Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 12

by Bowles, April


  “Not specifically her then but an Assassin, yes. It made me hopeful. I wanted it but I couldn’t let myself get attached to anyone and there was only one way to do that. I had to become the person you see to make sure that when the time came, I wouldn’t take but a second to take it. You have to believe me. I can change.”

  “Yeah? Can you? I’ll believe that when I start seeing some results.”

  “You will. I already know I’m different when I’m around her and I’m sorry about this morning. I’m sorry that I blew off our plans for her. It’s just that I’ve been waiting for it but I’m passed that stage now. I’ll be there when we have something planned. We could even go find Bryce right now. I’m up for a round on the rooftops.”

  “I can’t.” I said, looking down at my desk.

  “Why not?”

  I looked up and saw the look on his face then looked to the balcony to make sure the doors were closed. “You can’t tell anyone.”

  “Oh, great! A secret! I’m in!”

  “It’s not something to get excited about. I’ve been having visions of war.”

  “Of war? Really? Is that why you were so persistent in going south?”

  “Yeah but that wasn’t it. There’s another one, bigger but I don’t know when.”

  “Oh, shit. Not that I don’t trust your abilities but are you sure it was real?”

  “Very real and I don’t want us to be arguing over this stupid shit anymore. You’re not my friend, you’re my brother and I’m going to need you when the time comes.”

  “I’m with you now. What’s the plan?”

  “We don’t have one yet.”


  “I told my father about it.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He believes me but he thinks we should get more information before we act and he’s right. He is the King and he knows war so I’ve agreed.”

  “Okay, that’s smart I guess but how are we going to do that?”

  “I don’t know but something has to happen.”

  “And so it will. Something important will come up soon.”

  “Yeah. Well, there’s still time before lunch so you should go find Lana. I’m going to wait here for Cadence.”

  “You don’t want to get Bryce and do something?”

  “No. You don’t have to make up for anything, Dirk. Besides, where do you think Bryce is right now?”

  “Oh. Right. Naomi. Well, okay. I guess I’ll just see you at lunch.”

  “Yeah. Lunch.”

  Dirk left it with a nod and walked out of the room.

  That was interesting but I still think I needed to see this said change for myself. I didn’t quite think I could change my opinion until I did.

  Chapter 21


  I waited in his room while he talked to Seth and hoped they worked it out. I knew how he still felt about me but I was right in saying we both needed Dirk because we did. He was going to become my husband soon and I could only seem to look at my beautiful ring on my finger when I was alone. I’ve dreamt of this day since I was told after Ruby found me. I wanted nothing more than to know what it felt like to love and have someone love me in return.

  The door opened and I quickly scrambled to get my ring off and hide it in my hand.

  “Looking at it again?”

  It was just Dirk with his adorable joking tone.

  “Yes.” I said, exposing the ring and getting another look. “I’m almost sad I don’t get to wear it.”

  “You can for a bit once we get out of here.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Well, this thing between me and Seth is settled for now and there’s still time before lunch.”

  He just stared at me like he wanted me to figure it out and I did. “You want to do it now?”

  “I don’t want to waste another moment by not having you mine.”

  My smile grew damn near uncontrollably and I knew I didn’t want to waste another moment either. He really did love me and I wanted to make being with him forever official. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  He held out his arm to me and was the perfect gentlemen while escorting me downstairs to leave.

  “And where do you think you’re off to?”

  We turned around and I was nervous when Darius approached with his deep voice.

  “Father. Hey.” Dirk said. “Nowhere in particular. Just for a walk before lunch. Getting out in the fresh air.”

  “Then be sure you’re back. Your mother would like you to be there.”

  “We will be. Won’t we?”

  I nodded, trying to smile. “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Just make sure of it.”

  He turned to leave and we both sighed quietly to the closeness. It only made what we were sneaking out to do all the more real and we headed out into the city.

  This was really my first time here so I was a little star-struck to see its magnificence in the daylight. Everything was just so pretty and white. It didn’t make me seem so plain. Of course I wasn’t. I was on Dirk’s arm and everyone seemed to take notice when we walked by.

  He took me into the minister’s office just down the street and we approached the desk.

  “What may I help you with?” The lady asked.

  “We’d like to get married.” Dirk said.

  I smiled but gripped his arm tighter when I heard him say it.

  “Very well.” She shuffled through some papers and handed one off. “Just sign this so it may be filed in the city registry once the marriage has been verified and be sure it gets signed in all the proper places by you, your spouse and your witness.”


  “Someone you know to confirm that the marriage took place. It’s necessary here for quick occasions like this.”

  “Okay. We’ll get someone.”

  “Just come back with your witness, everything signed and our minister will bind your marriage.”

  “Thank you.”

  We turned away, ready to leave.

  “Who are we going to get?” I whispered. “We can’t have anyone we know do it. Everyone will find out.”

  “It’s okay. I know someone.”

  I guess I just had to trust him and hope it wasn’t anyone in the family.

  We walked down several of the streets until we came to a large gated residence and he led us right through to the large house on the other side.

  “Who lives here?”

  “Just someone I know that will help—and not tell.”

  We walked through the door like we lived here but then he turned to the next door on the right and knocked.

  It took a moment but a young woman answered it. She had blonde hair a lot like mine but her eyes were blue. Her face lit up when she saw Dirk.

  “Dirk?!” They hugged and I wasn’t quite sure how I was supposed to react but I knew I didn’t like it.

  “Hey, Lynn. How are you?”

  “I’m great actually and you?”

  “Very well. I actually came because I need your help.”

  He kind of turned to the side so the girl could see me. She smiled but didn’t directly speak to me, just about me.

  “Is this Lana?”

  “Yes.” Dirk said.

  She still smiled and shook my hand. “It’s an honor. I’ve heard so much about you—well, what little Dirk actually knew.”

  This was still a bit awkward for me. She seemed to know me but I still had no idea who she was, just someone Dirk was probably with before me.

  “Well, I know I haven’t heard about you.”

  “Sorry.” Dirk said. “This is Lynn. We went to the Royal Academy together.”

  “Yeah, it seemed like so long ago. I’m sorry, where are my manners? Come in.” She held the door open for us and Dirk led me inside.

  “Is your father home?”


  “Oh, okay. This won’t take long. I just wanted to as
k if you would be our witness.”

  “Your witness?” She seemed confused at first but it didn’t take long when she saw that I haven’t let go of Dirk since we’ve been here. “Oh! Witness to your marriage! I should be honored I guess but why me? Wouldn’t it be a little awkward since we’ve—” She trailed off and I didn’t need her to finish to know what she was going to say.

  “It wouldn’t be that weird.” Dirk assured her. “We need it to be someone we can trust and that’s not anyone in our family or someone else is bound to find out.”

  “Ooh, you’re doing it secretly. I see. Okay. I guess there shouldn’t be a problem with that. It’s just my signature, right?”

  “And then your presence but other than that, I’ll never ask you to do anything for me ever again.”

  I was glad to hear it.

  “Okay. Let’s see it.”

  Dirk handed her the paper and we went to a desk for the quill pen on it. She was first to sign it in the witness’s designated area and Dirk signed it next then held out the quill to me. I took it slowly but signed where I was supposed to.

  “Are you free right now to come with us?” Dirk asked.

  “Now? Sure. I don’t officially start work until next week so I’m free.”

  “Work, really? Where at?”

  Lynn smiled and became a bit excited. “You’re not going to believe it! Mistress Rosa is retiring and they asked me if I was interested in replacing her to teach Cuisine Study!”

  Dirk seemed just as happy for her. “No way! Really?! That’s so great! I’m happy for you!”

  “I know! Naturally, they probably would have asked you but I’m sure they knew you’d have other commitments being Seth’s right hand and all of that.”

  “I’m more like his left at the moment. He favors Bryce for his right but I’m still glad they thought of you. You’d really be better at the teaching part than me.”

  “Thank you. So, what exactly do we need to do now?”

  “We just go back to the minister’s office so he can marry us and try to keep our excitement under control.”

  Dirk put his arm around me with a smile and I smiled back.

  “Okay. That’s so great. You two are just lovely together and I love what you’ve done with your hair, Lana.”

  I touched the red pieces over my shoulder. “Thank you. They’re my accomplishments.”

  “Come on.” Dirk led me to the door with the completely signed paper so we could finally get on with this day. Lunch was going to be soon and we would have to get back to the palace before anyone gets suspicious.

  We went back to the minister’s office with Dirk and Lynn doing all the talking along the way. I didn’t really say much. They were mostly talking about when they were in school together and I really had nothing to say to that. I was never in a public school environment to know what any of it was really like. I was just happy when we got there.

  Dirk seemed really anxious to have us wed and I was thankful for that. He may not have noticed it but I felt he and Lynn had some kind of connection to each other since they’ve known each other for so long and he only just met me yesterday but he still made it clear that I was the one he chose and I would be content with that.

  The brief ceremony was just that; brief. The minister said a few words to unite us through marriage and we drank to each other, forever binding our souls as one. Brief but still beautiful. I would have liked for the family to have been in on this but I understood why they couldn’t be. It was soon; really soon but when you love someone, the amount of time doesn’t seem to matter. It’s about the love you share and I knew there was no one out there for me besides Dirk. He was everything to me and now is everything; my husband for all time.

  Chapter 22


  Lunch was the first meal we had where everyone was together and I got the official chance to meet Bryce’s Naomi. She was very lovely and sweet. Not only did they look great together, they seemed to have a strong connection between them and I was happy he found that. He more than deserved it.

  Dirk and I weren’t fighting anymore and I think our parents were most relieved to see us back to normal, at least for a time. I hated even admitting it but the moment Dirk and Lana walked in the dining hall together, last of course, I was beginning to believe what he told me. I did see a change in him. He had his complete true focus on her and the metaphoric fire between them was brighter than a thousand suns.

  Ruby was proud. She couldn’t stop smiling when they were walking in together. I even found getting used to Lana something else to be surprising. She was still very outspoken and never had a care of the words she used but seeing them together changed my overall opinion of her. She seemed less rude and was more the key in keeping everyone smiling. Something we all needed to have around.

  That evening, we all gathered again like an official family and were sitting in the dining hall having dinner. We even sat around and talked after our parents had left and got to know each other as a group.

  “So, where did all of your training happen?” Bryce asked. “We were never allowed to know.”

  “Right at your mountain palace, actually.” Naomi said.

  “What?!” My voice echoed loudly in the high ceilings. “You were that close?!”

  “It’s all right.” Cadence said. “You know why you couldn’t know.”

  “How could we not even have checked there?” I asked Bryce.

  He shrugged. “It makes sense. It was the last place they probably thought we would check.”

  “It’s okay.” Naomi said. “The year is over and we’re here.”

  “It might not have been fun for you but we got to enjoy some of it.” Lana said.

  My eyes curiously narrowed from her playful tone. “How so?”

  “We—ah, slept in your beds.”

  I looked at my brothers and we just looked—we didn’t know how to express it.

  “Fuck.” Dirk muttered. “Now I’m really depressed.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I still can’t believe we didn’t know you were there at all.” I said. “We’d get letters from them to check in and see how we were but they never mentioned anything about where they were. There was no return address.”

  “And if you knew that, what would you have done?” Cadence wondered.

  “You know exactly what I would have done. Forget packing. I’d be there in five hours.”

  She just laughed. “See? That was why. In the long run it was good for us because we weren’t supposed to get outside contact while we’re being trained. That’s why we did it there. If you showed up, all that work would have been lost.”

  “Worth it.” Lana smiled, looking over at Dirk.

  He smiled back and took a drink.

  “Well, you couldn’t have been there the whole time.” Bryce said. “You had to of gone to see that Enchantress at some point to get your gifts, right?”

  “Yeah.” Naomi answered. “That was actually early in the beginning. It was a fun trip. It also basically gave us a year to learn how to control them.”

  “Okay, so let’s just get this straight out into the open.” I said. “Lana is coincidentally the animal of the group, Naomi has her invisible stealth to work with and Cadence, you—”

  “What can you do?” Bryce asked. “I don’t even think I know that.”

  It was odd that I didn’t either but we had other things to do since she’s been here.

  “I can use all of your powers.”

  “Whoa. Really?” Dirk wondered.

  “It’d come in most helpful if our target happened to have a power too. I’d just be able to use it against them and they wouldn’t know what happened.”

  “That sounds pretty awesome.” Bryce said. “But you know what I would really like to see? Lana fully change herself into an animal.”

  “Why?” I asked. “You’ve seen me do it.”

  “But you can only be a wolf.”

  “What’s wrong with that?”
Now I was insulted.

  “Nothing but we’re used to it. She can turn into anything.”

  “I’ll only do it if Blue-Eyes wants me to.” Lana looked at me but I kept everyone at the table waiting. “Well?”

  “I really don’t care. If they want to see it then go for it.”

  “That’s not exactly the response I was looking for but okay.” She stood up, taking a few steps away from the table and turned back to us. Her eyes were closed and she took a deep breath. When she opened them, they were yellow. I hated that it actually started to interest me and I watched closely as her body transformed into the shape of a leopard and her clothes dropped to the floor.

  I’ve turned into a wolf several times since it first happened to me but I never really saw it like this. It was actually amazing to see the transformation.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “You can talk?” I wondered.

  “Can’t you as a wolf?”

  “I can now, yes.”

  “Then of course I can talk. I’m still me, I just don’t look like me. Instead I have fuzzy spots and I have this cute tail.”

  Bryce laughed. “That’s fucked up but cool. Can you talk to all animals? Like understand them?”

  “Of course. As easy as I can understand you.”

  “That’s so weird.” I muttered. I could only ever do that with Rift but I haven’t been around another wolf since he passed. “But you’re not that big.”

  “What do you mean? I’m naturally sized.”

  “Why? I’m not.” I jumped out of my chair and stood on all fours. I was on the floor and was beyond her level while she was on the table.

  She growled with a hiss like she was surprised. “Look at you! You are big!”

  “Have you been a wolf before?”

  “No. Let me try.” She jumped off the table next to me and turned herself into a white wolf without having to be human first but she wasn’t like me. She was smaller which only made her look like Rift and I had to look away, failing to keep in my whining reaction to seeing her. “Blue-eyes? What’s wrong?”

  “You’re forbidden to ever look like that again in my presence.”


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