time.” He patted Ken on the shoulder before going to see if Dewi needed help.

  Peyton returned before Beck or Dewi. Ken felt a little nervous, but not afraid.

  Peyton sensed it and offered him a smile. “Overwhelmed?”

  Ken nodded.

  The Alpha dropped into a chair on the other side of the coffee table. Not as bulky as Beck, Ken still sensed the power waiting to uncoil within the shifter, like a visible aura around him, similar to the one that surrounded Dewi. This was a man who, if Ken approached him on a sidewalk, Ken would still step out of the way even if there were plenty of room and he had the right of way.

  “Badger tells me you’re good with computers.”

  Ken nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Good. I’ve needed someone trustworthy to help me revamp the way we do things. Until now, I was hesitant to do it. Didn’t want to bring in an outsider, for obvious reasons. I didn’t have anyone within the pack with the skills who I trusted enough to do it.”

  “Good to have a family geek, huh?”

  Peyton smiled. “If you’re trying to bait me into making a comment about you not being what I’d expect, let me set you straight. No, you’re not what I would have expected. However, I have a sister whom I love more than my own life and would die for. I was forced to send her away so I wouldn’t be faced with the prospect of killing her. I’ve dealt with a lot of unexpecteds in my life.”

  “I’ve got a few words for you about that, too.”

  Peyton nodded. “I’m sure you do, since you don’t understand pack ways. It was send her away, or be forced to worry about killing her. I would have had to kill her, because had she beat me, she would have ended up pack Alpha.”

  “And that’s a bad thing…why?”

  He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, hands clasped. “Because we suspected whoever killed our parents, since we didn’t know it was Endquist at the time, would have killed her like he killed our parents. And then challenged my brother, Trent, for the position. Trent would have been next in line as the oldest. And considering he’s not a Prime, there are Primes out there, like Endquist, who would have loved a chance to try to take over the Targhee pack. They could have easily done it, too, and nothing we could have done would have stopped them at that point.”

  The picture suddenly cleared in Ken’s mind. “You thought it was a hostile takeover attempt.”

  Peyton nodded. “Exactly. Now you see the full story as to why we did what we did. We had surmised much of it, but the missing piece was Endquist. He was the unknown quantity. Everyone thought Trent would take over automatically since he was the eldest. He ceded to me because he knew I was a Prime and he wasn’t. We knew someone didn’t just pick our parents as a random target of a violent crime. Two shapeshifters, including a Prime Alpha? Please. No human would have stood a chance against them. We knew it had to be an Alpha attacker at the very least, if not a Prime. We thought he wanted Trent in control as a weak link in the chain. Me taking over changed that, and no one expected it. In front of everyone that night, Trent took a knee and offered his throat to me, declaring me pack Alpha.”

  Ken leaned back, much of his previous animosity toward Peyton now gone. “Does she know all that?”

  He shook his head. “She will, once we finish talking about all of this. I never wanted her to know. I didn’t want her to try to go out and seek revenge and get herself killed. She’s my baby sister and I love her, Ken. May I call you Ken?”

  He smiled. “Ken’s fine. I’m getting used to it.”

  * * * *

  Dewi, followed by Beck, returned with Peyton’s drink, ending their ability to talk freely. Ken wanted to talk with Peyton about the things Endquist had said during the fight, but they’d have to wait.

  Dewi settled on the couch, next to Ken and with her arm hooked through his.

  “So why are you here?” Beck asked from the other chair. “This is unexpected.”

  Peyton sipped his appletini and smiled at Dewi. “This is really good, sis. Thanks.”

  She nodded, but didn’t reply.

  Peyton took a moment to compose his thoughts before addressing them. “I already told Ken a little of the story, but before I go into that, I need to hear what happened with Endquist. Badger wouldn’t tell me the details over the phone.”

  Beck told most of the story, with Dewi filling in the finer points. When they finished, Peyton slowly nodded then smiled at Ken again. “No wonder Badger wanted me here before I heard the whole story. Damn.”

  “He did damn good,” Dewi said, staring at Ken with adoration. “I’m proud of him.”

  “I’m sure you are. Rightfully so.” He leaned back in his chair. “It’s also why I think it’s time the pack expands.”

  Dewi and Beck both spoke. “What?”

  “There are more shifters here in the Tampa Bay region than ever. Idaho and Florida are far enough apart that Florida should have more than just an Enforcer presence. I think it’s time there be an expanded pack.”

  “But…who would run it?” she asked.

  He laughed. “You, kiddo. Prime Alpha.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know if I’m up for that.”

  “Oh, you’re up for it, all right. Just to clarify, I’d still be head pack Alpha. The only one you’d answer to is me.” He smirked and pointed at Ken. “Well, and him, of course, but that has nothing to do with the pack. You need the ability to make decisions locally, not just carry out edicts and judgments. That means a pack council presence. I’m going to announce it at the next Muster.”

  She looked stunned. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say. It’s going to happen, and you’re going to be the pack Alpha here. There’s no way in hell Trent will want to leave Idaho with his kids in high school. And with Beck as your second, and with Ken and Badger behind you, it’ll set my mind at ease to know you have the power to keep the peace.”

  Badger returned, storming in through the garage door and hollering, “Who the bloody hell blocked the driveway? It’s gonna rain, and I ain’t washin’ my truck again this week!”

  Beck laughed, stood, and held out his hands for Peyton’s rental car keys. “I’ll move it.”

  Peyton was digging them out when Badger appeared in the doorway, his face changing when he spotted the pack Alpha seated in their family room. “Oh! Sorry, Sir. Didn’t know it was ye.”

  “It’s all right. I figured you’d be expecting me after our little chat yesterday.”

  Badger scratched his chin. “To be honest, Sir, I didn’t expect ye to show up here. I figured ye’d still make them come out to Idaho. I just wanted my point laid out clear as a church bell, so ye’d know why I was harping on ye about it.”

  Beck went to move the car. “Well,” Peyton said, “I’m here. And once you and Beck get back from moving cars and putting away groceries, we’ll get down to talking.”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Dump the Sir, please? At least while I’m here?”

  “Yes, Si—Peyton.”

  Dewi also jumped up to help. When Ken was alone with him once more, Peyton smiled. “I would like to ask you a favor,” Peyton said. “I want to make it clear it’s a favor I’m asking and not an order I’m giving.”

  Ken nervously nodded. “Sure. If I can.”

  “I saw the ring. I guess that means you’ve already proposed to her?”


  “I’d appreciate it if once your leg is better and you’re up to traveling, that you wait to have the wedding until you can get out to Idaho. Doesn’t have to wait until the next Muster, but I
’d love for me and Trent to both be there. We’ll pay for everything.” His smile turned wistful. “Trent and I have always wanted to throw her the kind of wedding I know Mom and Dad would have wanted their little girl to have.” He snorted. “And the Dewster will have a proper formal wedding, complete with a frou-frou wedding dress, whether she wants it or not.”

  If I can kick a Prime Alpha’s ass, I should be able to tackle my fear of flying. “Okay.”

  “Good. Thank you. We really appreciate it.”

  * * * *

  Badger sent Dewi to the grocery store to pick up some more items that he claimed he needed now that he had an extra wolf to feed. Ken quickly realized it was to get her out of earshot for a while when the three shifters gathered with him in the family room.

  Badger looked grim. “It’s not exactly what we thought. We haven’t told Dewi this part, either. Ever since we learned his real name, I thought that it rang a bell. Fecking bastard. Chelsea never would tell me what happened, but before she met Charlie, there was a Prime Alpha sniffing after her. She had no interest in him, but he had a lot in her. Finally, her father put an end to it. Ran the bugger off. A little bit ago while I was out shopping, it all finally came to me.”

  He held the old Bleacke family photo album in his hands. Opening it to a page, he turned it around and showed it to Ken. He pointed to one of the old Muster pics Dewi had showed him, the one before her parents were married.

  “That’s him,” Ken said as he took the photo. “That’s Endquist. That’s why he looked so damn familiar to me.”

  In the background at the far edge of the picture, behind a young Chelsea and her family, a man sat at a table by himself. He wore a dark scowl as he stared at the family’s backs. Years younger but clearly recognizable, no doubt it was Walter Endquist.

  “Photobomb level asshole,” Beck darkly said.

  “You can say that again,” Peyton agreed.

  Ken still couldn’t get the horrific pictures of the attack out of his memory. “He waited all these years to go after Dewi? Why didn’t he come after her sooner, when she was younger?”

  “There’s no way he could have touched her in Idaho,” Peyton said. “Badger and Beck can tell you, she was under armed guard, even though she didn’t know it. All day, every day. We had watches around the house day and night. She went to private school, one mostly with other shifter kids, and we had people always inside her classroom. She thought they were teacher’s aides.”


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