by Joanna Wylde
“So you know each other already?” Kit demanded. “Why didn’t you tell me, Jess?”
“I was trying to forget,” I muttered.
“Some things you just can’t forget,” he said, which sucked because he was right.
“I gotta get out of here,” I said, trying to pull away. He didn’t let me go, though. Nope. His hands tightened on my arms as he leaned down to whisper into my ear.
“Really? Running away again? Can’t leave your own party, Jess. That’s just rude.”
I closed my eyes, inhaling his scent. Oh, God. I’d forgotten how good he smelled, how tall he was. What he felt like when he …
“Looks like someone has unfinished business,” Kit said, her voice full of predatory glee. “I want details. Now.”
Oh hell no.
My brain started to work again, and I jerked away from him in full retreat. He was laughing behind me, but I didn’t care because I was well and truly over his shit.
Our story was done.
The. End.
Wasn’t it?
This is my fourth book in the Reapers Motorcycle Club series, and as time passes it becomes harder to write my acknowledgments. The list of people who have supported me grows longer and I’m afraid I’ll forget someone. You have no idea how much I appreciate all of you.
Thanks to everyone at Berkley who has made this possible, especially Cindy Hwang. I have an incredible team behind me and I appreciate all their efforts. It’s worth noting that I’ve been repeatedly blessed by the Cover Gods—the Berkley art team has been amazing, and I hear almost daily from readers praising their efforts.
I also want to thank my agent, Amy Tannenbaum, Betty, my MC friends, my beta readers, my writing posse, all the bloggers who have supported me and everyone on my Junkies page. Special thanks to Chas and Jessica, because it doesn’t matter whether or not a book is good if nobody ever finds out about it. Kylie, Hang, Lori, and Cara—you know exactly how much you’ve helped me, and don’t think I take it for granted. Thank you for all the time you’ve given me.
Finally, thanks to my family, whose endless patience and willingness to step up makes my writing possible. I love you very much.
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First published in the USA by The Berkley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Group (USA) LLC 2014
This digital edition first published in Penguin Books 2014
Copyright © Joanna Wylde, 2014. All rights reserved
Cover art by Tony Mauro
The moral right of the author has been asserted
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental
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ISBN: 978-1-405-91729-2