Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 16

by Bowles, April

  “Is that supposed to be an insult to me?” Bryce asked.

  I sighed and tried to calm myself. “No. I’m sorry. I know, to her, you’re different. She’s actually been waiting a long time for it so she wasn’t shy about moving fast.”

  “You weren’t exactly either.” Dirk said. “Bryce saw Seth leave with you before the night was over.”

  Seth’s eyes narrowed and I tried to explain before he lashed out to defend my virtue. “That’s much different. Seth and I have known each other for years. I’ve been waiting longer you could say but I waited until it was him.”

  “Waited until what was him?” There was a long pause and I just didn’t know if I could say it at all but Dirk wasn’t stupid. He started to get it but he still didn’t seem to believe it. “Is that what Lana meant by you giving him your maidenhood? You’ve really waited all those years for him to be your first?”

  “Dirk!” Seth snatched. “Not your business!”

  “So, how many times have you done it so far?”

  “Definitely not your business!”

  I laughed to Seth’s cuteness to protect me but I knew this family, someone was going to talk about it eventually and it seemed Lana was first to jump on that. “Just the once.”

  “Once?” Now Bryce was falling into conversation about it and I wasn’t sure how to react.

  “Yeah. Once but the wait was worth it. Best night of my life.”

  “You’re welcome.” Seth said confidently.

  “Don’t thank him.” Dirk cut in. “Thank all of his practice test subjects.”


  I turned my eyes from them rather uncomfortably. I didn’t want to be hearing about that. I know Seth wouldn’t have waited and I guess, deep down, it was better that he didn’t. I didn’t want him to be completely nervous around me but I still didn’t like to think that there were others. It almost made me feel small and insignificant.

  Where are they? I wished they would hurry before it was talked about more.

  Chapter 29


  Lana made it to the back of the cavern and walked through the curtain. I waited on the outside but peeked in. I really wish that I didn’t have to but it was the reason I was here so I didn’t really have much of a choice.

  “Lana, there you are. After another rat?”

  “Yeah, you.” Kyos seemed shocked when his dog spoke to him. It was pretty funny and I strained not to laugh. “What’s the matter, Kyos? Haven’t you ever seen a talking dog before?” Kyos still didn’t say anything but shook his head to answer. “And by the way, how dare you name your dog after me?” Now he was confused. “What? Don’t you remember me? Maybe this will help.” Lana transformed herself back to her human form and she stood in front of him naked.

  I had to hold in any sound of a reaction but he was just shocked and got up off the bed. “Lana.”

  “Yes. You missed the party where Ruby tried to avenge me but now I’m here to make you pay for what you did to me.”

  His eyes traced down her and he clearly saw her marks. I mean, come on. She was totally naked and those black wings would have been seen a mile away. I’m surprised he didn’t notice sooner. “Assassin.”

  “That’s right. I was taught how to defend myself and now—” She transformed herself into her favorite form, a leopard. “I get to kill you.”

  Kyos backed up and held out his hand as she took a step forward as means to defend himself. “Now, wait a second.”

  “It’s too late for that. I’ve waited almost two years for this moment and now I’m ready.”

  I watched Lana leap toward him, knocking him to the floor and she immediately ripped away his manhood with her massive jaws. I nearly choked while Kyos cried out in pain as expected but Lana didn’t stop there. She had her claws imbedded in his skin and started ripping it all away. Kyos tried to hold her off by beating on her with one hand and trying to reach for a weapon with the other but he quickly became helpless. He bled out quickly from the wounds and was dead.

  It was a sight I hoped to never see again but I knew how Lana felt. Watching how he feared her was probably a great joy since it’s her who used to fear him. I was happy for her in away. Now that it was over, she could finally move on.

  I slowly backed out and headed back to the others outside, letting her catch up on her own so she could savor her kill. I still couldn’t shake the image and I think the others noticed when I turned the corner again and became visible. I wasn’t looking at anyone or anything in front of me at first.

  “Naomi?” Bryce’s voice was near me and I felt him gently touch my arm. “Are you all right?”

  “It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I heard movement behind me and finally moved my eyes. Lana was walking back but she was still in her leopard form with blood on her paws and around her mouth. “It’s done.” She sat down and started licking the blood off her paws while everyone just stared. Including me. I know I’ve seen it but seeing how she was okay with it was almost disturbing.

  “Good.” Cadence said. “So are you going to turn back now so we can leave?”

  “Not right here.” She got up and started walking back behind a rock close by. “Can someone bring me my clothes?” Dirk picked them up off the ground and brought them to her so she could change back into her human form. “Thanks.”

  He stood where we could see him but he was clearly watching, all though, I don’t think it was in delight. He seemed sad for her. “So, how do you feel?”

  “Free.” Dirk looked back at us with a smile and she finished dressing. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  She came back into view while slipping on her coat. That must have meant she just did it the easy way and that was good because it was getting a bit late or almost early even and that meant colder in these mountains.

  “Ah, you’ve got some blood on you.” Seth said as he brought his hand up to his own lip.

  Lana looked around then wiped it away and licked it off her finger with a smile. “Oops. Sorry.”

  “It’s all right. Just thought you should know.”

  “Well, thanks. You can probably let the dog go, Cadence. There are others there to take care of her. I only killed him.”

  Cadence let the dog go and it immediately went running back to the cavern but she stood fully with a sympathetic tone that Lana probably didn’t need. “Okay. I’m glad you’re okay. Ruby will be proud to know you finally faced your fears.”

  Lana actually smiled instead of sighing from the touchy moment. “Yeah. They didn’t even know we were leaving. I wonder if they do yet.”

  “We’ll find out when we get there. If we hurry we can make it back to the docks by morning and get off this island.”

  That sounded good. These rocks surrounding us were done out in me. I missed grass.

  Chapter 30


  We were getting close to the docks but something seemed wrong. Seth stopped and smelt the air with his eyes blackened and my stomach tightened.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Something is burning. Bryce, look into it.

  Bryce nodded and used his vision to probably see all the way to the docks. “Oh shit! The docks are engulfed in flames! Hurry!”

  We didn’t hesitate. We quickly made our way back north when we reached sight of the burning ships.

  “Father!” Naomi started running and we followed to get to Porter’s ship.

  The heat of the fire was intense and Naomi was about to board but I wouldn’t allow it and shouted over the crackling fires. “No! It’s too dangerous for you!”

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Bryce asked.

  I nodded. “Let’s go! You four stay here!”

  Together, we boarded the ship to look for Porter. The fires were strong and hot as we both tried to feel for signs of life.

  “Up there!” Bryce pointed to the stern and we made our way to the upper deck to see Porter laying unconscious. My he
art fluttered and we rushed over to him. Bryce put his hand on Porter’s forehead and looked up at me. “He’s still alive! We have to get him out of here!”

  I nodded, mimicking one of Dirk’s powers and lifted Porter on my back. It was really weird at first that I could do it so easily but it was a necessity at this point. We had to get him off this ship before we all went down with it. We headed back down the stairs, trying to dodge falling pieces of the ship at the same time. It was chaotic but we reached the plank. Bryce went first but just barely. It cracked and crumbled under his weight and fell into the water after he safely made a leap for the docks.

  I was still on the ship and still holding Porter.

  “Cadence! You’ll have to jump!” Seth shouted.

  He blackened his eyes again, telling me to do the same so I could jump. I wasn’t sure about it. I didn’t know if I was ready to mimic two gifts at once. I had to get Porter to them first.

  “Take him!” I took his arm from me and was easily able to fling him towards the docks. Seth was right there to slow him down and Dirk caught him.

  “Father.” Naomi was immediately on his side and I had to get over there fast. The ship was falling apart behind me.

  “Cadence! Jump!” Seth sounded worried like he thought I was sacrificing myself for Porter’s safety but I would prove him wrong.

  I felt my eyes blacken from using it for the first time and everything around me was heightened, even the sound of these roaring fires. It was a lot to take in all at once and at first I couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

  I felt someone take my arm and I focused enough to see Seth beside me. “Come on. I’ve got you.”

  I closed my eyes to turn them back. I guess it was too soon to try out that gift in a condition like this and I felt Seth leap from the ship with me in his arm.

  I was thankful for that but we still had a problem. Naomi was sobbing over her father and I thought the worse. “Is he dead?”

  “No.” Bryce answered. “Just passed out from breathing the toxins.”

  “Can you help him?” Naomi asked.

  “Yes.” He put his hand on Porter’s chest and his eyes started to glow. He stopped when Porter started to wake up.

  “Father.” Naomi said, happy to know he was okay.

  “Naomi.” Porter coughed while sitting up but he sounded thankful he was found.

  “What happened here?”

  “It was the mountain men. They burnt every ship flying a Senian flag. You have to get out of here, they’ll be back to kill any survivors.”

  “Why?” Seth asked or more like demanded.

  “They mean war.”

  Seth looked horrified and I mimicked Bryce’s power to see that the mountain men were still around and making their way back to us. “We have to go. They’re coming back.”

  “How?” Seth asked.

  “I don’t know but we have to get back to the main land.”

  “The life boat!” Lana shouted as she pointed to it.

  I looked and saw that it has not yet been touched by the fire.

  “You expect us to row all the way back to the main land?” Dirk asked.

  “I expect you to trust me. This will work.”

  Seth looked up and saw the men getting closer with his own eyes. “I’m all for that plan. Let’s hurry.”

  He used his gift and dropped the life boat down into the water. Dirk and Bryce helped Porter up and we all got down into the boat. Dirk rowed out to sea just far enough that the cloud of smoke was hiding us from sight.

  “Now what?” Dirk asked.

  “Everyone look away.” Lana said. “I have to take my clothes off.”

  “Why?” Naomi asked.

  “I don’t want to lose them in the water when I change.” Everyone turned their heads the other way probably except Dirk while she took her clothes off. We only turned back when we heard a splash. Lana was in the water and turned herself into a dolphin. “Throw me the rope.”

  Dirk picked it up and threw it out to her. Lana bit the end and started pulling us north to the main land. Naomi sat with her father the whole time and he was still acting weak from the toxins.

  I didn’t like it. I had a strange feeling about this. I knew what Bryce was capable of. His healing power should have completely turn Porter back to normal. I sat confused as to why he was still acting weak but then looked back at the cloud of smoke from the burning ships and thought about what Aleksander explained in his message. This wasn’t just about finding Kyos and letting Lana get her revenge. He was part of something that was bad for the world and I needed to share it.

  “This is bad. Aleksander said that by taking out Kyos the mountain men would soon fall apart but I don’t think that’s going to happen. They’re well united and too strong. It’s going to take more than just us to be rid of them.”

  “What do you mean?” Naomi asked. “There was more to him than what he did to Lana?”

  “Much more. Whispers of war have been coming from the south by his doing.”

  “He’s trying to get revenge for what my mother did?” Dirk asked.

  “I’m not sure completely. I just know we didn’t stop it by stopping him.”

  “Well, this will not go unanswered.” Seth said. “We’ll inform my father of this uprising. I’m sure he’ll call for military action.”

  Bryce laughed. “And they said the war was over.”

  “The one between are nations anyway.” Dirk said. “But it would seem the rest of the world is out for revenge of some kind.”

  “For making them join the war in the first place.” Naomi suggested. “But they should know they can’t win. Even if they were to fully unite against us, the Kalu and Seni nations remain stronger then the five of them combined. It would be hopeless for them.”

  “Do you really think your father would turn against us?” Seth asked me.

  I paused for what seemed like a long while. I haven’t even thought of my father in all of this until now. “It’s hard to say. I haven’t been there in sometime. Many things could have changed but it’s possible that if a properly planned revolt was presented to him with assurance that they would become victorious then yes, I believe he would.”

  “And what would you choose?”

  “I have already chosen. The Black Wings of Death bind me to Kalu as is where my allegiance shall remain.”

  Of course he understood my choice. “Well, if that is what they choose, we’ll be ready. We know that Lecca is weak and the six greatest fighters of the world still live and are still strong.”

  “That’s true.” Bryce said. “Then there’s us. There’s no way they could win with the twelve of us on one side.”

  The others nodded to agree. We all knew he was right. It would be the world’s greatest mistake to force us to take action.

  Lana continued to pull us across the sea for the remaining of the day until we reached the Senian docks at night fall. It felt good to be back even if we were days from the city.

  “Good work, Lana.” I said, tying the life boat to the dock.

  Lana was still in her dolphin form but nodded. She was probably exhausted so I let her have a minute while everyone got out of the boat. Dirk and Bryce helped Porter out all the way to shore but we stayed with Lana so she’d have some cover for whenever she decided to get out.

  “Ah, Lana. You might want to get out now.” Naomi said rather anxiously.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Right now. Get out!”

  I glanced up towards the water and saw a large fin coming toward us and it wasn’t another dolphin or a whale.

  Lana gasped and dove under the water and I followed with help from Bryce’s vision. A shark was chasing her around the remains of sunken ships in the bay and was catching up.

  “Lana!” I started to remove my weapons and clothes immediately so I could help.

  “What’s happening?” Dirk asked, running back onto the dock.

  “There’s a shark out there.” Naomi


  Dirk took a step forward but I put my arm out and stopped him. “No. I’ll go.” I stripped down right in front of him. At this point, I didn’t care who saw. I just wanted to help Lana and I jumped in after her.

  I changed into a dolphin as well and swam out to look for her. I found her with the shark not far behind but we were able to communicate to each other in dolphin language. Lana distracted the shark and I sent out a high pitch signal. In the matter of seconds, a nearby clan of dolphins came to us and they all started attacking the shark. The shark was out numbered. It just about had enough but took one last bite. It bit right into the side of Lana before the dolphin clan chased it off. I stayed behind and saw a cloud of blood beginning to surround Lana back in her human form and I immediately went over. I stayed a dolphin and pushed Lana towards shore until I knew I’d be able to touch bottom and changed myself back.

  Dirk was already in the water running towards us, severe anxiousness on his face.

  “Naomi! Toss me my coat!” I shouted. Naomi did just that and I caught it to quickly put it on before Dirk could reach us.

  He immediately grabbed a hold of Lana, holding her up. “Lana!” He didn’t even notice the bite wound until he put his hand on it. He lifted her up out of the water more and saw it for himself. “No.”

  “Don’t worry.” I said. “She’ll be fine. Just hold her like that.”

  Dirk continued to hold her up and I put my hand on the wound. My eyes started to glow. They weren’t green like Jaylyn or Bryce’s but the color of my eyes; a light purple.

  Dirk was at least relieved when he watched the wound close up and Lana open her eyes. “What happened?”

  “You were bitten by the shark.” I said. “But everything is fine now.”

  Lana looked down and realized she was naked and jumped out of Dirk’s arms into the water. “Cadence! I’m naked!”

  Dirk smiled. “Yeah, you are.”

  I laughed and started walking to shore. “You can get out and get your clothes.”


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