Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 20

by Bowles, April

  “Really?” Troy wondered. “Are you sure?”


  “Well, what happened?” Darius asked, more like demanded. “I don’t want you touching her.”

  It only amused me for a moment that he was being so protective before any of us even knew she was his but I explained better so he wouldn’t be mad. “It wasn’t anything like that. She’s just gotten to the point where she has a problem even being around me. That’s why we haven’t seen her in a few days since then but I’m sure it’s just a phase. She’ll get over it. I told her we could talk it out but she feels more comfortable trying to do it on her own.”

  “What if she can’t?” Troy asked.

  “Then I’ll have to find a way to talk to her without anyone else knowing. I shouldn’t even be telling you.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Darius said, sounding angry still.

  “Calm yourself. She’s less than half my age. I’m not going to touch your daughter in any way.”

  “Can you not say it like that?”

  “Well, isn’t that why you’re being so defensive?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still not sure but Ruby wants me to talk to her with the possibility before they’re sent off to Kalu.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Troy said. “Especially now. She’s probably much too distracted because of this thing with Zayden. She doesn’t need something else to distract her during the fight.”

  “She’ll be over me by then.” I said. “I’m not going to let this continue for everyone’s sake. I’ll talk to her tonight and make her see it. She knows her fate is set to be with Seth and I can get her to remember that.”

  They at least agreed with me and I set my thoughts back onto things I would need to explain to get her to understand. She would be over it by the time she would be taken from us to fight in Kalu―she had to be for everyone’s sake.

  Chapter 38

  Cadence: Day 6

  The days were just dragging out and we needed to do something. We planned to take a day trip outside of the city walls today for some freedom before the pressures of war hit the land. It would be good for me. I’ve been spending all the time I could with Seth so I wouldn’t think of Zayden but mealtimes would only make me remember and make everything seem that much harder on me. I was glad we were going to get away today.

  We started for the stables to get our horses when it happened. I saw Zayden again and he looked right at me with a simple wave of his hand for me to come over.

  I was hesitant to do so but gave in and turned to Seth. “Hold my horse for me. I’ll be right back.” Seth nodded and I let them walk out of the palace without me. Once they were out of sight, I turned and walked over to Zayden like I didn’t want any of them to know what I was doing and I guess I didn’t. “Yes, your majesty?”

  “Now what did I say about that, Cadence?”

  “Sorry, Zayden. How may I be of service to you?”

  “I’ve been thinking about our conversation the other night.” I grimaced just to think about where this was going. “Now hang on. I’ve just noticed you still seem distant and I think it’s time for that talk.”

  “Oh, Zayden, I—”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer, Cadence. Think of Seth in all of this. He loves you and it will kill him to think your love has been shared all this time.”

  I sighed. “I know.”

  “Good. Now, you need to know that I’m only doing this to help you realize that this is just a phase that you will get over.”

  I nodded and understood where he was coming from. I didn’t want to hurt Seth in any way.

  “Now go, have a great day with my son and tonight I will help you be rid of this.”

  “This is going to be so embarrassing.” I muttered.

  He laughed a little. “It shouldn’t be. It won’t be a group discussion. Just you and me.”

  Hearing him say just you and me made me feel a little better, hopeful even and I agreed. “Okay. Tonight.”

  “We’ll meet back down here around midnight.”

  I nodded and walked back through the main hall. I guess I was right. I did need to talk about this and who better to do it with but him? It made me smile the whole way back that he was so willing to help me personally but it only reminded me about how great he really was.

  “You ready?” Seth was holding my horse like I asked and I got right one.

  “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  We rode out of the palace gates and we started on our day’s getaway. It was really nice to spend the day under the warm sun with the cold breeze that passed through the plains. We made so much fun of it and Seth was at my side through it.

  “What are you doing way out here?”

  “Uncle!” Seth got up in a hurry to greet Ryon when he appeared in front of us.

  “Is this how you’re preparing?”

  “Like we need to.” Dirk said. “It was getting pretty boring.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Is Trever okay?”

  Ryon looked at me blankly for a moment. “Would everyone stop stressing about Trever? He’s fine. He knew it was going to happen and he knows it’s not forever.”

  “Does he see Bianca like we see you?” Seth asked.

  “No. Bryce won’t allow that.”

  Bryce shifted his eyes around in nervousness.

  “Obviously not you.” Seth said.

  “Obviously.” Ryon replied. “The one in command of us dead ones.”

  “When will I ever get to meet him?”

  “When you die. Your mother hasn’t even seen him since you were a baby. He doesn’t come here unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “Are you going to fight with us?” Seth asked.

  “Would love to but I’m not allowed. Part of the rules. I’m not supposed to interfere with the living.”

  “But you’re here.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Ryon said rather joking like. “I didn’t know my visiting was such a burden.”

  “I didn’t say that. Of course we like it when you come but you never stay very long.”

  “I can’t, especially looking alive. This body becomes hard to maintain and I have responsibilities elsewhere.”

  “What do you do when you’re not here?” Dirk asked. “I mean, in our world.”

  “Can’t say.”


  “Several reasons but mostly because of Jaylyn.”

  “What about her?” Bryce asked.

  “Exactly. She wouldn’t want me to mention a thing. I take our friendship seriously.”

  Of course someone was on the brink of asking but we heard this anxious voice yelling. “Ryon! Ryon, where are you?!”

  He turned his head and looked north. “Stay! I’ll be right there!” He looked back at us. “Sorry. I have to go.”

  “Who is that?” Seth asked.


  “When can you come back?”

  “I’m not sure but surely after you teach the rest of the world a thing or two about who’s in charge.” It made Seth smile with confidence. “I can’t wait to watch.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  “Bye.” He disappeared.

  “That was weird.” Dirk said. “Can the dead have girlfriends?”

  Seth shrugged but started to get up. “Okay. Now, where were we?”

  “We were going to race as animals.” Lana said.

  “Oh, yeah.” Seth jumped further away from us and became a wolf. “Pick your species.”

  “Easy. I’ll choose the fastest land animal.”

  She turned herself into a limber cheetah and we got on with the day’s fun.

  It really was. It was a good bonding experience for everyone and even I got the chance to race but I still knew there was one thing that needed to be done. I never forgot about my plan to meet Zayden when the palace slept.

  The sun had already gone down when we rode back to the city and we made it up to the palace
by nightfall. Our horses were brought into the stables and we settled them in for the night before going inside ourselves.

  Adele greeted us in the main hall with hopes to hear about our day. “You’re back late. How was your outing?”

  “It was good, mother.” Seth answered. “The weather was perfect for such a day. We even saw uncle Ryon.”

  She seemed suspicious. “Why?”

  “Just to say hi. He didn’t stay very long before some woman called him away.”

  “Some woman?”

  “Don’t know who. We only heard a voice.”

  “Oh, well, good. I’m glad you had a nice day. Dinner is ready for you if you want it.”

  We all looked around at each other and shook our heads to decline. “No thank you, mother. We’ll skip dinner tonight. We’ve been eating all day.”

  Adele smiled. “All right but it will be in the kitchen all night and you can have it any time you get hungry.”

  “Okay but we’re just going to go to bed now.”

  Adele smiled and nodded while we passed and we all headed up to our rooms.

  I would have liked to sleep but I stayed up and kept looking outside, anticipating my meeting with Zayden and feeling the nervousness come back to me. When the moon was high enough, I snuck out of bed and walked downstairs to where Zayden said to meet him.


  I stepped in front of a door that slowly started to open and looked inside. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything or anyone but Zayden suddenly stepped into view. “Inside.”

  I nodded and walked into the room and he closed the door behind me.

  “So, where should we begin?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. This still feels a little awkward.”

  “I understand but you want to be rid of this, don’t you?”

  “More than anything.”

  “So, what’s the problem? How are you feeling right now?”

  “Other than nervous?”

  “You’re not in trouble or anything. We just need to get your thoughts out in the open so maybe even you can begin to understand them.” He pulled up a chair and sat down in front of me, getting another chair for me so we were literally going to be face-to-face for this conversation. “Now, tell me what you see when you look at me?”


  “Yeah. It could help to get it out in the open for yourself if you say it out loud.”

  I took a deep breath as I sat in front of him and looked him over, trying to brave up and speak what I was thinking. “Well, I see a strong, gorgeous, highly talented and powerful King that has done so many great things, nothing like the world has ever seen a King do in a lifetime. You’re seen as a hero. Everyone who knows you holds you in high respects and worships the ground you walk on. Any woman would kill to have a minute of your time which makes Adele the luckiest woman in the world for she is the only one who has ever held your heart.”

  “Wow.” Zayden seemed surprised and impressed that I said that much but I only felt embarrassed for it. “Thank you. Um, I’ve never really heard it put quite that way before but this is good, we’re getting somewhere. By your description of me, I can see that you’re attracted to power. So, think about this for a second, do you think I was always this way? No, I started out with just my fighting skills to guide me through my fate like someone you know.”

  “You mean Seth?”

  “Precisely but he has an advantage that I did not have. He was born with his power. I didn’t acquire mine until I was at the age of twenty-one.”

  “But I thought you were born with one.”

  “Yes, but I rarely even used it. I didn’t need too. My fighting skills were enough. The point is, Seth has already proven to everyone that he will be a great leader as I am by planning this war and perhaps an even better one. You just have to look inside him and inside yourself to find the true meaning and when you do, you’ll see that you and Seth are much like Adele and myself. Time may change us but one thing that will never change is the way he feels for you and you for him. As long as you remember that and believe it, Fate will bring out the greatness of a man you deserve and believe me when I say, Seth was born for such greatness and only he can answer to your request.”

  I sat through Zayden’s speech and had truly begun to understand what he meant. Seth was still growing and his highest level of greatness has yet to be discovered. My feelings for Zayden had only reflected what I was looking for in a man but it’s been there in Seth all along. Only time remained before it was to be let out to the world as the coming of this war would be the first big step in his success.

  “Do you see what I’m saying?”

  I was still trying to move around all the pieces to where they needed to be but I did understand. “Yes. I think I do. I’ve just been getting ahead of myself in what I’ve been looking for.”

  “This is good news. Knowing that, what do you feel when you look at me now?”

  I looked at Zayden and no longer felt ashamed of giving an answer. “I feel honored to have such a time with a great King but I feel more honored knowing that I have his son, a great Prince, waiting for me that I must be getting back to.”

  “Then go, be with him and may you always remember you’re only as great as you see it and to have others around you see the same things is to show it.”

  “Thank you, Zayden, for helping me passed this. You were right in your method all along.”

  “You’re very welcome, Cadence. I’m glad to see this problem is resolved and hope you look to the future.”

  “I do and thanks again.”

  Zayden smiled charmingly but I saw him more as a great mentor now. He really was that for me tonight and we both stood up to get back to our true loves.

  I climbed into bed with Seth and he started to wake up from the movement. “Cadence? You’re still awake? Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is perfect.” I leaned into him and we shared a passionate kiss.

  Seth was seeming more awake now and I started to climb on top of him, expressing a strong desire. Seth seemed surprised by my recent burst of sexual appetite probably because I’ve been holding off on our second time together but I knew I wanted this; I wanted him.

  I started taking my clothes off in between kisses and he took off his. Once I was naked, Seth rolled me to my back and laid on me still kissing me while he ran his hand along the side of my body. We made beautiful love under the light of the moon and named this the greatest act of our fate as one.

  I was over my wanting for Zayden and could now turn my focus entirely on Seth and our promising future.

  Chapter 39

  Zayden: Day 7

  Adele had already left the room this morning but I still needed to get ready for the day. I grabbed a quick shower and before I could even get dressed, Troy and Darius came into the room.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “We just came to wake you up.” Troy said. “We have things to do today.”

  “Yes, and to hear about your night.” Darius added. “Did you meet with Cadence to talk?”


  “So.” Troy said. “What happened?”

  “We talked as planned. Just talked. I got her to realize a few things about herself and why she was feeling the way she was. Everything worked out perfectly.”

  “Well, I guess that’s good news.” Darius said.

  “Yeah.” Troy agreed. “One thing down. You should get dressed. The General is coming today as the final days of preparation draw near.”

  I nodded and continued on my current path towards my closet to get some clothes. Darius and Troy waited in my room until I walked back out to them. “Where to first?”

  “Where would you like to go first?” Darius asked.

  “Let’s go to the statue thing first, just to get that out of the way before the General arrives.”

  “All right.” Troy said. “Let’s go.”

  We walked out the door and started d
own the hall to the stairs. Seth’s door opened as we were coming up on it and Cadence stepped out, wearing only one of Seth’s shirts. She closed the door behind her to turn and see us walking towards her. She was jumped and put her hand over her heart while backing up against the door.

  “Forgive us.” I said. “Have you seen Seth this morning? The General is coming today and I need him to be present for the briefing.”

  “Yes I have, in fact he’s still sleeping.”

  “Well, wake his ass up. He needs to be ready for when the General arrives and I will not tolerate any laziness today.”

  “When will the General be here?”

  I looked at Troy for the answer and Troy looked down at the list he was holding. “Noon.”

  “See, that’s plenty of time. I’ll personally make sure he’s ready by then.”

  “Let’s just do it now, just to be safe.”

  I took a step towards the door but Cadence stopped me with a loud voice. “No! I’m afraid I can’t allow that. He really needs his sleep.”

  Her voice was too anxious and I knew something was up. “Cadence. What are you hiding?”

  “Hiding? I’m not hiding anything.”

  “Then what’s going on? Is he even in there?”

  “Of course he is. We were just—kind of—up late.

  “All right.” I held up my hand before she went on in front of Darius and make him react defensively towards my son. “Just make sure he’s ready by noon.”

  “I said I would.”


  We walked passed Cadence and they looked at her as she looked at them. “Darius. Troy.”

  They nodded and continued to follow me down the hall but I stopped and turned back. “Oh, and Cadence.”

  She quickly turned. “Yes?”

  “Put some clothes on, would you? It’s daytime.”

  Cadence looked down as she held Seth’s shirt down over her and smiled. “I planned on it.”

  “Do it now then.”

  She smiled again and turned back inside Seth’s room.

  We continued down the hall and Darius let out a long sigh.

  “Sorry you had to see that.” I said.


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