Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 18

by Bowles, April

  “I think he means you need to relax.” Cadence said, rubbing my shoulders. “You’re making too big of a deal out of this. Just go in there and tell them what we know so they may decide what action is to be taken.”

  I took a deep breath. “You’re right. It’s no big deal. We’re just talking, nothing more. I can do this. No problem.”

  “Exactly and you’re not alone. We’ll be right there.”

  Dirk opened the door and they walked in before Cadence or I and took their seats.

  “Remember, be informative.” Cadence said. “It’s what they want to hear.”

  I nodded as we followed but I remained standing while Cadence took her seat. I was just getting even more nervous when I saw everyone in here staring at me and waiting for me to say something. This was also the first time I was seeing my mother since we left and she had to know by now but she didn’t seem like she intended to lash out in any way.

  Cadence nudged me with her leg under the table and I shook off my nervousness to start to share the news.

  “Okay, well, first of all, let me start off by saying welcome and thank you for being here on such short notice. I know for many of you our prior victory has indeed forced you to become extremely busy but I and the rest of us here are pleased to see that you have made it. Now, to get to the point, in our recent travel south to Rugis we have discovered that a heavy band of rogues have aligned against us and plan to attack our nation. Our victory over the Leccans have clearly shown the world one thing, that we remain strong and therefore remain a threat.”

  “You remember Chan?” My father looked at around at the great six and they didn’t look pleased.

  “Is that what this is about?” Darius asked. “That was years ago.”

  “He may have been someone’s brother who may want revenge who may have been Naomi’s father who may now be dead but may have had followers who may want to continue on his path.”

  My father’s explanation was very unusual but they didn’t need any more information than that.

  “Why did he wait so long?” Jaylyn asked.

  My father shrugged. “You got me. Maybe convincing others took longer than he thought.”

  “Could you enlighten us on who he is?” I asked. “When did this all happen?”

  “It started before you were born.” My mother explained. “We went on a mission to kill Chan but ended up killing his decoy instead. We didn’t find out for a couple years and were sent to kill him again, only this time it was much more personal. He wanted revenge on your fathers for mixing with us and creating this peace to keep us but―”

  “He also wanted to kill you.” Ruby cut in, eyes flaring red with the memory. “So I stopped him by taking out his heart but before I did he told us that the world would not forgive and it seems he was right.”

  “It’s only because we’ve proven how strong we are.” I said. “Even our alliance with Kalu. We think those in Rugis plan to launch a full-force attack on Kalu and Seni by both land and sea to weaken our bond. You are here to decide how we are to answer for this crime against peace. Any questions?”

  “I have one.” The General said.

  I tried not to have my eyes roll. “You are free to speak, General.”

  “Okay. So, you honestly believe that Rugis would be strong enough to take out the two leading nations of the world?”

  “No, General I do not. Rugis is well aware that going in it alone would be hopeless for them. That is why I feel they would choose to assemble the other five nations to join them in this revolt against our power.”

  “Yes, but even then they wouldn’t be strong enough. Why would they choose such a path?”

  I tried to keep myself from seeming frustrated with all of his questions though I wanted to be. “Because it’s their only option to overthrow us, General, and if they believe they can than I say let them try. Everyone sitting in this room right now is wise enough to know that they would not stand a chance against us. Even now, they believe that this information is kept secret, in hopes to catch us off guard while the rest of the world readies for war. There is a decision to be made here, General, for war can never die unless those planning it are destroyed.”

  It was quiet but my father looked quite pleased with the way I’ve been handling myself.

  “Now, if there are no further statements, we will leave you with these thoughts as you compile your decision.”

  The other five stood up with me and we all bowed before beginning to turn.

  “Seth. How would you handle this problem?”

  My father’s voice stopped me from taking another step and I looked back but the General protested. “Your majesty, I don’t think—”

  My father only rightfully held up his hand to silence him and went on. “Hypothetically speaking, if you were in charge here, how would you deal with this?”

  “I would fight, father.”

  “I imagine so but do you have a plan as to how? If so, please share it with us.”

  I looked back at Cadence and she smiled with a simple nod. I guess this was my chance. I turned back to my father and used my gift to bring several pieces of military figurines over to the battle map in front of us.

  “Good, even better.” My father rose and leaned over the table. “Show us.”

  Everyone else got up from their chairs and leaned over the table too while I explained what my strategy would be—hypothetically. “First, I would make sure that the enemy remained confident that we had no knowledge of their plans as we secretly formed our armies behind the walls. Then I would set up various traps for our hostile guests further inland, making them believe they’re gaining progress by crossing our borders.” I moved pieces around on the map with my gift to signify what I was talking about. “One just before the eastern mountain pass holding Ledia. Another just south awaiting Rugis. Another southwest for Maaki and possibly Lecca if they regain their forces and dare to come back and the last one, north, at the cliffs set for Hintus and possibly a Ledian sea strike through the Silver Gates. We’ll have eyes all over the country to know when and where the next encounter will occur before it does as we station the most advanced units there based on the size and skill of the opposing force. Then we use everything we’ve got to our advantage as we watch them flee or be completely destroyed but, again, that’s just what I would do.”

  It was quiet for a moment but I watched my father looking over the map at the placement of the pieces while nodding. “I like it. It’s brilliant.” I was immediately shocked. “General, start the provisions for this at once. I want every unit briefed and ready to go on my command. You have two weeks.”

  The General didn’t question the King. He nodded and left with the other military leaders.

  The others and I were still in awe that my father actually decided to go along with my plan. “Father, you’re serious?”

  “Yes, son. You have planned this out well and I believe it’s just the kind of thing crazy enough to work. You are indeed my son after all.”

  I smiled and looked over at my mother. She smiled back and didn’t seem at all mad about leaving without telling her.

  “All right.” My father continued. “Have you sent word to Aleksander about this?”

  “Yes, your majesty.” Cadence answered. “Three days ago.”

  “Good. Now we must send him the plan. Knowing Aleksander’s mind, he will submit to it as well.”

  “And Trever’s.” Jaylyn muttered.

  My father smiled and looked at her. “Yes, of course, unless he is still too distraught to want to fight.”

  “You won’t have to worry about that. It will be the perfect time to unleash him.”

  “But not fully. He can’t control the lion.”

  “He won’t need it to be great.”

  “Very well. Cadence, send the message.”

  She nodded and the six of us left the conference room.

  “I still don’t believe this.” Dirk said as we walked through the main hall.

/>   “I know, we have to celebrate!” Lana replied.

  “You were great back there.” Cadence said while putting her arm around my neck. “I don’t know why you were so nervous.”

  “Me either. I guess it was just easier than I thought it would be.”

  “Well, whatever you did, it worked.” Bryce said. “You can tell he respects you now for coming up with that, and I quote, brilliant plan!”

  “Yeah!” Naomi added. “And we’ll spend the next two weeks hailing to your wonderful success.”

  “That’s a great idea!” Cadence said. “But first I have to send the message to Aleksander.” She broke away from us to write the message.

  “Well, hurry because when you get back we have some serious partying to do!” Lana hollered.

  The rest of us laughed as we walked to the dining hall and waited for Cadence.

  It didn’t seem like too long of a wait. I had other things to occupy my mind with while she was away. I was still a little flustered with getting such an opportunity to plan a war. This was surely something that would be remembered throughout history. It’s all I could want.

  “There you are!” Naomi said when Cadence finally got to join us. “Get over here!”

  “You didn’t start without me did you?”

  “No way.” I replied. “We’re in this together.” Cadence smiled and sat down next to me and I picked up my glass of wine. “Here’s to a new beginning.”

  “And a bright future to our success in killing, as is our jobs.” Cadence added.

  “And may we forever be known as the ones who regained world peace.” Bryce said.

  “While having some fun in the meantime!” Naomi replied.

  Lana smiled. “And may this night lead to many other happy nights of wild drunken sex.”

  “I’ll drink to that!” Dirk said. “Let’s speed this up then.”

  We all shared in a laugh together as we touched glasses to seal it and took a drink.

  Chapter 34


  “That was quite an impressive presentation Seth gave us tonight.” I said. “I think that trip did them some good.”

  “I’d say it did.” Troy replied. “Did any of you see the connection they had? It was like seeing us.”

  We all looked around at each other and Adele did her usual thing of sighing. “All right. I’ll admit that letting them go was probably a good thing. I’ve never seen them this happy.”

  Zayden smiled. “See, what did I tell you? Everything worked out just fine.”

  “Besides the recent news.” Jaylyn muttered.

  “Yes, well, we should have seen something like this coming after the warning. Chan was right. People always take notice when a group shows its dominance and our defeat over the Leccans proven it twice over.”

  “This isn’t about the weapon you killed Sedrik with too, I hope.” Adele said.

  “I don’t think so. Seth said he didn’t see it being anything about that.”

  “When did he say that?” I asked.

  “Oh—ah—I mean earlier before their trip.”

  “What?!” Adele snatched. “You knew about this?!”

  “Seth just came to me about the visions but we needed proof.”

  “He had visions about it?” Jaylyn asked.

  “That’s why you let them go.” Ruby figured. It was a good assumption but I’m still surprised I didn’t know sooner.

  “It’s perfectly fine.” Zayden said.

  “How can you say that?” Adele asked. “We’re going to be at war with the world.”

  “We should have known it would happen eventually.”

  “I guess but how could this be about just Chan? They wouldn’t attack Kalu too. They were supposedly all from Kalu.”

  “Does it really matter why?” I asked. “It’s going to happen either way. All we can do is respond.”

  “Yeah, I guess we’ll get to continue living the old ways for a while.” Ruby smiled.

  I shared in her joy. “I have no problem with that. It should be simple for us.”

  “Possibly.” Adele said. “But we’ll have to split up for the first time.”

  “Why?” Troy asked.

  “Just because we live here now doesn’t mean we fight here. We’re still bound to Kalu and so are the girls. They’ll be coming with us.”

  “You’re going to split them up?” I wondered. “They won’t take to that well.”

  “I know but it’s the only way, you all know that.”

  “But you mustn’t tell them.” Zayden said. “They will detest if you do and we’ve all seen that they’ve bonded better than expected.”

  “Well, what did you expect?” Ruby asked. “The girls have been waiting for their meeting for a year.”

  “No need to down upon it now.” I said. “Things have worked out better than we’ve planned with them.”

  “Well, did you think our sons would have refused?” Jaylyn wondered. “The girls are just like us.”

  “Yeah, except we were older when we met and started sleeping together.” Zayden said.

  Adele, Ruby and Jaylyn froze.

  “I don’t want to hear that.” Adele said. “Adults or otherwise. Let’s just let them have these weeks together before they know we won’t be fighting here.”

  “I still don’t like it.” Zayden replied. “But I at least agree in not telling them yet.”

  “Good. Now we can put this night to rest and begin our own preparations in the morning.”

  She was good at ending things like that so we just let it be and headed upstairs.

  “You know what I’d like you to think about?” Ruby asked once we were inside our room.

  “Don’t even say it because I’m not going to lose you.”

  She laughed. “No. Not that. I want you to think about—talking to Cadence.”

  “Why?” I kind of couldn’t believe I asked it but Ruby was clearly showing that she didn’t want to say why. “Oh. I know why. Ruby, we don’t even know if that’s true yet. I don’t see—”

  “I don’t need to test it because I know, Darius. She’s your daughter and she has a right to know before we’re sent off to war.”

  “If you believe in this so badly, why haven’t you told her?”

  “It wouldn’t be right coming from me. It should be you. I just wished that you’d believe it.”

  “Why? Do you know what that would do to us?”

  “It wouldn’t do anything. It happened a long time ago. It wouldn’t be a surprise to me and it’s not like she’s not already a big part of our life.”

  “But what about Dirk’s life? How do you think he’ll react?”

  “He won’t be angry. He might not understand at first but once it’s explained I think he’ll warm up to it. She’s going to be in his life anyway since she’s with Seth.”

  She just kept coming out with an excuse after an excuse about it not being a bad thing when Adele said she’d greatly be affected. I know that I want to know but I don’t want her to become distant if it ends up being true and she finally realizes it.

  “I’ll think about it, okay? I have two weeks to really decide.”

  “Okay. Two weeks then.”

  I kissed her and just wanted to put an end to it. It almost helped that she started to get in the mood but my mind was on other things. There’s a fifty percent chance that I have a daughter and I didn’t want to think about that while pleasuring my wife. I just let her do what she wanted and she fell asleep in my arms after.

  About an hour later, I was still awake thinking about it and heard a strange noise outside my door. Ruby was still asleep on my chest but I slowly moved her so I could get up. She just rolled over and I walked to the door and opened it. Lana and Dirk fell in and I jumped back out of the way. I could tell they were both drunk but they didn’t even see me standing here.

  “The door just opened!” Dirk said while laughing.

  “How did that happen?” Lana asked as she was lying on top of

  They continued to laugh until Lana looked up and saw me with my arms crossed. She quickly backed off Dirk with a shocked look on her face.

  “What?” Dirk asked as he looked at her and was still laying on the floor.

  “I don’t think we’re in the right room.” Lana said as she continued to look at me.

  Dirk stayed on the floor and moved his head back to see me looking down at him. He quickly got to his feet and stood with Lana. “Father!”

  “Dirk. Lana. Out late, are we?”

  “Oh, please don’t punish him, Darius.” Lana said as she stepped in front of Dirk. “It was my fault. Punish me.”

  I laughed, trying to keep it to myself and not wake Ruby. “I’m not going to punish anyone but next time, make sure you know where you are before you plan on continuing your physical relationship, all right?”

  “Sorry, father. It won’t happen again.”

  “I would hope not. If your mother caught you instead of me, you’d both be dead.” Lana and Dirk’s eyes got wide and they looked passed me at Ruby sleeping on the bed. “Now go, before she wakes up and sees you like that.”

  Lana and Dirk nodded and left. I closed the door with a light laugh and went back over to the bed. I needed to get to sleep before the night got any stranger and it was Seth and Cadence at our door next. I wouldn’t really be that comfortable to handle that situation like I had done with Dirk, especially since I didn’t know if she was my daughter yet. I actually don’t know how I’d feel knowing she was with any man.

  Chapter 35


  Two weeks to war: Day One

  As our first day had begun, we had everyone gather in the ballroom for something I’m sure none of them have thought about in a while. Six covered display cases stood in a row just waiting to be revealed.

  “I can see you’re all curious as to why I asked you here but there is a very good reason and no better way to start our two week countdown to war. You may have forgotten what was asked of you many months ago but today is the day you shall remember for we are honored to present you with these great gifts as you are all well deserving of them. So, let’s get right to it then, shall we? Seth. Yours first.”


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