Templars Quest Trilogy: The Lost Ark (Books 1-3 The Templars Quest Chronicles)

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Templars Quest Trilogy: The Lost Ark (Books 1-3 The Templars Quest Chronicles) Page 20

by Thomas H. Ward

  “Why didn’t they give it to the church?” Maggie inquired.

  Adam replied, “I think the Templars believed the treasure belonged to the Israelites. They didn’t want to give it to the church. The Templars became rich and powerful, which the Pope and King of France didn’t like. They suspected that the Templars became rich because they found the holy treasure. This is why most of the Templars were rounded up and many were killed on Friday the 13th in 1307. After the attack on the Templar’s locations in Europe, they decided to move the Ark and treasure to the New World, which was more or less discovered by the Vikings.”

  “Is that why Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day?” Maggie asked.

  “That’s right.”

  “That’s a pretty good theory, Adam. It makes a lot of sense,” I told him.

  We pulled up to the south gate of the Petrified Forest National Park and our conversation came to an end. The gate was locked and chained shut. A sign read: ‘CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TREPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED.’

  Adam asked, “What are we gonna do now?”

  Everyone had dismounted and was standing there reading the stupid sign.

  Baldwin asked, “Jack, what now?”

  I pulled out the map, showing it to Baldwin. I said, “I don’t think anyone is here. I don’t see any guards, so let’s proceed. We’re going to the Puerco Pueblo ruins, about 10 miles away.”

  “This is federal land, or used to be. Maybe no one is here now but someone is watching us,” as Baldwin pointed to a camera high on top a metal pole, about 50 feet away.

  I looked up at the camera. “So what. Even if they’re watching us what can Park Police do about it? Let’s roll out. Once we get to the ruins we’ll set up camp and take a break.”

  Proceeding around the locked gates, we arrived at the Puerco ruins without any incidents. We were surprised there was a visitor center, so we broke in. The center was dusty and we proceeded to clean it up so we could spend the night. It seemed no one had been here in a few years.

  The water wasn’t working until one of Baldwin’s men found a generator and a pump that was connected to an underground well. He managed to get the generator started, and to everyone’s delight, it also ran the air conditioning system. Maggie was especially happy that we had water for the washrooms, which contained two shower stalls.

  Baldwin’s men tested the water and determined it was very safe to drink. I took a sip and was elated that the water was actually cool, but it did have a well water taste.

  Adam and I browsed around the center, looking at the information displays about the ruins and people that lived here a long time ago. Reading the information, it was clear that the Petrified Forest area had a long human history dating back to 13,000 years ago. Historians claim that people came to the area in nomadic groups after the Ice Age. The Petrified Forest in located on the southern side of the Painted Desert. It’s a beautiful dry colorful landscape that one would not want to cross on foot, or even by horse.

  During this time, the local area was very fertile and had plenty of rainfall. The literature showed there was a river which was a reliable source of water. This enabled the people to farm maze, beans, and other crops close to the river. The river was also used for travel, creating a trade route with other tribes.

  Then, a series of droughts came in the 1300s. The natives of Puerco Pueblo started to leave the area in search of better land to grow their crops. The area was just about abandoned by 1400 due to climate change.

  Adam said, “If people lived here until 1400 that means they had to see the Templars who passed by here around 1350.”

  I commented, “Yes, the dates match up pretty close. The petroglyph showing the Ark proves the native Indians saw it.”

  Maggie replied, “Yeah, everything comes together alright.”

  It was getting late so we set up camp and Captain Baldwin posted sentries for the night. We took turns taking a shower and using the washrooms. The air conditioning felt great. It was a sure bet that everyone would sleep inside tonight.

  Peering at a large map of the park hanging on the wall, we discussed how we would proceed with our search tomorrow. Adam, White Feather, Billy, and Black Horse would be one team. Maggie, Baldwin, Pete, and I would be another team. We would fan out and check every rock and stone that we could. The remaining Warriors would provide security for the expedition. We didn’t want anyone sneaking up on us while we were busy concentrating on petroglyphs.

  After making our plans, I went outside for a smoke and a shot of JD. It was a half moon and the night sky was crystal clear. I sat down on a huge petrified log and pondered the information we had found over the last month. I was pleased that the clues we found supported what the Sword of Jerusalem had written on it. We had to be on the right track.

  Maggie came outside. “It’s a beautiful night. Look at all those stars.”

  “Yeah,” I replied. “Here, have a drink,” and I handed her the bottle of JD.

  After taking a big swig she said, “I’m glad I came with you on this expedition.” She wrapped her arm around mine as we sat there glaring at the night sky.

  “Once we find the petroglyphs we’ll move on to the Grand Canyon.”

  She squeezed my arm. “I can’t wait to see the Grand Canyon.”

  “It’s incredible, just simply incredible.”

  We continued to watch shooting stars, like the ancients did, late into the night.


  MAY 25, 2026

  The morning came around fast. Everyone was up before sunrise and ready to go before it was even daylight. Each group had a radio and all of us carried a supply of water in our Camel Backs.

  The teams gathered at the large map hung on the wall. We divided the area in half, running a line east to west. Adam and his group would hunt for petroglyphs or artifacts north of this line. My group would cover the southern part of this area, which was about three miles square. The plan was to take a picture of the Ark petroglyph to verify it was real, along with any other interesting items. To do this we would have to walk around and visually check each stone, tree, or rock. We would meet back at the visitor center at 2 pm to review our findings.

  It was a sunny day and the temperature was just right at 75 degrees, but by 2 pm it would be over 90 degrees. In the bright sunny desert it gets hot. The air is dry and it saps your energy slowly, draining the body of moisture. You don’t sweat because it evaporates so quickly. It’s easy to become dehydrated and then sunstroke could set in.

  For security, Baldwin’s warriors were positioned two miles north and south of the visitor center, guarding the main road. Three men would remain at the center protecting our supplies and weapons.

  We headed out and my group spread out, four in a line. We would sweep the area proceeding up and down the zone. Adam’s group would follow the same procedure. This country is rugged stone and sage brush covered ground. I cautioned everyone to be on the lookout for rattlesnakes.

  After searching for an hour, the radio hissed. Adam said, “We found the Ark petroglyph.”

  I replied, “That was fast. Where is it at?”

  “I was just following the trail to the pueblo ruins and there it was. There’s even a sign showing the location.”

  “Ok, that’s great. Keep on looking.”

  “Roger that.”

  My crew hadn’t seen one thing of interest after walking for two hours. I stopped to light a smoke and take a drink. I heard Baldwin yell, “Jack, over here! I found something!”

  After putting out my smoke, I wandered over to Baldwin. “What you got, George?”

  “Look, another box or Ark.”

  I bent down on one knee to get a better look. It was a box alright, shaped very similar to the picture of the Ark Adam showed me. This one, however, was very crude in appearance and seemed unfinished. There were no wings on top or any raised decoration on the lid.

  Sticking out like a sore thumb next to it, was a cross. I couldn’t believe what
I was seeing. There was no doubt it was a cross, very similar to the Templars Cross. I concluded that these petroglyphs were crude because the artist wasn’t that good. I snapped a picture to show Adam.

  We continued on and soon found a pecked drawing of two men. Well, they didn’t exactly look like men with necks as long as their bodies and tiny heads. They had long spindly arms and legs. One of the figures was waving with one hand held in the air. These were very weird looking people, if they were people. I wondered why would someone draw a man that didn’t really look like a man? It looked more like an alien from another planet. Maybe it was an alien.

  Proceeding on, turning back toward the visitor center, Pete spotted another weird looking drawing. This one had two man shaped figures with horns on their heads. They wore what seemed to be some kind of suit. Were these glyphs of the Templars or more aliens?

  We saw other glyphs of sheep, snakes, and other animals. These were of no interest to me because they looked like a kid made most of them. We continued back to the center to rest and get out of the blazing sun. I noted that the one thing we didn’t bring was suntan lotion.

  My group arrived back at camp about the same time as Billy and Black Horse. Adam and White Feather were not with them so I asked Black Horse, “Where’s Adam?”

  He replied, “Adam went with White Feather to view some more stones further down the trail. They should be coming soon.”

  We sat down and had some cool water and I showed everyone the pictures I took. I commented, “It’s too bad but we didn’t find any Hooked Xs.”

  Billy said, “Adam found a Hooked X near the Ark drawing.”

  “That’s great. It’s getting late. Where the hell are they?” Checking my watch it was already 6 pm. Everyone else had returned and some were heating up MREs for dinner.

  I noticed that Black Horse had a radio with him. “Does Adam have a radio with him?”

  “No, this was his radio. I just carried it for him,” Black Horse replied.

  “Does he have a gun?”

  Billy said, “No, but White Feather does. So don’t worry.”

  “Shit! He doesn’t have a gun or radio.” I grabbed my binoculars, went outside, and climbed up on the roof to see if I could spot them.

  After scanning the area for several minutes, I spotted a bright flash, like a mirror flashing far off in the distance. I saw the flash several times, then it disappeared. I kept looking in that direction for about ten minutes. I thought, maybe we should go and search for Adam before sun goes down.

  I made my mind up to start searching. Approaching Black Horse I asked, “Can you take me to where you last saw Adam?”

  “Yes, of course. But do not worry, he’s safe with White Feather.”

  “I don’t think so. Let’s go now because it’ll be dark in a few hours. Anyone else wanna come along?” Baldwin and Maggie stood up and grabbed their M4’s along with some water.

  Maggie said, “Let’s go find them.”

  Putting Adolf and Freda on a leash I picked up one of Adam’s shirts and let them smell it. I gave the order, “Search. Find Adam.”

  The dogs led the way pulling me along. They had Adam’s scent and everyone followed us single file, Indian style over the rough terrain, weaving around cactus and bushes as the sun beat down.

  Now you’re wondering why we didn’t take a truck. Simple, the terrain was too rough and driving across it we could have broken an axle or damaged something. We’d have to drive so slow that walking would be faster. Besides, with the truck we couldn’t use the dogs.

  An hour had gone by and Black Horse said, “Wait, here is where I saw them last.” He pointed northwest. “They headed that direction. Here are their tracks.” Black Horse started to follow footprints in the soft desert dirt.

  Every now and then the tracks would disappear when we came to some rocks or a hard surface. The dogs would sniff around and pick up the tracks again. The sun was fading fast; in an hour it would be dark.

  The dogs stopped when we came to a dirt road. They had lost the scent. I asked, “Where’s this road go to?”

  Black Horse looked in both directions down the road. “I don’t know, but it seems to run north and south.”

  We walked around, looking at the tracks. There were a lot of footprints and a set of tire tracks in the sandy road. “Black Horse, what do you make of these tracks?” Baldwin asked.

  “There was a truck here and four other men. It seems that Adam and White Feather got into the truck. It looks like they headed north. Maybe they are friends of White Feather.”

  I replied, “Maybe they’re not friends. We gotta go back to camp, look at the map, and find out where this road goes to. We’ll rest tonight and pick up the trail in the daylight.”

  We made it back to camp after 10 pm. Baldwin and I immediately went to the map hanging on the wall to find the dirt road or trail. We noticed that the dirt road was located about a quarter of a mile off the main park road. The two intersected about eight miles north of our location. If they were driving on the main park road, which was paved, we would not be able to track them.

  Now I was really getting worried. Why would White Feather take Adam and leave with some strangers? Maybe they were not strangers. Maybe White Feather wanted Adam to tell him the secrets of the Sword to find the treasure.

  Maggie tried to console me. “Don’t worry, Jack. We’ll find him tomorrow. Try to get some sleep.” She patted me on the back and walked away, leaving me alone to think.

  I started to clean my M4, getting ready to do battle. Popping the rear takedown pin out and removing the bolt carrier, I paid special attention, cleaning every surface. Satisfied my M4 was spotless, I pulled out my Black Bear knife. Slowly I ran the edge of the blade back and forth over the honing stone. After an hour, I tested the sharpness by shaving the hair off my arm. It was razor sharp, ready to draw blood.

  I couldn’t sleep because I was already plotting what I was gonna do to the men who kidnapped my Grandson. When I find these dirtbags they will suffer. If they hurt Adam, then they will die.

  Signing off for now,


  Jack Gunn, a.k.a. Tocabaga Jack

  If you have any idea where the treasure is located, or who took Adam, Email me at:

  [email protected].



  Adam de Molay – A future Knights Templar leader. Sent to Jack Gunn, by God.

  Black Horse – Medicine man for the Comanche Nation and father of Billy Bob.

  Big Bear – An old Indian who runs the Comanche Nation Motel.

  Billy Bob – Lost son of Black Horse who lived in Indianola Mississippi.

  Canfield – A Templar of the old order, who wanted to steal the Sword of Jerusalem.

  Captain George Baldwin – A Knights Templar commander, of the new order.

  Captain Sessions – Combat officer, commands and controls combat operations in the field.

  Carlos – A little jerk that worked by Jimmy Rosebud.

  Christian de Molay – Adam de Molay’s uncle. A self proclaimed Grand Master.

  Emma de Molay – The sister of Adam found on Interstate 75.

  Jeff – Third in command of the new Templar Warriors.

  Grandpa Jack – Jack de Moley the Knights Templar Grand Master.

  Hemmi – Wife of Jack Gunn.

  James Walker – Captain of the Texas Rangers and nephew of Black Horse.

  Jessie Rosebud – County Sheriff, brother of Jimmy and all around bad guy.

  Jim Bo – Husband to Amy and son-in-law of Jack.

  Jimmy Rosebud – Mayor of Montainair, brother of Jessie, and scumbag.

  Maggie – Amazon Warrior from Tocabaga .

  Maria – Hooker who was owned by Jessie Rosebud.

  Mike – Friend of Jack Gunn and Tocabaga security agent.

  Pete – Second in command of the new Templar order.

  Quanah Iron Coat �
�� Chief of the Comanche Nation.

  Ragsdale – A bad guy in Indianola, who runs a whore house. He claimed to be Billy Bob’s father.

  Ron – Brother of Jack Gunn a Retired Navy vet. Part of Tocabaga security.

  Rick – President of Tocabaga Association, security team member.

  Sally – Girl friend of Walker, who owns a diner.

  Tommy Gunn – Son of Jack Gunn and a retired Marine Scout Sniper.

  White Feather – Half Hopi Indian.




















  Jack Gunn is fighting alongside the modern Templar Warriors to find the lost treasure. During a time of turmoil, chaos, and mayhem they battle their way across the United States, following the clues on a holy relic named ‘The Sword of Jerusalem.’ Did the ancient Knights Templar find the lost treasure and bring it to the New World in 1350 AD? Read “The Templars Quest” and discover what really happened to the treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. It is the greatest mystery of all times.


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