Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2) Page 20

by Sam E. Kraemer

  Jon leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Mickey’s lips. "I know I have a lot to prove, Mickey, but I swear, I'm done with the running thing, okay? I do, however, need to go home this evening because my assistant, Karen, sent me a text I have to meet with a judge in the morning at eight. I hate the idea of it, but I'm hoping maybe we can spend the day together. I'll help you with whatever it is you have to do as far as your chores. I just want to be with you," Jon told him softly, kissing him again.

  Mickey took both cups of coffee and placed them on the nightstand before he grabbed a condom and the lube. "I think I know a better wake-up than coffee. It's a little hot anyway," he taunted as he squeezed some lube onto his fingers, reaching back to prepare himself.

  He truly wanted that huge cock inside him because he wanted to feel Jon Wells after the man left. It was a tangible way to remember it really happened. It wasn't a dream.

  After many hungry kisses and fingers…one…two…three…and four…Mickey pulled his knees up to his shoulders and smiled at the man above him with the bright, light-green eyes and the beautiful smile. "Ready when you are, baby," he whispered as Jon whisked on the condom.

  He leaned forward and kissed Mickey again as he settled the engorged crown of his thick cock at Mickey's entrance. The initial breach was a bit stinging, but the kisses and the soft moans took Mickey's mind off of the burn until Jon was finally seated completely inside him, which wasn’t a small feat.

  "Fuck that feels so fuckin' full," Mickey whispered as he kissed down the side of Jon's neck, seeing an unexpected hickey he'd obviously given the man the night before. He smiled at the mark, happy he'd staked his territory.

  "You're okay?" Jon asked as he gently pulled back a little before pushing forward.

  "Yep, and make me feel it 'cause I'm not gonna be able to see ya until maybe next Friday night. Gimme a reason to take the drive, Jonny," Mickey stated with confidence.

  Jonathon Wells didn't disappoint. Based on the subtle thrusts followed by a delightful swirl of his hips, he had honed fucking to an art. Mickey wanted to ask how many others had received the "Jon Wells Treatment," but it wasn't the time or the place, so he kept his mouth moving between Jon's nipples, which seemed to be extremely sensitive, and enjoyed the ride.

  "Fuck, yes, Mick. You feel so damn good. I've…ugh!" The man was definitely vocal, and it wasn't really anything Mickey was used to because Jackie never mumbled a word when Mickey had fucked him. He hated himself for allowing thoughts of his former lover to invade the time with Jon, so he concentrated on what was happening at the moment and flexed his ass muscles to squeeze Jon's thick cock.

  Jon slowed and moved back to settle on his knees as he pulled Mickey's legs up over his shoulders. "Okay, where were you?"

  "Huh?" Mickey answered.

  "For a couple of minutes, you weren't here with me while I'm bringing out my best moves. Is it not…" he began.

  "No! No, baby. I get in my head. Sorry. Go harder, Jonny. It feels really fuckin'…gah!" A stroke over his prostate set his mind to rights.

  "Finally," Jon gasped as he continued the same maneuver, continuing to stroke Mickey's prostate, sending him into the stratosphere.

  "What the fuck…you're gonna cause me to come, Jonny," he gasped. Mickey's balls were churning, and he couldn't help himself. He was about to let go.

  "I want you to, baby. Come for me, Mickey. I want you to let go for me," Jon told him as he continued to stroke hard into him, battering Mickey prostate enough that hands weren't necessary. Mickey shot off, feeling it hit the headboard behind him, his forehead, and his chest. It was a powerful orgasm, and after Mickey's eyes settled back into the forward view in the sockets, he opened them to feel Jon fill the condom with his release. The man was mumbling before he dropped forward onto Mickey's chest, gently stroking in and out of him.

  After a few minutes, Jon looked up at Mickey from his prone place on his chest and smiled. "Damn, baby, you can shoot. You okay?" he asked as he slowly moved out of and off of Mickey.

  Mickey caught his breath and turned to Jon with a bright smile as his lover reached for tissue from the night stand, gently cleaning the come off of his forehead and behind him before he swept his tongue over the mess on Mickey's chest, matting in his sparse chest hair that took up space between his pecs.

  "Mmm. A little salty this morning. Eat more fruit," Jon teased as he cleaned Mickey from the remainder of the jizz on his chest.

  Mickey started laughing. "You a nutritionist now?" he teased.

  Jon smiled at him. "You want me to suck your cock, you'll eat more fruit. Now, I guess we better shower and get dressed for chores, right?"

  Mickey was a bit stunned, but he was definitely going to look that shit up. He certainly wanted to do anything it took for Jon Wells to suck his cock because the man had an amazing mouth. "Yessir," he stated as he hopped out of bed and grabbed his coffee which was cool, but still drinkable.

  They showered, dressed, and joined the others upstairs as Tim was fixing breakfast for Matt and the boys. "Mr. Jon! I didn't know you stayed the night," Rocky greeted, hugging him around the waist.

  "Yep, and if you aren't too busy, we're going to find a place around here for you to get your haircut properly," Jon stated. Mickey saw the gleam in Ryan's eyes, knowing the boy had faith in the lawyer.

  "Can I go along so I can show Poppa and Daddy where it is next time he needs a cut?" Ryan asked.

  Matt laughed. "Take Mick with ya so he knows where it is. We gotta make sure the handsome Rocky Whipple has a first rate haircut so the girls take notice."

  They all laughed, and once again, Mickey felt the warm glow in his chest from being at a place where he knew he was loved. It was an amazing feeling. He prayed it lasted.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jon sat in his car after he'd turned off the ignition. He was in his parking space at the condo garage, and it was truly the last place he wanted to be. The day had been perfect and he hadn't wanted it to end, much to his own surprise.

  After breakfast, Mickey led Jon, Rocky, and Ryan to the barn to quickly let the horses out onto pasture. The Katydid horses had been taken home the previous evening when Josh and the hands left the party, so there wasn’t really much to do.

  The four of them cleaned up the stalls for Josie, Chester, and Charlie. Once things were set to right in the barn, they went back to the house to change shoes from dirty boots to trainers, or loafers in Jon's case.

  Mickey had given Jon a pair of Marty's muck boots to wear in the barn, and once they arrived at the house, they hosed them off and left them in the sun to dry. Jon was actually happy to have experienced the routine of doing the same in Dillwyn.

  "Okay, I've got a few barber shops we need to check out in Blacksburg. It's a college town, and there are a lot of black students at Tech, so I'm gonna bet we can find a place to get a proper haircut," Jon explained.

  The four of them hopped into his car for the trip, and when they pulled up to the first place, Jon didn't bother to get out. It was a shop that certainly didn't specialize in African-American hair. He went down the list until he found a place…"Reggie's Corner Barbershop"…which seemed to have promise.

  They followed the directions, and when they pulled up to the shop, Jon smiled. "We're here," he stated as he hopped out and lifted the seat for Rocky and Ryan who were buckled in the back.

  Mickey got out, easing back the baseball cap back on his head and smiling at Jon. "I don't 'spect they'll be too happy to see me and Ryan. We can go get somethin' to drink," he offered.

  Jon looked inside, seeing a lot of dark-shaded faces staring back at them. "Nope, we're not going to go adopt that attitude. We all need to go in so they can meet you guys. If you're bringing a light-skinned, black child here for a haircut, I'd guess it's best to get the introductions under our belts. You three wait here. I'll be back."

  They nodded and began talking to each other as he walked into the barber shop which reminded him of the place in Richmond where he g
ot his hair cut. His place was called, "Sonny's Cut & Style." Sonny was a kind, older man who'd hired a cute girl to come in and give manicures while the four barbers cut hair. It was really a trip back in time to go into the place, and he had a standing appointment for once a month on a Saturday morning. His father had been taking him there since he was a little boy. The manicurist was a new thing.

  Jon walked up to the front desk to see a short woman, 'stacked' as he knew most of the brothers liked them. She had a thin waist and an ass that would resonate for most of his straight friends, but Jon rather liked Mickey's tight, round ass. It had definitely been a joy that morning.

  "What can I help you with, Haaandsommme?" the woman asked, drawing out the 'handsome' with a bright, sexy smile.

  He grinned at her in return. "My name's Jon. I have a little boy in dire need of a decent haircut. He's a really sweet kid, and his hair's a mess. See, his folks are his adopted family. They're white and they’re not versed in the intricacies of what it takes to properly cut our kind of hair so there’s no rash. They truly love the kid and they want him to be a well-rounded, young man. His momma passed not long ago, and his daddy didn't hang around. So, can you folks help the boy with his hair, and kinda, maybe take my friend under your wing. The guy in the Tech hat is his caregiver 'cause his parents both work, but they're all good people. We need some help, Miss…Ch'nay," he stated as he saw the nametag on her tight black top which showed off ample breasts. If he wasn't a dyed-in-the-wool gay man, she'd turn his head for certain. She was gorgeous.

  She smiled and winked at him. "Sure, baby." Ch'nay then turned to the back and yelled at an older man without hair. "Reg! C'mere, baby. We got us a special customer." She then walked away, slowly. Jon hated to tell her she was wasting her time.

  The older man walked up and smiled. "What can I do for ya, son?"

  "You're perfect. I'll be right back," he told the man who had a kind demeanor about him that led Jon to believe he'd be great with Rocky.

  He quickly gathered his crew and directed them inside. The man, Reg, was standing at the desk with a welcoming smile. "Mr. Reggie, this is my good friend, Rocky Whipple. This is his brother, Ryan Collins, and this is their caretaker, and my boyfriend, Mickey Warren. He'll be bringing the boys for haircuts. You can cut white hair, right?" Jon teased, hearing everyone in the barber shop laughing loudly, which broke the tension.

  The older man smiled at them and reached up to brush his hand over his bald head with a wink to Jon. "Hell, I'll cut all y'alls hair just like mine. Maybe we can start a singin' group and get on one of those shows on the TV. You boys sing?" he asked Rocky and Ryan as he walked around the front counter and took them by the hand.

  Just as Jon expected, the man took both boys back to his chair, putting Rocky inside it while he settled Ryan onto a stool. The three of them started talking, and Jon turned to Mickey. "So, next problem?" Mickey laughed and squeezed Jon's shoulder, clearly uncomfortable doing anything more, but it was okay. Jon knew a lot of people, black, white, or purple, didn't accept mixed-race couples or mixed-race children. He was grateful he'd found at least one place Mickey could bring the boys where they'd be accepted and maybe Rocky could get a little exposure to the other half of his heritage.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face, remembering the great lunch they had after and the good-bye with Rocky, which tested his resolve to even leave to go home. After the boys hurried off to play Nerf Army with Tommy Morrow who had vowed to come back after the fun of the previous day, he turned to Mickey and kissed him gently.

  "I'll call you tonight," he'd offered.

  Mickey chuckled. "Not without my number, Lawyer Wells." They both laughed and after numbers were exchanged, Jon kissed the man with all the passion inside him. Friday night was a long way away.

  Jon hopped out of his car, grabbing his weekend bag. He plodded to the elevator and took it to the fourth floor, feeling himself drift further away from that happy place he'd found at the Circle C with Mickey Warren.

  As he was emptying out his bag to do a load of laundry, he found two folded pieces of paper stuffed inside. The first brought a big grin to his face.

  Mr. Jon-

  Thanks for finding us a place to get our hair cut so we look good for the ladies. Please come visit us soon. We had lots of fun with you.

  Love, Rocky and Ryan

  Jon laughed as he pinned the note to the front of his refrigerator with a magnet with the Redskins' logo on it before he reached in for the open bottle of Pinot Gris he'd started the prior week. He poured himself a glass and opened the other note, seeing it was from Mickey.


  I took the liberty of keeping a pair of your drawers, but I gave ya a pair of mine in its place. It's probably silly, but I think I'll feel a whole lot better just havin' a little piece of ya with me 'cause I know I'm gonna miss ya.

  I hope we'll see each other soon. I can still feel ya inside me. It's a great reminder of how fantastic the weekend was and how much I wanna do it again real soon.

  Have a great week,


  Jon took a deep breath as he reread the note, grateful to have it. He sorted through his dirties to find a pair of cotton boxers with chili peppers on them that definitely weren't his. He couldn't help holding them up to his nose to smell the scent of his lover. It was faint, which led him to believe Mickey hadn't worn them very long, but they smelled like him. Jon put them aside, deciding not to wash them for the time being.

  He glanced at the answering machine to see there were no messages on his landline, so he took a sip of wine while he decided if he was hungry. As he was sorting through the mail from Friday and Saturday, his phone chimed on the charger, so he picked it up, smiling to see it was from Mickey.

  Hi, Mr. Jon. Mick let me use his phone. Thanks for takin me to meet the barber today. Pop and Dad love my hair. Your friend Rocky

  Jon grinned brightly at the message. The family he was slowly cultivating in Holloway was becoming very important to him. He needed to speak with Audrey regarding the status of the guardianship and potential adoption of Rocky, but he had to tread lightly.

  He couldn't storm in and take over because Audrey was stubborn, just like him, so he had to play it cool. He wanted nothing to cause any problems with Matt and Tim's custody of the boy. They all loved each other. Preserving the Moran-Collins' family was the most important thing, after all.

  Jon walked into his office on Tuesday morning after meeting with a family court judge to accept appointment as guardian ad litem for a four-year-old girl who'd been dropped off over the weekend at a local firehouse/EMS station with a note that her name was Megan and she had Down's Syndrome. She refused to tell anyone who left her or her last name or anything about her family because she'd been told she'd be put in jail, and God help the child, she believed it.

  "She didn't deserve to be abandoned, Jon. I have a younger brother with Down's, and if my parents had dropped him off at a firehouse, I'd hope like hell someone would be outraged. The police are looking for next-of-kin or who dropped the girl off in the first place, but I'd like you to help the social worker get her into a better-than-decent foster situation, please," the Judge asked. The Honorable Bruno Mattucik was a nice man, and he was definitely fair, so Jon agreed to take the case on a pro bono basis and give it his full attention.

  He'd gone to the hospital to meet the little girl who was in for observation and assessment, and she was truly adorable with her brown curly hair and her big brown eyes. She smiled at him and wanted to share her crayons and coloring book with him, which made his heart swell. If only he and Mickey were more settled…well, he couldn't let that get into his head, though he was a little shocked the thought had made an appearance in the first place. There were a lot of things that needed to happen with the cowboy first.

  "Hi, Karen. Anything to worry about?" he asked as he stopped at Karen Stubbs' desk. He handed her the paperwork from the courthouse.

  She leafed through it and smiled at him, g
ently shaking her head. "Always a soft touch, Jon. Nothing going on as far as I know, but Audrey did ask to see you when you got in. She's upset, so I suspect trouble in paradise," Karen enlightened with a cocked eyebrow.

  "Thanks, Karen. If Michael Warren calls, could you find me?" he asked as nonchalantly as possible, not wanting to tip her off the man meant everything to him.

  She smiled. "Sure, Jon. Your dad's in Court this morning, but he mentioned lunch. You free?" she asked.

  He nodded. He had a lot of things to discuss with his father, and lunch was as good a time as any. The last lunch they'd had together was his coming out lunch. He hoped it wouldn't be so damn dramatic as that one had been, though it had ended with his parents hugging him and reminding him he was loved.

  Jon went to his office, hanging up his suit coat and dropping off his briefcase in order to go check on Audrey. On the way to the kitchen to get coffee, he checked his phone to see a text from Mickey.

  Hell, I miss ya already. Ryan lost another tooth…well, he lost it on Rocky's thick skull, but I'll explain it tonight when I call ya. I wish you were still in my bed, Lawyer Wells, 'cause I could use a distraction. I'm taking a practice test for my GED this afternoon with Miss Ruthie from the library. I hope I do well because I don't want to get disillusioned. (How's that for a ten-dollar word?) Mick

  Jon smiled and put his phone into his pocket as he walked to Audrey's office, knocking on the door before he barged in. He saw his best friend looking like hell, and he was instantly worried.

  "Oh, sweetheart, what's the matter," he asked as he closed the door behind him, placing his coffee on the desk as he went behind it and pulled her up, into his arms so he could hug her. She appeared to need it, badly.

  She began to sob, so he led her to the couch in her office and held her close to him, allowing her to wet his shirt until she was able to get it out. Finally, she took the handkerchief he offered, blowing her nose before tossing it onto the floor. He was glad she hadn't offered it back.


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