Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 10

by Bowles, April

  “I just love your sense of humor! Okay, let’s end the games with me telling you that I’d love to be with you if that’s what you’re asking me.”

  “It is.”

  “Then it’s official. Now, maybe we should kiss on it or—”

  Naomi slid her right hand down my exposed chest and I immediately took it with a laugh. “We’ll settle for the kiss. I don’t even think I’ll be able to stand up on my own when the time comes, let alone please you like that again for a couple of hours.”

  “Okay and I was just kidding. I knew you wouldn’t be able to yet but I very much look forward to when you can.”

  I smiled and brought my hand up towards her face, pulling her down into my lips. It was a soft kiss and neither one of us wanted to stop it when our tongues connected. Naomi turned her body more towards me and I kept my arms around her firmly.

  “I think I’m going to like this future.” She muttered as she pulled slightly back and looked into my eyes.

  “I’ll make sure of it. You won’t be sorry.”

  She moved away further with a smile and laid her head down on my shoulder. I leaned my head against hers and we remained this way for a while longer while we waited for the celebration to die down before going upstairs for the night.

  An hour passed and I looked down in my arms at Naomi. She was fast asleep curled up in my lap and I smiled, kissing the top of her head gently. I looked up and used my gift of sight to look through the walls and saw that the ballroom was completely cleared out of people. It must have been that late—or early.

  I slowly moved myself forward in the chair and tried standing up as carefully as possible with Naomi. She started to wake up a little bit but never opened her eyes. “Bryce?”

  “Shh. It’s okay. It’s late. We’re going upstairs for the rest of the night.”

  Naomi just nodded and kept her head down on me as I started walking towards the exit. I walked by the table and saw my coat and shirt still on the floor. I paused there for just a moment but shook my head and walked over them. I wouldn’t be able to reach down and lift them without dropping her and she was more important.

  I carried Naomi right out of the storage room and went through the ballroom as quietly as I could. I took the stairs from right inside and walked the halls towards my room.

  I was nearing the door when a voice at the corner startled me. “Bryce.”

  I jumped a little and turned to see my father stepping towards me. “Oh, father. Yes? Need something?”

  He got right next to me and looked at Naomi in my arms. “So, that’s where you’ve been all night. Your mother was getting worried when she didn’t sense you in your room.”

  “And she didn’t look any farther than that? You can tell her to not worry about me. I’m fine.”

  “Yes, I see. She’s not drunk I hope.”

  “Of course not. Just asleep.”

  “Then get her to bed and then yourself.” He reached for my door and opened it for me. “It’s late.”

  “I will. Thank you, father.” I stepped inside and started bringing Naomi to my bed.

  “I know how long you’ve waited for this night to come and I’m sorry that it was ever delayed. I truly am.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, father. Things happen.”

  “It was never a choice. You grew up too quickly. I know it’s time for you to do things your own way now but I’m still here if you need me.”

  “I’ll always need you, father. This doesn’t change us.”

  “I’m glad to hear it but I hope you’ll make room for someone new in your life.”

  I looked down at Naomi sleeping in my bed and smiled. “I already have. She’s going to stay with me if you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, of course not. The Kalu Assassins are always welcome here. You’ve chosen well. Just don’t ever cross her or she’ll kill you. She knows how.”

  I laughed but tried to keep it quiet. “I won’t have to worry about that. I never will.”

  “Treat her well though I can just guess that you already have.”


  He smiled. “Naomi is a beautiful girl and if you’re anything like I was, there’s no doubt. Now get some rest. Dawn is only hours away.”

  “I will, father. Thank you.”


  He closed the door and I looked down at Naomi with a smile. I grazed the side of her face and climbed in bed beside her. She rolled towards me and put one arm over my chest and one of her legs over mine.


  Chapter 18


  The next morning, I woke in my bed with Cadence wrapped up in the blanket next to me. It was just a joy in itself to see and I kissed her bare shoulder. She moved around for a second with a moan but stayed asleep as I got up. I didn’t want to wake her yet so I walked into my closet and quickly threw on a pair of black pants. Then I walked back out into my room and looked over at Cadence in my bed one more time before I left completely.

  I walked the quiet halls of the palace and made my way outside to the courtyard where Bryce was laying down on the ground where we always like to practice. It was a little odd but I walked to him, leaning over him with a smile. “Hey. What’re you doing?”

  Bryce’s eyes opened and he spoke in an obvious tone of exhaustion. “Late night but I remembered that we had plans.”

  “Yeah, sorry I’m late. I had a late night also.”

  Bryce laughed and started to get to his feet. “I heard. Worked things out I hope. Get reacquainted perhaps?”

  A smile started to appear on my face that I couldn’t subdue. “Perhaps. She’s still asleep in my bed.”

  “Then that’s a big yes. Though I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re always the lucky one.”

  “Well, what did you do after I left? Leave with a date?”

  “Leave? Ah—more like took her in a storage room and waited until she fell asleep before I left.”

  My eyes narrowed a little bit and I leaned away from hearing him talk like that. “You’re starting to sound like Dirk.”

  Bryce laughed. “No! I left with her. She’s still asleep in my bed as well.”

  I sighed in relief. “Oh, good. You almost had me scared for a minute. I thought he corrupted you.”

  “No. We said that would never happen again but it would seem we all spent our night with one of the new Assassins.”

  My eyes widened. “Really? The girl you were with was?”

  “Yeah, Naomi.”

  “You finally met her then?”

  “And then some.”

  I laughed. “So, if she’s still in your bed, does that mean you’ve chosen her?”

  He paused for a long while trying to think of something to say. “I never thought it would be so easy but she’s incredible.”

  “Awe! You’re in love.”

  “Seth, quit it!”

  He hit me for saying it childishly but I just laughed. “I’m just kidding but I’m happy for you. So, what happened to Dirk?”

  “I sent him off chasing after a blonde who I soon found out was actually Lana. I’m sure by now he knows.”

  “Yeah, that’s not the only thing. It seems he’s forgotten about our schedule. How typical, right?”

  “He must still be with Lana.”

  “He ditched us then. Perfect! Find him. If he chased her, I doubt he brought her all the way to his room.”

  Bryce paused with a nod and felt for heartbeats in that wing of the palace. “I’ve got two downstairs, close together, not moving.”

  “Confirm it’s him.”

  Bryce nodded and used his vision to look through the walls towards the heartbeats while I waited by. “Yup. It’s him all right. Lana too. I remember seeing her.”

  “Met her yet?”

  “No. I have no idea what she’s like but she likes Dirk so that should tell you something.”

  “That she’s a one night whore?”

  Bryce laughed. “
I don’t know. They’re still sleeping.”

  “Well, let’s go wake his ass up.”

  Bryce brought his eyes back and followed me towards the patio door leading into Lana’s room.

  “This is the one. Should we just go in?”

  “Of course.” I smiled, reaching for the handle.

  I opened it right up and we both stepped in. Dirk and this Lana girl stayed asleep in bed like they didn’t even hear us.

  “Now what?” Bryce whispered.

  I rolled my eyes and punched Dirk in his right shoulder. His eyes popped open and were red. “What the fuck?”

  “You fucking ditched us, that’s what.”

  “Well, yeah.” Dirk’s eyes faded with a smile and he looked over at Lana next to him still sleeping. “Did you see this?”

  We looked too as Lana moved closer to Dirk and started oddly making this low rumbling sound as she rubbed her nose against his skin.

  “Is she purring?” I asked.

  Dirk smiled and rubbed her cheek. “Yeah, she’s an animal.”

  “Well, that makes a lot of sense of why she likes you. Get up. We have stuff planned.”

  “So do we.” I was surprised but Lana opened her eyes while lifting her head, looking right at me. “Get used to it, Blue-Eyes. He’s going to be choosing me first from now on.”

  My eyes narrowed. I already didn’t like her. “He wouldn’t.”

  Lana just smiled and leaned into Dirk’s ear, whispering so we couldn’t hear.

  “Ah, why don’t you just do it without me?” Dirk said.

  “What?!” Bryce bursts out.

  “I should have known.” I sighed. “Let’s just go. I only have time for loyal friends.”

  Bryce laughed in agreement and walked to the inside door with me.

  “Come on, Seth!” Dirk called. “You’d do the same thing!”

  I had the door open and was ready to go out but couldn’t help but reply to him. Bryce tried getting me to keep going but was unsuccessful as I pushed myself back in the room. “I would not! I’m not you! You always do this because you don’t think with the head on your shoulders and you don’t care what it does to the people around you! So, go for it! Continue to be you! That’s something we are used to!”

  I walked out and Bryce was right behind me closing the door because I wasn’t in the mood to touch it without ripping it off its hinges.

  “I have a feeling that this is going to be the new norm.” I said.

  “I see it too. He picked the perfect one to take his side and did you see the red in her hair? I didn’t notice that last night.”

  I just huffed; done talking about this. “Who cares? Let’s just get to breakfast. They’re perfect for each other as far as I’m concerned.”

  Bryce nodded and we continued on our way to the dining hall where all of our parents were inside having their breakfast.

  “Good morning, Seth.” My mother said.

  “Morning, mother.” We kissed each other’s cheeks as I passed.

  “See Cadence last night?” She asked, shifting a glance and a smile at my father.

  I looked at him too. “Really? Nothing else to talk about besides me? You must not have a love life.”

  He just laughed.

  “No, sweetie.” My mother smiled. “I only asked because I saw you leave with her last night and you didn’t come back.”

  “Oh.” I took my seat kind of awkwardly. “Ah—that went well.” There was a pause while I started eating but the silence didn’t last long because everyone was looking at me. “What?”

  “How well?” My father asked.

  Bryce laughed to himself as he tried getting down a bite of food. “Well enough that she’s still asleep in his bed.”

  I sighed and looked over. “I think it’s best if we leave out the details for her sake since she’s not even here.”

  “Very respectable of you.” Jaylyn smiled. “Is Naomi still asleep too, Bryce?”

  He looked up and everyone had their focus on him now. Good. “Ah, yes, mother. At least she was when I left.”

  “And where’s Dirk this morning?” Ruby asked.

  “Dirk who?” Bryce and I answered at the same time without making eye contact with anyone while we ate.

  “Uh oh.” Darius said. “What’d he do?”

  “He ditched us for that blonde chick.” I answered with uncontrollable anger starting on my voice.

  “Lana, Seth.” My mother said.

  “That’s what I said. He knew we had plans but he chose her over us.”

  “Wouldn’t you?” My father said, holding back a laugh.

  “No way.” Bryce answered. “We’d never let a girl get between us.”

  “That’s right.” I smiled, bumping fists with Bryce who was my true brother and best friend. “Bros before hoes.”

  “She’s not a whore.” My mother said.

  “So she has a title. Big deal. She’s still just like every other sluttish piece of ass he’s ever been with.”

  “What does that mean?” Ruby asked.

  “That he goes for that.” Bryce answered. “The list is quite long but it does surprise me that he actually stayed with her.”

  I laughed, thinking of that for the first time. “I didn’t even think about that. That is a surprise.”

  “Why?” Darius asked as they all got more curious.

  “Well, he usually goes to them so he can leave once they fall asleep and hopefully never see them again. He’s not so big on multiple encounters. He usually limits it to just one.”

  Troy laughed and looked over at Darius. “Really?”

  Darius gave him a quick glare and tried to find out more. “Do you know why?”

  “Something about their worthiness.” Bryce answered. “Apparently, he hasn’t found anyone who fits the bill well enough to deserve him more than once.”

  “Actually, it really started that way over the last year.” I said. “He had an issue about girls getting attached to him if he was with them more than once.”

  “Darius.” Ruby said in a low voice.

  “What do you expect me to do about that?”


  “I don’t think we’ll have to. They said he’s still with her. She’ll be the one to break him of that like you did for me.”

  Bryce and I looked at each other then to Darius at the same time.

  “You were like that too?” I asked.

  “It’s a completely different and more understandable reason.” My father answered.

  “Mother issues.” Troy whispered.

  “Oh, right because she—” Bryce paused when he saw the look on Darius’s face. “Well, you know. I shouldn’t have to tell you.”

  “Okay, sure. I guess that makes since.” I said, changing the direction of the conversation back. “But does it have to be her? Was there some kind of vote that we missed out on?”

  “Don’t like her?” My mother asked with a laugh in her voice.

  “The first impression wasn’t very welcoming and is she a little—”

  “Crazy?” Darius laughed. “Oh yeah!”

  “But she has a reason to be.” Ruby cut in. “She had a really hard life until she came to us. She needs Dirk just as much as he needs her.”

  “And what’s with her hair?” Bryce asked, still hung on that little fact he saw this morning.

  “Those are gifts.” Ruby said. “We needed some way to mark her accomplishments when we trained her and she chose those. I actually think she looks lovely.”

  “I think they look related.” I said.

  “Seth.” My mother cut in. “Don’t.”

  I sighed and moved around food on my plate. “I’m sorry. I guess we’ll learn to deal with it. Not that it’ll be fun because she seems to be just like him anyway and that’s all we really need is another loose case running around here.”

  “Talking poorly about me, Blue-Eyes?”

  Everyone looked over at the doors as Lana started walking in.
  I looked over at my mother because I wanted to say something mean to her but she just shook her head for me not to.

  “No.” I respectfully answered. “I’d never do that to a lady.”

  Lana laughed. “Well, if I ever find one, I’ll let her know of what a gentlemen you are.”

  I held my tongue from saying anything else.

  “That’ll do, Lana.” Ruby said. “Where’s Dirk?”

  “He’s—” She looked back and he came in through the door. “Right there.”

  “Oh, look at the time.” I said, getting up. “We should be waking the others up. Can’t sleep all day.”

  “Good idea.” Bryce added as he got up with me.

  “Oh, funny.” Dirk said.

  “It is quite, actually. Well, for those of us with morals and respectability to lifelong loyal friendships. Something you don’t know anything about so we won’t bore you with it.”

  I simply walked out after that. I didn’t care to hear what he had to say. I was done listening to his excuses.

  Chapter 19


  He walked out as I reached the table and sat down next to Lana. “What a good morning it is.” Seth always seemed to have an attitude about something and lately it has been me.

  “You should talk to him.” Lana said. “He’s really not that horrible.”

  “She’s right.” Adele agreed. “You should listen to her. Lana is an expert when it comes to having to make up with her friends.”

  Lana laughed and tried to make it seem like a joke. “I kind of have to really. They’re the only family I have left. I don’t want it to get any smaller.”

  “Well, your family is not that small.” I said. “You’re with me. That makes all of us family.”

  Lana smiled and looked across the table at my mother. She smiled back and raised her left eyebrow just a little as she took a drink. At least she was on my side about it.

  “Um, yeah. I guess that’s true.” Her voice seemed calmer than usual then regained its sarcasm strength. “Although, I have been a part of it for a while now. You just couldn’t know.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, thanks for that, mother. Why couldn’t we meet like Seth and Cadence did? Well, you know, when you knew who she was going to be.”


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