Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)

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Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) Page 22

by Bowles, April


  I rode south all day and night until I caught up to Zayden early in the morning on Day 11. He must have been in more of a hurry than I thought because he didn’t slow down one bit.

  “Troy?” He seemed surprised to see me reach his side. “What are you doing here? I thought you went with Bryce?”

  “We split up to get it done faster. Bryce rode north with Seth to study the northern and eastern activity.”

  “Good. Have you looked into it yet?”

  “I have on my way down here.”

  “What’s the news of the south?”

  “Rugis has assembled fifty ships each carrying about fifty men. They have reached the southern docks and are now approaching our meeting point on foot. I estimate that they will be arriving there in four days at the most, three at the least.”

  “Very good. What about in the west?”

  “Maaki has gathered their forces all in cavalry and are riding this way. They’re numbered to about two thousand but saved another two for the fight in Kalu.”

  “What about Lecca? What’s their plan of action?”

  “As far as I saw, none. They don’t have a single soldier armed to fight. Sedrik’s cousin has taken over as King and I believe he wants no further quarrel with us but he is allowing Maaki’s forces to cross through his lands so we must be prepared for the unexpected.”

  “Of course. Very good. Now, let’s hurry. We can make it to the meeting point by morning to inform the General of their numbers.”

  I nodded and we picked up the pace to quickly ride south.

  Chapter 43


  I rode with my son back towards the city and on Day 12 we were ready to make our way south along the rode but spotted someone familiar ahead of us.

  “Look. It’s Bryce.” Dirk said. “Bryce!”

  Bryce slowed his horse and turned around as we reached him.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were with Troy.” I said.

  “No. We split up. He already rode south after Zayden and I went with Seth to check on the activity that way.”

  “And?” Dirk wondered.

  “There’s a lot but Seth can handle it. He’ll have his first encounter today and another one tomorrow then the last one in two days.”

  “You better tell Zayden.” I said. “Let’s go.”

  Bryce nodded and we started the journey south to the meeting point.

  Chapter 44


  It was Day 12 now for our time of waiting but I was the first of anyone to get a sighting of the approaching enemy. I stood up on the ledge of the white cliff and saw two dozen Ledian ships approaching from the east.

  It was too easy and it made me smile. I brought up my hand and held it over the ledge. “This is for you, father.” My fist clenched and the calm waters of the sea became rapid.

  The ships were swaying all over the place and I brought up my other hand and slammed it down. The waters risen up over the ship’s masts and swallowed every one, sending them and the soldiers on them to the bottom of the sea. The rapids even made sure there was no survivors.

  I relaxed my clenched fist and the sea returned as calm as ever like nothing had ever happened. That was fun but now I had to wait again for the next wave of Ledian ships to arrive.

  Chapter 45


  We reached the meeting point by Day 12 where the army was quietly waiting for the fight ahead.

  “General. Is everything set?”

  “Yes, your majesty. Everyone is well rested and strong for battle.”

  “Good. We have two days before they strike but be sure everyone is prepared for anything sooner.”

  “You got it.” The General nodded as he walked off and Troy and I headed to my tent where we would wait for the arrival of the others.

  Chapter 46


  Day 13 came and I was finally ready to undergo my second encounter with enemy ships in the north.

  After a day of peace, I welcomed the second wave of Ledian ships. I stood up and held my hands straight out to the sides with my palms facing each other. I wanted to do this a bit differently and I waited until the ships got a little closer before I slammed my hands together, making the water push the ships into each other. I then slammed my hands down and sunk the ships, sending the soldiers into a panic as their heavy armor and the strength of the rapids pulled them under, never to resurface.

  Simple; again.

  I brushed off my hands and sat back down to wait for the final invasion of ships from Hintus. It honestly couldn’t come sooner. I hoped everyone else was having a better time than me.

  Chapter 47


  Day 14 had finally come and this was the day for war. Troy had confirmed that the armies have met up with each other and are only hours away from reaching the meeting point and battle.

  I was getting anxious for the fight while we waited for Darius and the others to arrive and I paced inside my tent. “Where are they? They should have been here by now. See if you can see them.”

  Troy nodded and turned his head to look north. “They’re here.”

  I sighed in relief and finally sat down.

  “Did we miss it?” Darius smiled, walking in with Bryce and Dirk.

  “No.” Troy said. “But any later and you could have. They’ll be here soon.”

  “How did it go? Did you finish it?” I asked.

  “Why would we be here if we didn’t?” Darius replied. “It went perfectly.”

  “Fuck yeah.” Dirk said. “There’s no way they’re getting through there.”

  “Good. What about you, Bryce? What’s the news of the north?”

  “It’s confirmed that Ledia had twenty four ships at the ready with twelve more standing by, each capable of loading a hundred men but Seth would have taken them out by now.”

  “Good. What about Hintus? What news from them?”

  “They had thirty six ships prepared to sail when I looked but it’s uncertain if they’re going to be split up to send them to both northern docks but Seth is prepared for it. They should be arriving there today if that’s what they choose.”

  “All right. Let us hope Adele plans to take them out the same way. Otherwise they’re numbers will be greater.”

  I was really talking to myself but there was a moment of silence after I said it. Everyone probably started to think about how they’re doing over in Kalu but I had to change the subject before anything was mentioned.

  “Well. Let’s take our positions and wait for our own battle. We mustn’t dwell on what they’re doing when we have our own trials to overcome.” Everyone was still quiet but nodded in agreement and followed me outside where we met with the General. “Get the troops lined and ready for battle. Then wait for the signal and follow the attack with full force.”

  “Yes, your majesty.”

  I led the others to the top of the hill so they could get a look at the soon-to-be battle field filled with scattered pits of oil hidden by lines of hay.

  “What did you do?” Darius asked.

  “Just a little something for our guests. Once they cross into the playing field, passed there and there. We’ll sneak out around them and light a line of fires that will soon cross paths and separate their forces. We’ll then use the smoke as our cover to ride away where I’ll signal an attack with our archers amidst the confusion. Once we reduce their numbers, I’ll signal for the full force attack.”

  “So, no negotiations?” Bryce wondered.

  “Fuck no. Just like Lecca, they’ve crossed our borders with willing intentions to take action. We will not give them a chance to negotiate their retreat.”

  “Well, in that case, it’s brilliant.” Dirk replied.

  I smiled. “Of course. It’s something they wouldn’t expect.”

  “Only you, Zayden.” Darius smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. “Only you.”

  “Now we must wait. Darius. Troy. When the
time comes I want you to come with me to light the fires.” They nodded. “Bryce. I need you to keep your eyes on me and only me. When you see me give the signal I want you to send in the arrows. Once they stop falling and the air is clear, I will give another signal where I want both of you to lead the army down the hill to battle.”

  Dirk and Bryce were surprised and looked at each other then back at me.

  “Us?” Dirk wondered. “You want us to lead them?”

  “This is your chance to prove yourselves. You are your father’s sons. Show no weakness and the men will gladly follow as you will one day be their leaders.”

  They were enlightened by my proposal and easily accepted it with proud nods.

  The General walked up the hill to us and addressed me, bowing his head while the army remained at attention behind him. “Your majesty. The men are ready and could use some encouraging words from their King.”

  I nodded as the General stepped aside to let me pass. I walked down the hill a ways and stopped in front of the army. They didn’t hesitate to all get down on one knee and bow before me.

  “The day has finally come for us. We will once again show the world who remains in power. Us! Not them! They may have the courage to cross our borders and travel through our lands but when they realize we’re waiting for them, fear will overpower that courage and we will move through to our victory! Today is the day you reach that glory when you fight for this country you fight for not only your life but the lives of everyone who live within our borders! You fight for their respect and the respect of our challengers but most importantly when you fight, you fight for your freedoms and you fight for me!”

  Everyone stood up and cheered at my words. They were now pumped up for the battle to come just as I needed them to be.

  The others and I got our horses ready and stood ahead of the army on the hill where we waited. Troy checked periodically to see how far away we were to war until he silently signaled their arrival. I nodded and turned to the army, signaling for the archers to take their positions forward. They got ready as I turned to Bryce and pointed at my eyes then his. Bryce nodded and Troy, Darius and myself rode out around the hill to set the fires behind the approaching armies.

  Once the whole of both armies were passed the far corners of my trap, we lit the oil pits and the fire quickly spread, closing them in and splitting them up in three parts. They had no idea what was happening but were forced to clutter together to be clear of the raging fires.

  We rode aside and I gave the signal that I hoped Bryce was looking for. He would know what it meant and commanded the wave of arrows.

  The archers readied their arrows and launched them in the air over the hill toward the clustered armies on the other side. Hundreds fell instantly as their flesh was pierced by the incoming arrows and I gave Bryce the final signal to move in. Bryce looked over at Dirk and nodded. They turned to the army and pulled out their weapons as the soldiers did the same. They signaled for them to move forward and raced over the hill into battle.

  This came as quite a surprise to the invading armies. They clearly did not expect us to have a clue about the raid but they pulled out their weapons as the armies collided and the battle began.

  The sound of clashing metal could barely be heard over the sound of the burning fields and screams of the wounded. The fires have proven to be useful as they alone claimed the lives of many victims, cutting the numbers even more. Dirk and Bryce dismounted their horses as they continued to fight on foot where they could get better hits on the enemy. They were good like last time but this time, I was proud to have them here.

  The fighting continued for an hour and we were nearing our victory. Dirk and Bryce fought their hardest right alongside us and they did not let up for a second though the clouded air made it difficult to see or even breathe at times. They remained strong and made every swing count for something while also looking out for each other as well as other Senian soldiers.

  The fighting soon slowed down. What was left of the Maakian cavalry retrieved their horses and fled back south. Once the Rugainians realized the Maakian forces were retreating, they too begun to flee back south to escape their infinite deaths from the Senian soldiers.

  When I confirmed the retreat, everyone started to rejoice in the glories of our victory. The fires were soon doused and the smoke cleared from the air when we could truly get a better picture as to the number of losses we suffered during the battle. Luckily, it was only few, many less than expected. So it would seem that the element of surprise was the way to go and we were able to walk away from this fight still thousands strong.

  Everyone followed me back up the hill to the camps and I looked north, wondering about Seth’s progress. “Troy! What is Seth up to?”

  Troy reached my side and looked north for me. “He’s coming up to his final task. They’re approaching the Silver Gates steadily.”

  “Show me.” I closed my eyes and felt Troy place his hand on my shoulder. I saw what he saw and watched my son as if I were right behind him.

  “What are you doing?” I heard Darius ask it but I didn’t want to open my eyes to see him. I didn’t want to miss this.

  “We’re watching Seth.” Troy said. “He’s about to take out the remaining ships.”

  Everyone seemed to want to get in on this and we were all there with him.

  Seth held out his hands and drove one forward toward the first ship. The water shot up in one straight line toward the ship and ripped it apart as it collided with it.

  It was incredible and Seth did the same thing to ten of the other ships with great speed but left one as it continued to move closer to docking.

  “He left one.” Bryce said.

  “Yeah, but why?” I wondered.

  Seth reached to his left arm and took his arm brace off, dropping it to the ground then did the same with the right.

  “Oh, shit.” Dirk said, quietly. “He’s going to board.”

  I held my breath as we continued to watch Seth remove all of his gear. He reached to his right shoulder with his right hand and unhooked his cape and it dropped to the ground. Then he took off his left shoulder armor and put it down on the ground then did the same with his right. After that, he took off his breast plate and kneeled down as he put it on the ground next to his other stuff and started to take off his shirt as he stood back up. It dropped to the ground as he kneeled down again and started to take off his boots. Once they were off, he stood up and cracked his neck by moving his head from side to side. Then he paused there and looked at the approaching ship as he brought his hands up to the belt of his sword and glanced down at it for a moment.

  “Don’t do it, Seth.” I muttered. “You have nothing to prove.”

  He took it off and Darius sighed as it fell to the ground. “He thinks he does.”

  Seth took out a single dagger and curiously paused. He turned around and looked to the south for a moment like he was looking at us and slowly gained a smile on his face.

  “What is he doing?” Dirk asked.

  “He knows we’re watching him.” Troy answered.

  Seth stuck the dagger in his mouth sideways by the blade and his eyes turned solid black. He quickly turned around and started running towards the cliff.

  “Troy, follow him!” I said.

  Troy did just that and we watched Seth use one of his gifts to run down the side of the cliff and dive right into the water. The men on the ship saw something coming and all looked overboard when they heard the splash. They’ve probably been uneasy since they witnessed the destruction of the entire fleet but themselves and were all nervous. Seth most likely intended to use that fear to gain victory his way.

  As the men were all looking down into the water, Seth came flying out of it and landed on the deck of the ship. They all turned to him and saw it was only one man while he took the dagger from his mouth and held it out. The men turned around all the way and pulled out their swords. Out of the fifty standing on deck, only five of them decided to
charge first while the others stood back and thought it would be over quick.

  Seth dodged the first attack and let the soldier pass and stabbed him in the back. He immediately pulled out the dagger and cut the throat of another as he was about to swing his sword. At the same time he was falling, Seth lifted up his leg and kicked another soldier, making his head quickly jerk to the right, breaking his neck. Two others came at him and he simply ducked out of the way of their attacks and they ended up killing each other. Seth stood back up all the way when they fell dead and looked towards the other forty-five men standing by.

  They clearly didn’t like it. They all charged at the same time and Seth used his speed and confused his enemy into fear then started to kill some of them as he moved around. They didn’t know where it was coming from or where it would come next. They just tried to stay focused and keep their eyes on him.

  After killing ten more men that way, he used another gift and pushed off from the center of the deck, cracking the ship almost in half. The men were going into an even bigger panic as they watched him shoot up into the air and arch north away from the ship, landing out in the water. When he did, he sent a huge wave towards the ship and it swallowed it, bringing it down to the bottom of the sea with the others.

  There was a moment of silence as the waters once again became calm as if nothing ever happened.

  “Where is he?” Bryce asked.

  “Come on, Seth.” I whispered. “Get up.”

  I looked to the shore and saw Seth come in like one of the waves. He crawled up the wet sand a ways until he was out of the water then stood up. He looked back to the sea and it was peaceful. He knew the job was done as he turned back and looked up the high zigzag road he’d have to climb to get to the top of the cliff.

  Before he did, he looked down at his left arm for a moment. Blood was running down it. He sighed and went running towards the cliffs then jumped up into the air, using it to quickly move himself up the side of the cliff. He looked animal like as he jumped from ledge to ledge of the levels of the high road and made it to the top. He landed low and looked south, taking deep breaths. He stood up all the way and removed all of the water off him, pushing it back over the cliff before he looked down at his wound. We continued to watch as he brought up his right hand over his left arm and fused together the skin, closing it up.


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