L. Ann Marie

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L. Ann Marie Page 12

by Tailley (MC 6)

  Fuck, he's right. It's like Danny with the eye thing. He nods. I smile, fuckin Brother in my head. I throw chin and think, 'Thanks, Brother.' He slaps my shoulder.


  Fuckin bastard won't even untie me. I have my head against the window, watching the lines pass. I wonder for the millionth time if Bob found my message. I've been leaving them whenever we stop. He hasn't shut up since he took me. For the life of me I can't figure out what I ever saw in him. He wants us to live together again, probably so I can pay the bills for him. Sleazy bastard. He slaps me across the face, again. I swear to Christ he's going to pay for that. "You're not listening to me, Amanda." He's whining.

  "You haven't shut up for fuckin hours. I'm tired and hungry and you want me to listen to your whining the whole fuckin way?" He hits me so hard my head is ringing.

  "Fuckin smart mouth is grating on my nerves. Fuckin pussy is supposed to do what her man says." He's got spit dripping on his chin.

  "If my man was here, I'd listen to him. What I got here is a whiny, cheating leech. You put your hands on me again, I'll gladly watch you die, motherfucker!" He punches me and I turn in the seat, kicking him with my back against the door. He yells like a girl. "Keep your fuckin sleazy hand off me!" I scream back at him. The car is all over the damn road. Where the fuck are the police when you need them?

  "Alright! I'll keep my hands over here. Fuckin bitch! I don't know what I thought was so fuckin great about you."

  "Good, then let me off at the next gas station!" I scream at him.

  He laughs with a sound that makes me nervous. "Oh no, baby, that fuckin mouth can work for me again. The one thing you did right was suck my cock."

  "The first time you come near me, I'll fuckin bite your little dick off."

  He punches me again and I start kicking again. Fuckin guy went from slapping to punching me in the face; he isn't going to worry about hurting me when we're alone. He screams, “Enough!” I stop after jamming my heel into his thigh. Rat bastard, slime ball, cheating jerk!

  I lean against the window and think about Bob. I wonder what was important at home. I hope his leg is working ok; I know the kids helped but it's still so new to him. I should have told him about the emails; I thought the bastard would just take the hint and leave me the fuck alone.

  I wake up and notice it's starting to get dark; this makes me nervous. We must be close by now. I keep my eyes closed and wait. The road gets bumpy and I have to sit up or risk a concussion. He hasn't said a word; this also makes me nervous. He slows and I watch the road; as soon as I see level land on my side, I open the door and push myself out.

  He slams on the brakes as I try to stand. My hands are tied so getting up is harder than I thought it would be but I make it and run. He's yelling behind me, then I feel his hands on my back; he pushes me down. Fuck! He's breathing hard; good, he's out of shape. He walks in front of me, laughing. Shit, it's the scary laugh again. He stomps on my arms between my wrist and elbow. I feel the crack and cry out, then clamp my teeth down. Tears are falling from my eyes but I will not make a sound. He yanks me up and throws me on the backseat. I'm trying to breathe through the pain while cursing fuckin child safety locks. Women have babies, that’s supposed to hurt more than this; I can do this. He stops as I finish my pep talk. He pulls me out by my leg then my hair. Once I'm standing straight he shoves me toward the dark house. I fall flat on my stomach, trying to keep my broken arm from taking the weight.

  "Step back or I'll put a bullet through your head." Danny's says. I feel new tears; I'm so fuckin happy Danny is here.

  "You the new man? Take her; the only thing she's good for is a blow job. Stingy as a tightwad and has a fuckin smart mouth. She ain't worth it." A light goes on, I can't see anything because of it. I roll over and try to sit up. Someone swears. I hear the shot and see Cal fall.

  "Fuckin die this time bastard!" I yell at him, crying. Bob is picking me up. "My right arm is broken; please don't hurt it anymore."

  "Fuck, baby, never." He pushes the hair from my face and winces. "Let me get you untied and we'll clean you up."


  He unties me and Rich gives him a shirt. I look down and see my shirt is ripped in the worst place; my stud is shining from the light. He gets me covered, being careful of my arm, then uses my shirt to clean me up. Danny and Rich appear again. "Can we go home now?" They laugh.

  "Let's get your old lady home, Bob." Danny says.

  I like the sound of that and smile, then stop because it hurts. I must look hideous. Bob carries me to a path, then through some woods. At a clearing, Danny talks to someone, then I see the helicopter light up. I let out a sob. I'm going home, Bob is carrying me home. "I got you, Mandy; we’ll be home in a couple of hours. Do you want to go to the hospital first?"

  "No. Can we set it in the helicopter, then see Doc in the morning? I want to sleep in my bed, far away from that fuckin lunatic."

  "Anything, babe." He kisses my head and climbs in.

  Tiny gets the first aid kit and I tell Danny to pull the two metal pieces from the plastic sides of the case. He does, then uses the ace bandage to set my arm. I clench my teeth and squeeze Bob's hand until it's done. I didn't make a sound; I’m proud of me. He cleans my face and puts butterfly stitches on the side of my eye and lip, then he cleans and bandages my elbows and knees. "Did he touch you anywhere else, Amanda?" I think about that. “My face, because it was in his reach and when he pushed me.”

  "She's good, dad." Rich tells him, interrupting my thought process.

  "Thank fuck." I hear Bob whisper.

  It dawns on me what he's asking. "He didn't have time to do anything but throw slaps and punches at my face. I jumped out of the car as soon as it slowed down. He caught me running and pushed me forward then stomped on my arms. My shirt ripped when he pulled me up from the ground. Nothing else happened."

  Danny nods. "Thank you. It's a tough question for a guy to ask a woman when it's someone close and it's entirely possible that it did happen."

  I look in his eyes. "It didn't."

  He nods and pats the hand that's showing, then shines his phone on my legs and arms. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

  "No, I think you got it all. Thank you." Bob pulls me to his lap and holds me. No one says a word; I fall asleep in the quiet.


  "Let me carry her for you, Brother. You're limping." Danny says.

  I look at her and nod. She doesn't need me dropping her and adding to her fuckin beaten body. I put her in his arms and walk beside him to the house, opening the door and keying in the alarm.

  The lights come on as we walk in the rooms; he stops and looks at the picture. "Fuckin unbelievable. It's beautiful, Bob."

  "She hasn't seen them yet. He had a few that came out nice. I bought all of them." I keep walking to the bedroom and pull down the covers. He lays her down and walks back to the living room. I cover her with the sheet and move her arm so it will be comfortable. Kissing her head, I go out to thank him.

  He's looking at all the pictures. "He did a good job. I was talking to her, she was on her way home to see them when she was taken. She'll be surprised tomorrow."

  "She will. She's going to fuckin love them, Brother. Take a couple of days, I'll cover you. You need a fuckin breather with all this shit happening all at once."

  I look at him. "I will. Thanks, Danny."

  "Go be with your girl, I'll lock up." He walks to the alarm.

  I get some water and go back to the room. She moans when I get in but she moves her arm onto my chest and her head on my shoulder. I kiss her head and close my eyes. Fuckin guy beat my girl. I know how VP felt when Jess got beat by the gang. ‘Never a-fuckin-gain’ he said then. That fuckin works for me. Never a-fuckin-gain. I close my eyes, seeing the back of the pussy's head blow apart. Danny was too close for the shot to be clean. He shut the pussy up for good. I have no idea what they did with the body and I'll never ask.

  Chapter Fifteen

r />   I smell coffee and open my eyes. "It's weird as hell to wake up and see someone watching you sleep." I say, sounding like a frog. He moves my mug over and blows the coffee smell at me; I smile. "Coffee trumps the ‘weird as hell’ feeling. Thank you." I push myself to sit, my body reminding me of the crazy shit from yesterday.

  Bob leans in and kisses my lip that feels like it's the size of a bike tire. "Good morning, baby. I got the tub ready; you've got to be sore as hell. Once you taste your coffee, I've got some Advil and water for you."

  "Did I tell you I love you?" I ask, getting the smile. I want to suck on those rings on his lip.

  He sits back smiling, "Nope. I'm a patient kind of guy though, I don't mind waiting for it."

  I laugh; he's the best and I bet he would wait. "You don't have to wait. I'll throw a blanket 'I love you' out there. You've got it until I take it back."

  "Fuck, you'd take it back?" He looks shocked.

  I smile, "Yep. You leave the seat up, piss on the floor, expect me to clean the garage; there's more but it's early. That shit will get me ripping the fuckin blanket off you while you shiver in the dog house. The 'I like you' blanket has holes."

  He's laughing. I smile and it hurts; I put my fingers on my mouth and feel the butterfly stitches. "When you're done with the bath, I'll take you to Doc's so he can set your arm and check out your cuts." He kisses my head, taking my cup and gives me the water and pills.

  I take the pills and scoot to the side of the bed. He helps me get in the tub and puts a towel on the edge for my arm. It's throbbing but not killing me. I could so do the baby thing. Wow! Why the fuck am I thinking baby anything is good?

  "I have a surprise for you when we're done here. I'm a little nervous about it." He says, as he's washing my legs. He's being gentle over the scrapes. I just notice the scrapes and little cuts. I look like a fuckin ten year old with playground war wounds. Shit!

  I stop his hand and wait for him to look at me. "I'm sure I'll like it; I love every surprise you've given me."

  He blows out a breath, he really is nervous. "I hope so. Let's just get you washed up. While you’re at Doc's, I'll get us breakfast from the Bakery."

  I smile because he's fuckin cute. "Then hurry the hell up, I'm hungry!" He laughs and washes me up.

  I get a long skirt on with a tank; thank God he helps me dress. I'm starting to feel the throb in my arm more. I slide into sandals and walk out of the closet. "How come you're home today?"

  He's standing at the door waiting for me. "I got a couple of days off. Danny is covering for me."

  "Danny, he's the Building Super?"

  He laughs, "He does every job the MC has, including Pres'. When something happens, he steps into the jobs with no problem. It's fuckin weird but works well." The whole fuckin MC is weird but I'm not saying that, so I nod. He holds my hand and opens the door.

  I take a step and stop. I can't breathe. Fuck! I suck in air and tears fall, I go closer touching Meely. She was with us. "You got me Meely." I whisper. When he doesn't answer, I say it again. He squeezes my fingers. "You are the most thoughtful man on this fuckin earth. You gave me my sister. Thank you."

  I look at him, he's fuckin incredible. He understands me better than I do. He's got a small smile on. "I was hoping you liked it, because they're all over the fuckin house." I turn and look around. He's fuckin crazy.

  "How did you get these?" I walk to the small frames on the table and shelf.

  He comes closer, "Well, I had a photographer follow us in New York. I thought you'd like the pictures to mark the time we had there."

  "You are fuckin unbelievable. I probably would have hated it if I knew. These are all so beautiful. Thank you. The paintings are perfect, too."

  He pulls me to the office. "I thought you'd like this one here." He turns me and I cry. Meely is looking at me with our hands almost touching. I remember this; it was at a shop, I was looking at a dress in the window. I touch our hands. It's perfect. I turn and hug him balling like a baby. "I hope that means you like them." I can hear the smile.

  I laugh/sob. "I love them, they're perfect like you. No one has ever done anything so special for me, Bob. You gave me Meely, she’s right here with me again. Thank you."

  He kisses my head. "Anything for you, babe. Let's get you to Doc's. Oh, I have two for your purse." He bends to the desk, grabbing them and hands me a picture of us at the gala smiling at each other and the one on the wall, with our hands almost touching.

  I kiss his lips and put them on the desk. "I'll put them in plastics so they don't get wrecked." He nods, holding my hand and walks us out.

  He gave me back Meely. He loves me enough to fix what I couldn't. I bet that's why he brought me to the reservation. I should have put her pictures out; it hurt so much to see her but his pictures give me a peace I didn't have before. I wonder how he knew?


  She's the one. I smile all the way to Doc's clinic. I'm so fuckin relieved. The nurse gets her x-rayed, then Doc comes in, he’s pissed she didn't come in last night. I'm watching them go back and forth with a smile.

  "Look, Danny set it in the helicopter. I was beat and bruised and just wanted a normal fuckin minute. You can keep yelling at me or put a fuckin cast on and thank me for not waking your ass up to do it last night. It's a damn break not a gunshot wound!" She's fuckin yelling at him; I hold my laugh.

  Sally comes running in. "What the hell is going on? The patients can hear you in the damn waiting room."

  Amanda looks at her. "Good, maybe you can throw a cast on me so I can get out of here without the bitchfest!"

  "We can only hope. Doc, let me take care of Amanda while you check on the other patients." She looks at him. He throws his hands up in the air and walks out.

  "Everything ok with Doc, Sally?" I ask, because this isn't normal for him. Lately, he's bitching everyone out.

  "The other doctor took off today. He's been leaving us short for a month now. Doc is just stressed." She says, unwrapping Amanda's arm.

  I feel like she's not telling me everything but I don't push it. I'll let Pres know. "Is Mandy good here while I go to the Bakery?"

  Sally waves me away, Amanda smiles at me. "Don't forget the coffee."

  "Never, babe." I leave them to it. I look in the break room, there's nothing out. I'll pick them up something too.

  Shit, Pres and Danny are at the Bakery. They hit me as soon as I step in. "Did you ask her yet?" Pres asks.

  "Nope." I don't give him anything else.

  Danny watches me. "She liked the pictures." He's not asking.

  I smile, "Loved them. Said they are perfect." I walk to Peg giving her my order and step aside for another customer. I sign the receipt and slide it to Karen. "I'll pick them up when I leave." She nods, going back to the coffees. I get mine and sit.

  "Your fuckin leg is Badass, Brother. Looks like Spider-Man threw you a web." Pres says. This is the first time he’s seen it; I smile and throw chin.

  "She liked the pictures so why didn't you ask her?" Danny asks, he's not happy.

  I smile. "My fuckin Brothers are betting when I'm going to ask her. I figure I'll wait them out until someone clues in and offers me a cut."

  Pres sits back. "Fuck, Brother. I'll give you a hundred." His bruises are clearing and he doesn't have bandages anymore. I still see the stitches on his head. What the fuck would have happened if we lost him? I shake my head.

  "Fuck that, I'll give you the whole thing just so Tiny doesn't win again." Danny says.

  I put my fist out and he bumps it. "How much are we talking and when do you need it?"

  He laughs. "Couple grand and today."


  "What the fuck!" Pres says.

  I go on like he didn't talk. "Give it to whoever paid for my bike." Danny looks at Pres. He paid.

  "No, Brother. I paid for that and the legs. This is not a bill you would have had if it weren't for protecting Jessie. The Club would have paid anyway but this is my family, my burden. I to
ok it to remind me of my Brothers, willing to put their lives on the line for me and mine." He's so fuckin serious and holds my eyes; I see he's sincere.

  "Always, Brother. Thanks." I can't demand to pay when he thinks like that. He's the fuckin epitome of the good in the MC. He throws chin.

  Danny slaps the table, "Now we got that out, do you have a date for Ben."

  I look at the crazy son of a bitch. "You're fuckin betting on a date too?" He nods, smiling. "You’re on your own with that one. Fuckin Brothers." I stand and go to collect my box. I remember Doc and walk back to them. "Doc is stressed. His relief is cutting work, from what Sally says, it's been going on for about a month. They're always short."

  "Fuck. Thanks, Brother. We'll find him help." Pres says putting his hand on his face. He's not running it through his hair.

  I go back for my box and get back to the clinic. Amanda is stitching up a kid's arm; I laugh. Fuckin Mandy. She smiles at me and goes back to work. She picked a navy cast. Perfect. I bring the box to the break room, unpacking coffee and pastries. I sit and eat. Doc comes in and smiles. "Coffees are marked." He grabs his, throwing chin.

  With a mouth full of cheese Danish, he starts talking. "Amanda said she'd help clear the waiting room. Sorry, Brother." He's a doctor, isn't he supposed to have better manners? Fuckin Danish pieces hit the table, making me move the pastry box and coffees.

  "She looks happy. I don't mind waiting." I tell him, hoping he got the hint. He nods, but doesn't talk again, thank fuck. Fuckin Brothers.

  Sally comes in. "I knew I smelled coffee. Thanks, Bob." She takes a drink and goes right back out with Doc following.

  I call Danny. "Give the money to Peg for daily coffee and pastries at the clinic. What date do you need?"


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